[CHNOSZ-commits] r869 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . R demo inst man man/macros vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Jan 22 07:16:22 CET 2025

Author: jedick
Date: 2025-01-22 07:16:21 +0100 (Wed, 22 Jan 2025)
New Revision: 869

Rename logB.to.OBIGT() to logK.to.OBIGT()

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Date: 2025-01-17
+Date: 2025-01-22
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 2.1.0-40
+Version: 2.1.0-41
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
 Authors at R: c(
     person("Jeffrey", "Dick", , "j3ffdick at gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 # added 20200716 or later
   "mash", "mix", "rebalance",
 # added 20220324
-  "logB.to.OBIGT",
+  "logK.to.OBIGT",
 # added 20220416
 # added 20220620

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     "diagram", "mosaic", "mix",
     "buffer", "nonideal", "NaCl",
     "add.protein", "ionize.aa", "EOSregress", "rank.affinity",
-    "DEW", "logB.to.OBIGT", "stack_mosaic"
+    "DEW", "logK.to.OBIGT", "stack_mosaic"
   plot.it <- FALSE

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logB.to.OBIGT.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logB.to.OBIGT.R	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logB.to.OBIGT.R	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-# Get thermodynamic parameters from formation constants (logB) as a function of temperature
-# 20220324 v1 Regress three parameters (G, S, and Cp)
-# 20221202 v2 Regress HKF parameters (assume constant pressure and optimize omega parameter for charged species)
-logB.to.OBIGT <- function(logB, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 3, optimize.omega = FALSE, tolerance = 0.05) {
-  # We need at least five temperature values to optimize omega
-  if(optimize.omega & length(unique(T)) < 5) {
-    message("logB.to.OBIGT: forcing optimize.omega = FALSE because there are < 5 T values")
-    optimize.omega <- FALSE
-  }
-  # We need five parameters to optimize omega 20221209
-  if(optimize.omega & npar != 5) {
-    message("logB.to.OBIGT: forcing optimize.omega = FALSE because npar != 5")
-    optimize.omega <- FALSE
-  }
-  ## Get the formula of the formed species (used as the species name in OBIGT)
-  ### NOTE: the formed species has to be *last* in this list
-  name <- tail(species, 1)
-  # Add the formed species to the thermodynamic database with ΔG°f = 0 at all temperatures
-  # Be sure to zap properties of a formed species that is already in the database
-  suppressMessages(mod.OBIGT(name, formula = name, E_units = E.units(), G = 0, S = 0, Cp = 0, zap = TRUE))
-  # Calculate logK of the formation reaction with ΔG°f = 0 for the formed species
-  logK0 <- suppressMessages(subcrt(species, coeffs, T = T, P = P)$out$logK)
-  ## Get Gibbs energy of species from logB of reaction
-  # Calculate T in Kelvin
-  TK <- convert(T, "K")
-  # logB gives values for ΔG°r of the reaction
-  Gr <- convert(logB, "G", TK)
-  # logK0 gives values for ΔG°r of the reaction with ΔG°f = 0 for the formed species
-  Gr0 <- convert(logK0, "G", TK)
-  # Calculate ΔG°f of the formed species
-  Gf <- Gr - Gr0
-  ## Fit to HKF 20221202
-  # Get blank set of HKF parameters
-  PAR <- info(info("H+"))
-  # DON'T keep the name H+, becuase it tells hkf() to not calculate g function
-  PAR$name <- name
-  # Insert charge of formed species (for calculating g function and variable omega)
-  Z <- makeup(c(name, "Z0"), sum = TRUE)["Z"]
-  # Force charge to be 0 when optimize.omega is FALSE 20221208
-  if(!optimize.omega) Z <- 0
-  PAR$Z <- Z
-  # Get values of T and P (so "Psat" becomes numeric) 20221208
-  tpargs <- TP.args(T = TK, P = P)
-  # Calculate variable terms for S, c1, c2, and omega
-  # NOTE: Units of Kelvin for HKF
-  S_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, S = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
-  c1_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, c1 = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
-  c2_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, c2 = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
-  omega_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, omega = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
-  if(!optimize.omega) {
-    # Default values
-    omega <- NA
-    c2 <- NA
-    c1 <- NA
-    S <- NA
-    if(npar == 5) {
-      # Perform linear regression with constant omega
-      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var + omega_var)
-      omega <- Glm$coefficients["omega_var"]
-      c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
-      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
-      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
-      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
-    } else if(npar == 4) {
-      # Now with fewer parameters
-      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var)
-      c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
-      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
-      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
-      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
-    } else if(npar == 3) {
-      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var)
-      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
-      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
-      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
-    } else if(npar == 2) {
-      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var)
-      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
-      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
-    } else if(npar == 1) {
-      G <- mean(Gf)
-    } else stop("invalid value for npar (should be from 1 to 5)")
-  } else {
-    # Function to perform linear regression for a given omega(Pr,Tr)
-    Gfun <- function(omega) {
-      PAR$omega <- omega
-      omega_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = PAR)$aq[[1]]$G
-      # Subtract omega term from Gf
-      Gf_omega <- Gf - omega_var
-      # Perform linear regression with all terms except omega
-      lm(Gf_omega ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var)
-    }
-    # Calculate the sum of squares of residuals for given omega(Pr,Tr)
-    Sqfun <- function(omega) sum(Gfun(omega)$residuals ^ 2)
-    # Find the omega(Pr,Tr) that minimizes the sum of squares of residuals
-    omega <- optimize(Sqfun, c(-1e10, 1e10))$minimum
-    # Construct the linear model with this omega
-    Glm <- Gfun(omega)
-    # Get coefficients other than omega
-    G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
-    S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
-    c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
-    c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
-  }
-  # NAs propagate as zero in the HKF equations
-  if(is.na(S)) S <- 0
-  if(is.na(c1)) c1 <- 0
-  if(is.na(c2)) c2 <- 0
-  if(is.na(omega)) omega <- 0
-  # Calculate Cp at 25 °C (not used in HKF - just for info() and check.EOS())
-  PAR$c1 <- c1
-  PAR$c2 <- c2
-  PAR$omega <- omega
-  Cp <- hkf("Cp", parameters = PAR)$aq[[1]]$Cp
-  ## Update the thermodynamic parameters of the formed species
-  # NOTE: we have to apply OOM scaling
-  ispecies <- do.call(mod.OBIGT, list(name = name, G = G, S = S, Cp = Cp, c1 = c1, c2 = c2 * 1e-4, omega = omega * 1e-5, z = Z))
-  # Calculate logK of the formation reaction with "real" ΔG°f for the formed species
-  logK <- suppressMessages(subcrt(species, coeffs, T = T, P = P)$out$logK)
-  # Calculate the mean absolute difference
-  mad <- mean(abs(logK - logB))
-  message(paste("logB.to.OBIGT: mean difference between logB (experimental) and logK (calculated) is", round(mad, 4)))
-  # Check that calculated values are close to input values
-  stopifnot(all.equal(logK, logB, tolerance = tolerance, scale = 1))
-  # Return the species index in OBIGT
-  ispecies

Copied: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logK.to.OBIGT.R (from rev 868, pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logB.to.OBIGT.R)
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logK.to.OBIGT.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/logK.to.OBIGT.R	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Get thermodynamic parameters from formation constants (logK) as a function of temperature
+# 20220324 v1 Regress three parameters (G, S, and Cp)
+# 20221202 v2 Regress HKF parameters (assume constant pressure and optimize omega parameter for charged species)
+logK.to.OBIGT <- function(logK, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 3, optimize.omega = FALSE, tolerance = 0.05) {
+  # We need at least five temperature values to optimize omega
+  if(optimize.omega & length(unique(T)) < 5) {
+    message("logK.to.OBIGT: forcing optimize.omega = FALSE because there are < 5 T values")
+    optimize.omega <- FALSE
+  }
+  # We need five parameters to optimize omega 20221209
+  if(optimize.omega & npar != 5) {
+    message("logK.to.OBIGT: forcing optimize.omega = FALSE because npar != 5")
+    optimize.omega <- FALSE
+  }
+  ## Get the formula of the formed species (used as the species name in OBIGT)
+  ### NOTE: the formed species has to be *last* in this list
+  name <- tail(species, 1)
+  # Add the formed species to the thermodynamic database with ΔG°f = 0 at all temperatures
+  # Be sure to zap properties of a formed species that is already in the database
+  suppressMessages(mod.OBIGT(name, formula = name, E_units = E.units(), G = 0, S = 0, Cp = 0, zap = TRUE))
+  # Calculate logK of the formation reaction with ΔG°f = 0 for the formed species
+  logK0 <- suppressMessages(subcrt(species, coeffs, T = T, P = P)$out$logK)
+  ## Get Gibbs energy of species from logK of reaction
+  # Calculate T in Kelvin
+  TK <- convert(T, "K")
+  # logK gives values for ΔG°r of the reaction
+  Gr <- convert(logK, "G", TK)
+  # logK0 gives values for ΔG°r of the reaction with ΔG°f = 0 for the formed species
+  Gr0 <- convert(logK0, "G", TK)
+  # Calculate ΔG°f of the formed species
+  Gf <- Gr - Gr0
+  ## Fit to HKF 20221202
+  # Get blank set of HKF parameters
+  PAR <- info(info("H+"))
+  # DON'T keep the name H+, becuase it tells hkf() to not calculate g function
+  PAR$name <- name
+  # Insert charge of formed species (for calculating g function and variable omega)
+  Z <- makeup(c(name, "Z0"), sum = TRUE)["Z"]
+  # Force charge to be 0 when optimize.omega is FALSE 20221208
+  if(!optimize.omega) Z <- 0
+  PAR$Z <- Z
+  # Get values of T and P (so "Psat" becomes numeric) 20221208
+  tpargs <- TP.args(T = TK, P = P)
+  # Calculate variable terms for S, c1, c2, and omega
+  # NOTE: Units of Kelvin for HKF
+  S_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, S = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
+  c1_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, c1 = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
+  c2_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, c2 = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
+  omega_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = transform(PAR, omega = 1))$aq[[1]]$G
+  if(!optimize.omega) {
+    # Default values
+    omega <- NA
+    c2 <- NA
+    c1 <- NA
+    S <- NA
+    if(npar == 5) {
+      # Perform linear regression with constant omega
+      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var + omega_var)
+      omega <- Glm$coefficients["omega_var"]
+      c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
+      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
+      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
+      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
+    } else if(npar == 4) {
+      # Now with fewer parameters
+      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var)
+      c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
+      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
+      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
+      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
+    } else if(npar == 3) {
+      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var + c1_var)
+      c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
+      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
+      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
+    } else if(npar == 2) {
+      Glm <- lm(Gf ~ S_var)
+      S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
+      G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
+    } else if(npar == 1) {
+      G <- mean(Gf)
+    } else stop("invalid value for npar (should be from 1 to 5)")
+  } else {
+    # Function to perform linear regression for a given omega(Pr,Tr)
+    Gfun <- function(omega) {
+      PAR$omega <- omega
+      omega_var <- hkf("G", T = tpargs$T, P = tpargs$P, parameters = PAR)$aq[[1]]$G
+      # Subtract omega term from Gf
+      Gf_omega <- Gf - omega_var
+      # Perform linear regression with all terms except omega
+      lm(Gf_omega ~ S_var + c1_var + c2_var)
+    }
+    # Calculate the sum of squares of residuals for given omega(Pr,Tr)
+    Sqfun <- function(omega) sum(Gfun(omega)$residuals ^ 2)
+    # Find the omega(Pr,Tr) that minimizes the sum of squares of residuals
+    omega <- optimize(Sqfun, c(-1e10, 1e10))$minimum
+    # Construct the linear model with this omega
+    Glm <- Gfun(omega)
+    # Get coefficients other than omega
+    G <- Glm$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
+    S <- Glm$coefficients["S_var"]
+    c1 <- Glm$coefficients["c1_var"]
+    c2 <- Glm$coefficients["c2_var"]
+  }
+  # NAs propagate as zero in the HKF equations
+  if(is.na(S)) S <- 0
+  if(is.na(c1)) c1 <- 0
+  if(is.na(c2)) c2 <- 0
+  if(is.na(omega)) omega <- 0
+  # Calculate Cp at 25 °C (not used in HKF - just for info() and check.EOS())
+  PAR$c1 <- c1
+  PAR$c2 <- c2
+  PAR$omega <- omega
+  Cp <- hkf("Cp", parameters = PAR)$aq[[1]]$Cp
+  ## Update the thermodynamic parameters of the formed species
+  # NOTE: we have to apply OOM scaling
+  ispecies <- do.call(mod.OBIGT, list(name = name, G = G, S = S, Cp = Cp, c1 = c1, c2 = c2 * 1e-4, omega = omega * 1e-5, z = Z))
+  # Calculate logK of the formation reaction with "real" ΔG°f for the formed species
+  logK_calc <- suppressMessages(subcrt(species, coeffs, T = T, P = P)$out$logK)
+  # Calculate the mean absolute difference
+  mad <- mean(abs(logK_calc - logK))
+  message(paste("logK.to.OBIGT: mean absolute difference between experimental and calculated logK is", round(mad, 4)))
+  # Check that calculated values are close to input values
+  stopifnot(all.equal(logK_calc, logK, tolerance = tolerance, scale = 1))
+  # Return the species index in OBIGT
+  ispecies

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@
 Pourbaix        Eh-pH diagram for Fe-O-H with equisolubility lines
 E_coli          Gibbs energy of biomass synthesis in E. coli
 rank.affinity   Affinity ranking for proteins in yeast nutrient limitation
-yttrium         logB.to.OBIGT fits at 800 and 1000 bar and Y speciation in NaCl solution at varying pH
+yttrium         logK.to.OBIGT fits at 800 and 1000 bar and Y speciation in NaCl solution at varying pH
 uranyl          Total (carbonate|sulfate)-pH diagrams for uranyl species

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/yttrium.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/yttrium.R	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/yttrium.R	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
-# Function to add Y(III)-Cl species using logB values from Table 9 of Guan et al. (2020)
+# Function to add Y(III)-Cl species using logK values from Table 9 of Guan et al. (2020)
 add.Y.species <- function(P, plot.it = FALSE) {
   # Temperature
   T <- c(25, seq(50, 500, 50))
   if(P == 800) {
-    logB <- list(
+    logK <- list(
       c(1.04, 0.48, 0.13, 0.43, 1.12, 2.06, 3.21, 4.58, 6.26, 8.39, 11.14),
       c(-9.14, -7.34, -4.14, -1.37, 1.12, 3.46, 5.78, 8.24, 11.05, 14.48, 18.77),
       c(-14, -11.48, -7.06, -3.25, 0.14, 3.32, 6.45, 9.74, 13.47, 18.01, 23.65),
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
       c(-15.94, -13.2, -8.39, -4.27, -0.61, 2.79, 6.15, 9.67, 13.63, 18.45, 24.41)
   } else if(P == 1000) {
-    logB <- list(
+    logK <- list(
       c(1.13, 0.54, 0.16, 0.43, 1.09, 2, 3.1, 4.39, 5.9, 7.69, 9.85),
       c(-9.33, -7.51, -4.3, -1.55, 0.9, 3.18, 5.4, 7.68, 10.15, 12.94, 16.16),
       c(-14.24, -11.71, -7.27, -3.49, -0.14, 2.95, 5.95, 9.01, 12.3, 16, 20.25),
       c(-16.19, -13.43, -8.62, -4.52, -0.91, 2.41, 5.62, 8.89, 12.4, 16.33, 20.84)
-  } else stop("logB values for P =", P, "are not available here")
+  } else stop("logK values for P =", P, "are not available here")
   # Define species and coefficients in formation reactions
   species <- list(
     c("Y+3", "Cl-", "YCl+2"),
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     c(-1, -4, 1)
   # Fit the formation constants to thermodynamic parameters and add them to OBIGT
-  for(i in 1:4) logB.to.OBIGT(logB[[i]], species[[i]], coeffs[[i]], T = T, P = P, tolerance = 0.6, npar = 5)
+  for(i in 1:4) logK.to.OBIGT(logK[[i]], species[[i]], coeffs[[i]], T = T, P = P, tolerance = 0.6, npar = 5)
   # Plot the given and fitted values
   if(plot.it) {
     par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
     for(i in 1:4) {
       sres <- subcrt(species[[i]], coeffs[[i]], T = T, P = P)
       plot(T, sres$out$logK, type = "l", xlab = axis.label("T"), ylab = axis.label("logK"))
-      points(T, logB[[i]], pch = 19)
+      points(T, logK[[i]], pch = 19)
-      if(i == 1) legend("topleft", c("Guan et al. (2020)", "logB.to.OBIGT()"), pch = c(19, NA), lty = c(NA, 1))
+      if(i == 1) legend("topleft", c("Guan et al. (2020)", "logK.to.OBIGT()"), pch = c(19, NA), lty = c(NA, 1))
       legend("bottomright", paste(P, "bar"), bty = "n")

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-\section{Changes in CHNOSZ version 2.1.0-40 (2025-01-17)}{
+\section{Changes in CHNOSZ version 2.1.0-41 (2025-01-22)}{
   \subsection{OBIGT DEFAULT DATA}{
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
       \samp{m_Clminus}, \samp{m_NaCl0}, and \samp{m_HCl0} (molalities of
       aqueous species).
+      \item Rename \code{logB.to.OBIGT()} to \code{logK.to.OBIGT()}.

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/add.OBIGT.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/add.OBIGT.Rd	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/add.OBIGT.Rd	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 The values returned (\code{\link{invisible}}-y) are the indices of the added and/or modified species.
-\seealso{ \code{\link{thermo}} (description of OBIGT), \code{\link{mod.buffer}} (modify buffer definitions), \code{\link{logB.to.OBIGT}} (fit thermodynamic parameters to formation constants) }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{thermo}} (description of OBIGT), \code{\link{mod.buffer}} (modify buffer definitions), \code{\link{logK.to.OBIGT}} (fit thermodynamic parameters to formation constants) }
 ## Modify an existing species (not real properties)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     \item{Pourbaix}{Eh-pH diagram for Fe-O-H with equisolubility lines (Pourbaix, 1974)}
     \item{E_coli}{Gibbs energy of biomass synthesis in \emph{E. coli} (LaRowe and Amend, 2016)}
     \item{rank.affinity}{Affinity ranking for proteins in yeast nutrient limitation (data from Tai et al., 2005)}
-    \item{yttrium}{\code{\link{logB.to.OBIGT}} fits at 800 and 1000 bar and Y speciation in \code{\link{NaCl}} solution at varying pH (Guan et al., 2020)}
+    \item{yttrium}{\code{\link{logK.to.OBIGT}} fits at 800 and 1000 bar and Y speciation in \code{\link{NaCl}} solution at varying pH (Guan et al., 2020)}
     \item{uranyl}{Total (carbonate|sulfate)-pH diagrams for uranyl species (Migdisov et al., 2024)}
     \item{sum_S}{Summed molality of S species and solubility contours for iron and gold (Skirrow and Walshe, 2002)}

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logB.to.OBIGT.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logB.to.OBIGT.Rd	2025-01-17 10:26:48 UTC (rev 868)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logB.to.OBIGT.Rd	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-\title{Fit thermodynamic parameters to formation constants (\logB)}
-Fit thermodynamic parameters to experimental formation constants for an aqueous species and add the parameters to OBIGT.
-  logB.to.OBIGT(logB, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 3,
-    optimize.omega = FALSE, tolerance = 0.05)
-  \item{logB}{Values of \logB}
-  \item{species}{Species in the formation reaction (the formed species must be last)}
-  \item{coeffs}{Coefficients of the formation reaction}
-  \item{T}{Temperature (units of \code{\link{T.units}})}
-  \item{P}{Temperature (\samp{Psat} or numerical values with units of \code{\link{P.units}})}
-  \item{npar}{numeric, number of parameters to use in fitting}
-  \item{optimize.omega}{logical, optimize the omega parameter (relevant for charged species)?}
-  \item{tolerance}{Tolerance for checking equivalence of input and calculated \logB values}
-This function updates the \code{\link{OBIGT}} thermodynamic database with parameters fit to formation constants of aqueous species as a function of temperature.
-The \code{logB} argument should have decimal logarithm of formation constants for an aqueous complex (\logB).
-The formation reaction is defined by \code{species} and \code{coeffs}.
-All species in the formation reaction must be present in OBIGT except for the \emph{last} species, which is the newly formed species.
-The function works as follows.
-First, the properties of the known species are combined with \logB to calculate the standard Gibbs energy (G[T]) of the formed species at each value of \code{T} and \code{P}.
-Then, \code{\link{lm}} is used to fit one or more of the thermodynamic parameters \code{G}, \code{S}, \code{c1}, \code{c2}, and \code{omega} to the values of G[T].
-The first two of these parameters are standard-state values at 25 \degC and 1 bar, and the last three are parameters in the revised HKF equations (e.g. Eq. B25 of Shock et al., 1992).
-The fitted parameters for the formed species are then added to OBIGT.
-Finally, \code{\link{all.equal}} is used to test for approximate equivalence of the input values of \logB and calculated equilibrium constants; if the mean absolute difference exceeds \code{tolerance}, an error occurs.
-To avoid overfitting, only the first three parameters (\code{G}, \code{S}, and \code{c1}) are used by default.
-More parameters (up to 5) or fewer (down to 1) can be selected by changing \code{npar}.
-Volumetric parameters (\a1 to \a4) in the HKF equations currently aren't included, so the resulting fits are valid only at the input pressure values.
-Independent of \code{npar}, the number of parameters used in the fit is not more than the number of data values (\emph{n}).
-If \emph{n} is less than 5, then the values of the unused parameters are set to 0 for addition to OBIGT.
-For instance, a single value of \logB would be fit only with \code{G}, implying that computed values of G[T] have no temperature dependence.
-The value of \omega is a constant in the revised HKF equations for uncharged species, but for charged species, it is a function of \T and \P as described by the \dQuote{g function} (Shock et al., 1992).
-An optimization step is available to refine the value of \code{omega} at 25 \degC and 1 bar for charged species taking its temperature dependence into account for the fitting.
-However, representative datasets are not well represented by variable \code{omega} (see first example), so this step is skipped by default.
-Furthermore, \code{logB.to.OBIGT} by default also sets the \code{z} parameter in OBIGT to 0; this enforces a constant \omega for charged species in calculations with \code{\link{subcrt}} (note that this is a parameter for the HKF equations and does not affect reaction balancing).
-Set \code{optimize.omega} to TRUE to override the defaults and activate variable \omega for charged species; this takes effect only if \code{npar == 5} and \emph{n} > 5.
-\code{logB.to.OBIGT} calls \code{\link{mod.OBIGT}} with \code{zap = TRUE} to clear the parameters of a formed species if it already exists in the OBIGT database.
-If preexisting parameters (e.g. volumetric HKF coefficients) weren't cleared, they would interfere with the fitting done here, which uses only selected parameters.
-  The species index of the new species in OBIGT.
-## CoHS+ from Migdisov et al. (2011)
-logB <- c(6.24, 6.02, 5.84, 5.97, 6.52)
-T <- c(120, 150, 200, 250, 300)
-P <- "Psat"
-species <- c("Co+2", "HS-", "CoHS+")
-coeffs <- c(-1, -1, 1)
-opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
-for(o.o in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { 
-  # Fit the parameters with or without variable omega
-  inew <- logB.to.OBIGT(logB, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 5, optimize.omega = o.o)
-  # Print the new database entry
-  info(inew)
-  # Plot experimental logB
-  plot(T, logB, "n", c(100, 320), c(5.8, 6.8),
-    xlab = axis.label("T"), ylab = quote(log~beta))
-  points(T, logB, pch = 19, cex = 2)
-  # Plot calculated values
-  Tfit <- seq(100, 320, 10)
-  sres <- subcrt(species, coeffs, T = Tfit)
-  lines(sres$out$T, sres$out$logK, col = 4)
-  title(describe.reaction(sres$reaction))
-  legend <- c("Migdisov et al. (2011)",paste0("logB.to.OBIGT(optimize.omega = ",o.o,")"))
-  legend("top", legend, pch = c(19, NA), lty = c(0, 1), col = c(1, 4),
-    pt.cex = 2, bg = "#FFFFFFB0")
-# NB. Optimizing omega leads to unphysical oscillations in the logK (first plot)
-## ZnCl+ from Mei et al. (2015)
-# Values for 5000 bar calculated with the modified Ryzhenko-Bryzgalin (RB) model
-logB <- c(-1.93,-1.16,-0.38,0.45,1.15,1.76,2.30,2.80,3.26,3.70,4.12,4.53,4.92)
-species <- c("Zn+2", "Cl-", "ZnCl+")
-coeffs <- c(-1, -1, 1)
-T <- c(25, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600)
-P <- 5000
-# Note: ZnCl+ is in the default OBIGT database;
-# logB.to.OBIGT() "zaps" the previous parameters before adding the fitted ones
-inew <- logB.to.OBIGT(logB, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 5)
-# Plot RB and logB.to.OBIGT values
-plot(T, logB, xlab = axis.label("T"), ylab = axis.label("logB"), pch = 19, cex = 2)
-Tfit <- seq(25, 600, 25)
-sres <- subcrt(species, coeffs, T = Tfit, P = P)
-lines(sres$out$T, sres$out$logK, col = 4)
-title(describe.reaction(sres$reaction), line = 3)
-title("5000 bar", font.main = 1, line = 1)
-legend <- c("Mei et al. (2015)", "logB.to.OBIGT()")
-legend("topleft", legend, pch = c(19, NA), lty = c(0, 1), col = c(1, 4), pt.cex = 2)
-Migdisov, Art. A., Zezin, D. and Williams-Jones, A. E. (2011) An experimental study of Cobalt (II) complexation in Cl\S{-} and H\s{2}S-bearing hydrothermal solutions. \emph{Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta} \bold{75}, 4065--4079. \doi{10.1016/j.gca.2011.05.003}
-Mei, Y., Sherman, D. M., Liu, W., Etschmann, B., Testemale, D. and Brugger, J. (2015) Zinc complexation in chloride-rich hydrothermal fluids (25--600 \degC): A thermodynamic model derived from \emph{ab initio} molecular dynamics. \emph{Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta} \bold{150}, 264--284. \doi{10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.023}
-Shock, E. L., Oelkers, E. H., Johnson, J. W., Sverjensky, D. A. and Helgeson, H. C. (1992) Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Effective electrostatic radii, dissociation constants and standard partial molal properties to 1000 \degC and 5 kbar. \emph{J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.} \bold{88}, 803--826. \doi{10.1039/FT9928800803}

Copied: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logK.to.OBIGT.Rd (from rev 868, pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logB.to.OBIGT.Rd)
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logK.to.OBIGT.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/logK.to.OBIGT.Rd	2025-01-22 06:16:21 UTC (rev 869)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+\title{Fit thermodynamic parameters to formation constants (\logK)}
+Fit thermodynamic parameters to experimental formation constants for an aqueous species and add the parameters to OBIGT.
+  logK.to.OBIGT(logK, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 3,
+    optimize.omega = FALSE, tolerance = 0.05)
+  \item{logK}{Values of \logK}
+  \item{species}{Species in the formation reaction (the formed species must be last)}
+  \item{coeffs}{Coefficients of the formation reaction}
+  \item{T}{Temperature (units of \code{\link{T.units}})}
+  \item{P}{Temperature (\samp{Psat} or numerical values with units of \code{\link{P.units}})}
+  \item{npar}{numeric, number of parameters to use in fitting}
+  \item{optimize.omega}{logical, optimize the omega parameter (relevant for charged species)?}
+  \item{tolerance}{Tolerance for checking equivalence of input and calculated \logK values}
+This function updates the \code{\link{OBIGT}} thermodynamic database with parameters fit to formation constants of aqueous species as a function of temperature.
+The \code{logK} argument should have decimal logarithm of formation constants for an aqueous complex (\logK).
+The formation reaction is defined by \code{species} and \code{coeffs}.
+All species in the formation reaction must be present in OBIGT except for the \emph{last} species, which is the newly formed species.
+The function works as follows.
+First, the properties of the known species are combined with \logK to calculate the standard Gibbs energy (G[T]) of the formed species at each value of \code{T} and \code{P}.
+Then, \code{\link{lm}} is used to fit one or more of the thermodynamic parameters \code{G}, \code{S}, \code{c1}, \code{c2}, and \code{omega} to the values of G[T].
+The first two of these parameters are standard-state values at 25 \degC and 1 bar, and the last three are parameters in the revised HKF equations (e.g. Eq. B25 of Shock et al., 1992).
+The fitted parameters for the formed species are then added to OBIGT.
+Finally, \code{\link{all.equal}} is used to test for approximate equivalence of the input values of \logK and calculated equilibrium constants; if the mean absolute difference exceeds \code{tolerance}, an error occurs.
+To avoid overfitting, only the first three parameters (\code{G}, \code{S}, and \code{c1}) are used by default.
+More parameters (up to 5) or fewer (down to 1) can be selected by changing \code{npar}.
+Volumetric parameters (\a1 to \a4) in the HKF equations currently aren't included, so the resulting fits are valid only at the input pressure values.
+Independent of \code{npar}, the number of parameters used in the fit is not more than the number of data values (\emph{n}).
+If \emph{n} is less than 5, then the values of the unused parameters are set to 0 for addition to OBIGT.
+For instance, a single value of \logK would be fit only with \code{G}, implying that computed values of G[T] have no temperature dependence.
+The value of \omega is a constant in the revised HKF equations for uncharged species, but for charged species, it is a function of \T and \P as described by the \dQuote{g function} (Shock et al., 1992).
+An optimization step is available to refine the value of \code{omega} at 25 \degC and 1 bar for charged species taking its temperature dependence into account for the fitting.
+However, representative datasets are not well represented by variable \code{omega} (see first example), so this step is skipped by default.
+Furthermore, \code{logK.to.OBIGT} by default also sets the \code{z} parameter in OBIGT to 0; this enforces a constant \omega for charged species in calculations with \code{\link{subcrt}} (note that this is a parameter for the HKF equations and does not affect reaction balancing).
+Set \code{optimize.omega} to TRUE to override the defaults and activate variable \omega for charged species; this takes effect only if \code{npar == 5} and \emph{n} > 5.
+\code{logK.to.OBIGT} calls \code{\link{mod.OBIGT}} with \code{zap = TRUE} to clear the parameters of a formed species if it already exists in the OBIGT database.
+If preexisting parameters (e.g. volumetric HKF coefficients) weren't cleared, they would interfere with the fitting done here, which uses only selected parameters.
+  The species index of the new species in OBIGT.
+## CoHS+ from Migdisov et al. (2011)
+logK <- c(6.24, 6.02, 5.84, 5.97, 6.52)
+T <- c(120, 150, 200, 250, 300)
+P <- "Psat"
+species <- c("Co+2", "HS-", "CoHS+")
+coeffs <- c(-1, -1, 1)
+opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
+for(o.o in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { 
+  # Fit the parameters with or without variable omega
+  inew <- logK.to.OBIGT(logK, species, coeffs, T, P, npar = 5, optimize.omega = o.o)
+  # Print the new database entry
+  info(inew)
+  # Plot experimental logK
+  plot(T, logK, "n", c(100, 320), c(5.8, 6.8),

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/chnosz -r 869

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