[CHNOSZ-commits] r851 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . demo inst man

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Sat Nov 30 05:33:28 CET 2024

Author: jedick
Date: 2024-11-30 05:33:27 +0100 (Sat, 30 Nov 2024)
New Revision: 851

Add solubility contours for Fe and Au to demo/sum_S.R

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2024-11-28 07:36:27 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2024-11-30 04:33:27 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Date: 2024-11-28
+Date: 2024-11-30
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 2.1.0-23
+Version: 2.1.0-24
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
 Authors at R: c(
     person("Jeffrey", "Dick", , "j3ffdick at gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index	2024-11-28 07:36:27 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/00Index	2024-11-30 04:33:27 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 protbuff        Chemical activities buffered by thiol peroxidases or sigma factors
 glycinate       Metal-glycinate complexes
 mosaic          Eh-pH diagram for iron oxides, sulfides and carbonate with two sets of changing basis species
-sum_S           Mineral stabilities with the sum of S species and ionic strength
+sum_S           Summed molality of S species and solubility contours for iron and gold
 copper          Another example of mosaic(): complexation of copper with glycine species
 arsenic         Another example of mosaic(): Eh-pH diagram for the system As-O-H-S
 solubility      Solubility of calcite and CO2(gas) as a function of pH

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/sum_S.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/sum_S.R	2024-11-28 07:36:27 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/demo/sum_S.R	2024-11-30 04:33:27 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -1,56 +1,78 @@
 # CHNOSZ/demo/sum_S.R
-# 20240604 Fe-S-C-O-H log a (sum S) - pH      modified from mosaic.R
-# 20241127 Fe-S-O-H   logfO2 - log a (sum S)  added IS
+# 20240604 Fe-S-O-C     log a (sum S) - pH      modified from mosaic.R
+# 20241130 Fe-S-O + Au  logfO2 - log a (sum S)  added NaCl and solubility contours
-for(IS in c(0, 0.5)) {
+# Define conditions
+res <- 500
+loga_S <- c(-6, 0, res)
+logf_O2 <- c(-45, -20, res)
+pH <- 5
+T <- 300
+#P <- "Psat"
+P <- 1000
+#IS <- 0.8
-  # Define conditions
-  res <- 500
-  loga_S <- c(-6, 0, res)
-  logf_O2 <- c(-45, -20, res)
-  pH <- 5
-  T <- 300
-  P <- "Psat"
-  #IS <- 0
-  # Setup chemical system
-  # Use "oxygen" instead of "O2" to get the gas
-  basis(c("FeO", "SO4-2", "H2O", "H+", "oxygen"))
-  basis("pH", pH)
-  # Add aqueous species followed by minerals
-  species(c("Fe+2", "Fe+3", "HFeO2-"))
-  species(c("pyrrhotite", "pyrite", "hematite", "magnetite"), add = TRUE)
+# Calculate solution composition for 0.8 mol/kg NaCl
+# Based on activity of Cl- from Fig. 18 of Skirrow and Walsh (2002)
+m_NaCl = 0.8
+NaCl <- NaCl(m_tot = m_NaCl, T = T, P = P, pH = pH)
+IS <- NaCl$IS
-  # List basis species to swap through
-  bases <- list( c("SO4-2", "HSO4-", "HS-", "H2S") )
+# Setup chemical system
+# Use oxygen instead of O2 to get the gas
+basis(c("Fe", "SO4-2", "oxygen", "H+", "Cl-", "H2O"))
+basis("pH", pH)
+basis("Cl-", log10(NaCl$m_Cl))
+# Add minerals as formed species
+species(c("pyrrhotite", "pyrite", "hematite", "magnetite"))
-  # Start diagram for loga_Fe = -6
-  species(1:3, -6)
-  m1 <- mosaic(bases, "SO4-2" = loga_S, O2 = logf_O2, T = T, P = P, IS = IS)
-  diagram(m1$A.species, bold = TRUE)
+# List basis species to swap through
+bases <- list( c("SO4-2", "HSO4-", "HS-", "H2S") )
+# Calculate mosaic for Fe minerals
+m <- mosaic(bases, "SO4-2" = loga_S, O2 = logf_O2, T = T, P = P, IS = IS)
-  # Overlay lines and labels for loga_Fe = -5
-  species(1:3, -5)
-  m2 <- mosaic(bases, "SO4-2" = loga_S, O2 = logf_O2, T = T, P = P, IS = IS)
-  d <- diagram(m2$A.species, add = TRUE, names = NA, fill = NA, lty = 3)
+# Loop over metals for solubility contours
+for(metal in c("Fe", "Au")) {
-  # Add dashed line for water stability limti
+  # Plot diagram for Fe minerals and show sulfur species
+  d <- diagram(m$A.species, bold = TRUE, lwd = 2)
+  diagram(m$A.bases[[1]], add = TRUE, col = 4, col.names = 4, lty = 4, dx = -2.5, dy = c(-4, 0, 0, 6))
+  # Add water stability limit
+  if(metal == "Au") {
+    # Put Au as the first basis species for solubility() calculation
+    basis(c("Au", "SO4-2", "oxygen", "H+", "Cl-", "H2O"))
+    basis("pH", pH)
+    # This is the species whose solubility we want to calculate
+    species("Au")
+    # These are the aqueous species that form by dissolving Au
+    iaq <- retrieve("Au", state = "aq", ligands = c("O", "H", "S", "Cl"))
+    # Make orange contours for Au
+    cols <- c(6, 7)
+  } else {
+    # For Fe, the basis species and formed species are already set up properly for solubility()
+    # These are the aqueous species that form by dissolving Fe minerals
+    iaq <- retrieve("Fe", state = "aq", ligands = c("O", "H", "S", "Cl"))
+    # Make red contours for Fe
+    cols <- c(2, 2)
+  }
+  # Calculate solubility and convert log molality to ppb
+  s <- solubility(iaq, bases = bases, "SO4-2" = loga_S, O2 = logf_O2, T = T, P = P, IS = IS, in.terms.of = metal)
+  sp <- convert(s, "ppb")
+  # Plot twice to get deeper colors
+  for(col in cols) {
+    diagram(sp, type = "loga.balance", contour.method = "flattest", levels = 10^(-3:5), add = TRUE, col = col, lty = 3, lwd = 1.8, cex = 1.2)
+  }
   # Add legends and title
-  TP <- describe.property(c("T", "P"), c(T, P))
-  PI <- c(bquote(pH == .(pH)), bquote(italic(I) == .(IS)~mol~kg^-1))
-  legend1 <- lex(TP, PI)
-  legend("topright", legend1, bty = "n")
+  T_P <- describe.property(c("T", "P"), c(T, P))
+  P_Cl <- c(bquote(pH == .(pH)), bquote(NaCl == .(m_NaCl)~mol~kg^-1))
+  legend <- lex(T_P, P_Cl)
+  legend("topright", legend, bty = "n")
+  main <- paste("Fe minerals with summed aq species: S (x-axis) and ppb", metal, "(contours)")
+  title(main, font.main = 1)
-  Fe <- c(
-    bquote(10^-5~italic(m)~Fe^"+2"),
-    bquote(10^-6~italic(m)~Fe^"+2")
-  )
-  legend2 <- lex(Fe)
-  legend("topleft", legend2, lty = c(3, 1), bty = "n")
-  title(main = "Fe-S-O-H with summed S and ionic strength", font.main = 1)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2024-11-28 07:36:27 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2024-11-30 04:33:27 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -56,9 +56,10 @@
       for uranyl species, after
       \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2024.04.023}{Migdisov et al. (2024)}.
-      \item Adjust \code{util.expression()} to show sum symbol in axis label,
-      rename \file{demo/total_S.R} to \file{demo/sum_S.R}, and add ionic
-      strength to demo.
+      \item Adjust \code{axis.label()} to show sum symbol.
+      \item Rename \file{demo/total_S.R} to \file{demo/sum_S.R}, change axes,
+      and add solubility contours for Fe and Au.

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd	2024-11-28 07:36:27 UTC (rev 850)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/examples.Rd	2024-11-30 04:33:27 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     \item{rank.affinity}{Affinity ranking for proteins in yeast nutrient limitation (data from Tai et al., 2005)}
     \item{yttrium}{\code{\link{logB.to.OBIGT}} fits at 800 and 1000 bar and Y speciation in \code{\link{NaCl}} solution at varying pH (Guan et al., 2020)}
     \item{uranyl}{Total (carbonate|sulfate)-pH diagrams for uranyl species (Migdisov et al., 2024)}
-    \item{sum_S}{Mineral stabilities with the sum of S species and ionic strength}
+    \item{sum_S}{Summed molality of S species and solubility contours for iron and gold (Skirrow and Walshe, 2002)}
 For either function, if \code{save.png} is TRUE, the plots are saved in \code{\link{png}} files whose names begin with the names of the help topics or demos.
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
 Shock, E. L., Oelkers, E. H., Johnson, J. W., Sverjensky, D. A. and Helgeson, H. C. (1992) Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Effective electrostatic radii, dissociation constants and standard partial molal properties to 1000 \degC and 5 kbar. \emph{J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.} \bold{88}, 803--826. \doi{10.1039/FT9928800803}
+Skirrow, R. G. and Walshe, J. L. (2002) Reduced and oxidized Au-Cu-Bi iron oxide deposits of the Tennant Creek Inlier, Australia: An integrated geologic and chemical model. \emph{Econ. Geol.}. \bold{97}, 1167--1202. \doi{10.2113/gsecongeo.97.6.1167}
 Stef{\aacute}nsson, A. and Seward, T. M. (2004) Gold(I) complexing in aqueous sulphide solutions to 500\degC at 500 bar. \emph{Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta} \bold{68}, 4121--4143. \doi{10.1016/j.gca.2004.04.006}
 Stumm, W. and Morgan, J. J. (1996) \emph{Aquatic Chemistry: Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters}, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1040 p. \url{https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/31754493}

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