[CHNOSZ-commits] r684 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . R inst inst/tinytest man tests vignettes

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Mon Jan 31 14:27:27 CET 2022

Author: jedick
Date: 2022-01-31 14:27:27 +0100 (Mon, 31 Jan 2022)
New Revision: 684

Use tinytest to run tests

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Date: 2021-09-27
+Date: 2022-01-29
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 1.4.1-10
+Version: 1.4.1-11
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
 Authors at R: c(
     person("Jeffrey", "Dick", , "j3ffdick at gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Author: Jeffrey Dick [aut, cre] (0000-0002-0687-5890)
 Maintainer: Jeffrey Dick <j3ffdick at gmail.com>
 Depends: R (>= 3.1.0)
-Suggests: testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, tufte
+Suggests: tinytest, knitr, rmarkdown, tufte
 Imports: grDevices, graphics, stats, utils
 Description: An integrated set of tools for thermodynamic calculations in
   aqueous geochemistry and geobiochemistry. Functions are provided for writing

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 # added 20170301 or later
   "GHS_Tr", "calculateDensity", "calculateGibbsOfWater",
   "calculateEpsilon", "calculateQ", "water.DEW", "berman",
-  "maxdiff", "expect_maxdiff", "bgamma",
+  "bgamma",
 # added 20171121 or later
   "dumpdata", "thermo.axis", "solubility", "NaCl",
 # added 20190213 or later

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/diagram.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/diagram.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/diagram.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   } else if(type %in% rownames(eout$basis)) {
     # to calculate the loga of basis species at equilibrium
     if(!missing(groups)) stop("can't plot equilibrium activities of basis species for grouped species")
-    if(isTRUE(alpha) | is.character(alpha)) stop("equilibrium activities of basis species not available with alpha=TRUE")
+    if(isTRUE(alpha) | is.character(alpha)) stop("equilibrium activities of basis species not available with alpha = TRUE")
     plot.loga.basis <- TRUE
   } else if(type=="loga.equil" & !"loga.equil" %in% names(eout)) stop("'eout' is not the output from equil()") 
   else if(!type %in% c("loga.equil", "loga.balance")) stop(type, " is not a valid diagram type")

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.character.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.character.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.character.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -58,23 +58,7 @@
   if(length(x) == 0) FALSE else
   if(length(x) > 1) as.logical(sapply(x, can.be.numeric)) else {
     if(is.numeric(x)) TRUE else
-    if(!is.na(as.numeric.nowarn(x))) TRUE else
+    if(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)))) TRUE else
     if(x %in% c('.','+','-')) TRUE else FALSE
-# something like R's as.numeric(), but without the "NAs introduced by coercion" warnings
-# (needed because testthat somehow detects the warnings suppressed by suppressWarnings) 20170427
-as.numeric.nowarn <- function(x) {
-  if(length(x) == 0) numeric() else
-  if(length(x) > 1) sapply(x, as.numeric.nowarn) else
-  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12643009/regular-expression-for-floating-point-numbers
-  if(grepl("^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$", x)) as.numeric(x) else NA_real_
-# convert to integer without NA coercion warnings
-as.integer.nowarn <- function(x) {
-  if(length(x) == 0) integer() else
-  if(length(x) > 1) sapply(x, as.integer.nowarn) else
-  if(grepl("[^0-9]", x)) NA_integer_ else as.integer(x)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.formula.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.formula.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.formula.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
   # return the values in the argument, or chemical formula(s) 
   # for values that are species indices
   # for numeric values, get the formulas from those rownumbers of thermo()$OBIGT
-  i <- as.integer.nowarn(formula)
+  i <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(formula))
   # we can't have more than the number of rows in thermo()$OBIGT
   thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
   iover <- i > nrow(thermo$OBIGT)

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# CHNOSZ/util.test.R
-# functions for writing tests 20171005
-# the maximum (absolute) pairwise difference between x and y
-maxdiff <- function(x, y) max(abs(y - x))
-# modelled after the "expect_" functions in testthat ...
-# is the maximum of the pairwise differences between two objects less than some value?
-expect_maxdiff <- function(object, expected, maxdiff = 0) {
-  if(!"testthat" %in% row.names(installed.packages())) {
-    stop("please install the 'testthat' package to use this function")
-  } else {
-    # get the names for the object and expected values
-    # we use a double substitute here because
-    # as.character(substitute(x$a$b)) ==  c("$", "x$a", "b")
-    # as.character(substitute(substitute(x$a$b)))[2] == "x$a$b" --> better for printing
-    lab_act <- as.character(substitute(substitute(object)))[2]
-    lab_exp <- as.character(substitute(substitute(expected)))[2]
-    truemd <- maxdiff(object, expected)
-    failmsg <- sprintf("maxdiff(%s, %s) not less than %s", lab_act, lab_exp, maxdiff)
-    truemsg <- sprintf("actual value: %s", truemd)
-    testthat::expect(maxdiff(object, expected) <= maxdiff, sprintf("%s\n%s", failmsg, truemsg))
-    invisible(object)
-  }

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/CHECKLIST
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/CHECKLIST	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/CHECKLIST	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
 - Run examples() and demos() and inspect their output (especially plots)
-- Install the package with --install-tests and run
-  library(CHNOSZ); testthat::test_package("CHNOSZ", reporter = "progress")
-    - runs *all* tests (long ones are skipped under R CMD check --as-cran)
-    - finds warnings from tests that aren't shown in R CMD check
+- Run the package test with:
+  suppressMessages(tinytest::test_package("CHNOSZ", at_home = TRUE))
 - Check that uniprot.aa() works with current UniProt web pages

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS.Rd	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-\section{Changes in CHNOSZ version 1.4.1-9 (2021-09-27)}{
+\section{Changes in CHNOSZ version 1.4.1-11 (2022-01-30)}{
   \subsection{OBIGT DATABASE}{
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
       \item Move Ar, Xe, CH\s{4}, and CO\s{2} from organic_aq.csv to inorganic_aq.csv.
-      \item Remove OldAA.csv (superseded thermodynamic parameters for amino
-      acids). This file is now available in the JMDplots package.
+      \item Remove \samp{OldAA.csv} (superseded thermodynamic parameters for
+      amino acids). This file is now available in the
+      \href{https://github.com/jedick/JMDplots}{JMDplots} package.
-      \item Fix formula of CaCl2 in DEW.csv. Thanks to Grayson Boyer.
+      \item Fix formula of CaCl\s{2} in \samp{DEW.csv}. Thanks to Grayson Boyer.
       \item Add H\s{2}WO\s{4}(aq) and Cp coefficients of scheelite (CaWO\s{4})
       from \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120488}{Liu et al.
@@ -29,6 +30,16 @@
+  \subsection{TESTING}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item Tests are now run using the \CRANpkg{tinytest} package.
+      \item \code{maxdiff()} and \code{expect_maxdiff()} have been removed.
+    }
+  }
   \subsection{OTHER CHANGES}{

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-DEW.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-DEW.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-DEW.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -1,161 +1,148 @@
+# Load default settings for CHNOSZ
-# since this is alphabetically the first test,
-# we need to load the 'thermo' object (for running tests in R CMD check)
-# get properties of water from DEW implementation in CHNOSZ
+# Get properties of water from DEW implementation in CHNOSZ
-# use DEW species parameters in OBIGT database
+# Use DEW species parameters in OBIGT database
-test_that("density of water is calculated correctly", {
-  pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
-  temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
-  # density from R translation of DEW macro functions
-  RDensity <- calculateDensity(pressure, temperature)
-  # density from DEW spreadsheet
-  DEWDensity <- c(1.108200, 0.597623, 1.196591, 0.798331, 1.321050, 1.000735, 1.578116, 1.287663)
-  expect_equal(RDensity, DEWDensity, tolerance=1e-6)
+info <- "Density of water is calculated correctly"
+pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
+temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
+# Density from R translation of DEW macro functions
+RDensity <- calculateDensity(pressure, temperature)
+# Density from DEW spreadsheet
+DEWDensity <- c(1.108200, 0.597623, 1.196591, 0.798331, 1.321050, 1.000735, 1.578116, 1.287663)
+expect_equal(RDensity, DEWDensity, tolerance = 1e-6, info = info)
-test_that("Gibbs energy of water is calculated correctly", {
-  pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
-  temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
-  # Gibbs energies from R translation of DEW macro functions
-  RGibbs <- calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temperature)
-  # Gibbs energies from DEW spreadsheet
-  DEWGibbs <- c(-56019.85419280258, -84262.028821198, -54155.004480575895, -81210.38766217149,
-                -50735.122222685815, -76433.07602205424, -41823.26077175943, -65187.48113532527)
-  expect_equal(RGibbs, DEWGibbs)
+info <- "Gibbs energy of water is calculated correctly"
+pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
+temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
+# Gibbs energies from R translation of DEW macro functions
+RGibbs <- calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temperature)
+# Gibbs energies from DEW spreadsheet
+DEWGibbs <- c(-56019.85419280258, -84262.028821198, -54155.004480575895, -81210.38766217149,
+              -50735.122222685815, -76433.07602205424, -41823.26077175943, -65187.48113532527)
+expect_equal(RGibbs, DEWGibbs, info = info)
-test_that("dielectric constant of water is calculated correctly", {
-  pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
-  temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
-  # epsilon from R translation of DEW macro functions
-  Repsilon <- calculateEpsilon(calculateDensity(pressure, temperature), temperature)
-  # epsilon from DEW spreadsheet
-  DEWepsilon <- c(65.63571, 6.10465, 72.40050, 8.97800, 82.16244, 12.13131, 103.12897, 16.97266)
-  expect_equal(Repsilon, DEWepsilon, tolerance=1e-7)
+info <- "Dielectric constant of water is calculated correctly"
+pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
+temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
+# epsilon from R translation of DEW macro functions
+Repsilon <- calculateEpsilon(calculateDensity(pressure, temperature), temperature)
+# epsilon from DEW spreadsheet
+DEWepsilon <- c(65.63571, 6.10465, 72.40050, 8.97800, 82.16244, 12.13131, 103.12897, 16.97266)
+expect_equal(Repsilon, DEWepsilon, tolerance = 1e-7, info = info)
-test_that("Born coefficient Q is calculated correctly", {
-  pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
-  temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
-  # Q from R translation of DEW macro functions
-  RQ <- calculateQ(calculateDensity(pressure, temperature), temperature)
-  # Q from DEW spreadsheet
-  DEWQ <- c(0.32319817, 14.50286092, 0.19453478, 3.12650897,
-            0.10918151, 0.87729257,  0.05068788, 0.20640645) / 1e6
-  expect_equal(RQ, DEWQ)
+info <- "Born coefficient Q is calculated correctly"
+pressure <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
+temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
+# Q from R translation of DEW macro functions
+RQ <- calculateQ(calculateDensity(pressure, temperature), temperature)
+# Q from DEW spreadsheet
+DEWQ <- c(0.32319817, 14.50286092, 0.19453478, 3.12650897,
+          0.10918151, 0.87729257,  0.05068788, 0.20640645) / 1e6
+expect_equal(RQ, DEWQ, info = info)
-test_that("g function is calculated correctly", {
-  pressure <- c(1000, 1000, 5000, 5000, 10000)
-  temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100)
-  # note that values returned for alpha, daldT, beta are NA
-  w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta", "Psat"), T=convert(temperature, "K"), P=pressure)
-  # g from CHNOSZ functions
-  Rg <- gfun(w$rho/1000, temperature, pressure, w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)$g
-  # g from R translation of DEW macro functions (not used in CHNOSZ)
-  DEWg <- calculateG(pressure, temperature, w$rho/1000)
-  expect_equal(Rg, DEWg)
+info <- "g function is calculated correctly"
+pressure <- c(1000, 1000, 5000, 5000, 10000)
+temperature <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100)
+# note that values returned for alpha, daldT, beta are NA
+w <- water(c("rho", "alpha", "daldT", "beta", "Psat"), T=convert(temperature, "K"), P=pressure)
+# g from CHNOSZ functions
+Rg <- CHNOSZ:::gfun(w$rho/1000, temperature, pressure, w$alpha, w$daldT, w$beta)$g
+# g from R translation of DEW macro functions (not used in CHNOSZ)
+DEWg <- CHNOSZ:::calculateG(pressure, temperature, w$rho/1000)
+expect_equal(Rg, DEWg, info = info)
-test_that("Gibbs energies of species are calculated correctly", {
-  P <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
-  T <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
-  RG_HCl <- subcrt("HCl", P=P, T=T)$out[[1]]$G
-  DEWG_HCl <- c(-28784.99, -58496.85, -26520.94, -55276.92, -21928.89, -50337.19, -8014.34, -36746.87)
-  expect_equal(RG_HCl, DEWG_HCl, tolerance = 1e-5)
-  RG_Cl <- subcrt("Cl-", P=P, T=T)$out[[1]]$G
-  DEWG_Cl <- c(-30054.59, -22839.35, -27910.68, -28094.07, -23568.45, -27959.67, -10443.07, -18744.93)
-  expect_equal(RG_Cl, DEWG_Cl, tolerance = 1e-7)
+info <- "Gibbs energies of species are calculated correctly"
+P <- c(5000, 5000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, 50000, 50000)
+T <- c(100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100, 1000)
+RG_HCl <- subcrt("HCl", P=P, T=T)$out[[1]]$G
+DEWG_HCl <- c(-28784.99, -58496.85, -26520.94, -55276.92, -21928.89, -50337.19, -8014.34, -36746.87)
+expect_equal(RG_HCl, DEWG_HCl, tolerance = 1e-5, info = info)
+RG_Cl <- subcrt("Cl-", P=P, T=T)$out[[1]]$G
+DEWG_Cl <- c(-30054.59, -22839.35, -27910.68, -28094.07, -23568.45, -27959.67, -10443.07, -18744.93)
+expect_equal(RG_Cl, DEWG_Cl, tolerance = 1e-7, info = info)
-test_that("Delta G, logK, and Delta V of reactions are calculated correctly", {
-  # These are reactions corresponding to Fig. 1b of Sverjensky et al., 2014 (Nat. Geosci.).
-  # The properties are calculated using parameters from the DEW spreadsheet,
-  # which are not necessarily identical those that were used for the paper.
-  T <- 600
-  P <- c(5000, 50000)
-  R1 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "HCO3-", "H+"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
-  R2 <- subcrt(c("HCO3-", "CO3-2", "H+"), c(-1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
-  R3 <- subcrt(c("acetic acid", "acetate", "H+"), c(-1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
-  R4 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "acetic acid", "oxygen"), c(-2, -2, 1, 2), T=T, P=P)$out
-  R5 <- subcrt(c("oxygen", "CH4", "acetic acid", "H2O"), c(-2, -2, 1, 2), T=T, P=P)$out
+info <- "Delta G, logK, and Delta V of reactions are calculated correctly"
+# These are reactions corresponding to Fig. 1b of Sverjensky et al., 2014 (Nat. Geosci.).
+# The properties are calculated using parameters from the DEW spreadsheet,
+# which are not necessarily identical those that were used for the paper.
+T <- 600
+P <- c(5000, 50000)
+R1 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "HCO3-", "H+"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
+R2 <- subcrt(c("HCO3-", "CO3-2", "H+"), c(-1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
+R3 <- subcrt(c("acetic acid", "acetate", "H+"), c(-1, 1, 1), T=T, P=P)$out
+R4 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "acetic acid", "oxygen"), c(-2, -2, 1, 2), T=T, P=P)$out
+R5 <- subcrt(c("oxygen", "CH4", "acetic acid", "H2O"), c(-2, -2, 1, 2), T=T, P=P)$out
-  # Delta G values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet (May 2017 version)
-  DEW_DG <- c(38267.404507442814, 14893.170655988564,   # R1
-              41407.05995898576,  21347.599525026497,   # R2
-              28109.598104640143, 16112.928184675075,   # R3
-              186960.22705581048, 133640.9631638353,    # R4
-              -141552.60059404257, -134279.54670605875) # R5
-  # the aqueous-only reactions
-  expect_equal(c(R1$G, R2$G, R3$G), DEW_DG[1:6], tolerance=1e-7)
-  # note that there is a small error for oxygen in the DEW spreadsheet (wrong c parameter),
-  # but even so, these tests have a lower tolerance because of the larger magnitude of the difference
-  expect_equal(c(R4$G, R5$G), DEW_DG[7:10], tolerance=1e-9)
+# Delta G values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet (May 2017 version)
+DEW_DG <- c(38267.404507442814, 14893.170655988564,   # R1
+            41407.05995898576,  21347.599525026497,   # R2
+            28109.598104640143, 16112.928184675075,   # R3
+            186960.22705581048, 133640.9631638353,    # R4
+            -141552.60059404257, -134279.54670605875) # R5
+# the aqueous-only reactions
+expect_equal(c(R1$G, R2$G, R3$G), DEW_DG[1:6], tolerance = 1e-7, info = info)
+# note that there is a small error for oxygen in the DEW spreadsheet (wrong c parameter),
+# but even so, these tests have a lower tolerance because of the larger magnitude of the difference
+expect_equal(c(R4$G, R5$G), DEW_DG[7:10], tolerance = 1e-9, info = info)
-  # logK values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet
-  DEW_logK <- c(-9.58455651110442, -3.7301833667366027,
-                -10.370923015131565, -5.346776889042665,
-                -7.040405143911882, -4.035687100632826, 
-                -46.826558649850625, -33.47207316851283,
-                35.45364304557209, 33.632014510923746) 
-  expect_equal(c(R1$logK, R2$logK, R3$logK, R4$logK, R5$logK), DEW_logK, tolerance=1e-3)
+# logK values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet
+DEW_logK <- c(-9.58455651110442, -3.7301833667366027,
+              -10.370923015131565, -5.346776889042665,
+              -7.040405143911882, -4.035687100632826, 
+              -46.826558649850625, -33.47207316851283,
+              35.45364304557209, 33.632014510923746) 
+expect_equal(c(R1$logK, R2$logK, R3$logK, R4$logK, R5$logK), DEW_logK, tolerance = 1e-3, info = info)
-  # Delta V values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet
-  DEW_DV <- c(-45.26925983499276, -14.640599169742725,
-              -47.95180846799733, -9.469432706749927, 
-              -27.042087540311922, -6.836267057722694,
-              -18.1550937649195, 5.513800665649967,
-              -37.37077435045512, -45.08570662275889)
-  # for the aqueous species we're getting very close results
-  # (at P=5000 bar this depends on calculating drhodP -> beta -> dgdP -> dwdP -> V correctly, which is not tested above)
-  expect_equal(c(R1$V, R2$V, R3$V), DEW_DV[1:6], tolerance=1e-15)
-  # TODO: why does DEW spreadsheet use V (O2,g) == 24.465?
-  #expect_equal(c(R4$V, R5$V), DEW_DV[7:10])
+# Delta V values calculated using the DEW spreadsheet
+DEW_DV <- c(-45.26925983499276, -14.640599169742725,
+            -47.95180846799733, -9.469432706749927, 
+            -27.042087540311922, -6.836267057722694,
+            -18.1550937649195, 5.513800665649967,
+            -37.37077435045512, -45.08570662275889)
+# for the aqueous species we're getting very close results
+# (at P=5000 bar this depends on calculating drhodP -> beta -> dgdP -> dwdP -> V correctly, which is not tested above)
+expect_equal(c(R1$V, R2$V, R3$V), DEW_DV[1:6], tolerance = 1e-15, info = info)
+# TODO: why does DEW spreadsheet use V (O2,g) == 24.465?
+#expect_equal(c(R4$V, R5$V), DEW_DV[7:10])
-test_that("calculated logK values are consistent with Extended Deep Earth Water paper", {
-  # Reference logK values are from Appendix D of Huang and Sverjensky, 2019 (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.027)
-  # Select T and P for comparisons
-  T <- c(300, 1100)
-  P <- c(10000, 60000)
-  # Adjust calculated logKs for different values of the
-  # gas constant used in the DEW spreadsheet and CHNOSZ
-  RoverR <- 1.9858775 / 1.9872
-  # Calculate logK for each reaction
-  logK1 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "H2CO3"), c(-1, -1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK2 <- subcrt(c("AlO2(SiO2)-", "H+", "Al+3", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -4, 1, 2, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK3 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HCO3)+", "Ca+2", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK4 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HCOO)+", "Ca+2", "HCOO-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK5 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HSiO3)+", "H+", "Ca+2", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK6 <- subcrt(c("Fe(HCOO)+", "Fe+2", "HCOO-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK7 <- subcrt(c("Fe(HSiO3)+", "H+", "Fe+2", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK8 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "SiO2", "HSiO3-", "H+"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK9 <- subcrt(c("MgO", "H+", "Mg+2", "H2O"), c(-1, -2, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK10 <- subcrt(c("Mg(SiO2)(HCO3)+", "Mg+2", "SiO2", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK11 <- subcrt(c("NaHCO3", "Na+", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  logK12 <- subcrt(c("Si3O6", "SiO2"), c(-1, 3), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
-  # Make the comparisons:
-  # - Reference logK values are from Appendix D of Huang and Sverjensky, 2019 (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.027)
-  # - Tolerance (tol) is added if there are differences between the reference and calculated values after rounding
-  #   (scale = 1 is used to compare absolute differences)
-  expect_equal(round(logK1,  2), c(-0.76, 1.34))
-  expect_equal(round(logK2,  4), c( 6.7755,  0.9413), tol = 0.003,  scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK3,  4), c(-2.3759, -5.6840))
-  expect_equal(round(logK4,  4), c(-2.2837, -5.5822), tol = 0.0001, scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK5,  4), c( 4.0349,  0.1797), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK6,  4), c(-7.5354, -8.0238))
-  expect_equal(round(logK7,  4), c(-0.6883, -1.6363), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK8,  4), c(-7.0651, -5.5067), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK9,  4), c( 8.2759,  4.3493), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK10, 4), c(-6.8106, -8.5888), tol = 0.0001, scale = 1)
-  expect_equal(round(logK11, 4), c(-0.2447, -2.9235))
-  expect_equal(round(logK12, 4), c( 3.3283,  0.4527))
-# Restore the default water model and OBIGT database
+info <- "Calculated logK values are consistent with Extended Deep Earth Water paper"
+# Reference logK values are from Appendix D of Huang and Sverjensky, 2019 (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.027)
+# Select T and P for comparisons
+T <- c(300, 1100)
+P <- c(10000, 60000)
+# Adjust calculated logKs for different values of the
+# gas constant used in the DEW spreadsheet and CHNOSZ
+RoverR <- 1.9858775 / 1.9872
+# Calculate logK for each reaction
+logK1 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "CO2", "H2CO3"), c(-1, -1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK2 <- subcrt(c("AlO2(SiO2)-", "H+", "Al+3", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -4, 1, 2, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK3 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HCO3)+", "Ca+2", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK4 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HCOO)+", "Ca+2", "HCOO-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK5 <- subcrt(c("Ca(HSiO3)+", "H+", "Ca+2", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK6 <- subcrt(c("Fe(HCOO)+", "Fe+2", "HCOO-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK7 <- subcrt(c("Fe(HSiO3)+", "H+", "Fe+2", "H2O", "SiO2"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK8 <- subcrt(c("H2O", "SiO2", "HSiO3-", "H+"), c(-1, -1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK9 <- subcrt(c("MgO", "H+", "Mg+2", "H2O"), c(-1, -2, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK10 <- subcrt(c("Mg(SiO2)(HCO3)+", "Mg+2", "SiO2", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK11 <- subcrt(c("NaHCO3", "Na+", "HCO3-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+logK12 <- subcrt(c("Si3O6", "SiO2"), c(-1, 3), T = T, P = P)$out$logK / RoverR
+# Make the comparisons:
+# - Reference logK values are from Appendix D of Huang and Sverjensky, 2019 (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.027)
+# - Tolerance (tol) is added if there are differences between the reference and calculated values after rounding
+#   (scale = 1 is used to compare absolute differences)
+expect_equal(round(logK1,  2), c(-0.76, 1.34), info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK2,  4), c( 6.7755,  0.9413), tol = 0.003,  scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK3,  4), c(-2.3759, -5.6840), info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK4,  4), c(-2.2837, -5.5822), tol = 0.0001, scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK5,  4), c( 4.0349,  0.1797), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK6,  4), c(-7.5354, -8.0238), info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK7,  4), c(-0.6883, -1.6363), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK8,  4), c(-7.0651, -5.5067), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK9,  4), c( 8.2759,  4.3493), tol = 0.002,  scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK10, 4), c(-6.8106, -8.5888), tol = 0.0001, scale = 1, info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK11, 4), c(-0.2447, -2.9235), info = info)
+expect_equal(round(logK12, 4), c( 3.3283,  0.4527), info = info)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-EOSregress.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-EOSregress.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-EOSregress.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -1,44 +1,43 @@
+# Load default settings for CHNOSZ
-test_that("EOSvar stops with unknown variables", {
-  expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "can't find a variable named TX")
-  # why can't the test find these?
-  #TX <- 2
-  #expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "an object named TX is not a function")
-  #TX <- function(T) 2
-  #expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "the arguments of TX\\(\\) are not T, P")
+info <- "EOSvar stops with unknown variables"
+expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "can't find a variable named TX", info = info)
+# why can't the test find these?
+#TX <- 2
+#expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "an object named TX is not a function")
+#TX <- function(T) 2
+#expect_error(EOSvar("TX", T=25, P=1), "the arguments of TX\\(\\) are not T, P")
-test_that("regressions return known HKF parameters (neutral species)", { 
-  # regress computed values of heat capacity and volume of CH4(aq)
-  # calculated from HKF parameters on a T-P grid
-  T <- convert(seq(0, 350, 25), "K")
-  P <- seq(200, 1000, 100)
-  # convert=FALSE means that temperature has units of K
-  CH4.prop <- subcrt("CH4", T=T, P=P, grid="T", convert=FALSE)$out[[1]]
-  # terms in the HKF equations for Cp
-  Cp.var <- c("invTTheta2", "TXBorn")
-  # get coefficients in Cp regression
-  Cp.lm <- EOSregress(CH4.prop[, c("T", "P", "Cp")], Cp.var)
-  Cp.coeff <- Cp.lm$coefficients
-  # terms in the HKF equations for V
-  V.var <- c("invPPsi", "invTTheta", "invPPsiTTheta", "QBorn")
-  # get coefficients in V regression
-  V.lm <- EOSregress(CH4.prop[, c("T", "P", "V")], V.var)
-  # use same units as HKF: convert from cm3.bar to calories (divide by 41.84)
-  V.coeff <- convert(V.lm$coefficients, "calories")
-  ## the tests: did we get the HKF parameters that are in the database?
-  CH4.par <- info(info("CH4"))
-  # c1 and c2
-  expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[1], CH4.par$c1)
-  expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[2], CH4.par$c2)
-  # omega (from Cp)
-  expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[3], CH4.par$omega)
-  # a1, a2, a3 and a4
-  expect_equivalent(V.coeff[1], CH4.par$a1)
-  expect_equivalent(V.coeff[2], CH4.par$a2)
-  expect_equivalent(V.coeff[3], CH4.par$a3)
-  expect_equivalent(V.coeff[4], CH4.par$a4)
-  # omega (from V)
-  expect_equivalent(V.coeff[5], CH4.par$omega)
+info <- "Regressions return known HKF parameters (neutral species)"
+# regress computed values of heat capacity and volume of CH4(aq)
+# calculated from HKF parameters on a T-P grid
+T <- convert(seq(0, 350, 25), "K")
+P <- seq(200, 1000, 100)
+# convert=FALSE means that temperature has units of K
+CH4.prop <- subcrt("CH4", T=T, P=P, grid="T", convert=FALSE)$out[[1]]
+# terms in the HKF equations for Cp
+Cp.var <- c("invTTheta2", "TXBorn")
+# get coefficients in Cp regression
+Cp.lm <- EOSregress(CH4.prop[, c("T", "P", "Cp")], Cp.var)
+Cp.coeff <- Cp.lm$coefficients
+# terms in the HKF equations for V
+V.var <- c("invPPsi", "invTTheta", "invPPsiTTheta", "QBorn")
+# get coefficients in V regression
+V.lm <- EOSregress(CH4.prop[, c("T", "P", "V")], V.var)
+# use same units as HKF: convert from cm3.bar to calories (divide by 41.84)
+V.coeff <- convert(V.lm$coefficients, "calories")
+## the tests: did we get the HKF parameters that are in the database?
+CH4.par <- info(info("CH4"))
+# c1 and c2
+expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[1], CH4.par$c1, info = info)
+expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[2], CH4.par$c2, info = info)
+# omega (from Cp)
+expect_equivalent(Cp.coeff[3], CH4.par$omega, info = info)
+# a1, a2, a3 and a4
+expect_equivalent(V.coeff[1], CH4.par$a1, info = info)
+expect_equivalent(V.coeff[2], CH4.par$a2, info = info)
+expect_equivalent(V.coeff[3], CH4.par$a3, info = info)
+expect_equivalent(V.coeff[4], CH4.par$a4, info = info)
+# omega (from V)
+expect_equivalent(V.coeff[5], CH4.par$omega, info = info)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-IAPWS95.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-IAPWS95.R	2022-01-29 11:25:59 UTC (rev 683)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/tinytest/test-IAPWS95.R	2022-01-31 13:27:27 UTC (rev 684)
@@ -1,88 +1,86 @@
+# Load default settings for CHNOSZ
-test_that("calculations of Helmholtz free energy and its derivatives are consistent with reference cases", {
-  ## reference values of these terms are listed Table 6.6 of Wagner and Pruss, 2002  
-  p <- c("phi", "phi.delta", "phi.delta.delta", "phi.tau", "phi.tau.tau", "phi.delta.tau")
-  # reference values for case 1: T=500 K, rho=838.025 kg m-3
-  idealgas.ref.1 <- c(0.204797734e1, 0.384236747, -0.147637878, 0.904611106e1, -0.193249185e1, 0)
-  residual.ref.1 <- c(-0.342693206e1, -0.364366650, 0.856063701, -0.581403435e1, -0.223440737e1, -0.112176915e1)
-  # reference values for case 1: T=647 K, rho=358 kg m-3
-  idealgas.ref.2 <- c(-0.156319605e1, 0.899441341, -0.808994726, 0.980343918e1, -0.343316334e1, 0)
-  residual.ref.2 <- c(-0.121202657e1, -0.714012024, 0.475730696, -0.321722501e1, -0.996029507e1, -0.133214720e1)
-  ## set up the problem
-  # critical point constants
-  T.critical <- 647.096 # K
-  rho.critical <- 322 # kg m-3
-  # T and rho for cases 1 and 2
-  T <- c(500, 647)
-  rho <- c(838.025, 358)
-  # delta and tau for cases 1 and 2
-  delta <- rho / rho.critical
-  tau <- T.critical / T
-  # calculated ideal gas and residual parts for case 1
-  idealgas.calc.1 <- sapply(p, IAPWS95.idealgas, delta[1], tau[1])
-  residual.calc.1 <- sapply(p, IAPWS95.residual, delta[1], tau[1])
-  # calculated ideal gas and residual parts for case 2
-  idealgas.calc.2 <- sapply(p, IAPWS95.idealgas, delta[2], tau[2])
-  residual.calc.2 <- sapply(p, IAPWS95.residual, delta[2], tau[2])
-  ## perform the tests
-  # we almost get away without increasing the tolerance in any test ...
-  expect_equal(idealgas.calc.1, idealgas.ref.1, check.attributes=FALSE)
-  expect_equal(residual.calc.1, residual.ref.1, check.attributes=FALSE)
-  expect_equal(idealgas.calc.2, idealgas.ref.2, check.attributes=FALSE)
-  # ... however an offset is apparent in the value of the residual phi.delta.delta for case 2
-  expect_equal(residual.calc.2, residual.ref.2, check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance=1e-5)
+info <- "Calculations of Helmholtz free energy and its derivatives are consistent with reference cases"
+## reference values of these terms are listed Table 6.6 of Wagner and Pruss, 2002  
+p <- c("phi", "phi.delta", "phi.delta.delta", "phi.tau", "phi.tau.tau", "phi.delta.tau")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/chnosz -r 684

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