[CHNOSZ-commits] r542 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . R demo inst inst/extdata/Berman/testing inst/extdata/OBIGT inst/extdata/adds inst/extdata/supcrt man tests/testthat vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Jul 4 06:53:42 CEST 2020

Author: jedick
Date: 2020-07-04 06:53:42 +0200 (Sat, 04 Jul 2020)
New Revision: 542

Change obigt to OBIGT everywhere

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Date: 2020-07-04
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 1.3.6-16
+Version: 1.3.6-17
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
 Authors at R: c(
     person("Jeffrey", "Dick", , "j3ffdick at gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
   "pinfo", "protein.length", "protein.formula",
   "read.fasta", "protein.basis", "add.protein",
   "unitize", "revisit", "seq2aa", "findit",
-  "thermo.refs", "mod.obigt", "today",
+  "thermo.refs", "mod.OBIGT", "today",
 # examples
   "examples", "demos", "mtitle",
   "list2array", "slice", "dimSums", "slice.affinity",
   "def2gi", "read.blast", "id.blast",
-  "add.obigt", "RH2obigt",
+  "add.OBIGT", "RH2OBIGT",
   "expr.property", "expr.units",
   "mass", "entropy", "GHS", "water",
   "i2A", "invertible.combs",
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   "count.aa", "nucleic.complement", "nucleic.formula",
   "rho.IAPWS95", "IAPWS95", "water.AW90", "WP02.auxiliary", "water.IAPWS95",
   "getrank", "parent", "sciname", "allparents", "getnodes", "getnames",
-  "protein.obigt", "hkf", "cgl", "which.pmax",
+  "protein.OBIGT", "hkf", "cgl", "which.pmax",
   "equil.boltzmann", "equil.reaction", "find.tp",
   "ionize.aa", "MP90.cp", "aasum",
   "qqr", "RMSD", "CVRMSD", "spearman", "DGmix", "DDGmix", "DGtr",
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 # (no other functions are used in the tests)
 # other exported functions that are not used above
-  "write.blast", "checkEOS", "checkGHS", "check.obigt",
+  "write.blast", "checkEOS", "checkGHS", "check.OBIGT",
   "V_s_var", "Cp_s_var",
   "DGinf", "SD", "pearson", "shannon", "CV", "logact",
   "EOSlab", "EOScalc",
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 # added 20171121 or later
   "dumpdata", "thermo.axis", "solubility", "NaCl",
 # added 20190213 or later
-  "CHNOSZ", "thermo", "reset", "obigt", "retrieve", "AkDi", "moles",
+  "CHNOSZ", "thermo", "reset", "OBIGT", "retrieve", "AkDi", "moles",
   "lNaCl", "lS", "lT", "lP", "lTP", "lex"

Copied: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.OBIGT.R (from rev 541, pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.obigt.R)
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.OBIGT.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.OBIGT.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# add or change entries in the thermodynamic database
+## if this file is interactively sourced, the following are also needed to provide unexported functions:
+today <- function() {
+  # write today's date in the format used in SUPCRT data files
+  # e.g. 13.May.12 for 2012-05-13
+  t <- date()
+  tt <- unlist(strsplit(t, " "))
+  # for single-digit days there is an extra space
+  tt <- tt[!tt==""]
+  tday <- tt[3]
+  tmonth <- tt[2]
+  tyear <- substr(tt[5], start=3, stop=4)
+  return(paste(tday, tmonth, tyear, sep="."))
+mod.OBIGT <- function(...) {
+  # add or modify species in thermo$OBIGT
+  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
+  # the names and values are in the arguments
+  # this works for providing arguments via do.call
+  args <- list(...)
+  # this is needed if we are called with a list as the actual argument
+  if(is.list(args[[1]])) args <- args[[1]]
+  if(length(args) < 2) stop("please supply at least a species name and a property to update")
+  if(is.null(names(args))) stop("all arguments after the first should be named")
+  if(any(tail(nchar(names(args)), -1)==0)) stop("all arguments after the first should be named")
+  # if the first argument is numeric, it's the species index
+  if(is.numeric(args[[1]][1])) {
+    ispecies <- args[[1]]
+  } else {
+    # if the name of the first argument is missing, assume it's the species name
+    if(names(args)[1]=="") names(args)[1] <- "name"
+    # search for this species, use check.protein=FALSE to avoid infinite loop when adding proteins
+    # and suppressMessages to not show messages about matches of this name to other states
+    if("state" %in% names(args)) ispecies <- suppressMessages(mapply(info.character, 
+      species=args$name, state=args$state, check.protein=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
+    else ispecies <- suppressMessages(mapply(info.character, 
+      species=args$name, check.protein=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
+  }
+  # the column names of thermo$OBIGT, split at the "."
+  cnames <- c(do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(thermo$OBIGT), ".", fixed=TRUE)), colnames(thermo$OBIGT))
+  # the columns we are updating
+  icol <- match(names(args), cnames)
+  if(any(is.na(icol))) stop(paste("properties not in thermo$OBIGT:", paste(names(args)[is.na(icol)], collapse=" ")) )
+  # the column numbers for properties that matched after the split
+  icol[icol > 42] <- icol[icol > 42] - 42
+  icol[icol > 21] <- icol[icol > 21] - 21
+  # which species are new and which are old
+  inew <- which(is.na(ispecies))
+  iold <- which(!is.na(ispecies))
+  # the arguments as data frame
+  args <- data.frame(args, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+  if(length(inew) > 0) {
+    # the right number of blank rows of thermo$OBIGT
+    newrows <- thermo$OBIGT[1:length(inew), ]
+    # if we don't know something it's NA
+    newrows[] <- NA
+    # put in a default state
+    newrows$state <- thermo$opt$state
+    # the formula defaults to the name
+    newrows$formula <- args$name[inew]
+    # the units should also be set 20190530
+    newrows$E_units <- thermo$opt$E.units
+    # fill in the columns
+    newrows[, icol] <- args[inew, ]
+    # now check the formulas
+    e <- tryCatch(makeup(newrows$formula), error=function(e) e)
+    if(inherits(e, "error")) {
+      warning("please supply a valid chemical formula as the species name or in the 'formula' argument")
+      # transmit the error from makeup
+      stop(e)
+    }
+    # for aqueous species, supply a value for Z if it is missing, otherwise NA triggers AkDi model 20190224
+    isaq <- newrows$state == "aq"
+    if(any(isaq)) {
+      mnrf <- makeup(newrows$formula)
+      if(nrow(newrows)==1) mnrf <- list(mnrf)
+      Z <- sapply(mnrf, "[", "Z")
+      Z[is.na(Z)] <- 0
+      newrows$z.T[isaq] <- Z[isaq]
+    }
+    # assign to thermo$OBIGT
+    thermo$OBIGT <- rbind(thermo$OBIGT, newrows)
+    rownames(thermo$OBIGT) <- NULL
+    assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
+    # update ispecies
+    ntotal <- nrow(thermo$OBIGT)
+    ispecies[inew] <- (ntotal-length(inew)+1):ntotal
+    # inform user
+    message(paste("mod.OBIGT: added ", newrows$name, "(", newrows$state, ")", " with energy units of ", newrows$E_units, sep="", collapse="\n"))
+  }
+  if(length(iold) > 0) {
+    # loop over species
+    for(i in 1:length(iold)) {
+      # the old values and the state
+      oldprop <- thermo$OBIGT[ispecies[iold[i]], icol]
+      state <- thermo$OBIGT$state[ispecies[iold[i]]]
+      # tell user if they're the same, otherwise update the data entry
+      if(isTRUE(all.equal(oldprop, args[iold[i], ], check.attributes=FALSE))) 
+        message("mod.OBIGT: no change for ", args$name[iold[i]], "(", state, ")")
+      else {
+        thermo$OBIGT[ispecies[iold[i]], icol] <- args[iold[i], ]
+        assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
+        message("mod.OBIGT: updated ", args$name[iold[i]], "(", state, ")")
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(ispecies)
+add.OBIGT <- function(file, species=NULL, force=TRUE) {
+  # add/replace entries in thermo$OBIGT from values saved in a file
+  # only replace if force==TRUE
+  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
+  to1 <- thermo$OBIGT
+  id1 <- paste(to1$name,to1$state)
+  # we match system files with the file suffixes (.csv) removed
+  sysfiles <- dir(system.file("extdata/OBIGT/", package="CHNOSZ"))
+  sysnosuffix <- sapply(strsplit(sysfiles, "\\."), "[", 1)
+  isys <- match(file, sysnosuffix)
+  if(!is.na(isys)) file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/OBIGT/", sysfiles[isys]), package="CHNOSZ")
+#  else {
+#    # we also match single system files with the state suffix removed
+#    # (e.g. "DEW" for "DEW_aq", but not "organic" because we have "organic_aq", "organic_cr", etc.)
+#    sysnostate <- sapply(strsplit(sysnosuffix, "_"), "[", 1)
+#    isys <- which(file==sysnostate)
+#    if(length(isys)==1) file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/OBIGT/", sysfiles[isys]), package="CHNOSZ")
+#  }
+  # read data from the file
+  to2 <- read.csv(file, as.is=TRUE)
+  # add E_units column if it's missing 20190529
+  if(!"E_units" %in% colnames(to2)) to2 <- data.frame(to2[, 1:7], E_units = "cal", to2[, 8:20], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+  Etxt <- paste(unique(to2$E_units), collapse = " and ")
+  # load only selected species if requested
+  if(!is.null(species)) {
+    idat <- match(species, to2$name)
+    ina <- is.na(idat)
+    if(!any(ina)) to2 <- to2[idat, ]
+    else stop(paste("file", file, "doesn't have", paste(species[ina], collapse=", ")))
+  }
+  id2 <- paste(to2$name,to2$state)
+  # check if the data is compatible with thermo$OBIGT
+  tr <- tryCatch(rbind(to1, to2), error = identity)
+  if(inherits(tr, "error")) stop(paste(file, "is not compatible with thermo$OBIGT data table."))
+  # match the new species to existing ones
+  does.exist <- id2 %in% id1
+  ispecies.exist <- na.omit(match(id2, id1))
+  nexist <- sum(does.exist)
+  # keep track of the species we've added
+  inew <- numeric()
+  if(force) {
+    # replace existing entries
+    if(nexist > 0) {
+      to1[ispecies.exist, ] <- to2[does.exist, ]
+      to2 <- to2[!does.exist, ]
+      inew <- c(inew, ispecies.exist)
+    }
+  } else {
+    # ignore any new entries that already exist
+    to2 <- to2[!does.exist, ]
+    nexist <- 0
+  }
+  # add new entries
+  if(nrow(to2) > 0) {
+    to1 <- rbind(to1, to2)
+    inew <- c(inew, (length(id1)+1):nrow(to1))
+  }
+  # commit the change
+  thermo$OBIGT <- to1
+  rownames(thermo$OBIGT) <- 1:nrow(thermo$OBIGT)
+  assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
+  # give the user a message
+  message("add.OBIGT: read ", length(does.exist), " rows; made ", 
+    nexist, " replacements, ", nrow(to2), " additions [energy units: ", Etxt, "]")
+  #message("add.OBIGT: use OBIGT() or reset() to restore default database")
+  return(invisible(inew))

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.obigt.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.obigt.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/add.obigt.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# CHNOSZ/add.obigt.R
-# add or change entries in the thermodynamic database
-## if this file is interactively sourced, the following are also needed to provide unexported functions:
-today <- function() {
-  # write today's date in the format used in SUPCRT data files
-  # e.g. 13.May.12 for 2012-05-13
-  t <- date()
-  tt <- unlist(strsplit(t, " "))
-  # for single-digit days there is an extra space
-  tt <- tt[!tt==""]
-  tday <- tt[3]
-  tmonth <- tt[2]
-  tyear <- substr(tt[5], start=3, stop=4)
-  return(paste(tday, tmonth, tyear, sep="."))
-mod.obigt <- function(...) {
-  # add or modify species in thermo$obigt
-  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
-  # the names and values are in the arguments
-  # this works for providing arguments via do.call
-  args <- list(...)
-  # this is needed if we are called with a list as the actual argument
-  if(is.list(args[[1]])) args <- args[[1]]
-  if(length(args) < 2) stop("please supply at least a species name and a property to update")
-  if(is.null(names(args))) stop("all arguments after the first should be named")
-  if(any(tail(nchar(names(args)), -1)==0)) stop("all arguments after the first should be named")
-  # if the first argument is numeric, it's the species index
-  if(is.numeric(args[[1]][1])) {
-    ispecies <- args[[1]]
-  } else {
-    # if the name of the first argument is missing, assume it's the species name
-    if(names(args)[1]=="") names(args)[1] <- "name"
-    # search for this species, use check.protein=FALSE to avoid infinite loop when adding proteins
-    # and suppressMessages to not show messages about matches of this name to other states
-    if("state" %in% names(args)) ispecies <- suppressMessages(mapply(info.character, 
-      species=args$name, state=args$state, check.protein=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
-    else ispecies <- suppressMessages(mapply(info.character, 
-      species=args$name, check.protein=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=FALSE))
-  }
-  # the column names of thermo$obigt, split at the "."
-  cnames <- c(do.call(rbind, strsplit(colnames(thermo$obigt), ".", fixed=TRUE)), colnames(thermo$obigt))
-  # the columns we are updating
-  icol <- match(names(args), cnames)
-  if(any(is.na(icol))) stop(paste("properties not in thermo$obigt:", paste(names(args)[is.na(icol)], collapse=" ")) )
-  # the column numbers for properties that matched after the split
-  icol[icol > 42] <- icol[icol > 42] - 42
-  icol[icol > 21] <- icol[icol > 21] - 21
-  # which species are new and which are old
-  inew <- which(is.na(ispecies))
-  iold <- which(!is.na(ispecies))
-  # the arguments as data frame
-  args <- data.frame(args, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
-  if(length(inew) > 0) {
-    # the right number of blank rows of thermo$obigt
-    newrows <- thermo$obigt[1:length(inew), ]
-    # if we don't know something it's NA
-    newrows[] <- NA
-    # put in a default state
-    newrows$state <- thermo$opt$state
-    # the formula defaults to the name
-    newrows$formula <- args$name[inew]
-    # the units should also be set 20190530
-    newrows$E_units <- thermo$opt$E.units
-    # fill in the columns
-    newrows[, icol] <- args[inew, ]
-    # now check the formulas
-    e <- tryCatch(makeup(newrows$formula), error=function(e) e)
-    if(inherits(e, "error")) {
-      warning("please supply a valid chemical formula as the species name or in the 'formula' argument")
-      # transmit the error from makeup
-      stop(e)
-    }
-    # for aqueous species, supply a value for Z if it is missing, otherwise NA triggers AkDi model 20190224
-    isaq <- newrows$state == "aq"
-    if(any(isaq)) {
-      mnrf <- makeup(newrows$formula)
-      if(nrow(newrows)==1) mnrf <- list(mnrf)
-      Z <- sapply(mnrf, "[", "Z")
-      Z[is.na(Z)] <- 0
-      newrows$z.T[isaq] <- Z[isaq]
-    }
-    # assign to thermo$obigt
-    thermo$obigt <- rbind(thermo$obigt, newrows)
-    rownames(thermo$obigt) <- NULL
-    assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
-    # update ispecies
-    ntotal <- nrow(thermo$obigt)
-    ispecies[inew] <- (ntotal-length(inew)+1):ntotal
-    # inform user
-    message(paste("mod.obigt: added ", newrows$name, "(", newrows$state, ")", " with energy units of ", newrows$E_units, sep="", collapse="\n"))
-  }
-  if(length(iold) > 0) {
-    # loop over species
-    for(i in 1:length(iold)) {
-      # the old values and the state
-      oldprop <- thermo$obigt[ispecies[iold[i]], icol]
-      state <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies[iold[i]]]
-      # tell user if they're the same, otherwise update the data entry
-      if(isTRUE(all.equal(oldprop, args[iold[i], ], check.attributes=FALSE))) 
-        message("mod.obigt: no change for ", args$name[iold[i]], "(", state, ")")
-      else {
-        thermo$obigt[ispecies[iold[i]], icol] <- args[iold[i], ]
-        assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
-        message("mod.obigt: updated ", args$name[iold[i]], "(", state, ")")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return(ispecies)
-add.obigt <- function(file, species=NULL, force=TRUE) {
-  # add/replace entries in thermo$obigt from values saved in a file
-  # only replace if force==TRUE
-  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
-  to1 <- thermo$obigt
-  id1 <- paste(to1$name,to1$state)
-  # we match system files with the file suffixes (.csv) removed
-  sysfiles <- dir(system.file("extdata/OBIGT/", package="CHNOSZ"))
-  sysnosuffix <- sapply(strsplit(sysfiles, "\\."), "[", 1)
-  isys <- match(file, sysnosuffix)
-  if(!is.na(isys)) file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/OBIGT/", sysfiles[isys]), package="CHNOSZ")
-#  else {
-#    # we also match single system files with the state suffix removed
-#    # (e.g. "DEW" for "DEW_aq", but not "organic" because we have "organic_aq", "organic_cr", etc.)
-#    sysnostate <- sapply(strsplit(sysnosuffix, "_"), "[", 1)
-#    isys <- which(file==sysnostate)
-#    if(length(isys)==1) file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/OBIGT/", sysfiles[isys]), package="CHNOSZ")
-#  }
-  # read data from the file
-  to2 <- read.csv(file, as.is=TRUE)
-  # add E_units column if it's missing 20190529
-  if(!"E_units" %in% colnames(to2)) to2 <- data.frame(to2[, 1:7], E_units = "cal", to2[, 8:20], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-  Etxt <- paste(unique(to2$E_units), collapse = " and ")
-  # load only selected species if requested
-  if(!is.null(species)) {
-    idat <- match(species, to2$name)
-    ina <- is.na(idat)
-    if(!any(ina)) to2 <- to2[idat, ]
-    else stop(paste("file", file, "doesn't have", paste(species[ina], collapse=", ")))
-  }
-  id2 <- paste(to2$name,to2$state)
-  # check if the data is compatible with thermo$obigt
-  tr <- tryCatch(rbind(to1, to2), error = identity)
-  if(inherits(tr, "error")) stop(paste(file, "is not compatible with thermo$obigt data table."))
-  # match the new species to existing ones
-  does.exist <- id2 %in% id1
-  ispecies.exist <- na.omit(match(id2, id1))
-  nexist <- sum(does.exist)
-  # keep track of the species we've added
-  inew <- numeric()
-  if(force) {
-    # replace existing entries
-    if(nexist > 0) {
-      to1[ispecies.exist, ] <- to2[does.exist, ]
-      to2 <- to2[!does.exist, ]
-      inew <- c(inew, ispecies.exist)
-    }
-  } else {
-    # ignore any new entries that already exist
-    to2 <- to2[!does.exist, ]
-    nexist <- 0
-  }
-  # add new entries
-  if(nrow(to2) > 0) {
-    to1 <- rbind(to1, to2)
-    inew <- c(inew, (length(id1)+1):nrow(to1))
-  }
-  # commit the change
-  thermo$obigt <- to1
-  rownames(thermo$obigt) <- 1:nrow(thermo$obigt)
-  assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
-  # give the user a message
-  message("add.obigt: read ", length(does.exist), " rows; made ", 
-    nexist, " replacements, ", nrow(to2), " additions [energy units: ", Etxt, "]")
-  #message("add.obigt: use obigt() or reset() to restore default database")
-  return(invisible(inew))

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   # if species argument is numeric, it's species indices
   if(is.numeric(species[1])) {
     ispecies <- species
-    ina <- ispecies > nrow(thermo$obigt)
+    ina <- ispecies > nrow(thermo$OBIGT)
   } else {
     # get species indices using states from the argument, or default states
     if(!is.null(state)) ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(species, state, check.it=FALSE))
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@
 ### unexported functions ###
-# to add the basis to thermo$obigt
+# to add the basis to thermo$OBIGT
 put.basis <- function(ispecies, logact = rep(NA, length(ispecies))) {
   thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
-  state <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies]
+  state <- thermo$OBIGT$state[ispecies]
   # make the basis matrix, revised 20120114
   # get the elemental makeup of each species,
   # counting zero for any element that only appears in other species in the set
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
   comp <- t(comp)
   # note, makeup(count.zero=TRUE) above gave elements (colnames) sorted alphabetically
   # rownames identify the species
-  rownames(comp) <- as.character(thermo$obigt$formula[ispecies])
+  rownames(comp) <- as.character(thermo$OBIGT$formula[ispecies])
   # FIXME: the electron doesn't look like a chemical formula
   # this is needed for affinity() to understand a 'pe' or 'Eh' variable
   if("(Z-1)" %in% rownames(comp)) rownames(comp)[rownames(comp)=="(Z-1)"] <- "e-"
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
         thermo$basis$logact[ib] <- state[i]
       } else {
         # first, look for a species with the same _name_ in the requested state
-        myname <- thermo$obigt$name[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
+        myname <- thermo$OBIGT$name[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
         ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(myname, state[i], check.it=FALSE))
         if(is.na(ispecies) | is.list(ispecies)) {
           # if that failed, look for a species with the same _formula_ in the requested state
-          myformula <- thermo$obigt$formula[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
+          myformula <- thermo$OBIGT$formula[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
           ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(myformula, state[i], check.it=FALSE))
           if(is.na(ispecies) | is.list(ispecies)) {
             # if that failed, we're out of luck

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/berman.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/berman.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/berman.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   irow <- which(dat$name == name)
   if(length(irow)==0) {
     if(userfileexists) stop("Data for ", name, " not available. Please add it to ", userfile)
-    if(!userfileexists) stop("Data for ", name, " not available. Please add it to your_data_file.csv and run thermo$obigt$Berman <<- 'path/to/your_data_file.csv'")
+    if(!userfileexists) stop("Data for ", name, " not available. Please add it to your_data_file.csv and run thermo$OBIGT$Berman <<- 'path/to/your_data_file.csv'")
   # the function works fine with just the following assign() call,
   # but an explicit dummy assignment here is used to avoid "Undefined global functions or variables" in R CMD check
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     k4 <- k5 <- k6 <- l1 <- l2 <- v1 <- v2 <- v3 <- v4 <- NA
   # assign values to the variables used below
   for(i in 1:ncol(dat)) assign(colnames(dat)[i], dat[irow, i])
-  # get the entropy of the elements using the chemical formula in thermo$obigt
+  # get the entropy of the elements using the chemical formula in thermo$OBIGT
   if(is.null(thisinfo)) thisinfo <- info(info(name, "cr", check.it=FALSE))
   SPrTr_elements <- convert(entropy(thisinfo$formula), "J")
   # check that G in data file is the G of formation from the elements --> Benson-Helgeson convention (DG = DH - T*DS)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     # the parameters for *this* species
     PAR <- parameters[k, ]
     if(all(is.na(PAR[9:21]))) {
-      # use Berman equations (parameters not in thermo$obigt)
+      # use Berman equations (parameters not in thermo$OBIGT)
       properties <- berman(PAR$name, T=T, P=P, thisinfo=PAR)
       iprop <- match(property, colnames(properties))
       values <- properties[, iprop, drop=FALSE]
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
       values <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(property), nrow=ncond))
       colnames(values) <- property
       # a test for availability of heat capacity coefficients (a, b, c, d, e, f)
-      # based on the column assignments in thermo$obigt
+      # based on the column assignments in thermo$OBIGT
       if(any(!is.na(PAR[, 14:19]))) {
         # we have at least one of the heat capacity coefficients;
         # zero out any NA's in the rest (leave lambda and T of transition (columns 19-20) alone)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
         if(property[i] == "H") values[, i] <- PAR$H + intCpdT + intVdP - T*intdVdTdP
         if(property[i] == "S") values[, i] <- PAR$S + intCpdlnT - intdVdTdP
-    } # end calculations using parameters from thermo$obigt
+    } # end calculations using parameters from thermo$OBIGT
     out[[k]] <- values
   } # end loop over species

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/equilibrate.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/equilibrate.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/equilibrate.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
   #                             (default if balance is missing and all species are proteins)
   #   1                       - balanced on one mole of species
   #   numeric vector          - user-defined n.balance
-  #   "volume"                - standard-state volume listed in thermo$obigt
+  #   "volume"                - standard-state volume listed in thermo$OBIGT
   # the index of the basis species that might be balanced
   ibalance <- numeric()
   # deal with proteins

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   topics <- c("thermo", "examples",
     "util.array", "util.blast", "util.data", "util.expression", "util.legend", "util.plot",
     "util.fasta", "util.formula", "util.matrix", "util.misc", "util.seq", "util.units",
-    "util.water", "taxonomy", "info", "retrieve", "add.obigt", "protein.info",
+    "util.water", "taxonomy", "info", "retrieve", "add.OBIGT", "protein.info",
     "hkf", "water", "IAPWS95", "subcrt", "berman",
     "makeup", "basis", "swap.basis", "species", "affinity", "solubility", "equilibrate", 
     "diagram", "buffer", "nonideal", "NaCl", "add.protein", "protein", "ionize.aa",

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/hkf.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/hkf.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/hkf.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     # loop over each species
     PAR <- parameters[k, ]
     # substitute Cp and V for missing EoS parameters
-    # here we assume that the parameters are in the same position as in thermo$obigt
+    # here we assume that the parameters are in the same position as in thermo$OBIGT
     # we don't need this if we're just looking at solvation properties (Cp_s_var, V_s_var)
     if("n" %in% contrib) {
       # put the heat capacity in for c1 if both c1 and c2 are missing

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R	2020-07-04 04:28:50 UTC (rev 541)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R	2020-07-04 04:53:42 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 info <- function(species=NULL, state=NULL, check.it=TRUE) {
-  ## return information for one or more species in thermo$obigt
+  ## return information for one or more species in thermo$OBIGT
   thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
   # that should give us the data, not the thermo() function 20190928
   if(is.function(thermo)) stop("CHNOSZ package data is not available; use reset() or library(CHNOSZ) to load it")
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
   ## if no species are requested, summarize the available data  20101129
   if(is.null(species)) {
     message("info: 'species' is NULL; summarizing information about thermodynamic data...")
-    message(paste("thermo$obigt has", nrow(thermo$obigt[thermo$obigt$state=="aq", ]), "aqueous,",
-      nrow(thermo$obigt), "total species"))
+    message(paste("thermo$OBIGT has", nrow(thermo$OBIGT[thermo$OBIGT$state=="aq", ]), "aqueous,",
+      nrow(thermo$OBIGT), "total species"))
     message(paste("number of literature sources: ", nrow(thermo$refs), ", elements: ",
       nrow(thermo$element), ", buffers: ", length(unique(thermo$buffers$name)), sep=""))
     message(paste("number of proteins in thermo$protein is", nrow(thermo$protein), "from",
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
   if(is.numeric(species)) {
     out <- lapply(species, info.numeric, check.it)
     # if we have different states the column names could be different
-    if(length(unique(unlist(lapply(out, names)))) > ncol(thermo$obigt)) {
-      # make them the same as thermo$obigt
+    if(length(unique(unlist(lapply(out, names)))) > ncol(thermo$OBIGT)) {
+      # make them the same as thermo$OBIGT
       out <- lapply(out, function(row) {
-        colnames(row) <- colnames(thermo$obigt); return(row)
+        colnames(row) <- colnames(thermo$OBIGT); return(row)
     # turn the list into a data frame
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 info.text <- function(ispecies) {
   # a textual description of species name, formula, source, e.g.
   # CO2 [CO2(aq)] (SSW01, SHS89, 11.Oct.07)
-  this <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)$obigt[ispecies, ]
+  this <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)$OBIGT[ispecies, ]
   sourcetext <- this$ref1
   ref2 <- this$ref2
   if(!is.na(ref2)) sourcetext <- paste(sourcetext, ref2, sep=", ")
@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@
 info.character <- function(species, state=NULL, check.protein=TRUE) {
-  # returns the rownumbers of thermo$obigt having an exact match of 'species' to
-  # thermo$obigt$[species|abbrv|formula] or NA otherwise
-  # a match to thermo$obigt$state is also required if 'state' is not NULL
+  # returns the rownumbers of thermo$OBIGT having an exact match of 'species' to
+  # thermo$OBIGT$[species|abbrv|formula] or NA otherwise
+  # a match to thermo$OBIGT$state is also required if 'state' is not NULL
   # (first occurence of a match to species is returned otherwise)
   thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
   # find matches for species name, abbreviation or formula
-  matches.species <- thermo$obigt$name==species | thermo$obigt$abbrv==species | thermo$obigt$formula==species
-  # since thermo$obigt$abbrv contains NAs, convert NA results to FALSE
+  matches.species <- thermo$OBIGT$name==species | thermo$OBIGT$abbrv==species | thermo$OBIGT$formula==species
+  # since thermo$OBIGT$abbrv contains NAs, convert NA results to FALSE
   matches.species[is.na(matches.species)] <- FALSE
   # turn it in to no match if it's a protein in the wrong state
   ip <- pinfo(species)
   if(any(matches.species) & !is.na(ip) & !is.null(state)) {
-    matches.state <- matches.species & grepl(state, thermo$obigt$state)
+    matches.state <- matches.species & grepl(state, thermo$OBIGT$state)
     if(!any(matches.state)) matches.species <- FALSE
   # no match, not available
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
   if(!any(matches.species)) {
     # unless it's a protein
     if(check.protein) {
-      # did we find a protein? add its properties to obigt
+      # did we find a protein? add its properties to OBIGT
       if(!is.na(ip)) {
         # here we use a default state from thermo$opt$state
         if(is.null(state)) state <- thermo$opt$state
         # add up protein properties
-        eos <- protein.obigt(ip, state=state)
+        eos <- protein.OBIGT(ip, state=state)
         # the real assignment work 
-        nrows <- suppressMessages(mod.obigt(eos))
+        nrows <- suppressMessages(mod.OBIGT(eos))
         thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
         matches.species <- rep(FALSE, nrows)
         matches.species[nrows] <- TRUE
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
     # special treatment for H2O: aq retrieves the liq
     if(species %in% c("H2O", "water") & state=="aq") state <- "liq"
     # the matches for both species and state
-    matches.state <- matches.species & state == thermo$obigt$state
+    matches.state <- matches.species & state == thermo$OBIGT$state
     if(!any(matches.state)) {
       # the requested state is not available for this species
-      available.states <- thermo$obigt$state[matches.species]
+      available.states <- thermo$OBIGT$state[matches.species]
       if(length(available.states)==1) a.s.verb <- "is" else a.s.verb <- "are"
       a.s.text <- paste("'", available.states, "'", sep="", collapse=" ")
       message("info.character: requested state '", state, "' for ", species, 
@@ -132,19 +132,19 @@
   # processing for more than one match
   if(length(ispecies) > 1) {
     # if a single name matches, use that one (useful for distinguishing pseudo-H4SiO4 and H4SiO4) 20171020
-    matches.name <- matches.species & thermo$obigt$name==species
+    matches.name <- matches.species & thermo$OBIGT$name==species
     if(sum(matches.name)==1) ispecies.out <- which(matches.name)
     else ispecies.out <- ispecies[1]  # otherwise, return only the first species that matches
     # let user know if there is more than one state for this species
-    mystate <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies.out]
+    mystate <- thermo$OBIGT$state[ispecies.out]
     ispecies.other <- ispecies[!ispecies %in% ispecies.out]
-    otherstates <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies.other]
+    otherstates <- thermo$OBIGT$state[ispecies.other]
     # for minerals (cr), use the word "phase"; otherwise, use "state" 20190209
     word <- "state"
     # substitute the mineral name for "cr" 20190121
     if(mystate == "cr" | sum(otherstates=="cr") > 1) {
       word <- "phase"
-      otherstates[otherstates=="cr"] <- thermo$obigt$name[ispecies.other[otherstates=="cr"]]
+      otherstates[otherstates=="cr"] <- thermo$OBIGT$name[ispecies.other[otherstates=="cr"]]
     transtext <- othertext <- ""
     # we count, but don't show the states for phase transitions (cr2, cr3, etc)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
       if(ntrans == 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transition")
       else if(ntrans > 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transitions")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/chnosz -r 542

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