[CHNOSZ-commits] r392 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . inst vignettes

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Sat Feb 9 10:58:54 CET 2019

Author: jedick
Date: 2019-02-09 10:58:53 +0100 (Sat, 09 Feb 2019)
New Revision: 392

remove vignettes/wjd.Rnw (to reduce size of package)

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Date: 2019-02-09
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 1.1.3-100
+Version: 1.1.3-101
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry
 Authors at R: c(
     person("Jeffrey", "Dick", , "j3ffdick at gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
   can be portrayed on diagrams as a function of temperature, pressure, or
   activity of basis species; in two dimensions, this gives a maximum affinity or
   predominance diagram. The diagrams have formatted chemical formulas and axis
-  labels, and water stability limits can be added to Eh-pH, logfO2-T, and other
-  diagrams with a redox variable. The package has been developed to handle common
-  calculations in aqueous geochemistry, such as solubility due to complexation of
-  metal ions, mineral buffers of redox or pH, and changing the basis species
-  across a diagram ("mosaic diagrams"). CHNOSZ also has unique capabilities for
-  comparing the compositional and thermodynamic properties of different proteins.
+  labels, and water stability limits can be added to Eh-pH, oxygen fugacity-
+  temperature, and other diagrams with a redox variable. The package has been
+  developed to handle common calculations in aqueous geochemistry, such as
+  solubility due to complexation of metal ions, mineral buffers of redox or pH,
+  and changing the basis species across a diagram ("mosaic diagrams"). CHNOSZ
+  also has unique capabilities for comparing the compositional and thermodynamic
+  properties of different proteins.
 Encoding: UTF-8
 License: GPL (>= 2)
 BuildResaveData: no

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-CHANGES IN CHNOSZ 1.1.3-100 (2019-02-09)
+CHANGES IN CHNOSZ 1.1.3-101 (2019-02-09)
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@
 - Add demo/glycinate.R showing logK of complexation of glycinate with
   divalent and monovalent metals.
+- Remove vignette wjd.Rnw (Winding journey down in Gibbs energy).
 - The Berman data (Berman, 1988 and later additions) have replaced the

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/anintro.Rmd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/anintro.Rmd	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/anintro.Rmd	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -2161,7 +2161,7 @@
 ## Gibbs energy minimization
 <span style="color:green">`wjd()`</span> implements a Gibbs energy minimization using the method of steepest descent described by @WJD58.
-See <span style="color:blue">`?wjd`</span> as well as the vignette, [<span style="color:blue">*Winding journey down (in Gibbs energy)*</span>](wjd.pdf).
+See <span style="color:blue">`?wjd`</span> and [<span style="color:blue">`demo(wjd)`</span>](../demo).
 ## Group additivity and EQ3/6 output
@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
 # Document history
-* 2010-09-30 Initial version (titled "Getting started with CHNOSZ").
+* 2010-09-30 Initial version, titled "Getting started with CHNOSZ".
 * 2011-08-15 Add <span style="color:green">`browse.refs()`</span>; modifying database hint changed to <span style="color:blue">`help(thermo)`</span>.

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/dayhoff.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.Rnw
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.Rnw	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.Rnw	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -652,31 +652,28 @@
 \subsection{Mosaic diagrams}
-The examples using \texttt{mosaic()} shown below are based on the
-maximum affinity method, but equilibration calculations are also possible
-(if a suitable example from the literature is found it will be added
-here; see also the \texttt{blend} argument of \texttt{mosaic()} to
-equilibrate the basis species rather than compose the diagram using
-the predominant basis species).
+The examples using \texttt{mosaic()} mentioned below are based on
+the maximum affinity method, but equilibration calculations are also
+possible. See also the \texttt{blend} argument of \texttt{mosaic()}
+to equilibrate the basis species rather than compose the diagram using
+the predominant basis species.
 \item See the examples in \texttt{?mosaic} and \texttt{demo(\textquotedbl mosaic\textquotedbl )}
 for calculations of mineral stabilities in the Fe-S-O-$\mathrm{H_{2}O}$
 system (after \citealp{GC65}).
-\item A calculation of copper solubility limits and speciation with aqueous
-glycine based on Fig. 2b of \citet{AD01}. We use \texttt{mosaic()}
-to speciate the basis species glycine (activity $10^{-1}$) as a function
-of pH. The stability fields are shown for \emph{unequal activities}
-of the minerals (unit activity) and aqueous species ($10^{-4}$).
-This is essentially a composite of three diagrams, with glycinium,
-glycine and glycinate in the basis at low, mid and high pH. This demo
-also modifies the thermodynamic database (with \texttt{mod.obigt()})
-to use Gibbs energies taken from \citet{AD01}, and bypasses the default
+\item Run \texttt{demo(\textquotedbl mosaic\textquotedbl )} for a calculation
+of copper solubility limits and speciation with aqueous glycine based
+on Fig. 2b of \citet{AD01}. This demo uses \texttt{mosaic()} to speciate
+the basis species glycine (activity $10^{-1}$) as a function of pH.
+The stability fields are shown for \emph{unequal activities} of the
+minerals (unit activity) and aqueous species ($10^{-4}$). This is
+essentially a composite of three diagrams, with glycinium, glycine
+and glycinate in the basis at low, mid and high pH. This demo also
+modifies the thermodynamic database (with \texttt{mod.obigt()}) to
+use Gibbs energies taken from \citet{AD01}, and bypasses the default
 plotting of labels by \texttt{diagram()} in order to customize their
 format and placement.
-<<Aksu_Doyle, message=FALSE, results="hide", fig.width=6, fig.height=4.8, cache=TRUE>>=
-demo("copper", ask=FALSE)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.lyx
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.lyx	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/equilibrium.lyx	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -2881,9 +2881,9 @@
 \family typewriter
 \family default
- shown below are based on the maximum affinity method, but equilibration
- calculations are also possible (if a suitable example from the literature
- is found it will be added here; see also the 
+ mentioned below are based on the maximum affinity method, but equilibration
+ calculations are also possible.
+ See also the 
 \family typewriter
 \family default
@@ -2892,7 +2892,7 @@
 \family default
  to equilibrate the basis species rather than compose the diagram using
- the predominant basis species).
+ the predominant basis species.
 \begin_layout Itemize
@@ -2920,8 +2920,12 @@
 \begin_layout Itemize
-A calculation of copper solubility limits and speciation with aqueous glycine
- based on Fig.
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ for a calculation of copper solubility limits and speciation with aqueous
+ glycine based on Fig.
  2b of 
 \begin_inset CommandInset citation
 LatexCommand citet
@@ -2931,7 +2935,7 @@
- We use 
+ This demo uses 
 \family typewriter
 \family default
@@ -2970,31 +2974,6 @@
  in order to customize their format and placement.
-\begin_layout Standard
-\begin_inset ERT
-status open
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-<<Aksu_Doyle, message=FALSE, results="hide", fig.width=6, fig.height=4.8, cache=TRU
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-demo("copper", ask=FALSE)
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
 \begin_layout Section*

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.bib
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.bib	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.bib	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -934,7 +934,6 @@
   number    = {5-6},
   pages     = {607--611},
   issn      = {0003-004X},
-  publisher = {Mineralogical Society of America},
   url       = {http://ammin.geoscienceworld.org/content/78/5-6/607},
@@ -1042,7 +1041,6 @@
   number    = {3-4},
   pages     = {328--344},
   issn      = {0003-004X},
-  publisher = {Mineralogical Society of America},
   url       = {http://ammin.geoscienceworld.org/content/75/3-4/328},
@@ -1307,7 +1305,6 @@
   pages     = {143-182},
   doi       = {10.2113/gsecongeo.95.1.143},
   issn      = {0361-0128},
-  publisher = {Society of Economic Geologists},
   source    = {Crossref},

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/wjd.Rnw
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/wjd.Rnw	2019-02-09 08:18:42 UTC (rev 391)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/wjd.Rnw	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-%% LyX 2.2.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
-%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
- bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=false,bookmarksopen=false,
- breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=true]
- {hyperref}
-\hypersetup{pdftitle={Winding journey down (in Gibbs energy)},
- pdfauthor={Jeffrey M. Dick},
- citecolor=blue}
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
-  if(exists(".orig.enc")) options(encoding = .orig.enc)
-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
-%\VignetteIndexEntry{Winding journey down (in Gibbs energy)}
-% so DOIs in bibliography show up as hyperlinks
-\newcommand*{\doi}[1]{\href{https://doi.org/#1}{doi: #1}}
-\title{Winding journey down (in Gibbs energy)}
-\author{Jeffrey M. Dick}
-\texttt{wjd()} appeared in CHNOSZ version 0.9-9. It implements the
-steepest descent algorithm for Gibbs energy minimization described
-by White, Johnson and Dantzig, \citeyear{WJD58}. This vignette shows
-some examples of its usage. The help page for \texttt{wjd()} in the
-CHNOSZ documentation has details of the implementation that are not
-covered in this vignette. The functions demonstrated here are not
-intended for aqueous solutions or heterogeneous phase equilibria,
-which are covered in some reviews \citep[e.g.][]{NPW_79}.
-The arguments of \texttt{wjd()} have default values to simulate the
-example problem given by \citealp{WJD58}. In their words, ``The
-example taken is the determination of the composition of the gases
-arising from the combustion of a stoichiometric mixture of hydrazine
-and oxygen at 3500 $^{\circ}$K and a pressure of 750 psi ($\ln P_{\mathrm{atm}}$
-=3.932).'' There are ten species included in this example. The value
-of temperature does not appear explicitly in the algorithm, or in
-the arguments to \texttt{wjd()}. Instead, the standard Gibbs energies
-of the species, at the given temperature, are provided in dimensionless
-form, i.e. $\Delta G^{\circ}/RT$. Note that White et al., 1958 use
-the terminology ``free energy'' and the notation $F^{\circ}$. The
-term ``Gibbs energy'' and corresponding notation are used here.
-<<libraryCHNOSZ, echo=FALSE>>=
-\section{Is it winding?}
-The ``winding'' in the title refers to the observation that the
-abundances of species during a Gibbs energy minimization often do
-not all change in a monotonic fashion. This is because at each iteration
-a new direction of steepest descent is calculated; this direction
-is a vector of changes of mole numbers of all species in the system
-and is subject to mass balance constraints as well as the steepest-descent
-Let's run \texttt{wjd()} with its default settings and save the output.
-w <- wjd()
-What are the most abundant species, and how many iterations were taken?
-# the order of species abundance
-oX <- order(w$X, decreasing=TRUE)
-# the stoichiometries of the two most abundant species
-# the number of iterations
-niter <- length(w$lambda)
-# the formulas of the two most abundant species
-# use CHNOSZ's as.chemical.formula function, after 
-# dropping elements with zero stoichiometry
-f1 <- as.chemical.formula(w$A[oX[1],w$A[oX[1],]!=0])
-f2 <- as.chemical.formula(w$A[oX[2],w$A[oX[2],]!=0])
-f4 <- as.chemical.formula(w$A[oX[4],w$A[oX[4],]!=0])
-We find that \Sexpr{f1} and \Sexpr{f2} are the most abundant species,
-after \Sexpr{niter} iterations. The fourth most-abundant species,
-\Sexpr{f4}, is discussed below.
-Let's track their mole fractions through the iterations. Write a function
-that returns the mole fractions of a species, after a specified number
-of iterations.
-iterfun <- function(imax, i) {
-  w <- wjd(imax=imax)
-  x <- w$X[i]/sum(w$X)
-  return(x)
-Then apply the function over the different numbers of iterations,
-from 0 (initial conditions) to \Sexpr{niter}, and plot the values.
-<<iterplot, fig=TRUE, width=6, height=2.5>>=
-par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(4.2, 4.2, .1, .1))
-sa <- sapply(0:niter, iterfun, i = oX[1])
-plot(0:niter, sa, xlab = "iteration", ylab = paste("x", f1), pch = 19)
-sa <- sapply(0:niter, iterfun, i = oX[4])
-plot(0:niter, sa, xlab = "iteration", ylab = paste("x", f4), pch = 19)
-A bit of winding: the mole fraction of \Sexpr{f1} generally increases
-(there is a very slight decrease at the fifth iteration), but the
-mole fraction of \Sexpr{f4} increases in the first two iterations,
-then decreases in following ones. This behavior is consistent with
-a decrease in Gibbs energy at \emph{every} iteration; that can be
-verified by inspecting the values in the \Sexpr{niter}-iteration
-all(diff(w$F.Y) < 0)
-The decrease in Gibbs energy becomes smaller with every iteration,
-as an equilibrium distribution of species is approached:
-identical(diff(w$F.Y), sort(diff(w$F.Y)))
-\section{Is it near the bottom? Testing for equilibrium}
-\subsection{Change in Gibbs energy of the system becomes small}
-Equilibrium is synonymous with a global Gibbs energy minimum. Becoming
-convinced that the output from \texttt{wjd()} represents a near-equilibrium
-condition can be difficult. One type of observation that can be helpful
-is the amount of change during the iterations of the algorithm. As
-equilibrium is approached, it makes sense that the fractional decreases
-in Gibbs energy would become smaller and smaller. This is used as
-a stopping condition in the current implementation \textendash{} if
-the fractional change, relative to the total energy of the system,
-reaches the value of \texttt{Gfrac} given in the arguments the iterations
-stop. Here are the fractional changes with each iteration:
-Only the last value is below the default value of \texttt{Gfrac} in
-\subsection{Chemical potentials of the elements (from different species representing
-them) become more uniform}
-Equilibrium is also synonymous with uniformity of chemical potentials
-($\mu$) of the thermodynamic components throughout the system. For
-the default system in \texttt{wjd()}, and perhaps other systems of
-interest, the elements themselves are a conceivable set of the components.
-Often, the number and compositions of the species are such that multiple
-combinations of species satisfy the stoichiometric conditions necessary
-to be a basis set, and therefore can be used to compute the chemical
-potentials of the elements. At equilibrium, these different combinations
-of species would all yield the same chemical potentials of the elements. 
-There is a supporting function, \texttt{element.potentials()}, that
-computes the chemical potentials of the elements using different eligible
-combinations of species. It has an option to plot the results. Let's
-first look at a plot showing the results after 3 iterations.
-<<marmgp, echo=FALSE>>=
-par(mar = c(4.2, 4.2, 1.1, 1.1))
-par(mgp = c(2, 1, 0))
-<<w3_ep_plot, fig=TRUE, width=7, height=5>>=
-w3 <- wjd(imax=3)
-ep3 <- element.potentials(w3, plot.it=TRUE)
-Here's the plot for the default settings of \texttt{wjd()} which takes
-6 iterations:
-<<w_ep_plot, fig=TRUE, width=7, height=5>>=
-ep <- element.potentials(w, plot.it=TRUE)
-That one shows considerably less deviation than the first plot. The
-differences don't become zero, but perhaps they are small enough to
-accept as an operational solution. There is a function, \texttt{is.near.equil()},
-that provides a logical type result based on the range of chemical
-potentials of the elements calculated from the different eligible
-species combinations. It returns TRUE if the maximum difference for
-any element is below $\mu/RT=0.01$, but this limit can be changed
-through the \texttt{tol} argument to the function. With the default
-setting, \texttt{is.near.equil()} does pass the \Sexpr{niter}-iteration
-result, but by reducing the tolerance, the tests can be made to fail:
-is.near.equil(w3) # 3 iterations
-is.near.equil(w)  # 7 iterations
-is.near.equil(w, tol=0.00001)
-\subsection{Different initial solutions yield similar results}
-\paragraph{Different guesses for an underdetermined system}
-Although it seems to be the case in the examples shown so far, increasing
-the number of iterations does not necessarily bring one closer to
-true equilibrium, since being trapped in a local energy minimum is
-a possibility. Sometimes local minima can be shown to exist by starting
-with different mole numbers of species, that still yield the same
-bulk composition (mole numbers of elements). \texttt{guess()} exists
-to facilitate this sort of investigation. Its input the stoichiometric
-matrix of species in the system (the default refers to the same system
-as in \texttt{wjd()}) and the bulk composition; it outputs one set
-or a series of sets of mole numbers of species that satisfy the bulk
-composition constraints. In general, this in an underdetermined problem,
-so there are usually an infinite number of possible solutions. 
-Using the default method (``stoich'') a single guess or multiple
-guesses are returned based on stoichiometric constraints (see the
-help page for details as well as the comments in the function code
-itself). If the ``central'' method is chosen instead, the single
-guess returned is the central solution from linear optimization using
-the package limSolve. Let's compare the guesses made by \texttt{guess()}
-with the default (from \citealp{WJD58}) initial composition in \texttt{wjd()}
-Y1 <- guess(method="stoich")
-#Y2 <- guess(method="central")
-Now let's run the minimization using the different guesses, count
-the numbers of iterations, and test them for equilibrium.
-wY1 <- wjd(Y=Y1)
-niterY1 <- length(wY1$lambda)
-is.near.equil(wY1, tol=0.0001)
-Using the first guess generated using the ``stoich'' method there
-were \Sexpr{niterY1-niter} more iterations than using the default
-initial solution in \texttt{wjd()}.
-Do the different initial guesses actually give similar results?
-<<compare_guesses, fig=TRUE, width=7, height=4>>=
-par(mar=c(4.2, 4.2, 0.1, 0.1))
-plot(1:10, w$X, xlab="species", ylab="mole fraction")
-points(1:10, wY1$X, pch=0)
-#points(1:10, wY2$X, pch=2)
-At that scale it's fairly difficult to tell them apart.
-\paragraph{Comparing many different guesses}
-Let's test for closeness to equilibrium of all of the guesses available
-from \texttt{guess()} for the default set of species and bulk composition.
-First generate all of the guesses. Note that \texttt{guess()} returns
-NA for compositionally eligible combinations of species that have
-some negative mole numbers, so we filter those out.
-Ys <- guess(iguess=NULL, method="stoich")
-# total number of species combinations
-# species combinations that have all-positive mole numbers
-iYs <- which(!is.na(Ys))
-nguess <- length(iYs)
-Now let's run the minimization using each of those guesses, and test
-if each one \texttt{is.near.equil()}:
-sapply(iYs,function(i) is.near.equil(wjd(Y=Ys[[i]])))
-Looks like they are. What if we're really picky though and want to
-make sure the chemical potentials of the elements are very well-defined?
-We can decrease the tolerance of \texttt{is.near.equil()}:
-sapply(iYs,function(i) is.near.equil(wjd(Y=Ys[[i]]),tol=0.0001))
-Well some of the tests failed. But maybe this is because we have stopped
-iterating too soon. Let's iterate until a we have smaller change in
-Gibbs energy of the system:
-sapply(iYs, function(i) {
-  is.near.equil(wjd(Y=Ys[[i]], Gfrac=1e-9), tol=0.0001)
-We're back to passing all but one of the equilibrium tests based on
-uniformity of chemical potentials of the elements. What are the standard
-deviations of the resulting species abundances?
-Xs <- sapply(iYs, function(i) wjd(Y=Ys[[i]], Gfrac=1e-9)$X)
-apply(Xs, 1, sd)
-Based on this exercise, starting from different initial species abundances
-for the same bulk composition, and arriving at a similar near-equilibrium
-solution, it seems likely that we are near the global minimum.
-(In fact, for ideal reactions in closed chemical systems there is
-only a unique solution \citep{Oth76}. Therefore, the algorithm should
-converge on the same result for any initial vector of species mole
-numbers with the same bulk composition.)
-\section{An example from the literature: prebiological atmospheres}
-We will try to reproduce a subset of the calculations of equilibrium
-between carbon-containing compounds in model prebiological atmospheres
-reported by \citet{DLE64}, using standard Gibbs energies from \citet{DLEN67}.
-The standard Gibbs energies shown in Figure 2 of \citet{DLEN67} for
-the selected compounds listed in Table 1 of \citet{DLE64} are provided
-with CHNOSZ. First let's have a look at what species there are:
-# read formulas and Gibbs energies
-file <- system.file("extdata/thermo/DLEN67.csv", package="CHNOSZ")
-dlen <- read.csv(file, as.is=TRUE, row.names=1)
-t(dlen[, 1, drop=FALSE])
-Now let's write some code to define the system. The bulk composition
-in C:H:O space has 40 percent oxygen, a percentage of carbon given
-by \texttt{xC}, and hydrogen as the remainder; the C:N ratio is taken
-to be 1:1 \citep{DLE64}. The temperature is 500 K and the pressure
-is 1 atmosphere.
-# turn formulas into a stoichiometric matrix
-A <- i2A(dlen$formula)
-# assemble Gibbs energies/RT at 500 K
-T <- 500  # K
-R <- 1.9872  # gas constant, cal K^-1 mol^-1
-G0.RT <- 1000 * dlen$G500 / R / T
-# a function to minimize Gibbs energy for system with 
-# given mole fraction of carbon (xC)
-min.atmos <- function(xC) {
-  # the bulk composition C:H:N:O
-  B <- c(xC, 100-40-xC, xC, 40)
-  # guess the initial composition
-  Y <- guess(A, B)
-  w <- wjd(A=A, G0.RT=G0.RT, Y=Y, P=1, imax=90, Gfrac=1e-14)
-  if(!is.near.equil(w)) cat(paste("not near equilibrium for xC=", xC, "\n"))
-  return(w)
-Notice the increase in \texttt{imax} and the decrease in \texttt{Gfrac}
-from the defaults! These changes are needed to get closer to equilibrium
-(and we'll know we're not there if a message is shown). What does
-the prebiological atmosphere look like with 15\% (not counting nitrogen)
-sort(min.atmos(15)$X, decreasing=TRUE)
-Well that's exciting! The order of abundances of $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$,
-$\mathrm{CO_{2}}$, $\mathrm{CH_{4}}$, $\mathrm{NH_{3}}$, $\mathrm{CO}$,
-ethane ($\mathrm{C_{2}H_{6}}$), formic acid ($\mathrm{CH_{2}O_{2}}$)
-and so on matches the order on the left side of Figure 2 in \citet{DLE64}.
-How about changing the carbon content? (\emph{Because it takes a while
-to run, the code is commented below; it is present in }\texttt{\emph{demo(wjd)}}\emph{,
-which was used to make the plot.})
-# xCs <- seq(8, 47, 1)
-# Xs <- sapply(xCs, function(xC) min.atmos(xC)$X)
-# # normalize the mole numbers to mole fractions
-# Xs <- t(t(Xs)/colSums(Xs))
-# plot(-10, 0, xlim=c(0, 55), ylim=c(-25, 1), xlab="mole percent C", ylab="log10 mole fraction")
-# for(i in 1:nrow(Xs)) lines(xCs, log10(Xs[i, ]))
-# text(48, log10(Xs[, length(xCs)]), dlen$formula, adj=0)
-# text(35, log10(Xs[, 27]) + 0.5, dlen$formula, adj=0)
-# text(7, log10(Xs[, 1]), dlen$formula, adj=1)
-We triggered some ``not near equilibrium'' messages (\emph{not shown;
-run the demo to see them}), but overall it seems well behaved (note
-that using the ``central'' method in \texttt{guess()} is one way
-that leads to fewer of these messages). And, as expected, it is similar
-to Fig. 2 of \citet{DLE64}, with a major crossing of curves at about
-28\% carbon, together with an increase in aromatic compounds (e.g.
-naphthalene, anthracene) going toward higher carbon content. Unlike
-the figure in \citet{DLE64}, there appears to be a second major crossing
-of curves at about 43\% carbon, corresponding to a rise in CO.
-\section{Running Down: Using a Thermodynamic Database}
-So far the examples shown here have been based on the chemical system
-defined by the default settings for the arguments to the functions.
-What if we're interested in a different system? It can be rather tedious
-to manually construct the stoichiometric matrices and vectors of standard
-Gibbs energies of the species. The function \texttt{run.wjd()} pulls
-the compositional and thermodynamic data for requested species from
-the thermodynamic database and then calls \texttt{wjd()}.
-\subsection{At a single temperature}
-Let's start by finding the indices in the thermodynamic database of
-some liquid alkanes and aromatic compounds:
-alkanes <- c("n-hexane", "n-heptane", "n-octane", "n-nonane")
-ialk <- info(alkanes, "liq")
-aromatics <- c("naphthalene", "anthracene", "phenanthrene", "pyrene")
-iaro <- info(aromatics, "liq")
-Let's find the equilibrium distribution of species for a bulk composition
-corresponding to a single mole of each species.
-waa <- run.wjd(c(ialk, iaro), Y=rep(1, 8))
-The \texttt{waa\$elements} shows that the bulk chemical composition
-in the Gibbs energy minimization was $\mathrm{C_{84}H_{106}}$ (H/C
-= 1.261905). That FALSE means the chemical potentials of the elements
-calculated from different combinations of species differ by more than
-0.01, the default setting of \texttt{tol} in \texttt{is.near.equil()}.
-We can make it TRUE by running more iterations and increasing the
-number of intervals tested for fractional distance change at each
-step (\texttt{nlambda}):
-waa <- run.wjd(c(ialk, iaro), Y=rep(1, 8), imax=20, Gfrac=1e-14, nlambda=501)
-Let's plot the abundances of the species:
-<<barplot_aa, fig=TRUE, width=5, height=3>>=
-par(mar=c(1.1, 4.1, 1.1, 1.1))
-bp <- barplot(waa$X, ylab="moles")
-text(bp, rep(0.2,8), c(alkanes, aromatics), srt=90, adj=0)
-Now let's calculate the chemical potentials of the elements (dimensionless
-values, $\mu/RT$) ...
-ep <- equil.potentials(waa)
-... and the corresponding logarithms of chemical activities of a set
-of basis species:
-basis(c("graphite", "H2"), c("cr", "gas"))
-\subsection{Bulk composition instead of moles of species}
-\texttt{run.wjd()} can be given B (bulk chemical composition), instead
-of Y (initial numbers of moles of species). When this happens, the
-function tests the different initial compositions generated by \texttt{guess()}
-until one is found that is within the specified tolerance of chemical
-potentials of elements. Here's an example:
-<<run_aa_C100H70, fig=TRUE, width=5, height=3>>=
-waa <- run.wjd(c(ialk, iaro), B="C100H70")
-par(mar=c(1.1, 4.1, 1.1, 1.1))
-bp <- barplot(waa$X, ylab="moles")
-text(bp, rep(0.2,8), c(alkanes, aromatics), srt=90, adj=0)
-Compared with the previous example, here the lower H/C = 0.7 defines
-a more oxidized system, so the increase in aromatic content is expected.
-As before, we can calculate the chemical potentials of the elements
-and of a corresponding set of basis species:
-print(ep <- equil.potentials(waa))
-\section{Document History}
-\item 2012-01-01 Initial version
-\item 2012-06-16 Running Down using alkanes and aromatics
-\item 2012-09-20 Add example from Dayhoff et al.

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+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/wjd.lyx	2019-02-09 09:58:53 UTC (rev 392)
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    svnlook diff /svnroot/chnosz -r 392

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