[CHNOSZ-commits] r229 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . R inst man vignettes

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Fri Sep 29 13:29:01 CEST 2017

Author: jedick
Date: 2017-09-29 13:29:01 +0200 (Fri, 29 Sep 2017)
New Revision: 229

remove transfer() and related functions

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2017-09-29 10:58:23 UTC (rev 228)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2017-09-29 11:29:01 UTC (rev 229)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Date: 2017-09-29
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 1.1.0-27
+Version: 1.1.0-28
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations for Geobiochemistry
 Author: Jeffrey Dick
 Maintainer: Jeffrey Dick <j3ffdick at gmail.com>

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2017-09-29 10:58:23 UTC (rev 228)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2017-09-29 11:29:01 UTC (rev 229)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   "ionize.aa", "MP90.cp", "aasum", "read.expr",
   "qqr", "RMSD", "CVRMSD", "spearman", "DGmix", "DDGmix", "DGtr",
-  "ratlab", "transfer", "draw.transfer",
+  "ratlab",
   "EOSregress", "EOScoeffs", "EOSplot", "EOSvar",
   "wjd", "element.potentials", "is.near.equil", "guess", "run.wjd",
 # demos
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   "write.blast", "checkEOS", "checkGHS", "check.obigt",
   "V_s_var", "Cp_s_var",
   "DGinf", "SD", "pearson", "shannon", "CV", "logact",
-  "feldspar", "apc", "EOSlab", "EOScalc",
+  "EOSlab", "EOScalc",
   "basis.elements", "element.mu", "ibasis",
   "water.SUPCRT92", "water.props", "eqdata", "plot_findit",
   "nonideal", "anim.TCA", "uniprot.aa", "run.guess",

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2017-09-29 10:58:23 UTC (rev 228)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/examples.R	2017-09-29 11:29:01 UTC (rev 229)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     "util.water", "taxonomy", "info", "protein.info", "hkf", "water", "IAPWS95", "subcrt",
     "makeup", "basis", "swap.basis", "species", "affinity", "equil.boltzmann", 
     "diagram", "buffer", "nonideal", "add.protein", "protein", "ionize.aa", "yeast.aa", "read.expr",
-    "anim", "objective", "revisit", "transfer", "EOSregress", "wjd")
+    "anim", "objective", "revisit", "EOSregress", "wjd")
   plot.it <- FALSE

Deleted: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/transfer.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/transfer.R	2017-09-29 10:58:23 UTC (rev 228)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/transfer.R	2017-09-29 11:29:01 UTC (rev 229)
@@ -1,889 +0,0 @@
-# CHNOSZ/transfer.R
-# plot reaction paths on activity diagrams
-# 20090325 jmd
-transfer <- function(nsteps=500,dmode='coupled',devmax=0.1,
-  plot=NULL,ibalance=1,fmode='one',buffers=NULL,alphamax=-2,
-  alphastart=-10,T=25,P='Psat',do.title=TRUE,beta=0) {
-  # calculate mass transfer among species of interest,
-  # conserving the number of moles of balanced thing
-  # (i.e., the "conservant"; e.g., Al+3 or PBB)
-  # 1 - dissolve all the species (to log0)
-  # 2 - precipitate the species that is (meta)stable
-  ## dmode (destruction mode)
-  # none - don't react seconday species (implies open system)
-  # coupled - destruction of old secondary reactant is coupled to formation
-  ## fmode (formation mode)
-  # one - only form one most stable species
-  # many - form various species, relative velocities from reaction affinities
-  # keep track of whether each step was successful
-  # and mode of destruction and most stable specie
-  didwork <- logical()
-  dmodes <- character()
-  istables <- character()
-  myaffs <- list()
-  sout <- NULL
-  # logarithm of a very small number (approaching zero)
-  log0 <- -999
-  # logarithm of molality above which something
-  # is considered possible for reaction (is present)
-  logpresent <- -50
-  # the starting (basis0) and current (basis)
-  # species and basis conditions
-  thermo <- get("thermo")
-  basis <- basis0 <- thermo$basis
-  species <- species0 <- thermo$species
-  dmode0 <- dmode
-  buffargs <- buffstuff <- NULL
-  # what basis species can tolerate coupling
-  #if(missing(icouple)) if(!is.null(plot)) icouple <- plot 
-  #if(is.null(icouple)) icouple <- 1:nrow(basis)
-  if(!is.null(plot)) icouple <- plot 
-  else icouple <- 1:nrow(basis)[-ibalance]
-  if(ibalance=='PBB') {
-    # balance destruction and formation reactions 
-    # on protein backbone group  jmd 20080510
-    isprotein <- grep('_',species$name)
-    if(length(isprotein) != length(species$name))
-      stop('transfer: for balance=PBB, all species must be proteins')
-    ibalance <- nrow(basis) + 1
-    # add row to basis dataframe
-    basis <- rbind(basis,basis[nrow(basis),])
-    rownames(basis)[ibalance] <- 'PBB'
-    # the stoichiometric matrix becomes not square; so be careful
-    basis[ibalance,1:(ibalance-1)] <- 0
-    basis$ispecies[ibalance] <- 9999
-    basis$logact[ibalance] <- 0
-    bs <- as.character(basis$state)
-    bs[ibalance] <- 'gas'
-    basis$state <- bs
-    # add column to species dataframe
-    # (insert new column at end of stoic matrix)
-    species <- cbind(species[,1:(ibalance-1)],species[,1],
-      species[ibalance:ncol(species0)])
-    colnames(species)[ibalance] <- 'PBB'
-    species[,ibalance] <- protein.length(species$name)
-    # done!
-    cat('transfer: balancing reactions on PBB\n')
-  }
-  # howto balance formation with destruction: number of moles of the conservant
-  # otherwise we take ibalance supplied by the user
-  if(missing(ibalance)) ibalance <- which.balance(species)[1]
-  if(is.na(ibalance)) stop('transfer: no conservant specified or found')
-  # exponent of destruction
-  alpha <- alphastart
-  alphas <- numeric()
-  # adjustment to exponent of buffer reactions
-  # the current basis species and number of
-  # candidates for coupled mode 
-  ncb <- 0
-  icb <- 1
-  # we starting with nothing formed
-  species$logact <- log0
-  buffargs <- buffstuff <- NULL
-  # are there buffers? deal with them as follows
-  molbasisbuffer <- function(basis,buffers,buffargs=NULL,buffstuff=NULL) {
-    # returns the logarithms of activities of basis
-    # species, modified by buffer reactions if present
-    basis2 <- basis1 <- basis
-    if(!is.null(buffers)) {
-      for(i in 1:length(buffers$basis)) {
-        ibuf <- match(buffers$basis[i],rownames(basis)) 
-        basis1$logact[ibuf] <- buffers$buffer[i]
-      }
-      ibuf <- which(!can.be.numeric(basis1$logact))
-      # get the buffered activities the slow way (first)
-      # or by a quicker approach
-      if(is.null(buffargs)) {
-        # the slow way, short version
-        # we have to use basis species w/o the PBB
-        tempbasis <- basis1[rownames(basis1)!="PBB",]
-        thermo$basis <- tempbasis
-        assign("thermo", thermo, "CHNOSZ")
-        # the slow way, long-winded version
-        # (recreating affinity's call to buffer so
-        # we can store the intermediate results)
-        logact.basis <- as.list(basis$logact)
-        # temporarily activate the buffer
-        is.buffer <- buffer(logK=NULL)
-        # and save corresponding basis and species definitions
-        buffstuff <- list(bufbasis=thermo$basis,bufspecies=thermo$species,is.buffer=is.buffer)
-        # the logKs of the buffer species
-        logK <- affinity(property='logK',T=T,P=P)$values
-        # the indices of buffer species
-        # would need to add balance argument here for PBB
-        bresult <- list()
-        myib <- numeric()
-        for(i in 1:length(ibuf)) {
-          ib <- is.buffer[[i]]
-          myib <- c(myib,ib)
-          ibasis <- ibuf[i]
-          buffargs <- list(logK=logK,ibasis=ibasis,logact.basis=logact.basis,is.buffer=ib)
-          bresult <- do.call("buffer",buffargs)$logact.basis[ibuf[i]]
-          if(i==1) br <- bresult else br <- c(br,bresult)
-        }
-        bresult <- br
-        buffargs$is.buffer <- is.buffer
-        # because that buffer(logK=NULL) command adds to the species, restore them
-        species(myib[!myib %in% 1:nrow(species)],delete=TRUE)
-      } else {
-        # the 'quick' way
-        #ibuf <- buffargs$ibasis
-        oldbasis <- thermo$basis
-        oldspecies <- thermo$species
-        thermo$basis <- buffstuff$bufbasis
-        thermo$species <- buffstuff$bufspecies
-        assign("thermo", thermo, "CHNOSZ")
-        is.buffer <- buffargs$is.buffer
-        for(i in 1:length(ibuf)) {
-          ib <- is.buffer[[i]]
-          ibasis <- ibuf[i]
-          buffargs <- list(logK=buffargs$logK,ibasis=ibasis,
-            logact.basis=buffargs$logact.basis,is.buffer=ib)
-          bresult <- do.call("buffer",buffargs)$logact.basis[ibuf[i]]
-          if(i==1) br <- bresult else br <- c(br,bresult)
-        }
-        bresult <- br
-        thermo$basis <- oldbasis
-        thermo$species <- oldspecies
-        assign("thermo", thermo, "CHNOSZ")
-      }
-      for(i in 1:length(ibuf)) {
-        # reference to the moles of species 
-        # in the previous step
-        molbprev <- 10^basis$logact[ibuf[i]]
-        # how much buffered species to transfer at each step
-        # refer to the staring point of the simulation?
-        #molb0 <- 10^basis0$logact[ibuf[i]]
-        # or to the last step?
-        molb0 <- molbprev
-        # what we get if the buffer goes to completion (beta = 0)
-        basis2$logact[ibuf[i]] <- as.numeric(bresult[i])
-        b2 <- basis2$logact[ibuf[i]]
-        molb2 <- 10^b2
-        # the change we're looking at
-        mybeta <- alpha + beta
-        moldb <- (molb2 - molb0) * 10^(mybeta)
-        molb1 <- molbprev + moldb
-        # disallow negative amounts of basis species
-        if(molb1 < 0) moldb <- molb2 - molbprev
-        ii <- match(rownames(basis)[ibuf[i]],buffers$basis)
-        cat('transfer: buffer (',mybeta,buffers$buffer[ii],') adds',
-          moldb,'moles of',rownames(basis)[ibuf[i]],'\n')
-        basis1$logact[ibuf[i]] <- log10(molbprev + moldb)
-        basis1$logact[is.infinite(basis1$logact)] <- log0
-      }
-    }
-    # stuff for PBB (not-square stoichiometric matrix)
-    if('PBB' %in% rownames(basis1)) dd <- 2 else dd <- 3
-    return(list(basis=basis1[1:nrow(basis1),1:(nrow(basis1)+dd)],buffargs=buffargs,buffstuff=buffstuff))
-  }
-  # major loop
-  for(j in 1:nsteps) {
-    # 000 - plot title (number of each step) 20090408
-    if(do.title) {
-      # strikeout the previous number
-      title(main=as.character(j-1),col.main="white")
-      # plot the current number
-      title(main=as.character(j))
-    }
-    # 00 - calculate the exponent of 
-    # destruction (alpha) for this cycle
-    # basic idea: if last step failed, decrease alpha
-    # otherwise increase it (with some exceptions)
-    dalpha <- 0
-    if(j>1) if(didwork[j-1]) {
-      dalpha <- dalpha + 1
-    } else dalpha <- dalpha - 1
-    # logic for coupled mode
-    # (coupled - all)
-    if(dmode0=='coupled') {
-      if(j>1) {
-        # restore all to coupled if last step worked
-        if(didwork[length(didwork)]) {
-          # cycle through the basis species - 
-          # even if they are working
-          if(icb < ncb) icb <- icb + 1
-          else icb <- 1
-          dmode <- dmode0
-        }
-        else {
-          if(dmode=='coupled') {
-            # if it didn't work, go to all mode
-            dmode <- "all"
-            # none of this affects the exponent of destruction
-            dalpha <- 0
-          } else if(dmode=='all') {
-            dmode <- 'coupled'
-            dalpha <- -1
-            # going back to coupled mode, let us reset
-            # the counter for coupled basis species
-            icb <- 1
-          }
-        }
-      }  
-    }
-    # logic for all mode
-    # (all - only)
-    if(dmode0=='all') {
-      if(j>1) {
-        if(didwork[length(didwork)]) {
-          if(dmode!='only') dmode <- dmode0
-          else if(alpha==alphamax) dmode <- dmode0
-        }
-        else {
-          if(alpha < logpresent) dmode <- 'only'
-          else if(dmode=='only') if(j>2) 
-            if(didwork[j-2] & dmodes[j-2]=='only') dmode <- dmode0
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    # update alpha
-    alpha <- alpha + dalpha
-    # this is kind of arbitrary (so we let the user set it)
-    if(alpha > alphamax) alpha <- alphamax
-    cat(paste('--- step',j,'---\n'))
-    cat(paste('transfer: destruction exponent is',alpha,'\n'))
-    # and record the destruction coefficient
-    alphas <- c(alphas,alpha)
-    dmodes <- c(dmodes,dmode)
-    if(dmode0 %in% c('coupled','all')) 
-      dmtext <- paste('(',dmode,')') else dmtext <- ''
-    cat(paste('transfer: destruction is',dmode0,dmtext,'\n'))
-    cat(paste('transfer: formation is ',fmode,' species, balanced on ',rownames(basis)[ibalance],'\n',sep=''))
-    # 0 - if this is the first step or the previous step worked
-    # calculate chemical activities of basis species
-    # and affinities of formation reactions
-    # do the buffer calculations starting on the second step,
-    mybl <- basis$logact
-    if(j>1) {
-      # prevent the buffer from being applied if
-      # the previous step worked and was coupled (to avoid backtracking
-      # into a preceeding stability field, which can lead
-      # to impossibility of an accessory conservant at next step)
-      if(!(dmodes[length(dmodes)-1]=='coupled' & didwork[j-1])) {
-        if(is.null(buffargs)) {
-          mbb <- molbasisbuffer(basis=basis,buffers=buffers)
-          buffargs <- mbb$buffargs
-          buffstuff <- mbb$buffstuff
-        } else {
-          mbb <- molbasisbuffer(basis=basis,buffers=buffers,buffargs=buffargs,buffstuff=buffstuff)
-        }
-        # keep track of the changes imposed by the buffer
-        # so they can be excluded from devmax checking
-        logbuffdev <- as.numeric(mbb$basis$logact) - basis$logact
-        mybl <- as.numeric(mbb$basis$logact)
-      }
-    } 
-    # now use this number of moles of basis species
-    molbasis0 <- 10^as.numeric(mybl)
-    # get the affinities for the first step
-    getaff <- function(mybl,sout=NULL) {
-      # do it for unit activities of minerals (and proteins?)
-      thermo$species$logact <- 0
-      # prevent the PBB from getting in here
-      thermo$basis$logact <- mybl[1:nrow(basis0)]
-      assign("thermo", thermo, "CHNOSZ")
-      if(is.null(sout)) {
-        # on the first step only, grab the intermediate results
-        # they are kept around for reasons of speed
-        aff <- affinity(T=T,P=P)
-        # store output of subcrt
-        sout <- aff$sout
-      } else aff <- affinity(sout=sout,T=T,P=P)
-      # numerical values of the formation affinities of the species
-      myaff <- as.numeric(aff$values)/as.numeric(species[,ibalance])
-      return(list(myaff=myaff,sout=sout))
-    }
-    if(j==1) {
-      aff <- getaff(mybl,sout)
-      myaff <- aff$myaff
-      sout <- aff$sout
-    }
-    # 1 - calculate the number of moles of primary reacting species
-    # we are being fed from a pool of constant composition 
-    sl1 <- species0$logact
-    # but we only take so many moles of species
-    alpha1 <- alpha
-    # if only the secondary minerals react
-    if(dmode=='only') sl1 <- alpha1 <- log0
-    # the moles of primary reacting species
-    molspecies1 <- 10^(sl1 + alpha1)
-    # the number of moles of basis species from primary reactants
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies1) > logpresent)
-    molbasis1 <- as.numeric(0 * species[1,1:nrow(basis)])
-    if(length(ipresent)>0) for(i in 1:length(ipresent))
-      molbasis1 <- molbasis1 + as.numeric(molspecies1[ipresent[i]] *
-        species[ipresent[i],1:nrow(basis)])
-    # the number of moles of conservant that we form
-    molconservant1 <- molbasis1[ibalance]
-    # stop when empty but not in only mode
-    if(identical(molconservant1,0) & dmode!='only') {
-      cat('transfer: stopping: no primary conservant (try more moles of reactant?)\n')
-      didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-      return(invisible(list(basis=basis,species=species,
-        alphas=alphas[didwork],dmodes=dmodes[didwork])))
-    }
-    # 2 - get the number of moles secondary reacting species
-    # (i.e., those previously formed)
-    sl2 <- species$logact
-    molprevspecies <- 10^sl2
-    if(j > 1) {
-      molspecies2 <- molprevspecies  # i.e. dmode0='coupled'
-      # if(dmode0=="all") molspecies2 <- molprevspecies * 10^alpha
-    } else {
-      molprevspecies <- molspecies2 <- rep(0,length(sl2))
-    }
-    # if an open system don't react the previously formed stuff
-    if(dmode=='none') {
-      molunusedspecies <- molspecies2
-      cat(paste('transfer: open system lost moles of species\n'))
-      molprevspecies <- molspecies2 <- rep(0,length(sl2))
-    }
-    # moles of basis species from secondary reactions
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies2) > logpresent)
-    molbasis2 <- as.numeric(0 * species[1,1:nrow(basis)])
-    if(length(ipresent)>0) for(i in 1:length(ipresent))
-      molbasis2 <- molbasis2 + as.numeric(molspecies2[ipresent[i]] * 
-        species[ipresent[i],1:nrow(basis)])
-    # the number of moles of conservant that is formed
-    molconservant2 <- molbasis2[ibalance]
-    # 3 - calculate the formation of metastable products
-    sl3 <- species$logact
-    molspecies3 <- sl3 * 0
-    # identify the single most stable species
-    istable <- which.max(myaff)
-    if(j>1) istableprev <- istable else istableprev <- NULL
-    if(fmode=='one') {
-      # the number of moles of species precipitated
-      molspecies3[istable] <- species[istable,ibalance]
-    } else { 
-      # form various species in some proportion to their
-      # chemical affinities (near-equilibrium rates)
-      # 20090409 use abundance here -- relative
-      # abundances of species in equilibrium
-      molspecies3 <- 10^as.numeric(equil.boltzmann(myaff,rep(1,length(myaff)),0))
-    }
-    # the number of moles of basis species used
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies3) > logpresent)
-    molbasis3 <- as.numeric(0 * species[1,1:nrow(basis)])
-    if(length(ipresent) > 0) for(i in 1:length(ipresent))
-      molbasis3 <- molbasis3 + as.numeric(molspecies3[ipresent[i]] * 
-        species[ipresent[i],1:nrow(basis)])
-    # the number of moles of conservant
-    molconservant3 <- molbasis3[ibalance]
-    # the conservation ratio
-    if(molconservant3 != 0) {
-      r <- (molconservant1 + molconservant2) / molconservant3
-      # the final formation parameters
-      molspecies3 <- r * molspecies3
-      molbasis3 <- r * molbasis3
-    } else {
-      cat('transfer: unbalanced product formation (continuing anyway)\n')
-    }
-    # a function to aid in an informative exit
-    # from the current step
-    nextfun <- function() {
-      cat(paste('transfer: failed step ( would form',species$name[istable],')\n'))
-    }
-    # 'only' mode fails if different products were made
-    # in the last step (needs work for fmode='many')
-    if(j>1) if(dmode=='only') {
-      if(didwork[j-1] & dmodes[j-1]=='only') {
-        if(!identical(istable,istableprev)) {
-          cat('transfer: only mode stops: different products formed\n')
-          # it was the step before the previous
-          # that caused the change, so we set up to redo it
-          # in the original mode.
-          dmode <- dmode0
-          didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-          # use the last known good values of activities
-          # (undo the last step!)
-          mysl <- species[,ncol(species)-1]
-          species$logact <- species[,ncol(species)] <- mysl
-          mybl <- basis[,ncol(basis)-1]
-          basis$logact <- basis[,ncol(basis)] <- mybl
-          # make the last increment very small
-          alphas[length(alphas)-1] <- log0
-          didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-          nextfun()
-          next
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    # coupled destruction mode
-    cmode <- "one"
-    if(dmode=='coupled') {
-      # A is our first conservant e.g. Al+3 or PBB
-      # primary = formation1 (A1,B)
-      # secondary = formation2 (A2,B)
-      # which are written for two conservants
-      # and give the reaction path along field boundaries
-      # fraction of conservant A in primary reaction
-      r1 <- molconservant1 / (molconservant1 + molconservant2)
-      # moles of basis species in primary reaction
-      mymolbasis1 <- molbasis1 - molbasis3 * r1
-      # moles of basis species in secondary reaction (replacement)
-      mymolbasis2 <- molbasis2 - molbasis3 * (1-r1)
-      # to compute the coefficients in the coupled reactions
-      couplefun <- function(r2,molspecies2,molbasis2,molspecies3,molbasis3,r1) {
-        # scale the reaction parmaters by the ratios
-        molspecies2 <- -r2 * molspecies2
-        molbasis2 <- -r2 * molbasis2
-        ms3 <- molspecies3
-        mb3 <- molbasis3
-        molspecies3 <- ms3 * r1 - sign(r2) * ms3 * (1-r1) * (abs(r2))
-        molbasis3 <- mb3 * r1 - sign(r2) * mb3 * (1-r1) * (abs(r2))
-        return(list(molspecies2=molspecies2,molbasis2=molbasis2,
-          molspecies3=molspecies3,molbasis3=molbasis3))
-      }
-      # test if we can replace the secondary mineral
-      if(!any(mymolbasis2 != 0 & mymolbasis1 != 0)) {
-        cat('transfer: coupling: nothing to react\n')
-        didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-        nextfun()
-        next
-      } else {
-        # to couple the primary and secondary reaction, find a basis species
-        # (not primary conservant) with opposite coefficients in the reactions
-        iworked <- FALSE
-        # calculate the coupling
-        # that corresponds to one of the candidates
-        # for conservants (usu. the plotting variables)
-        # or a mixture of two (diagonal lines)
-        # here the conservants don't have to have opposite coefficients
-        iworked <- FALSE
-        iconservantB <- which(mymolbasis1 != 0 & mymolbasis2 != 0 & 
-          1:nrow(basis) != ibalance &
-          1:nrow(basis) %in% icouple[1:2])
-        onencb <- length(iconservantB)
-        if(onencb < 2) {
-          #cat('transfer: coupling: cmode two --> one (only one conservant found)\n')
-        } else {
-          cmode <- "two"
-          cat('transfer: found two secondary conservants\n')
-          iB1 <- iB2 <- 0
-          iB1 <- iconservantB[1]
-          # ratio of conservant B1 in primary vs secondary reaction
-          rB1 <- mymolbasis1[iB1] / mymolbasis2[iB1]
-          myout.1 <- couplefun(rB1,molspecies2,molbasis2,molspecies3,molbasis3,r1)
-          iB2 <- iconservantB[2]
-          # ratio of conservant B2 in primary vs secondary reaction
-          rB2 <- mymolbasis1[iB2] / mymolbasis2[iB2]
-          myout.2 <- couplefun(rB2,molspecies2,molbasis2,molspecies3,molbasis3,r1)
-          # okay here we are. scale each of the coupled reactions
-          # to the coefficient of the conservant appearing in the
-          # replacement reaction (the one whose boundary we are at)
-          rrB1 <- mymolbasis2[iB1] / myout.1$molbasis2[iB1]
-          rrB2 <- mymolbasis2[iB2] / myout.2$molbasis2[iB2]
-          if(is.infinite(rrB1) | is.infinite(rrB2) | identical(rrB1,0) | identical(rrB2,0)) {
-            cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (some conservant does not appear)\n')
-          } else if(abs(log10(abs(rrB1/rrB2))) > 10) {
-            cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (conservants differ too much)\n')
-          } else {
-            cat('transfer: coupling on',mymolbasis2[iB1],rownames(basis)[iB1],
-              mymolbasis2[iB2],rownames(basis)[iB2],'\n')
-            for(i in 1:length(myout.1)) myout.1[[i]] <- rrB1 * myout.1[[i]]
-            for(i in 1:length(myout.2)) myout.2[[i]] <- rrB2 * myout.2[[i]]
-            # now we sum them up
-            myout.out <- myout.1
-            for(i in 1:length(myout.out)) myout.out[[i]] <- myout.1[[i]] + myout.2[[i]]
-            # and scale again, this time to moles of conservant
-            mc3 <- myout.out$molbasis3[ibalance]
-            mc2 <- myout.out$molbasis2[ibalance]
-            mc23 <- mc2 - mc3
-            # this value should be opposite and equal to molconservant1
-            rr <- - molconservant1 / mc23
-            for(i in 1:length(myout.out)) myout.out[[i]] <- rr * myout.out[[i]]
-            myout <- myout.out
-            # check if that worked
-            if(mc23==0)
-              cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (unconstrained secondary formation)\n')
-            else if(any(myout$molspecies2 < 0)) 
-              cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (negative species used)\n')
-            else if(any(myout$molspecies2 > molspecies2))
-              cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (negative species left)\n')
-            else if(any(myout$molspecies3 < 0))
-              cat('transfer: fall back to one secondary conservant (negative species formed)\n')
-            else {
-              iworked <- TRUE
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if(!iworked) {
-          cmode <- "one"
-          # coming from two, the conservant is one of the endmembers
-           iconB <- which(sign(mymolbasis1) != sign(mymolbasis2) & 
-             mymolbasis1 != 0 & mymolbasis2 != 0 & 
-             1:nrow(basis) != ibalance &
-             1:nrow(basis) %in% icouple &
-             abs(log10(abs(mymolbasis1/mymolbasis2))) < abs(logpresent/2))
-          ncb <- length(iconB)
-          # if the last step worked and the possible
-          # conservants have changed, reset the count
-          if(!icb %in% 1:ncb) icb <- 1
-          iconservantB <- iconB
-            if(ncb==0) {
-              cat('transfer: coupling: no conservant\n')
-              didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-              nextfun()
-              next
-            } else {
-              iconservantB <- iconservantB[icb]
-              # ratio of conservant B in primary to secondary reactions
-              r2 <- mymolbasis1[iconservantB] / mymolbasis2[iconservantB]
-              ctext <- rownames(basis)[iconservantB]
-            }
-            if(r2 > 1) {
-              cat(paste('transfer: coupling: insufficient ',
-                rownames(basis)[iconservantB],' in reactant\n',sep=''))
-              didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-              nextfun()
-              next
-            } else {
-              cat(paste('transfer: coupling replacement on',
-                ctext,'\n')) 
-              myout <- couplefun(r2,molspecies2,molbasis2,molspecies3,molbasis3,r1)
-              if(any(myout$molspecies2 < 0)) 
-                cat('transfer: coupling failed (negative species used)\n')
-              else if(any(myout$molspecies2 > molspecies2))
-                cat('transfer: coupling failed (negative species left)\n')
-              else if(any(myout$molspecies3 < 0))
-                cat('transfer: coupling failed (negative species formed)\n')
-              else {
-                iworked <- TRUE
-              }
-            }
-          }
-      }
-      if(iworked) {
-        molspecies2 <- myout$molspecies2
-        molbasis2 <- myout$molbasis2
-        molconservant2 <- molbasis2[ibalance]
-        molspecies3 <- myout$molspecies3
-        molbasis3 <- myout$molbasis3
-      } else {
-        didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-        nextfun()
-        next
-      }
-    }  # done with coupled mode
-    # 4 - calculate the change in moles of basis species
-    # and loop if the change is negative or too large
-    # summing up the primary and secondary reactants
-    molspecies <- molspecies1 + molspecies2
-    molconservant <- molconservant1 + molconservant2
-    # these species are present
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies) > logpresent)
-    if(length(ipresent)==0) {
-      cat('transfer: nothing to destroy\n')
-      # for only mode, increase alpha for next step
-      # (actual effect will be alpha + 2 + dalpha)
-      if(dmode=='only') alpha <- alpha + 2
-      didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-      nextfun()
-      next
-    }
-    # the final number of moles of basis species
-    molbasis <- molbasis0 + molbasis1 + molbasis2 - molbasis3
-    # (negative value here is not good ... try smaller step size)
-    wm <- which(molbasis < 0)
-    if(any(molbasis < 0)) {
-      for(i in 1:length(wm))
-        cat(paste('transfer: negative moles (',molbasis[wm[i]],') of basis species',
-          c2s(rownames(basis)[wm[i]]),sep=' '),'\n')
-      didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-      nextfun()
-      next
-    }
-    # slow things down if our deviations are becoming huge
-    if(!is.null(devmax)) {
-      # j - the current step, j1 - the previous step
-      logmolbasis.j <- log10(molbasis)
-      if(!any(didwork)) logmolbasis.j1 <- basis$logact else logmolbasis.j1 <- basis[,ncol(basis)]
-      if(j > 1) {
-        if(any(logbuffdev > devmax)) {
-          idev <- which(logbuffdev > devmax)
-          cat(paste('transfer: change from buffer of',rownames(basis)[idev],'exceeded deviation limits\n'))
-          print(logbuffdev)
-          didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-          nextfun()
-          next
-        }
-        dev <- abs(logmolbasis.j - logmolbasis.j1 - logbuffdev)
-        dev.orig <- logmolbasis.j - logmolbasis.j1 - logbuffdev
-      } else {
-        dev <- abs(logmolbasis.j - logmolbasis.j1)
-        dev.orig <- logmolbasis.j - logmolbasis.j1
-      }
-      # here we find that setting 999 as a dummy logact
-      # for the conservant will become Inf and flag
-      # a deviation limit...
-      if(any(dev > devmax)) {
-        idev <- dev > devmax
-        cat(paste('transfer: change of',rownames(basis)[idev],
-          'by',dev.orig[idev],'exceeds deviation limit\n'))
-        didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-        nextfun()
-        next
-      }
-    }
-    # the secondary destruction reactions
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies2) > logpresent)
-    if(length(ipresent) > 0) {
-      mysl <- 10^species$logact[ipresent] - molspecies2[ipresent]
-      if(any(mysl < 0)) {
-        cat('transfer: too much secondary reactant; looping\n')
-        didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-        nextfun()
-        next
-      }
-    }
-    # calculating new affinities and checking that
-    # we didn't cross a boundary in coupled mode
-    aff <- getaff(log10(molbasis),sout)
-    mynewaff <- aff$myaff
-    if(dmode=='coupled' & cmode=='one') {
-      inewstable <- which.max(mynewaff)
-      if(inewstable!=istable) {
-         cat('transfer: coupling: crossed boundary\n')
-         didwork <- c(didwork,FALSE)
-         nextfun()
-         next
-      }
-    }
-    # from now on the step is ensured
-    myaff <- mynewaff
-    didwork <- c(didwork,TRUE)
-    # the primary destruction reactions
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies1) > logpresent)
-    if(length(ipresent) > 0) for(i in 1:length(ipresent)) {
-      cat(paste('transfer: reacting ',molspecies1[ipresent[i]],' moles of ',
-        species$name[ipresent[i]],' (primary) \n',sep=''))
-      # we don't actually do anything here
-    }
-    # report the secondary reactions
-    # and update species activities
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies2) > logpresent)
-    if(length(ipresent) > 0) {
-      mysl <- 10^species$logact[ipresent] - molspecies2[ipresent]
-      cat(paste('transfer: reacting ',molspecies2[ipresent],' moles of ',
-        species$name[ipresent],'\n',sep=''))
-      species$logact[ipresent] <- log10(mysl)
-    }
-    # formation reaction report and update
-    ipresent <- which(log10(molspecies3) > logpresent)
-    if(length(ipresent) > 0) {
-      ipresent <- ipresent[sort(molspecies3[ipresent],index.return=TRUE,decreasing=TRUE)$ix]
-      for(i in 1:length(ipresent)) {
-        cat(paste('transfer: forming',molspecies3[ipresent[i]],'moles of',
-          species$name[ipresent[i]],'\n'))
-        species$logact[ipresent[i]] <- log10(10^species$logact[ipresent[i]] + 
-          molspecies3[ipresent[i]])
-      }
-    }
-    # clean up logarithms
-    species$logact[is.infinite(species$logact)] <- log0
-    # finally the new values for moles of basis species
-    basis$logact <- log10(molbasis)
-    # copy those columns to the end
-    species <- cbind(species,species$logact)
-    basis <- cbind(basis,basis$logact)
-    colnames(species)[ncol(species)] <- colnames(basis)[ncol(basis)] <-
-      paste('X',j,sep='')
-    istables <- c(istables,istable)
-    myaffs <- c(myaff,myaffs)
-    # plot the activities of the basis species
-    # if identified (by e.g. plot=c(2,3))
-    if(!is.null(plot)) {
-      myact <- as.numeric(basis[,ncol(basis)])
-      basisnames <- rownames(basis)
-      elementnames <- colnames(basis)[1:nrow(basis)]
-      iZelement <- match('Z',elementnames)
-      nH1 <- nH2 <- Hact <- 0
-      # calculate activity ratios for charged basis species e.g. aK+/aH+ aMg+2/a2H+
-      if(!is.na(iZelement)) {
-        for(i in 1:length(plot)) {
-          hasZ <- basis[plot[i],iZelement]!=0
-          if(hasZ & !basisnames[plot[i]] %in% c('H+','e-')) {
-            myact[plot[i]] <- myact[plot[i]] - myact[basisnames=='H+'] * basis$Z[plot[i]]
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      # 20090328 take care of pH and pe
-      iHe <- which(basisnames %in% c("H+","e-"))
-      if(length(iHe) > 0) myact[iHe] <- -myact[iHe]
-      points(myact[plot[1]],myact[plot[2]])
-    }
-  } # end major loop
-  # we've finished all that; restore basis and species definitions
-  species$logact <- species0$logact
-  # this is the second place to be careful of PBB
-  if('PBB' %in% rownames(basis)) basis$logact <- c(basis0$logact,0)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/chnosz -r 229

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