[CHNOSZ-commits] r243 - in pkg/CHNOSZ: . R inst man tests/testthat vignettes

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Thu Oct 5 15:55:46 CEST 2017

Author: jedick
Date: 2017-10-05 15:55:46 +0200 (Thu, 05 Oct 2017)
New Revision: 243

add expect_maxdiff() for testing maximum differences between values

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/DESCRIPTION	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Date: 2017-10-04
+Date: 2017-10-05
 Package: CHNOSZ
-Version: 1.1.0-41
+Version: 1.1.0-42
 Title: Thermodynamic Calculations for Geobiochemistry
 Author: Jeffrey Dick
 Maintainer: Jeffrey Dick <j3ffdick at gmail.com>

--- pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/NAMESPACE	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
   "nonideal", "anim.TCA", "uniprot.aa", "run.guess",
 # added 20170301 or later
   "GHS_Tr", "calculateDensity", "calculateGibbsOfWater",
-  "calculateEpsilon", "calculateQ", "water.DEW", "berman"
+  "calculateEpsilon", "calculateQ", "water.DEW", "berman",
+  "maxdiff", "expect_maxdiff"
 # Load shared objects
@@ -77,5 +78,5 @@
   "example", "head", "installed.packages", "read.csv", "tail",
   "write.csv", "write.table")
-# Imports from colorspace
+# Imports from other packages
 importFrom("colorspace", "diverge_hcl")

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/basis.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
           ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(as.character(thermo$buffers$species)[ibuff[k]],
             as.character(thermo$buffers$state)[ibuff[k]], check.it=FALSE))
           bufmakeup <- makeup(ispecies)
-          inbasis <- rownames(bufmakeup) %in% colnames(basis()) 
+          inbasis <- names(bufmakeup) %in% colnames(basis()) 
           if(FALSE %in% inbasis) {
             stop(paste("the elements '",c2s(rownames(bufmakeup)[!inbasis]),
               "' of species '",thermo$buffers$species[ibuff[k]],"' in buffer '",state[i],

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/cgl.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # calculate standard thermodynamic properties of non-aqueous species
 # 20060729 jmd
 cgl <- function(property = NULL, parameters = NULL, T = 298.15, P = 1) {
   # calculate properties of crystalline, liquid (except H2O) and gas species
   Tr <- 298.15
@@ -20,6 +21,10 @@
       iprop <- match(property, colnames(properties))
       values <- properties[, iprop, drop=FALSE]
     } else {
+      # in CHNOSZ, we have
+      # 1 cm^3 bar --> convert(1, "calories") == 0.02390057 cal
+      # but SUPCRT92 in REAC92D.F uses
+      cm3bar_to_cal <- 0.023901488 # cal
       # start with NA values
       values <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(property), nrow=ncond))
       colnames(values) <- property
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@
           # entropy and volume terms
           if(!is.na(PAR$S)) p <- p - PAR$S * (T - Tr)
           if(isqtz) p <- p + qtz$G
-          else if(!is.na(PAR$V)) p <- p + convert(PAR$V * (P - Pr), "calories")
+          else if(!is.na(PAR$V)) p <- p + PAR$V * (P - Pr) * cm3bar_to_cal
           p <- PAR$G + p
         if(PROP == "H") { 
@@ -81,8 +86,7 @@
              else p <- p - PAR$f * ( T^(PAR$lambda + 1) - Tr^(PAR$lambda + 1) ) / (PAR$lambda + 1)
           if(isqtz) p <- p + qtz$H
-          ## SUPCRT seems to ignore this term? ... 20070802
-          #else p <- p + convert(PAR$V*(P-Pr),'calories')
+          else if(!is.na(PAR$V)) p <- p + PAR$V * (P-Pr) * cm3bar_to_cal
           p <- PAR$H + p
         if(PROP=="S") {
@@ -147,11 +151,12 @@
     VPrTtb <- VPrTtb - Vdiff
     V <- V - Vdiff
-  GVterm <- convert(1, "calories") * (VPrTra * (P - Pstar) + VPrTtb * (Pstar - Pr) -
+  cm3bar_to_cal <- 0.023901488
+  GVterm <- cm3bar_to_cal * (VPrTra * (P - Pstar) + VPrTtb * (Pstar - Pr) -
     0.5 * ca * (2 * Pr * (P - Pstar) - (P^2 - Pstar^2)) -
     ca * k * (T - Tr) * (P - Pstar) +
     k * (ba + aa * ca * k) * (T - Tr) * log((aa + P/k) / (aa + Pstar/k)))
-  SVterm <- convert(1, "calories") * (-k * (ba + aa * ca * k) *
+  SVterm <- cm3bar_to_cal * (-k * (ba + aa * ca * k) *
     log((aa + P/k) / (aa + Pstar/k)) + ca * k * (P - Pstar)) - Sstar
   list(G=GVterm, S=SVterm, H=GVterm + T*SVterm, V=V)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/info.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -132,18 +132,22 @@
   ispecies.out <- ispecies[1]
   # let user know if there is more than one state for this species
   if(length(ispecies) > length(ispecies.out)) {
+    mystate <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies.out]
     ispecies.other <- ispecies[!ispecies %in% ispecies.out]
     otherstates <- thermo$obigt$state[ispecies.other]
     transtext <- othertext <- ""
     # we count, but don't show the states for phase transitions (cr2, cr3, etc)
     istrans <- otherstates %in% c("cr2", "cr3", "cr4", "cr5", "cr6", "cr7", "cr8", "cr9")
-    ntrans <- sum(istrans)
-    if(ntrans == 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transition")
-    else if(ntrans > 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transitions")
+    if(mystate=="cr") {
+      # if we are "cr" we show the number of phase transitions
+      ntrans <- sum(istrans)
+      if(ntrans == 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transition")
+      else if(ntrans > 1) transtext <- paste(" with", ntrans, "phase transitions")
+    }
     otherstates <- otherstates[!istrans]
     if(length(otherstates) > 0) othertext <- paste0(", also available in ", paste(otherstates, collapse=", "))
     if(transtext != "" | othertext != "") {
-      starttext <- paste0("info.character: found ", species, "(", thermo$obigt$state[ispecies.out], ")")
+      starttext <- paste0("info.character: found ", species, "(", mystate, ")")
       message(starttext, transtext, othertext)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/makeup.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/makeup.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/makeup.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     mcc <- lapply(seq_along(cf), function(i) ce[[i]]*cf[i])
     # unlist the subformula counts and sum them together by element
     um <- unlist(mcc)
-    out <- tapply(um, names(um), sum)
+    out <- unlist(tapply(um, names(um), sum, simplify=FALSE))
   # all done with the counting, now apply the multiplier
   out <- out * multiplier
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@
   count <- c(count, mycount)
   # in case there are repeated elements, sum all of their counts
   # (tapply hint from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-January/265341.html)
-  out <- tapply(count, element, sum)
+  # use simplify=FALSE followed by unlist to get a vector, not array 20171005
+  out <- unlist(tapply(count, element, sum, simplify=FALSE))
   # tapply returns alphabetical sorted list. keep the order appearing in the formula
   out <- out[match(unique(element), names(out))]

Added: pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/R/util.test.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# CHNOSZ/util.test.R
+# functions for writing tests 20171005
+# the maximum (absolute) pairwise difference between x and y
+maxdiff <- function(x, y) max(abs(y - x))
+# modelled after the "expect_" functions in testthat ...
+# is the maximum of the pairwise differences between two objects less than some value?
+expect_maxdiff <- function(object, expected, maxdiff = 0) {
+  if(!"testthat" %in% row.names(installed.packages())) {
+    stop("please install the 'testthat' package to use this function")
+  } else {
+    # get the names for the object and expected values
+    # we use a double substitute here because
+    # as.character(substitute(x$a$b)) ==  c("$", "x$a", "b")
+    # as.character(substitute(substitute(x$a$b)))[2] == "x$a$b" --> better for printing
+    lab_act <- as.character(substitute(substitute(object)))[2]
+    lab_exp <- as.character(substitute(substitute(expected)))[2]
+    truemd <- maxdiff(object, expected)
+    failmsg <- sprintf("maxdiff(%s, %s) not less than %s", lab_act, lab_exp, maxdiff)
+    truemsg <- sprintf("actual value: %s", truemd)
+    testthat::expect(maxdiff(object, expected) <= maxdiff, sprintf("%s\n%s", failmsg, truemsg))
+    invisible(object)
+  }

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/inst/NEWS	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-CHANGES IN CHNOSZ 1.1.0-41 (2017-10-04)
+CHANGES IN CHNOSZ 1.1.0-42 (2017-10-05)
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
 - Components of subcrt() output indicating the stable polymorph of a
   mineral are now named 'polymorph', not 'state'.
+- Add maxdiff() and expect_maxdiff() for calculating and testing the
+  maximum absolute pairwise difference between two objects.
 - To save space, taxid_names.csv has been trimmed to hold only those

Added: pkg/CHNOSZ/man/util.test.Rd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/man/util.test.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/man/util.test.Rd	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\title{Functions for Writing Tests}
+Functions modelled after the \code{expect_} functions in \CRANpkg{testthat}.
+  maxdiff(x, y)
+  expect_maxdiff(object, expected, maxdiff = 0)
+  \item{x}{numeric object}
+  \item{y}{numeric object}
+  \item{object}{numeric, object to test}
+  \item{expected}{numeric, expected value}
+  \item{maxdiff}{numeric, maximum pairwise difference between object and expected value}
+\code{maxdiff} computes the maximum (absolute) pairwise difference between x and y, i.e. \code{max(abs(y - x))}.
+\code{expect_maxdiff} tests that the maximum of the pairwise differences between two objects is less than the value of the argument \code{maxdiff}.
+The function uses \code{\link[testthat]{expect}} to generate an expectation in the \CRANpkg{testthat} framework.

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-berman.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-berman.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-berman.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@
   expect_match(mineral[idiffV], "anthophyllite|antigorite|chrysotile|merwinite")
-test_that("Berman and Helgeson calculated properties are similar", {
+test_that("high-T,P calculated properties are similar to precalculated ones", {
   # Reference values for G were taken from the spreadsheet Berman_Gibbs_Free_Energies.xlsx
   #   (http://www.dewcommunity.org/uploads/4/1/7/6/41765907/sunday_afternoon_sessions__1_.zip accessed on 2017-10-03)
   # The spreadsheet also has values for some minerals using the Helgeson data
@@ -74,30 +73,32 @@
   # Helgeson akermanite
   Ak_Hel_G <- c(-872485, -772662, -970152, -870328)
   Ak_Hel <- subcrt("akermanite", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
-  expect_equal(Ak_Hel_G, Ak_Hel$G, tol=1e-5)
+  expect_maxdiff(Ak_Hel_G, Ak_Hel$G, 5)
   # Berman andalusite
   And_Ber_G <- c(-579368, -524987, -632421, -576834)
   And_Ber <- subcrt("andalusite", "cr_Berman", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
-  expect_equal(And_Ber_G, And_Ber$G, tol=1e-4)
+  expect_maxdiff(And_Ber_G, And_Ber$G, 10)
   ## Now a more complicated case with polymorphic transitions
   # Helgeson quartz
   Qz_Hel_G <- c(-202778, -179719, -223906, -199129)
   Qz_Hel <- subcrt("quartz", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
   # they're very close, but less so at the extremest condition
-  expect_equal(Qz_Hel_G[-4], Qz_Hel$G[-4], tol=1e-5)
-  expect_equal(Qz_Hel_G[4], Qz_Hel$G[4], tol=1e-2)
+  expect_maxdiff(Qz_Hel_G[-4], Qz_Hel$G[-4], 1)
+  expect_maxdiff(Qz_Hel_G[4], Qz_Hel$G[4], 250)
   # Berman alpha-quartz
   aQz_Ber_G <- c(-202800, -179757, -223864, -200109)
   aQz_Ber <- subcrt("quartz", "cr_Berman", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
   # here, the high-P, low-T point suffers
-  expect_equal(aQz_Ber_G[-2], aQz_Ber$G[-2], tol=1e-5)
-  expect_equal(aQz_Ber_G[2], aQz_Ber$G[2], tol=1e-2)
+  expect_maxdiff(aQz_Ber_G[-2], aQz_Ber$G[-2], 1.2)
+  expect_maxdiff(aQz_Ber_G[2], aQz_Ber$G[2], 1250)
   ## This one has disordering effects
+  # (see test-subcrt.R for test with Helgeson/SUPCRT92 values)
+  # Berman K-feldspar
   Kfs_Ber_G <- c(-888115, -776324, -988950, -874777)
   Kfs_Ber <- subcrt("K-feldspar", "cr_Berman", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
   # we lose some accuracy at high T
-  expect_equal(Kfs_Ber_G[1:2], Kfs_Ber$G[1:2], tol=1e-5)
-  expect_equal(Kfs_Ber_G[3:4], Kfs_Ber$G[3:4], tol=1e-2)
+  expect_maxdiff(Kfs_Ber_G[1:2], Kfs_Ber$G[1:2], 7)
+  expect_maxdiff(Kfs_Ber_G[3:4], Kfs_Ber$G[3:4], 1600)

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-makeup.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-makeup.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-makeup.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 test_that("numeric species indices, and coefficients indicating charge can be parsed", {
   # these are all equivalent formulas for the electron
   expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup("Z0-1"))
-  expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup("(Z-1)")[1])
+  expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup("(Z-1)"))
   expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup("Z-1+0"))
   # the species index of the electron in thermo$obigt
   ie <- info("e-")
-  expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup(ie)[1])
+  expect_equal(makeup("-1"), makeup(ie))
 test_that("signed and fractional coefficients can be parsed", {
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   pf <- protein.formula(protein)  # a matrix with elements on the columns
   basis(protein)          # yup, a basis set made of proteins, just for fun
   bmat <- basis.elements()  # a matrix with elements on the columns
-  expect_equal(as.array(makeup(pf)[[1]]), makeup(as.chemical.formula(pf)[1]))
+  expect_equal(makeup(pf)[[1]], makeup(as.chemical.formula(pf)[1]))
   expect_equal(makeup(pf), makeup(bmat))

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-subcrt.R
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-subcrt.R	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/tests/testthat/test-subcrt.R	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -3,32 +3,21 @@
 # delete the basis definition in case there is one
-test_that("unbalanced reactions give a warning", {
+test_that("unbalanced reactions give a warning or are balanced given sufficient basis species", {
   expect_warning(subcrt(c("glucose", "ethanol"), c(-1, 3)), "reaction was unbalanced, missing H-6O3")
-test_that("unbalanced reactions are balanced given sufficient basis species", {
   s <- subcrt(c("malic acid", "citric acid"), c(-1, 1))
   expect_equal(s$reaction$coeff, c(-1, 1, -2, -1, 1.5))
   expect_equal(s$reaction$name, c("malic acid", "citric acid", "CO2", "water", "oxygen"))
-test_that("phase transitions of minerals give expected messages and results", {
-  iacanthite <- info("acanthite", "cr2")
-  #expect_message(subcrt(iacanthite), "subcrt: some points below transition temperature for acanthite cr2 \\(using NA for G\\)")
-  expect_message(subcrt(iacanthite), "subcrt: some points above temperature limit for acanthite cr2 \\(using NA for G\\)")
-  expect_equal(subcrt("acanthite")$out$acanthite$polymorph, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3))
+#test_that("heat capacity of wollastonite is consistent with the literature", {
+#  # from Helgeson et al., 1978 Table 6
+#  # here, set P to NA so that water() is not called to get Psat
+#  expect_maxdiff(subcrt("wollastonite", T=c(200, 500, 800), P=NA)$out$wollastonite$Cp, c(25.4, 28.3, 29.9), 0.05)
-test_that("heat capacity of minerals are consistent with literature", {
-  # from Helgeson et al., 1978 Table 6
-  # here, set P to NA so that water() is not called to get Psat
-  expect_equal(subcrt("wollastonite", T=c(200, 500, 800), P=NA)$out$wollastonite$Cp, c(25.4, 28.3, 29.9), tolerance=1e-2)
 test_that("standard Gibbs energies of reactions involving aqueous species are consistent with the literature", {
   # from Amend and Shock, 2001 [AS01] Table 3
   T <- c(2, 18, 25, 37, 45, 55, 70, 85, 100, 115, 150, 200)
   # standard Gibbs energies in kJ/mol
@@ -38,40 +27,22 @@
   AS01.H2O <- c(78.25, 79.34, 79.89, 80.90, 81.63, 82.59, 84.13, 85.78, 87.55, 89.42, 94.22, 102.21)
   sout.H2O <- subcrt(c("H2O", "H+", "OH-"), c(-1, 1, 1), T=T)$out
   # tolerances set to lowest order of magnitute to pass
-  expect_equal(sout.H2O$G/1000, AS01.H2O, tolerance=1e-4)
+  expect_maxdiff(sout.H2O$G/1000, AS01.H2O, 0.01)
   # AS01 Table 4.3 Reaction A1: H2(aq) + 0.5O2(aq) = H2O(l)
   AS01.A1 <- c(-263.94, -263.45, -263.17, -262.62, -262.20, -261.63, -260.67, -259.60, -258.44, -257.18, -253.90, -248.44)
   sout.A1 <- subcrt(c("H2", "O2", "H2O"), "aq", c(-1, -0.5, 1), T=T)$out
-  expect_equal(sout.A1$G/1000, AS01.A1, tolerance=1e-4)
+  expect_maxdiff(sout.A1$G/1000, AS01.A1, 0.01)
-  # AS01 Table 5.1 NO(g) -> NO(aq) 
-  DG0.NO.g <- c(91.39, 88.04, 86.57, 84.03, 82.33, 80.20, 76.99, 73.75, 70.50, 67.23, 59.53, 48.38)
-  DG0.NO.aq <- c(104.56, 102.87, 102.06, 100.58, 99.53, 98.15, 95.98, 93.67, 91.25, 88.72, 82.46, 72.77)
-  sout.NO <- subcrt("NO", c("gas", "aq"), c(-1, 1), T=T)$out
-  # higher tolerance, our values for NO(aq) differ slightly from AS01
-  expect_equal(sout.NO$G/1000, DG0.NO.aq - DG0.NO.g, tolerance=1e-2)
-  # AS01 Table 5.1 Reaction B10: NH3(aq) + 1.5O2(aq) = H+ + NO2- + H2O(l)
-  AS01.B10 <- c(-268.85, -268.01, -267.50, -266.46, -265.66, -264.55, -262.66, -260.54, -258.19, -255.63, -248.81, -237.06)
-  sout.B10 <- subcrt(c("NH3", "O2", "H+", "NO2-", "H2O"), "aq", c(-1, -1.5, 1, 1, 1), T=T)$out
-  expect_equal(sout.B10$G/1000, AS01.B10, tolerance=1e-3)
   # AS01 Table 6.3 Reaction C7: 5S2O3-2 + H2O(l) + 4O2(aq) = 6SO4-2 + 2H+ + 4S(s)
   AS01.C7 <- c(-1695.30, -1686.90, -1682.80, -1675.30, -1670.00, -1663.10, -1652.00, -1640.30, -1628.00, -1615.20, -1583.50, -1533.00)
   s.C7 <- subcrt(c("S2O3-2", "H2O", "O2", "SO4-2", "H+", "S"), c("aq", "liq", "aq", "aq", "aq", "cr"), c(-5, -1, -4, 6, 2, 4), T=T)
   sout.C7 <- s.C7$out
-  expect_equal(sout.C7$G/1000, AS01.C7, tolerance=1e-4)
+  expect_maxdiff(sout.C7$G/1000, AS01.C7, 0.05)
   # we can also check that sulfur has expected phase transitions
   expect_equal(s.C7$polymorphs$sulfur, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3))
-  ## AS01 Table 8.3 Reaction E12: 4(2-)propanol(aq) + 3CO2(aq) + 2H2O(l) = 3CH4(aq) + 4lactic acid(aq)
-  #DG0.E12 <- c(132.52, 132.26, 132.29, 132.49, 132.74, 133.15, 133.98, 135.04, 136.31, 137.79, 141.97, 149.53)
-  #sout.E12 <- subcrt(c("2-propanol", "CO2", "H2O", "CH4", "lactic acid"), c(-4, -3, -2, 3, 4), T=T)$out
-  ## this one is on hold until the HKF parameters of 2-propanol can be located
-  #expect_equal(sout.E12$G/1000, DG0.E12, 1e-4)
-  # return to our favourite units
+  # return to our favorite units
@@ -82,7 +53,7 @@
   expect_equal(s.H2O$G[1], NA_real_)
   # we should get something at -20 deg C
   expect_equal(floor(s.H2O$G[2]), -56001)
-  # for historical reasons, an input temperature of 0 was converted to 0.01
+  # following SUPCRT92, an input temperature of 0 is converted to 0.01
   expect_equal(s.H2O$T[22], 0.01)
@@ -95,40 +66,72 @@
+test_that("phase transitions of minerals give expected messages and results", {
+  iacanthite <- info("acanthite", "cr2")
+  #expect_message(subcrt(iacanthite), "subcrt: some points below transition temperature for acanthite cr2 \\(using NA for G\\)")
+  expect_message(subcrt(iacanthite), "subcrt: some points above temperature limit for acanthite cr2 \\(using NA for G\\)")
+  expect_equal(subcrt("acanthite")$out$acanthite$polymorph, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3))
+test_that("calculations for K-feldspar are consistent with SUPCRT92", {
+  T <- c(100, 100, 1000, 1000)
+  P <- c(5000, 50000, 5000, 50000)
+  SUPCRT_G <- c(-886628, -769531, -988590, -871493)
+  SUPCRT_H <- c(-932344, -815247, -865868, -748771)
+  SUPCRT_S <- c(62.6, 62.6, 150.6, 150.6)
+  SUPCRT_V <- c(108.9, 108.9, 108.9, 108.9)
+  SUPCRT_Cp <- c(56.7, 56.7, 80.3, 80.3)
+  CHNOSZ <- subcrt("K-feldspar", T=T, P=P)$out[[1]]
+  expect_equal(round(CHNOSZ$G), SUPCRT_G)
+  expect_equal(round(CHNOSZ$H), SUPCRT_H)
+  expect_equal(round(CHNOSZ$S, 1), SUPCRT_S)
+  expect_equal(round(CHNOSZ$V, 1), SUPCRT_V)
+  expect_equal(round(CHNOSZ$Cp, 1), SUPCRT_Cp)
 test_that("calculations for quartz are consistent with SUPCRT92", {
   # output from SUPCRT92 for reaction specified as "1 QUARTZ" run at 1 bar
   # (SUPCRT shows phase transition at 574.850 deg C, and does not give Cp values around the transition)
   S92_1bar <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
       T       G       H    S       V
-    572	-214482	-209535	24.7	23.3
     573	-214507	-209517	24.7	23.3
     574	-214532	-209499	24.8	23.3
     575	-214557	-209192	25.1	23.7
     576	-214582	-209176	25.1	23.7
-    577	-214607	-209159	25.2	23.7
-  CHNOSZ_1bar <- subcrt("quartz", T=seq(572, 577), P=1)$out[[1]]
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_1bar$G, S92_1bar$G, tolerance = 1e-5)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_1bar$H, S92_1bar$H, tolerance = 1e-5)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_1bar$S, S92_1bar$S, tolerance = 1e-2)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_1bar$V, S92_1bar$V, tolerance = 1e-2)
+  CHNOSZ_1bar <- subcrt("quartz", T=seq(573, 576), P=1)$out[[1]]
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_1bar$G, S92_1bar$G, 0.5)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_1bar$H, S92_1bar$H, 0.5)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_1bar$S, S92_1bar$S, 0.05)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_1bar$V, S92_1bar$V, 0.05)
-  # output from SUPCRT92 for reaction specified as "1 QUARTZ" run at 500 bar
-  # (SUPCRT shows phase transition at 587.811 deg C)
+  # 500 bar: SUPCRT shows phase transition at 587.811 deg C
   S92_500bar <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
       T       G       H    S       V
-    585	-214523	-209335	24.6	23.3
     586	-214548	-209318	24.7	23.3
     587	-214573	-209301	24.7	23.3
     588	-214602	-208700	25.4	23.7
     589	-214627	-208684	25.4	23.7
-    590	-214653	-208668	25.4	23.7
-  CHNOSZ_500bar <- subcrt("quartz", T=seq(585, 590), P=500)$out[[1]]
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_500bar$G, S92_500bar$G, tolerance = 1e-5)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_500bar$H, S92_500bar$H, tolerance = 1e-4)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_500bar$S, S92_500bar$S, tolerance = 1e-3)
-  expect_equal(CHNOSZ_500bar$V, S92_500bar$V, tolerance = 1e-2)
+  CHNOSZ_500bar <- subcrt("quartz", T=seq(586, 589), P=500)$out[[1]]
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_500bar$G, S92_500bar$G, 0.5)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_500bar$H, S92_500bar$H, 25)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_500bar$S, S92_500bar$S, 0.05)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_500bar$V, S92_500bar$V, 0.05)
+  # 5000 bar: SUPCRT shows phase transition at 704.694 deg C
+  S92_5000bar <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
+      T       G       H    S       V
+    703	-215044	-204913	26.7	23.3
+    704	-215071	-204895	26.7	23.3
+    705	-215142	-204254	27.4	23.7
+    706	-215170	-204238	27.5	23.7
+  ")
+  CHNOSZ_5000bar <- subcrt("quartz", T=seq(703, 706), P=5000)$out[[1]]
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_5000bar$G, S92_5000bar$G, 20)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_5000bar$H, S92_5000bar$H, 300)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_5000bar$S, S92_5000bar$S, 0.5)
+  expect_maxdiff(CHNOSZ_5000bar$V, S92_5000bar$V, 0.05)
 test_that("duplicated species yield correct phase transitions", {

Modified: pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.Rmd
--- pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.Rmd	2017-10-04 15:51:38 UTC (rev 242)
+++ pkg/CHNOSZ/vignettes/obigt.Rmd	2017-10-05 13:55:46 UTC (rev 243)
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
 cat('Data in this this column are used in CHNOSZ only to specify the charge that is input to the "*g*-function" ([Tanger and Helgeson, 1988](https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.288.1.19); [Shock and Helgeson, 1988](https://doi.org/10.1016/0016-7037(88)90181-0)).\n')
 cat('Setting it to zero prevents activation of the *g*-function, which would result in non-zero contributions to thermodynamic properties, conflicting with the conventions mentioned above.\n')
 cat('All other calculations in CHNOSZ obtain the elemental makeup, including the correct charge for the species, by parsing the chemical formulas stored in the database.<span style="color:red">^^</span>\n\n')
-cat('<span style="color:red">**</span>Likewise, [GEM-Selektor](http://gems.web.psi.ch/) defines "independent components" to be stoichiometric units usually consisting of elements and charge; the latter, [which is named Zz](http://gems.web.psi.ch/tests/TestNaCl-dep.html) and has a standard molal entropy of -65.34 J/mol/K and heat capacity of -14.418 J/mol/K (negative one-half those of gaseous hydrogen), is negated in the formula of the hypothetical "aqueous electron" ([Kulik, 2006](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.08.014)).\n\n')
-cat('<span style="color:red">^^</span> Relatedly, charged amino acid sidechain groups have a charge that is tabulated as zero, because other values would be incompatible with group additivity of cations and anions (for which the *g*-function produces derivatives of the omega parameter (ω) in the revised HKF equations of state that are not opposite each other) to give a neutral species (for which the derivatives of ω are taken to be zero) (cf. [Dick et al., 2006](https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-3-311-2006)).\n')
+cat('<span style="color:red">**</span>Likewise, [GEM-Selektor](http://gems.web.psi.ch/) defines "independent components" to be stoichiometric units usually consisting of elements and charge; the latter, [which is named Zz](http://gems.web.psi.ch/tests/TestNaCl-dep.html) and has a standard molal entropy of -65.34 J/mol/K and heat capacity of -14.418 J/mol/K (negative one-half those of gaseous hydrogen), is negated in the formula of the fictive "aqueous electron" ([Kulik, 2006](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.08.014)).\n\n')
+cat('<span style="color:red">^^</span> Relatedly, charged amino acid sidechain groups have a charge that is tabulated as zero, because other values would be incompatible with group additivity of cations and anions (which have derivatives of the omega parameter (ω) in the revised HKF equations of state that are not opposites of each other) to give a neutral species (for which the derivatives of ω are taken to be zero) (cf. [Dick et al., 2006](https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-3-311-2006)).\n')
 ```{r used, include=FALSE}
 # initialize the list of used species

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