[Blotter-commits] r1642 - pkg/blotter/sandbox
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Sun Oct 26 18:34:20 CET 2014
Author: bodanker
Date: 2014-10-26 18:34:20 +0100 (Sun, 26 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 1642
- add R6 blotter prototype
Added: pkg/blotter/sandbox/blotter_R6.R
--- pkg/blotter/sandbox/blotter_R6.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/blotter/sandbox/blotter_R6.R 2014-10-26 17:34:20 UTC (rev 1642)
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# R6 repo: https://github.com/wch/R6
+# Current blotter structure:
+# .blotter
+# $account (.blotter$account.`name`)
+# $portfolios
+# $`name`
+# $summary
+# $Additions
+# $Withdrawals
+# $Interest
+# $portfolio (.blotter$portfolio.`name`)
+# $summary
+# $symbols
+# $posPL
+# $posPL.ccy
+# $txn
+# Proposed blotter structure (comments welcome):
+# > Account (R6 'Account' object)
+# -> Portfolios (list|env of R6 'Portfolio' objects)
+# -> Positions (list|env of R6 'Position' objects)
+# -> Instrument
+# -> Transaction
+# - trades, splits, dividends, expirations, assignments, etc.
+# -> PnL
+# -> Position (R6 'Position' object)
+# I'm not sure of the best way to implement the "list" of portfolios in an
+# account, and the "list" of instruments in a portfolio.
+# Should users be able to add portfolios via
+# Account$`name` <- Portfolio$new()
+# or should we make that a method in the Account object?
+# Account$add_portfolio()
+# If we choose either one, we need to ensure that the "name" member of the
+# new Portfolio object matches the "name" of the Account$portfolios "list".
+# I'm not sure "Position" is the correct name for this thing, but I was trying
+# to create the most basic component of the blotter structure.
+Position <- R6Class(classname = "Position",
+ public = list(
+ #initialize = function(instrument, transactions) {
+ initialize = function(symbol, transactions, currency) {
+ if(!missing(symbol)) private$.symbol <- symbol
+ if(!missing(currency)) private$.currency <- currency
+ },
+ # addTxn {{{
+ addTxn = function(date, quantity, price, fees=0, ..., ConMult=1, verbose=TRUE) {
+ null.txn <- is.null(private$.txn)
+ #PrevPosQty <- getPos(date, 'Pos.Qty') # returns position 'as-of' date
+ if(null.txn)
+ PrevPosQty <- 0
+ else {
+ PrevPosQty <- private$.txn[paste0("/",date), 'Pos.Qty']
+ PrevPosQty <- PrevPosQty[nrow(PrevPosQty),]
+ }
+ # split transactions that would cross through zero
+ if(PrevPosQty != 0 &&
+ sign(PrevPosQty + quantity) != sign(PrevPosQty) &&
+ PrevPosQty != -quantity) {
+ # calculate fees pro-rata by quantity
+ txnFeeQty <- fees/abs(quantity)
+ self$addTxn(date, -PrevPosQty, price, txnFeeQty*abs(PrevPosQty), ...)
+ # transactions need unique timestamps
+ date <- date + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
+ quantity <- quantity + PrevPosQty
+ PrevPosQty <- 0
+ fees <- txnFeeQty * abs(quantity + PrevPosQty)
+ }
+ # Coerce the transaction fees to a function if a string was supplied
+ if(is.character(fees)) {
+ tmp <- try(match.fun(fees), silent=TRUE)
+ if(!inherits(tmp, "try-error"))
+ fees <- tmp
+ }
+ # Compute transaction fees if a function was supplied
+ if(is.function(fees))
+ txnfees <- fees(quantity, price)
+ else
+ txnfees <- as.numeric(fees)
+ if(is.null(txnfees) || is.na(txnfees))
+ txnfees <- 0
+ if(txnfees > 0)
+ warning('Positive transaction fees should only be used in the case of broker/exchange rebates for TxnFees ',TxnFees,'. See Documentation.')
+ # Calculate the value and average cost of the transaction
+ TxnValue <- quantity * price * ConMult # Gross of Fees
+ TxnAvgCost <- TxnValue / (quantity * ConMult)
+ # Calculate the change in position
+ PosQty <- PrevPosQty + quantity
+ # Calculate the resulting position's average cost
+ #PrevPosAvgCost <- getPos(date, 'Pos.Avg.Cost') # returns position 'as-of' date
+ if(null.txn)
+ PrevPosAvgCost <- 0
+ else {
+ PrevPosAvgCost <- private$.txn[paste0("/",date), 'Pos.Avg.Cost']
+ PrevPosAvgCost <- PrevPosAvgCost[nrow(PrevPosAvgCost),]
+ }
+ PosAvgCost <- blotter:::.calcPosAvgCost(PrevPosQty, PrevPosAvgCost, TxnValue, PosQty, ConMult)
+ # Calculate any realized profit or loss (net of fees) from the transaction
+ GrossTxnRealizedPL <- quantity * ConMult * (PrevPosAvgCost - TxnAvgCost)
+ # if the previous position is zero, RealizedPL = 0
+ # if previous position is positive and position is larger, RealizedPL =0
+ # if previous position is negative and position is smaller, RealizedPL =0
+ if(abs(PrevPosQty) < abs(PosQty) || PrevPosQty == 0)
+ GrossTxnRealizedPL = 0
+ NetTxnRealizedPL <- GrossTxnRealizedPL + txnfees
+ # Store the transaction and calculations
+ txn <- c(quantity, price, TxnValue, TxnAvgCost, PosQty, PosAvgCost,
+ GrossTxnRealizedPL, txnfees, NetTxnRealizedPL, ConMult)
+ txnCols <- c("Txn.Qty", "Txn.Price", "Txn.Value", "Txn.Avg.Cost",
+ "Pos.Qty", "Pos.Avg.Cost", "Gross.Txn.Realized.PL", "Txn.Fees",
+ "Net.Txn.Realized.PL", "Con.Mult")
+ private$.txn <- rbind(private$.txn, xts(t(txn), date, dimnames=list(NULL, txnCols)))
+ if(verbose)
+ print(paste(format(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), private$.symbol, quantity, "@", price, sep=" "))
+ invisible(self)
+ } #}}}
+ ),
+ private = list(
+ .symbol = NA_character_,
+ .currency = NA_character_,
+ .txn = NULL
+ ),
+ # use active bindings for type-checking; is there a better way?
+ active = list(
+ symbol = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ private$.symbol
+ } else {
+ stop("symbol is read-only")
+ }
+ },
+ currency = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ private$.currency
+ } else {
+ if(is.character(value) && length(value)==1)
+ private$.currency <- value
+ else
+ stop(deparse(substitute(value)), " is an invalid currency name")
+ }
+ },
+ transactions = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ if(!is.null(private$.txn))
+ private$.txn[,c("Txn.Qty", "Txn.Price", "Txn.Fees",
+ "Txn.Value", "Txn.Avg.Cost", "Net.Txn.Realized.PL")]
+ } else {
+ stop("use addTxn to add a transaction")
+ }
+ },
+ txns = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ if(!is.null(private$.txn))
+ private$.txn[,c("Txn.Qty", "Txn.Price", "Txn.Fees",
+ "Txn.Value", "Txn.Avg.Cost", "Net.Txn.Realized.PL")]
+ } else {
+ stop("use addTxn to add a transaction")
+ }
+ },
+ txn = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ private$.txn
+ } else {
+ stop("txn is read-only")
+ }
+ }
+ )
+pos <- Position$new('foo')
+pos$addTxn(Sys.Date()-1L, 10, 90, 0)
+pos$addTxn(Sys.Date(), -10, 100, 0)
+ # blotter amzn demo provides an example of the basic functionality
+ data("amzn")
+ currency("USD")
+ stock("amzn",currency="USD",multiplier=1)
+ # Initialize the Portfolio
+ initPortf("amzn_port",symbols="amzn",initDate="2010-01-14")
+ initAcct("amzn_acct",portfolios="amzn_port",initDate="2010-01-14", initEq=10000)
+ # look at the transactions data
+ amzn.trades
+ # Add the transactions to the portfolio
+ blotter:::addTxns("amzn_port","amzn",TxnData=amzn.trades,verbose=TRUE)
+ # update the portfolio stats
+ updatePortf("amzn_port",Dates="2010-01-14")
+ # update the account P&L
+ updateAcct("amzn_acct",Dates="2010-01-14")
+ # and look at it
+ chart.Posn("amzn_port","amzn",Dates="2010-01-14")
+# other stuff; not sure it's useful
+Portfolio <- R6Class(classname = "Portfolio",
+ public = list(
+ initialize = function(name, positions, currency) {
+ if(!missing(name))
+ private$.name <- name
+ if(!missing(positions)) {
+ if(is.list(positions))
+ for(p in positions)
+ assign(p$symbol, p, private$.positions)
+ else
+ assign(positions$symbol, positions, private$.positions)
+ }
+ },
+ update = function(symbols, dates, prices, interval) { }
+ ),
+ private = list(
+ .positions = new.env(hash=TRUE),
+ .name = "default"
+ ),
+ active = list(
+ name = function(value) {
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ private$.name
+ } else {
+ if(is.character(value) && length(value)==1)
+ private$.name <- value
+ else
+ stop(deparse(substitute(value)), " is an invalid portfolio name")
+ }
+ },
+ positions = function(value) {
+ value_name <- deparse(substitute(value))
+ if(missing(value)) {
+ #if(value_name!="")
+ # return a copy of the .positions environment as a list, because
+ # we do not want users to be able to change positions manually
+ # as.list(get(value_name, private$.positions, inherits=FALSE))
+ as.list(private$.positions)
+ #else
+ # NULL
+ } else {
+ if(inherits(value, "Position")) {
+ assign(value_name, value, private$.positions)
+ } else {
+ stop(value_name, " is not a Position object", call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+pos <- Position$new('foo')
+pos$addTxn(Sys.Date()-1L, 10, 90, 0)
+pos$addTxn(Sys.Date(), -10, 100, 0)
+p <- Portfolio$new("hello_world", pos, "USD")
+# prototype
+Positions <- R6Class(classname = "Positions",
+ public = list(
+ add = function(position) {
+ if(missing(position))
+ invisible()
+ if(inherits(position, "Position")) {
+ assign(position$symbol, position, private$.positions)
+ } else {
+ position_name <- deparse(substitute(position))
+ stop(position_name, " is not a Position object", call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ private = list(
+ .positions = new.env(hash=TRUE)
+ )
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