[Blotter-commits] r1570 - in pkg/quantstrat: R man
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Tue Nov 12 16:48:11 CET 2013
Author: bodanker
Date: 2013-11-12 16:48:10 +0100 (Tue, 12 Nov 2013)
New Revision: 1570
- add sigTimestamp
Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/signals.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/signals.R 2013-11-11 02:54:11 UTC (rev 1569)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/signals.R 2013-11-12 15:48:10 UTC (rev 1570)
@@ -320,6 +320,52 @@
+#' generate a signal on a timestamp
+#' This will generate a signal on a specific timestamp or at a specific time every day, week, weekday, etc.
+#' @param label text label to apply to the output
+#' @param data data to apply formula to
+#' @param timestamp either a POSIXct-based object, or a character string denoting a 24-hour time (e.g. "09:00", "16:00")
+#' @param on only used if \code{timestamp} is character; passed to \code{\link[xts]{split.xts}}, therefore \code{on}
+#' may be a character describing the time period as listed in \code{\link[xts]{endpoints}}, or a vector coercible to
+#' factor (e.g. \code{\link[xts]{.indexday}})
+#' @export
+sigTimestamp <- function(label, data=mktdata, timestamp, on="days") {
+ # default label
+ if(missing(label))
+ label <- "timestamp"
+ # initialize ret$timestamp to the index of mktdata
+ ret <- .xts(logical(nrow(data)), .index(data), dimnames=list(NULL,label))
+ # default if timestamp and on are missing
+ if(missing(timestamp) && missing(on)) {
+ ret[end(data)] <- TRUE
+ return(ret)
+ }
+ # timestamp can be a time-based timestamp
+ if(is.timeBased(timestamp)) {
+ after.sig <- .firstThreshold(index(data), timestamp, "lt")
+ if(length(after.sig) != 0)
+ ret$timestamp[after.sig] <- TRUE
+ } else
+ # timestamp can be a timestamp of day
+ if(is.character(timestamp)) {
+ time.str <- paste("T00:00/T",timestamp,sep="")
+ funDay <- function(x, time.str) last(x[time.str])
+ funOn <- function(y, time.str) lapply(y, funDay, time.str)
+ after.sig <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(ret, on), funDay, time.str))
+ if(nrow(after.sig) != 0)
+ ret[index(after.sig)] <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ stop("don't know how to handle 'timestamp' of class ", class(timestamp))
+ }
+ return(ret)
#TODO Going Up/Going Down maybe better implemented as slope/diff() indicator, then coupled with threshold signal
#TODO set/reset indicator/signal for n-periods since some other signal is set, or signal set for n periods
Added: pkg/quantstrat/man/sigTimestamp.Rd
--- pkg/quantstrat/man/sigTimestamp.Rd (rev 0)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/man/sigTimestamp.Rd 2013-11-12 15:48:10 UTC (rev 1570)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\title{generate a signal on a timestamp}
+ sigTimestamp(label, data = mktdata, timestamp,
+ on = "days")
+ \item{label}{text label to apply to the output}
+ \item{data}{data to apply formula to}
+ \item{timestamp}{either a POSIXct-based object, or a
+ character string denoting a 24-hour time (e.g. 09:00,
+ 16:00)}
+ \item{on}{only used if \code{timestamp} is character;
+ passed to \code{\link[xts]{split.xts}}, therefore
+ \code{on} may be a character describing the time period
+ as listed in \code{\link[xts]{endpoints}}, or a vector
+ coercible to factor (e.g. \code{\link[xts]{.indexday}})}
+ This will generate a signal on a specific timestamp or at
+ a specific time every day, week, weekday, etc.
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