[Blotter-commits] r982 - pkg/quantstrat/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Mar 25 18:09:52 CEST 2012

Author: braverock
Date: 2012-03-25 18:09:52 +0200 (Sun, 25 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 982

- separate ruleOrderProc into its own file
- add TZ patch provided by Jan Humme <jan <at> opentrades <dot> nl>

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R	2012-03-24 16:22:35 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R	2012-03-25 16:09:52 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -363,313 +363,12 @@
         orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
-        orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]][updatedorders,"Order.StatusTime"]<-as.character(statustimestamp)
+        orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]][updatedorders,"Order.StatusTime"]<- as.character(as.POSIXlt(statustimestamp, Sys.getenv('TZ')))
         # assign order book back into place (do we need a non-exported "put" function?)
-#' process open orders at time \emph{t}, generating transactions or new orders
-#' The ruleOrderProc function is effectively the default fill simulator for quantstrat. 
-#' This function is meant to be sufficient for backtesting most strategies, 
-#' but would need to be replaced for production use.  It provides the interface 
-#' for taking the order book and determining when orders become trades.
-#' For the purposes of backtesting, and compatibility with the trade accounting in
-#' \code{blotter}, this function will not allow a transaction to cross your current 
-#' position through zero.  The accounting rules for realizing gains in such cases 
-#' are more complicated than we wish to support.  Also, many brokers will break, revise,
-#' or split such transactions for the same reason. If you wish to do a "stop and reverse" 
-#' system, first stop (flatten), and then reverse (initiate a new position).
-#' This function would need to be revised or replaced for connection to a live trading infrastructure.
-#' In a production mode, you would replace the \code{\link{addOrder}} function 
-#' with a custom function to connect to your market infrastructure.  
-#' In that case, you might need to add additional code to your strategy, 
-#' or overload functions for checking position.  
-#' Note that this function is called by default in the 'orders' slot of the 
-#' \code{\link{applyRules}} processing.  If you have defined another order 
-#' processing rule, it will \emph{replace} this function.  If you want your 
-#' custom order rule and ruleOrderProc to both be called, you will need
-#' explicitly add a rule to call ruleOrderProc either before or after your 
-#' custom order processing function. 
-#' We would like to model slippage here via \code{slippageFUN}.  Code contributions, suggestions, 
-#' and requests appreciated. 
-#' @concept fill simulator
-#' @concept orders  
-#' @concept backtest
-#' @concept fills
-#' This function is meant to be sufficient for backtesting many/most strategies, 
-#' but would need to be replaced for production use.  It provides the interface 
-#' for taking the order book and determining when orders become trades.
-#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
-#' @param symbol identfier of the instrument to find orders for.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC or BBO) should match these
-#' @param mktdata an xts object containing market data.  depending on indicators, may need to be in OHLCV or BBO formats, default NULL
-#' @param timespan xts-style character timespan to be the period to find orders to process in
-#' @param ordertype one of NULL, "market","limit","stoplimit", or "stoptrailing" default NULL
-#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
-#' @param slippageFUN default  NULL, not yet implemented
-#' @seealso add.rule
-#' @seealso applyRules
-#' @seealso getOrderBook
-#' @seealso addOrder
-#' @seealso updateOrders
-#' @export
-ruleOrderProc <- function(portfolio, symbol, mktdata, timespan=NULL, ordertype=NULL, ..., slippageFUN=NULL)
-    if(is.null(timespan)) return()
-    orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
-    ordersubset <- orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]]
-    # get open orders
-    procorders=NULL
-    procorders<-getOrders(portfolio=portfolio, symbol=symbol, status="open", timespan=timespan, ordertype=ordertype, which.i=TRUE)
-    if(hasArg(prefer)) prefer=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$prefer
-    else prefer = NULL
-    # check for open orders
-    if (length(procorders)>=1){
-        # get previous bar
-        prevtime  <- time(mktdata[last(mktdata[timespan, which.i = TRUE])-1]) 
-        timestamp <- time(last(mktdata[timespan]))
-        #switch on frequency
-        freq = periodicity(mktdata)
-        neworders<-NULL
-        mktdataTimestamp <- mktdata[timestamp]
-        #str(mktdataTimestamp)
-        # Should we only keep the last observation per time stamp?
-        if( NROW(mktdataTimestamp) > 1 ) mktdataTimestamp <- last(mktdataTimestamp)
-        isOHLCmktdata <- is.OHLC(mktdata)
-        isBBOmktdata  <- is.BBO(mktdata)
-        for (ii in procorders ){
-            txnprice=NULL
-            txnfees=ordersubset[ii,"Txn.Fees"]
-            orderPrice <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Price"])
-            orderQty <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Qty"])
-            orderThreshold <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Threshold"])
-            # mktdataTimestamp <- mktdata[timestamp]
-            #FIXME Should we only keep the last observation per time stamp?
-            #if( NROW(mktdataTimestamp) > 1 ) mktdataTimestamp <- last(mktdataTimestamp)
-            orderType <- ordersubset[ii,"Order.Type"]
-            switch(orderType,
-                    market = {
-                        switch(freq$scale,
-                                yearly = ,
-                                quarterly = ,
-                                monthly = ,
-                                daily = {
-                                    txntime=as.character(index(ordersubset[ii,])) # transacts on this bar, e.g. in the intraday cross, or leading into the end of month, quarter, etc.
-                                    # txntime=as.character(timestamp) # use this if you wanted to transact on the close of the next bar
-                                    txnprice=as.numeric(getPrice(last(mktdata[txntime]), prefer=prefer)[,1])
-                                }, #end daily
-                                { 
-                                    txntime = timestamp
-                                    if (isBBOmktdata) {
-                                        #An ordertype of market will *almost* trump pricemethod here. orderPrice was determined using pricemethod.
-                                        #but, for buy orders you'll be filled at either orderPrice or the current mkt ask -- whichever is worse.
-                                        #and, for sell orders you'll be filled at either orderPrice or the current mkt bid -- whichever is worse.
-                                        if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
-                                            #fill at max(orderPrice,newMktAsk price) 
-                                            txnprice = max(orderPrice, as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]))
-                                        } else { # negative quantity 'sell'
-                                            txnprice = min(orderPrice, as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])) #presumes unique timestamp
-                                        }
-                                        #e.g. if pricemethod was opside, it sent a buy order at mktAsk. fill at greater of that ask, and current ask
-                                    } else txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp, prefer=prefer)[,1]) #filled at 'price'
-                                }) # end switch on frequency
-                    },
-                    limit= ,
-                    stoplimit =,
-                    iceberg = {
-                        if (!isBBOmktdata) { #(isOHLCmktdata){
-                            if( orderType == 'iceberg'){
-                                stop("iceberg orders only supported for BBO data")
-                            } 
-                            # check to see if price moved through the limit                        
-                            if(orderQty > 0 || (orderQty < 0 && orderType == 'stoplimit') ) {  
-                                # buy limit, or sell stoplimit
-                                if( (has.Lo(mktdata) && orderPrice > as.numeric(Lo(mktdataTimestamp))) || 
-                                    (!has.Lo(mktdata) && orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp, prefer=prefer))))
-                                {
-                                    txnprice = orderPrice
-                                    txntime = timestamp
-                                } else next() # price did not move through my order, should go to next order  
-                            } else if(orderQty < 0 || (orderQty > 0 && orderType == 'stoplimit')) { 
-                                # sell limit or buy stoplimit
-                                if ( (has.Hi(mktdata) && orderPrice < as.numeric(Hi(mktdataTimestamp))) ||
-                                     (!has.Hi(mktdata) && orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer))) )
-                                {
-                                    txnprice = orderPrice
-                                    txntime = timestamp
-                                } else next() # price did not move through my order, should go to next order 
-                            } else {
-                                warning('ignoring order with quantity of zero')
-                                next()
-                            }
-                        } else if(isBBOmktdata){
-                            # check side/qty
-                            if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
-                                if (orderType == 'stoplimit') {
-                                       if(orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1])){
-                                        # mktprice moved above our stop buy price 
-                                        txnprice = orderPrice #assume we got filled at our stop price
-                                        #txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamps
-                                        txntime = timestamp
-                                       } else next()
-                                } else {
-                                    if(orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1])){
-                                        # price we're willing to pay is higher than the offer price, so execute at the prevailing price
-                                        #txnprice = orderPrice
-                                        txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamps
-                                        txntime = timestamp
-                                    } else next()
-                                }
-                            } else { # negative quantity 'sell'
-                                if (orderType == 'stoplimit') {
-                                    if(orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])){
-                                        # mktprice moved below our stop sell price
-                                        txnprice = orderPrice #assumption is that we're filled at our stop price
-                                        #txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamp
-                                        txntime = timestamp
-                                    } else next()
-                                } else {
-                                    if(orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])){
-                                        # we're willing to sell at a better price than the bid, so execute at the prevailing price
-                                        # txnprice = orderPrice
-                                        txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamp
-                                        txntime = timestamp
-                                    } else next()
-                               } 
-                            }
-                            if( orderType == 'iceberg'){
-                                #we've transacted, so the old order was closed, put in a new one
-                                neworder<-addOrder(portfolio=portfolio,
-                                        symbol=symbol,
-                                        timestamp=timestamp,
-                                        qty=orderQty,
-                                        price=as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]), 
-                                        ordertype=orderType,
-                                        side=ordersubset[ii,"Order.Side"],
-                                        threshold=orderThreshold,
-                                        status="open",
-                                        replace=FALSE, return=TRUE,
-                                        ,...=..., TxnFees=txnfees)
-                                if (is.null(neworders)) neworders=neworder else neworders = rbind(neworders,neworder)
-                                ordersubset[ii,"Order.Status"]<-'replaced'
-                                ordersubset[ii,"Order.StatusTime"]<-as.character(timestamp)
-                                next()
-                            } 
-                        }
-                    },
-                    stoptrailing = {
-                        # if market moved through my price, execute
-                        if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
-                            if(isBBOmktdata) prefer='offer'
-                            if(orderPrice >= getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]){ #TODO maybe use last(getPrice) to catch multiple prints on timestamp?
-                                # price we're willing to pay is higher than the offer price, so execute at the prevailing price
-                                #txnprice = orderPrice
-                                txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]) #presumes unique timestamps
-                                txntime = timestamp
-                            } 
-                        } else { # negative quantity 'sell'
-                            if(isBBOmktdata) prefer='bid'
-                            if(orderPrice <= getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]){
-                                # we're willing to sell at a better price than the bid, so execute at the prevailing price
-                                # txnprice = orderPrice
-                                txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]) #presumes unique timestamp
-                                txntime = timestamp
-                            } 
-                        } 
-                        if(isOHLCmktdata){
-                            # check to see if price moved through the limit
-                            if( orderPrice > as.numeric(Lo(mktdataTimestamp)) &
-                                orderPrice < as.numeric(Hi(mktdataTimestamp)) ) 
-                            {
-                                txnprice = orderPrice
-                                txntime = timestamp
-                            } 
-                        }
-                        # if market is beyond price+(-threshold), replace order
-                        if(is.null(txnprice)) { 
-                            #print("here")
-                            # we didn't trade, so check to see if we need to move the stop
-                            # first figure out how to find a price
-                            if (isOHLCmktdata){
-                                prefer='close'
-                            } else if(isBBOmktdata) {
-                                if(orderQty > 0){
-                                    prefer='offer'
-                                } else {
-                                    prefer='bid'
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                prefer=NULL # see if getPrice can figure it out
-                            }
-                            # check if we need to move the stop
-                            mvstop=FALSE
-                            if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
-                                if( as.numeric(last(getPrice(x=mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]))+orderThreshold < orderPrice ) mvstop=TRUE
-                            } else {  # negative quantity 'sell'
-                                if( as.numeric(last(getPrice(x=mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]))+orderThreshold > orderPrice ) mvstop=TRUE
-                            }
-                            if( isTRUE(mvstop) ){
-                                neworder<-addOrder(portfolio=portfolio,
-                                         symbol=symbol,
-                                         timestamp=timestamp,
-                                         qty=orderQty,
-                                         price=as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]), 
-                                         ordertype=orderType,
-                                         side=ordersubset[ii,"Order.Side"],
-                                         threshold=orderThreshold,
-                                         status="open",
-                                         replace=FALSE, return=TRUE,
-                                         ,...=..., TxnFees=txnfees)
-                                if (is.null(neworders)) neworders=neworder else neworders = rbind(neworders,neworder)
-                                ordersubset[ii,"Order.Status"]<-'replaced'
-                                ordersubset[ii,"Order.StatusTime"]<-as.character(timestamp)
-                                next()
-                            }
-                        }
-                        # else next
-                    }
-            )
-            if(!is.null(txnprice) && !isTRUE(is.na(txnprice))) {
-                #make sure we don't cross through zero
-                pos<-getPosQty(portfolio,symbol,timestamp)
-                if ( (pos > 0 && orderQty < -pos) || (pos < 0 && orderQty > -pos) ) {
-                    warning("orderQty of ",orderQty,
-                            " would cross through zero, adjusting qty to ",-pos)
-                    orderQty <- -pos
-                }
-                if (orderQty != 0) {
-                    #now add the transaction
-                    addTxn(Portfolio=portfolio, Symbol=symbol, TxnDate=txntime, 
-                                 TxnQty=orderQty, TxnPrice=txnprice , ...=..., TxnFees=txnfees)
-                    ordersubset[ii,"Order.Status"]<-'closed'
-                    ordersubset[ii,"Order.StatusTime"]<-as.character(timestamp)
-                } 
-            }
-        } #end loop over open orders  
-        if(!is.null(neworders)) ordersubset=rbind(ordersubset,neworders)
-        # now put the orders back in
-        # assign order book back into place (do we need a non-exported "put" function?)
-        orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]] <- ordersubset
-        assign(paste("order_book",portfolio,sep='.'),orderbook,envir=.strategy)
-    } # end check for open orders
 # R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework

Copied: pkg/quantstrat/R/ruleOrderProc.R (from rev 981, pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R)
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/ruleOrderProc.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/ruleOrderProc.R	2012-03-25 16:09:52 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#' process open orders at time \emph{t}, generating transactions or new orders
+#' The ruleOrderProc function is effectively the default fill simulator for quantstrat. 
+#' This function is meant to be sufficient for backtesting most strategies, 
+#' but would need to be replaced for production use.  It provides the interface 
+#' for taking the order book and determining when orders become trades.
+#' For the purposes of backtesting, and compatibility with the trade accounting in
+#' \code{blotter}, this function will not allow a transaction to cross your current 
+#' position through zero.  The accounting rules for realizing gains in such cases 
+#' are more complicated than we wish to support.  Also, many brokers will break, revise,
+#' or split such transactions for the same reason. If you wish to do a "stop and reverse" 
+#' system, first stop (flatten), and then reverse (initiate a new position).
+#' This function would need to be revised or replaced for connection to a live trading infrastructure.
+#' In a production mode, you would replace the \code{\link{addOrder}} function 
+#' with a custom function to connect to your market infrastructure.  
+#' In that case, you might need to add additional code to your strategy, 
+#' or overload functions for checking position.  
+#' Note that this function is called by default in the 'orders' slot of the 
+#' \code{\link{applyRules}} processing.  If you have defined another order 
+#' processing rule, it will \emph{replace} this function.  If you want your 
+#' custom order rule and ruleOrderProc to both be called, you will need
+#' explicitly add a rule to call ruleOrderProc either before or after your 
+#' custom order processing function. 
+#' We would like to model slippage here via \code{slippageFUN}.  Code contributions, suggestions, 
+#' and requests appreciated. 
+#' @concept fill simulator
+#' @concept orders  
+#' @concept backtest
+#' @concept fills
+#' This function is meant to be sufficient for backtesting many/most strategies, 
+#' but would need to be replaced for production use.  It provides the interface 
+#' for taking the order book and determining when orders become trades.
+#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
+#' @param symbol identfier of the instrument to find orders for.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC or BBO) should match these
+#' @param mktdata an xts object containing market data.  depending on indicators, may need to be in OHLCV or BBO formats, default NULL
+#' @param timespan xts-style character timespan to be the period to find orders to process in
+#' @param ordertype one of NULL, "market","limit","stoplimit", or "stoptrailing" default NULL
+#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
+#' @param slippageFUN default  NULL, not yet implemented
+#' @seealso add.rule
+#' @seealso applyRules
+#' @seealso getOrderBook
+#' @seealso addOrder
+#' @seealso updateOrders
+#' @export
+ruleOrderProc <- function(portfolio, symbol, mktdata, timespan=NULL, ordertype=NULL, ..., slippageFUN=NULL)
+    if(is.null(timespan)) return()
+    orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
+    ordersubset <- orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]]
+    # get open orders
+    procorders=NULL
+    procorders<-getOrders(portfolio=portfolio, symbol=symbol, status="open", timespan=timespan, ordertype=ordertype, which.i=TRUE)
+    if(hasArg(prefer)) prefer=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)$prefer
+    else prefer = NULL
+    # check for open orders
+    if (length(procorders)>=1){
+        # get previous bar
+        prevtime  <- time(mktdata[last(mktdata[timespan, which.i = TRUE])-1]) 
+        timestamp <- time(last(mktdata[timespan]))
+        #switch on frequency
+        freq = periodicity(mktdata)
+        neworders<-NULL
+        mktdataTimestamp <- mktdata[timestamp]
+        #str(mktdataTimestamp)
+        # Should we only keep the last observation per time stamp?
+        if( NROW(mktdataTimestamp) > 1 ) mktdataTimestamp <- last(mktdataTimestamp)
+        isOHLCmktdata <- is.OHLC(mktdata)
+        isBBOmktdata  <- is.BBO(mktdata)
+        for (ii in procorders ){
+            txnprice=NULL
+            txnfees=ordersubset[ii,"Txn.Fees"]
+            orderPrice <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Price"])
+            orderQty <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Qty"])
+            orderThreshold <- as.numeric(ordersubset[ii,"Order.Threshold"])
+            # mktdataTimestamp <- mktdata[timestamp]
+            #FIXME Should we only keep the last observation per time stamp?
+            #if( NROW(mktdataTimestamp) > 1 ) mktdataTimestamp <- last(mktdataTimestamp)
+            orderType <- ordersubset[ii,"Order.Type"]
+            switch(orderType,
+                    market = {
+                        switch(freq$scale,
+                                yearly = ,
+                                quarterly = ,
+                                monthly = ,
+                                daily = {
+                                    txntime=as.character(index(ordersubset[ii,])) # transacts on this bar, e.g. in the intraday cross, or leading into the end of month, quarter, etc.
+                                    # txntime=as.character(timestamp) # use this if you wanted to transact on the close of the next bar
+                                    txnprice=as.numeric(getPrice(last(mktdata[txntime]), prefer=prefer)[,1])
+                                }, #end daily
+                                { 
+                                    txntime = timestamp
+                                    if (isBBOmktdata) {
+                                        #An ordertype of market will *almost* trump pricemethod here. orderPrice was determined using pricemethod.
+                                        #but, for buy orders you'll be filled at either orderPrice or the current mkt ask -- whichever is worse.
+                                        #and, for sell orders you'll be filled at either orderPrice or the current mkt bid -- whichever is worse.
+                                        if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
+                                            #fill at max(orderPrice,newMktAsk price) 
+                                            txnprice = max(orderPrice, as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]))
+                                        } else { # negative quantity 'sell'
+                                            txnprice = min(orderPrice, as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])) #presumes unique timestamp
+                                        }
+                                        #e.g. if pricemethod was opside, it sent a buy order at mktAsk. fill at greater of that ask, and current ask
+                                    } else txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp, prefer=prefer)[,1]) #filled at 'price'
+                                }) # end switch on frequency
+                    },
+                    limit= ,
+                    stoplimit =,
+                    iceberg = {
+                        if (!isBBOmktdata) { #(isOHLCmktdata){
+                            if( orderType == 'iceberg'){
+                                stop("iceberg orders only supported for BBO data")
+                            } 
+                            # check to see if price moved through the limit                        
+                            if(orderQty > 0 || (orderQty < 0 && orderType == 'stoplimit') ) {  
+                                # buy limit, or sell stoplimit
+                                if( (has.Lo(mktdata) && orderPrice > as.numeric(Lo(mktdataTimestamp))) || 
+                                    (!has.Lo(mktdata) && orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp, prefer=prefer))))
+                                {
+                                    txnprice = orderPrice
+                                    txntime = timestamp
+                                } else next() # price did not move through my order, should go to next order  
+                            } else if(orderQty < 0 || (orderQty > 0 && orderType == 'stoplimit')) { 
+                                # sell limit or buy stoplimit
+                                if ( (has.Hi(mktdata) && orderPrice < as.numeric(Hi(mktdataTimestamp))) ||
+                                     (!has.Hi(mktdata) && orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer))) )
+                                {
+                                    txnprice = orderPrice
+                                    txntime = timestamp
+                                } else next() # price did not move through my order, should go to next order 
+                            } else {
+                                warning('ignoring order with quantity of zero')
+                                next()
+                            }
+                        } else if(isBBOmktdata){
+                            # check side/qty
+                            if(orderQty > 0){ # positive quantity 'buy'
+                                if (orderType == 'stoplimit') {
+                                       if(orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1])){
+                                        # mktprice moved above our stop buy price 
+                                        txnprice = orderPrice #assume we got filled at our stop price
+                                        #txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamps
+                                        txntime = timestamp
+                                       } else next()
+                                } else {
+                                    if(orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1])){
+                                        # price we're willing to pay is higher than the offer price, so execute at the prevailing price
+                                        #txnprice = orderPrice
+                                        txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='ask')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamps
+                                        txntime = timestamp
+                                    } else next()
+                                }
+                            } else { # negative quantity 'sell'
+                                if (orderType == 'stoplimit') {
+                                    if(orderPrice >= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])){
+                                        # mktprice moved below our stop sell price
+                                        txnprice = orderPrice #assumption is that we're filled at our stop price
+                                        #txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamp
+                                        txntime = timestamp
+                                    } else next()
+                                } else {
+                                    if(orderPrice <= as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1])){
+                                        # we're willing to sell at a better price than the bid, so execute at the prevailing price
+                                        # txnprice = orderPrice
+                                        txnprice = as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer='bid')[,1]) #presumes unique timestamp
+                                        txntime = timestamp
+                                    } else next()
+                               } 
+                            }
+                            if( orderType == 'iceberg'){
+                                #we've transacted, so the old order was closed, put in a new one
+                                neworder<-addOrder(portfolio=portfolio,
+                                        symbol=symbol,
+                                        timestamp=timestamp,
+                                        qty=orderQty,
+                                        price=as.numeric(getPrice(mktdataTimestamp,prefer=prefer)[,1]), 
+                                        ordertype=orderType,
+                                        side=ordersubset[ii,"Order.Side"],
+                                        threshold=orderThreshold,
+                                        status="open",
+                                        replace=FALSE, return=TRUE,
+                                        ,...=..., TxnFees=txnfees)
+                                if (is.null(neworders)) neworders=neworder else neworders = rbind(neworders,neworder)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/blotter -r 982

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