[Blotter-commits] r658 - pkg/FinancialInstrument/R

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Wed Jul 6 20:36:10 CEST 2011

Author: braverock
Date: 2011-07-06 20:36:08 +0200 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 658

- move build_series_symbols fn to create shared file for build_spread_symbols
- update associated documentation
- other minor (mostly roxygen) updates

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/build_symbols.R (from rev 648, pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/CalendarUpdate.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/build_symbols.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/build_symbols.R	2011-07-06 18:36:08 UTC (rev 658)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#' construct a series of symbols based on root symbol and suffix letters
+#' The columns needed by this version of the function are \code{primary_id} 
+#' and \code{month_cycle}. \code{primary_id} should match the \code{primary_id} 
+#' of the instrument describing the root contract. 
+#' \code{month_cycle} should contain a comma delimited string describing the 
+#' month sequence to use, e.g. \code{"F,G,H,J,K,M,N,Q,U,V,X,Z"} for all months
+#' using the standard futures letters, or \code{"H,M,U,Z"} for quarters, or 
+#' \code{"Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec"} for quarters as three-letter month abbreviations, etc.  
+#' The correct values will vary based on your data source.
+#' @param yearlist vector of year suffixes to be applied, see Details
+#' @param roots data.frame containing at least columns \code{primary_id} and \code{month_cycle}, see Details
+#' @author Brian G. Peterson
+#' @seealso \code{\link{load.instruments}}
+#' @export
+#' TODO: add more flexibility in input formats for \code{roots}
+build_series_symbols <- function(roots, yearlist=c(0,1)) {
+	symbols<-''
+	id_col<-grep('primary_id',colnames(roots)) #TODO: check length
+	date_col<-grep('month_cycle',colnames(roots)) #TODO: check length
+	for (year_code in yearlist){
+		for(i in 1:nrow(roots)) { 
+			symbols <- c(symbols, paste(paste(roots[i,id_col], strsplit(as.character(roots[i,date_col]),",")[[1]],sep=''),year_code,sep='')) 
+		}
+	}
+	return(symbols[-1])
+#' build symbols for exchange guaranteed (calendar) spreads
+#' The columns needed by this version of the function are \code{primary_id}, 
+#'  \code{month_cycle}, and code \code{contracts_ahead}. 
+#' \code{primary_id} should match the \code{primary_id} 
+#' of the instrument describing the root contract. 
+#' \code{month_cycle} should contain a comma delimited string describing the 
+#' month sequence to use, e.g. \code{"F,G,H,J,K,M,N,Q,U,V,X,Z"} for all months
+#' using the standard futures letters, or \code{"H,M,U,Z"} for quarters, or 
+#' \code{"Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec"} for quarters as three-letter month abbreviations, etc.  
+#' The correct values will vary based on your data source.
+#' \code{contracts_ahead} should contain a comma-delimited string describing 
+#' the cycle on which the guaranteed calendar spreads are to be consructed,
+#' e.g. '1' for one-month spreads, '1,3' for one and three month spreads, 
+#' '1,6,12' for 1, 6, and 12 month spreads, etc.
+#' \code{active_months} is a numeric field indicating how many months including  
+#' the month of the \code{start_date} the contract is available to trade.  
+#' This number will be used as the upper limit for symbol generation.
+#' One of \code{data} or \code{file} must be populated for input data.
+#' @param data data.frame containing at least columns \code{primary_id}, \code{month_cycle}, amd \code{contracts_ahead}, see Details 
+#' @param file if not NULL, will read input data from the file named by this argument, in the same folrmat as \code{data}, above
+#' @param outputfile if not NULL, will write out put to this file as a CSV  
+#' @param start_date date to start building from, of type \code{Date} or an ISO-8601 date string, defaults to \code{\link{Sys.Date}}
+#' @author Ilya Kipnis <Ilya.Kipnis<at>gmail.com>
+#' @seealso 
+#' \code{\link{load.instruments}}
+#' \code{\link{build_series_symbols}}
+#' @aliases calendar speread
+#' @export
+build_spread_symbols <- function(data=NULL,file=NULL,outputfile=NULL,start_date=Sys.Date())
+	if(!is.null(data)) {
+		Data<-data
+	} else if(!is.null(file)) {
+		Data<-read.csv(file,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+	} else {
+		stop("you must either pass a data.frame as the 'data' parameter or pass the 'file' parameter")
+	}
+	yearCheck<-function(monthNum,yearNum){
+		if(monthNum>12){
+			yearNum=yearNum+1
+		} else if(monthNum<0){
+			yearNum=yearNum-1
+		} else {
+			yearNum=yearNum
+		}
+		return(yearNum)
+	}
+	makeNameCal<-function(primary_id,MonthOne,YearOne,MonthTwo,YearTwo){
+		contractName<-NULL
+		contractName<-paste(primary_id,MonthOne,YearOne,"-",MonthTwo,YearTwo,sep="")
+		return(contractName)
+	}
+	makeCalRows<-function(dataRow){
+		calFrame<-NULL
+		calContracts<-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(dataRow$contracts_ahead[1],",",fixed=TRUE)))
+		contractIndex<-c(1:length(monthsTraded))
+		contractTable<-cbind(monthsTraded,contractIndex)
+		for(k in 1:length(calContracts)){
+			yearsAhead=trunc(calContracts[k]/length(monthsTraded))%%10
+			monthContractsAhead=calContracts[k]%%length(monthsTraded)
+			workingContractNum<-as.numeric(contractTable[which(contractTable[,1]==workingContractMonthLet),2])
+			monthIndex=workingContractNum+monthContractsAhead
+			if(monthIndex>length(monthsTraded)){
+				yearsAhead<-(yearsAhead+1)%%10
+				monthIndex=monthIndex-length(monthsTraded)
+			}
+			newCalMonthLetter<-contractTable[monthIndex,1]
+			newCalYearNumber<-workingContractYearNum+yearsAhead%%10
+			contractName<-makeNameCal(Data$primary_id[i],workingContractMonthLet,workingContractYearNum,newCalMonthLetter,newCalYearNumber)
+			calRow<-cbind(contractName,dataRow$type[1])
+			#Other data would be added here.  Take in a row from root contracts, add other details (EG timezone, currency, etc...)
+			calFrame<-rbind(calFrame,contractName)
+		}
+		return(calFrame)
+	}
+	PPFNames<-c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
+	PPFNums<-c(-12,-11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24)
+	PPFLets<-c("F","G","H","J","K","M","N","Q","U","V","X","Z","F","G","H","J","K","M","N","Q","U","V","X","Z","F","G","H","J","K","M","N","Q","U","V","X","Z")
+	PPFFrame<-as.data.frame(cbind(PPFNames,PPFNums,PPFLets),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  #PPF=Past, Present, Future
+	contractFrame<-NULL
+	today<-start_date
+	for(i in 1:nrow(Data)){
+		currentMonthNum<-as.numeric(substr(today,6,7))
+		monthsTraded<-unlist(strsplit(Data$month_cycle[i],",",fixed=TRUE))
+		monthNumsTraded<-as.numeric(PPFFrame[which(PPFFrame[,3] %in% monthsTraded),2])
+		currentContractMonthNum<-as.numeric(monthNumsTraded[(min(which(monthNumsTraded>=currentMonthNum)))])
+		currentContractMonthLet<-PPFFrame[currentContractMonthNum,3]
+		currentYearNum<-as.numeric(substr(today,4,4))
+		currentContractYearNum<-yearCheck(currentContractMonthNum,currentYearNum)
+		workingContractMonthNum<-currentContractMonthNum
+		workingContractMonthLet<-currentContractMonthLet
+		workingContractYearNum<-currentContractYearNum
+		contractIndex<-c(1:length(monthsTraded))
+		contractTable<-cbind(monthsTraded,contractIndex)
+		if(Data$type[i]=="calendar_spread" || Data$type[i]=='guaranteed_spread'){
+			calFrame<-makeCalRows(Data[i,])
+			contractFrame<-rbind(contractFrame,calFrame)
+		} else {
+			#make name for non-calendar
+			#add other details to the row
+			#rbind it to the contractFrame
+		}
+		for(j in 1:(Data$active_months[i]-1)){
+			yearsAhead=trunc(j/length(monthsTraded))%%10 #aka if it's 10+ years ahead, since the year is one digit, for contracts further out than 10 years, you'll get 0, 1, 2, 3 instead of 10, 11, 12, etc.
+			currentContractNum<-as.numeric(contractTable[which(contractTable[,1]==currentContractMonthLet),2])
+			monthIndex=currentContractNum+monthContractsAhead
+			if(monthIndex>length(monthsTraded)){
+				yearsAhead<-(yearsAhead+1)%%10
+				monthIndex=monthIndex-length(monthsTraded)
+			}
+			workingContractMonthLet<-contractTable[monthIndex,1]
+			workingContractYearNum<-currentContractYearNum+yearsAhead
+			if(Data$type[i]=="calendar_spread" || Data$type[i]=='guaranteed_spread'){
+				calFrame<-makeCalRows(Data[i,])
+				contractFrame<-rbind(contractFrame,calFrame)
+			} else {
+				#make name for non-calendar
+				#add other details to the row
+				#rbind it to the contractFrame
+			}
+		}      
+	}
+	rownames(contractFrame)<-NULL
+	colnames(contractFrame)<-c("RICs")
+	if(!is.null(outputfile)){
+		write.csv(contractFrame,outputfile) 
+	} else {
+		return(contractFrame)
+	}
+# R (http://r-project.org/) Instrument Class Model
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2011
+# Peter Carl, Lance Levenson, Brian G. Peterson 
+# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id$

Modified: pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/load.instruments.R
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/load.instruments.R	2011-06-30 15:51:35 UTC (rev 657)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/load.instruments.R	2011-07-06 18:36:08 UTC (rev 658)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 #' @param split_method string specifying the method files are split, currently \sQuote{days} or \sQuote{common}, see Details
 #' @param use_identifier string identifying which column should be use to construct the \code{primary_id} of the instrument, default 'primary_id'
 #' @param extension file extension, default "rda"
-#' @param src which \code{\linkp[quantmod]{getSymbols}} sub-type to use, default \code{\link{getSymbols.FI}} by setting 'FI'
+#' @param src which \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}} sub-type to use, default \code{\link{getSymbols.FI}} by setting 'FI'
 #' @seealso \code{\link{load.instruments}} 
 #' \code{\link{getSymbols.FI}}
 #' \code{\link{load.instruments}}

Modified: pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/synthetic.R
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/synthetic.R	2011-06-30 15:51:35 UTC (rev 657)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/synthetic.R	2011-07-06 18:36:08 UTC (rev 658)
@@ -38,11 +38,15 @@
 #' @param type class string, should not be set by users
 #' @param members character vector of instrument identifiers that make up the synthetic
 #' @param memberratio numeric vector of ratio relationships between members, e.g. c(4,3) for a 4:3 spread
+#' @param tick_size the tick increment of the instrument price in it's trading venue, as numeric quantity (e.g. 1/8 is .125)
 #' @aliases
 #' synthetic
 #' spread 
 #' synthetic.ratio
 #' guaranteed_spread
+#' calendar_spread
+#' synthetic.instrument
+#' butterfly
 #' @export
 synthetic.ratio <- function(primary_id , currency ,  members, memberratio, ..., multiplier=1, identifiers = NULL, type=c("synthetic.ratio","synthetic","instrument"))
@@ -133,6 +137,7 @@
 #TODO: butterfly can refer to expirations (futures) or strikes (options)
+#' @export
 butterfly <- function(primary_id, currency=NULL, members,tick_size=NULL, identifiers=NULL, ...)
 ##TODO: A butterfly could either have 3 members that are outrights, or 2 members that are spreads
@@ -150,7 +155,7 @@
 #' @export
-guaranteed_spread <- function (primary_id, currency, members = NULL, memberratio = c(1,-1), ..., 
+guaranteed_spread <- calendar_spread <- function (primary_id, currency, members = NULL, memberratio = c(1,-1), ..., 
     multiplier = 1, identifiers = NULL, tick_size=NULL)
     if (hasArg(suffix_id)) {

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