[Blotter-commits] r406 - pkg/blotter/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Oct 6 16:24:26 CEST 2010

Author: peter_carl
Date: 2010-10-06 16:24:26 +0200 (Wed, 06 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 406

- finished account multicurrency and vectorization

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/getByPortf.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/getByPortf.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/getByPortf.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
     # Retrieves calculated attributes for each portfolio in the account
-    # from the portfolio summary table.  Assembles into a portfolio-by-time table 
+    # from the portfolio summary table.  Assembles into a portfolio-by-time table,
+    # normalized to the Account currency 
     # Inputs
     # Account: an Account object containing Portfolio summaries
@@ -15,18 +16,39 @@
     # regular xts object of values by portfolio
-    if(is.null(Dates)) # if no date is specified, get all available dates
-        Dates = time(Account[[2]])
+    zerofill <- function (x) 
+    { # kind of like PerformanceAnalytics, but not quite
+        for (column in 1:NCOL(x)) {
+            x[,column] <- ifelse(is.na(x[,column]),0, x[,column])
+        }
+        return(x)
+    }
     table = NULL 
-    i=1
-    portfolios=names(Account)[-1]
+    portfolios=names(Account$portfolios)
     for (portfolio in portfolios) {
-        tmp_col= Account[[portfolio]][Dates,Attribute,drop=FALSE]
+        tmp_col= Account$portfolios[[portfolio]][Dates,Attribute,drop=FALSE]
         if(is.null(table)) table = tmp_col
         else table = cbind(table, tmp_col)
+    switch(Attribute,
+        Long.Value =, 
+        Short.Value =, 
+        Net.Value =, 
+        Gross.Value = {
+            if(NROW(table) > 1) 
+                table = na.locf(table)
+        },
+        Txn.Fees =,
+        Realized.PL =, 
+        Unrealized.PL =, 
+		Net.Trading.PL =,		
+        Gross.Trading.PL = {
+            if(NROW(table) > 1)
+                table = zerofill(table)
+        }
+    )

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.getBySymbol <- function(Portfolio, Attribute, Dates=NULL, Symbols=NULL, Local=FALSE)
+.getBySymbol <- function(Portfolio, Attribute, Dates=NULL, Symbols=NULL, native=FALSE)
 { # @author Peter Carl
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
     if(is.null(Dates) | is.na(Dates)) # if no date is specified, get all available dates
         Dates = time(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL)
     # else  Dates = time(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL[Dates])
-    if(!is.null(attr(Portfolio,'currency')) & Local==FALSE) {
+    if(!is.null(attr(Portfolio,'currency')) & native==FALSE) {
         namePosPL = paste("posPL", p.ccy.str, sep=".")
     } else {
-        print("Returning position values in Local values")
+        print("Returning position values in native currency values")
         namePosPL = "posPL"
         # Alternatively, we could just use posPL without ccy extension
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
     colnames(table) = symbols
+### TODO: NA fill like getByPortfolio
 ## TODO: append summary information in last columns based on Attribute requested
 # e.g., 'Pos.Value' would append Net.Value, Gross.Value, Long.Value, Short.Value

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/getEndEq.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/getEndEq.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/getEndEq.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     toDate = paste('::', Date, sep="")
-    EndEq = as.numeric(tail(Account[[1]][toDate,], n=1)[,"End.Eq"])
+    EndEq = as.numeric(tail(Account$summary[toDate,], n=1)[,"End.Eq"])

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/initAcct.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/initAcct.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/initAcct.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
         stop(paste("Account",name,"already exists, use updateAcct() or create a new account."))
-    account=vector("list",length=(length(portfolios)+1))
-    names(account)=c("TOTAL",paste("portfolio",portfolios,sep='.'))
-    account[["TOTAL"]] = xts( as.matrix(t(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,initEq))), order.by=as.POSIXct(initDate) )
-    colnames(account[["TOTAL"]]) = c('Additions', 'Withdrawals', 'Realized.PL', 'Unrealized.PL', 'Int.Income', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL', 'Advisory.Fees', 'Net.Performance', 'End.Eq')
+    account=list()
+    account$portfolios=vector("list",length=length(portfolios))
+    names(account$portfolios)=portfolios
+    account$summary = xts( as.matrix(t(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,initEq))), order.by=as.POSIXct(initDate) )
+    colnames(account$summary) = c('Additions', 'Withdrawals', 'Realized.PL', 'Unrealized.PL', 'Int.Income', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL', 'Advisory.Fees', 'Net.Performance', 'End.Eq')
     for(portfolio in portfolios){
-        account[[paste("portfolio",portfolio,sep=".")]] = xts( as.matrix(t(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))), order.by=as.POSIXct(initDate) )
-        colnames(account[[paste("portfolio",portfolio,sep=".")]]) = c('Long.Value', 'Short.Value', 'Net.Value', 'Gross.Value', 'Realized.PL', 'Unrealized.PL', 'Gross.Trading.PL','Txn.Fees','Net.Trading.PL')
+        account$portfolios[[portfolio]] = initSummary(initDate=initDate)
     # return(account)

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/updateAcct.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/updateAcct.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/updateAcct.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -15,61 +15,104 @@
 { # @author Peter Carl
+    if(!is.null(attr(Account,'currency'))) {
+        a.ccy.str<-attr(Account,'currency')
+    } 
+	#TODO trim to only time prior to Dates
-    Portfolios = names(Account)[-1]
-    Portfolio = getPortfolio(Portfolios[1])
-    # TODO FIXME this so that it finds the date range in *any*/all portfolios, not just the first
-    if(is.null(Dates)) 
-        #[[1]] here is the first instrument in the portfolio
-        Dates = time(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL ) # if no date is specified, get all available dates
-#    if(!is.timeBased(Dates) ){
-        # Dates is an xts range, turn it into a list of Dates
-#    else Dates = time(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL[Dates])
-#    } 
-    #TODO FIXME do two loops, one over portfolios to update each portfolio 
-    # and one over accounts, to aggregate, probably via matrix addition
-    # For each date, calculate realized and unrealized P&L
-    for(d in 1:length(Dates)){ # d is a date slot counter
-    # I shouldn't have to do this but I lose the class for the element when I do
-    # for(date in Dates)
+    Portfolios = names(Account$portfolios)
+    # Append the portfolio summary data to the portfolio slot
+    for(pname in Portfolios){
+        Portfolio = getPortfolio(pname)
+        if(!is.null(attr(Portfolio,'currency'))) {
+            p.ccy.str<-attr(Portfolio,'currency')
+        } 
+        # Test whether portfolio and account are of the same ccy        
+		psummary = Portfolio$summary[Dates]
+		if( a.ccy.str != p.ccy.str ){
+            # If not, translate the portfolio summary to the account currency
+			port_currency<-try(getInstrument(p.ccy.str))
+			if(inherits(port_currency,"try-error") | !is.instrument(port_currency)){
+				warning("Currency",p.ccy.str," not found, using currency multiplier of 1")
+				CcyMult<-1
+			} else {
+				FXrate.str<-paste(tmp_instr$currency,p.ccy.str,sep='')
+				FXrate<-try(get(FXrate.str))
+				if(inherits(FXrate,"try-error")){
+					FXrate.str<-paste(p.ccy.str,tmp_instr$currency,sep='')
+					FXrate<-try(get(FXrate.str))
+					if(inherits(FXrate,"try-error")){ 
+						warning("Exchange Rate",FXrate.str," not found for symbol,',Symbol,' using currency multiplier of 1")
+						CcyMult<-1
+					} else {
+						invert=TRUE
+					}
+				}
+			}		
+			if(is.na(CcyMult) & !is.na(FXrate)) {
+				if(inherits(FXrate,'xts')){
+					CcyMult <- FXrate[Dates]
+					CcyMult <- na.locf(merge(CcyMult,index(psummary)))
+					CcyMult <- drop(CcyMult[index(psummary)])
+				} else {
+					CcyMult<-as.numeric(FXrate)
+				}
+			} else {
+				CcyMult<-1
+			}
+			if(isTRUE(invert)){
+				# portfolio and instrument have different currencies, and FXrate was in the wrong direction
+				CcyMult<-1/CcyMult
+			}
+			#multiply by the currency multiplier    
+			psummary<-psummary*CcyMult
+        }
+		# now bind it
+		Account$portfolios[[pname]] = rbind(Account$portfolios[[pname]],psummary)
+    }
-        # Append the portfolio summary data to the portfolio slot
-        for(pname in Portfolios){
-            Portfolio = getPortfolio(pname)
+    summary = NULL
+    # get the dimensions we need to work with 
+    ## TODO Find more efficient way to establish dimensions of the result
+    table = .getByPortf(Account, 'Net.Trading.PL', Dates)
+    obsLength = length(index(table))
+    obsDates = index(table)
-            CurrentDate = Dates[d]
-            PrevDate = time(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL[Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL[CurrentDate,which.i=TRUE]-1 ] ) # which.i is new in [.xts
-            if (length(PrevDate)==0) next() #no price data, keep looking
-            PrevDateWidth = xts:::.parseISO8601(PrevDate)
-            PrevDateLast = PrevDateWidth$last.time
-            CurrentSpan = paste(PrevDateLast, CurrentDate, sep="::")
-            rows = calcPortfSummary(Portfolio, CurrentSpan)
-            rows = na.omit(rows)
-            Account[[pname]] = rbind(Account[[pname]],rows)
-        }
-        if(is.null(CurrentSpan)) next()
-        # Now aggregate the portfolio information into the TOTAL slot
-        TxnFees = calcAcctAttr(Account, Attribute = 'Txn.Fees', CurrentSpan)
-        Additions = xts(rep(0,length(index(TxnFees))),order.by=index(TxnFees))
-        Withdrawals = Additions
-        IntIncome = Additions
-        AdvisoryFees = Additions
-        NetPerformance = Additions
-        EndEq = Additions
-        RealizedPL = calcAcctAttr(Account, 'Realized.PL', CurrentSpan)
-        UnrealizedPL = calcAcctAttr(Account, 'Unrealized.PL', CurrentSpan)
-        GrossTradingPL = calcAcctAttr(Account, 'Gross.Trading.PL', CurrentSpan)
-        NetTradingPL = calcAcctAttr(Account, 'Net.Trading.PL', CurrentSpan)
-        rows = cbind(Additions, Withdrawals, RealizedPL, UnrealizedPL, IntIncome, GrossTradingPL, TxnFees, NetTradingPL, AdvisoryFees, NetPerformance, EndEq)
-        colnames(rows) = c('Additions', 'Withdrawals', 'Realized.PL', 'Unrealized.PL', 'Int.Income', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL', 'Advisory.Fees', 'Net.Performance', 'End.Eq')
-        Account[['TOTAL']] <- rbind(Account[['TOTAL']], rows)
+    # Now aggregate the portfolio information into the $summary slot
+    Attributes = c('Additions', 'Withdrawals', 'Realized.PL', 'Unrealized.PL', 'Int.Income', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL', 'Advisory.Fees', 'Net.Performance', 'End.Eq')
+    for(Attribute in Attributes) {
+        switch(Attribute,
+            Realized.PL = ,
+            Unrealized.PL = ,
+            Gross.Trading.PL = ,
+            Txn.Fees = ,
+            Net.Trading.PL = {
+                table = .getByPortf(Account, Attribute, Dates)
+                result = xts(rowSums(table,na.rm=TRUE),order.by=index(table))
+            },
+            Additions = , 
+            Withdrawals = , 
+            Int.Income = ,
+            Advisory.Fees = ,
+            Net.Performance = ,
+            End.Eq = { 
+				## TODO no cash handling for now, add this in later, but for now, zeroes 
+                result = xts(rep(0,obsLength),order.by=obsDates)
+            }
+        )
+        colnames(result) = Attribute
+        if(is.null(summary)) {summary=result}
+        else {summary=cbind(summary,result)}
+    }
+    Account$summary <- rbind(Account$summary, summary)
     # This function does not calculate End.Eq 
-    }
     assign(paste("account",name,sep='.'),Account, envir=.blotter) 
     return(name) #not sure this is a good idea

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/updateEndEq.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/updateEndEq.R	2010-10-05 13:20:59 UTC (rev 405)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/updateEndEq.R	2010-10-06 14:24:26 UTC (rev 406)
@@ -6,20 +6,41 @@
 #' @export
 updateEndEq <- function(Account, Dates=NULL)
-    aname<-Account
+	# Calculates End.Eq and Net.Performance
+	# Requires that updateAcct has been run and any additional functions
+	# have alread appended information into that table (e.g., additions or
+	# withdrawals, fees, interest, etc.)
+	aname<-Account
     Account<-try(get(paste("account",aname,sep='.'), envir=.blotter))
         stop(paste("Account",aname," not found, use initAcct() to create a new account"))
     if(is.null(Dates)) # if no date is specified, get all available dates
-        Dates = time(Account[[1]])
+        Dates = time(Account$summary)
-        Dates = time(Account[[1]][Dates])
+        Dates = time(Account$summary[Dates])
-    # For each date, calculate realized and unrealized P&L
-    for(d in 1:length(Dates)){ # d is a date slot counter
-	Account = calcEndEq(aname, as.character(Dates[d])) ## WTF?
-    }
+	### TODO Vectorize this
+	#     # For each date, calculate realized and unrealized P&L
+	#     for(d in 1:length(Dates)){ # d is a date slot counter
+	# 	Account = calcEndEq(aname, as.character(Dates[d])) ## WTF?
+	#     }
+    PrevDate = time(Account$summary[first(Account$summary[Dates,which.i=TRUE])-1,]) # get index of previous end date 
+    PrevEndEq = getEndEq(aname, PrevDate)
+    Additions = Account$summary[Dates]$Additions
+    Withdrawals = Account$summary[Dates]$Withdrawals
+    NetPerformance = rowSums(Account$summary[Dates,c('Int.Income','Net.Trading.PL', 'Advisory.Fees')])
+	# assign NetPerformance into the account slot
+    Account$summary$Net.Performance[Dates] <- NetPerformance
+    # Create a vector of end equity without the previous value?
+    EndCapital = PrevEndEq + Additions + Withdrawals + NetPerformance
+    Account$summary$End.Eq[Dates] <- EndCapital
     assign(paste("account",aname,sep='.'),Account, envir=.blotter) 
     return(aname) #not sure this is a good idea

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