[Blotter-commits] r357 - pkg/RTAQ/R
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Mon Jul 19 19:04:07 CEST 2010
Author: jonathan
Date: 2010-07-19 19:04:07 +0200 (Mon, 19 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 357
bugfix thx to reporting of Ruey-wan Liou
Modified: pkg/RTAQ/R/aggregate.R
--- pkg/RTAQ/R/aggregate.R 2010-07-19 13:53:53 UTC (rev 356)
+++ pkg/RTAQ/R/aggregate.R 2010-07-19 17:04:07 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -101,22 +101,31 @@
#VOLUME: (specificity: always sum)
-agg_volume = function(ts,FUN = sumN,on="minutes",k=5, includeopen=FALSE){
-ts = dataformatc(ts);
- if(!includeopen){ts3 = aggregatets(ts, FUN=sumN, on, k)}
- if(includeopen){
- ts2 = aggregatets(ts, FUN=sumN, on, k);
- date = strsplit(as.character(index(ts))," ")[[1]][1]
- realopen = "09:30:00";
- a = as.timeDate(paste(date,realopen));
- b = xts(as.numeric(ts[1]),a);
- ts3 = c(b,ts2);
- }
+agg_volume = function (ts, FUN = sumN, on = "minutes", k = 5, includeopen = FALSE)
+ ts = dataformatc(ts)
+ if (!includeopen) {
+ ts3 = aggregatets(ts, FUN = sumN, on, k)
+ }
+ if (includeopen) {
+ ts2 = aggregatets(ts, FUN = sumN, on, k)
+ date = strsplit(as.character(index(ts)), " ")[[1]][1]
+ realopen = "09:30:00"
+ a = as.timeDate(paste(date, realopen))
+ b = xts(as.numeric(ts[1]), a)
+ ts3 = c(b, ts2)
+ }
+ #new
+ realclose = "16:00:00";
+ aa = as.timeDate(paste(date, realclose));
+ condition = index(ts3) < aa;
+ ts4 = ts3[condition];
+ lastinterval = sum(as.numeric(ts3[!condition]));
+ bb = xts(lastinterval, aa)
+ ts4 = c(ts4, bb)
+ return(ts4)
agg_trades = function(tdata,on="minutes",k=5){
tdata = dataformatc(tdata);
Modified: pkg/RTAQ/R/convert_to_RData.R
--- pkg/RTAQ/R/convert_to_RData.R 2010-07-19 13:53:53 UTC (rev 356)
+++ pkg/RTAQ/R/convert_to_RData.R 2010-07-19 17:04:07 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -50,119 +50,111 @@
-convert_trades = function(datasource,datadestination,ticker,extention="txt",header=F,tradecolnames=NULL,format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"){
+convert_trades = function (datasource, datadestination, ticker, extention = "txt",
+ header = F, tradecolnames = NULL, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ setwd(datasource)
+ adjtime = function(z) {
+ zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":"))
+ if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {
+ return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3],
+ sep = ":"))
+ }
+ return(z)
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(ticker)) {
+ tfile_name = paste(datasource, "\\", ticker[i], "_trades",
+ sep = "")
+ tdata = try(readdata(path = tfile_name, extention = extention,
+ header = header, dims = 9), silent = TRUE)
+ error = dim(tdata)[1] == 0
+ if (error) {
+ print(paste("no trades for stock", ticker[i]))
+ missingt = rbind(missingt, c(datasource, ticker[i]))
+ }
+ if (error == FALSE) {
+ if (is.null(tradecolnames)) {
+ tradecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME",
+ "PRICE", "SIZE", "COND", "CORR", "G127")
+ colnames(tdata) = tradecolnames
+ }else {
+ colnames(tdata) = tradecolnames
+ }
+ cond = tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)];
+ cr = tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)];
- setwd(datasource);
- adjtime = function(z){
- zz = unlist(strsplit(z,":"));
- if(nchar(zz[1])!=2){
- return(paste(paste(0,zz[1],sep=""),zz[2],zz[3],sep=":"))}
- return(z);
- }
+ tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)] = 0
+ tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cond)
+ tdata$G127[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cr)
+ rm(cond, cr)
+ oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(tdata$TIME))
+ newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime)
+ tdata$TIME = newtime
+ rm(oldtime, newtime)
+ tdobject = timeDate(paste(as.vector(tdata$DATE),
+ as.vector(tdata$TIME)), format = format, FinCenter = "GMT",
+ zone = "GMT")
+ tdata = xts(tdata, order.by = tdobject)
+ tdata = tdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "PRICE", "SIZE",
+ "COND", "CORR", "G127")]
+ rm(tdobject)
+ }
+ xts_name = paste(ticker[i], "_trades.RData", sep = "")
+ setwd(datadestination)
+ save(tdata, file = xts_name)
+ }
- for(i in 1:length(ticker)){
- tfile_name = paste(datasource,"\\",ticker[i],"_trades",sep="");
- tdata = try(readdata(path=tfile_name, extention=extention,header=header,dims=9),silent=TRUE);
- error = dim(tdata)[1]==0;
- if(error)
- {print(paste("no trades for stock",ticker[i]));
- missingt = rbind(missingt,c(datasource,ticker[i]));
- }
- if(error==FALSE){
+convert_quotes = function (datasource, datadestination, ticker, extention = "txt",
+ header = F, quotecolnames = NULL, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ setwd(datasource)
+ adjtime = function(z) {
+ zz = unlist(strsplit(z, ":"))
+ if (nchar(zz[1]) != 2) {
+ return(paste(paste(0, zz[1], sep = ""), zz[2], zz[3],
+ sep = ":"))
+ }
+ return(z)
+ }
+ for (i in 1:length(ticker)) {
+ qfile_name = paste(datasource, "\\", ticker[i], "_quotes",
+ sep = "")
+ qdata = try(readdata(path = qfile_name, extention = extention,
+ header = header, dims = 9), silent = TRUE)
+ error = dim(qdata)[1] == 0
+ if (error) {
+ print(paste("no quotes for stock", ticker[i]))
+ missingq = rbind(missingq, c(datasource, ticker[i]))
+ }
+ if (error == FALSE) {
+ if (is.null(quotecolnames)) {
+ quotecolnames = c("SYMBOL", "DATE", "EX", "TIME",
+ colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames
+ }
+ else {
+ colnames(qdata) = quotecolnames
+ }
+ qdata = qdata[qdata$SYMBOL == ticker[i], ]
+ oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(qdata$TIME))
+ newtime = apply(oldtime, 1, adjtime)
+ qdata$TIME = newtime
+ rm(oldtime, newtime)
+ test = paste(as.vector(qdata$DATE), as.vector(qdata$TIME))
+ tdobject = timeDate(test, format = format, FinCenter = "GMT",
+ zone = "GMT")
+ tdobject = timeDate(test, format = format, FinCenter = "GMT",
+ zone = "GMT")
+ qdata = xts(qdata, order.by = tdobject)
+ qdata = qdata[, c("SYMBOL", "EX", "BID", "BIDSIZ",
+ "OFR", "OFRSIZ", "MODE")]
+ }
+ xts_name = paste(ticker[i], "_quotes.RData", sep = "")
+ setwd(datadestination)
+ save(qdata, file = xts_name)
+ }
- #assign column names
- if(header==FALSE){
- if(is.null(tradecolnames)){
- tradecolnames=c("SYMBOL","DATE","EX","TIME","PRICE","SIZE","COND","CORR","G127");
- colnames(tdata)= tradecolnames;
- }else{
- colnames(tdata)= tradecolnames;
- }
- }
- ### solve issue when there is no COND ###
- cond=tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)];
- cr=tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)];
- tdata$COND[is.na(tdata$G127)]=0;
- tdata$CORR[is.na(tdata$G127)]= as.character(cond);
- tdata$G127[is.na(tdata$G127)] = as.character(cr);
- rm(cond,cr);
- ## solve issue that time notation is inconsequent (no 09h but 9h)
- oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(tdata$TIME));
- newtime = apply(oldtime,1,adjtime);
- tdata$TIME = newtime;
- rm(oldtime,newtime);
- ##make xts object ##
- tdobject=timeDate(paste(as.vector(tdata$DATE), as.vector(tdata$TIME)),format = format,FinCenter = "GMT",zone="GMT");
- tdata = xts(tdata,order.by=tdobject);
- tdata=tdata[,c("SYMBOL","EX","PRICE","SIZE","COND","CORR","G127")];
- rm(tdobject);
- }
- xts_name = paste(ticker[i],"_trades.RData",sep="");
- setwd(datadestination);
- save(tdata, file = xts_name);
- }
- }
-convert_quotes = function(datasource,datadestination,ticker,extention="txt",header=F,quotecolnames=NULL,format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"){
- setwd(datasource);
- adjtime = function(z){
- zz = unlist(strsplit(z,":"));
- if(nchar(zz[1])!=2){
- return(paste(paste(0,zz[1],sep=""),zz[2],zz[3],sep=":"))}
- return(z);
- }
- for(i in 1:length(ticker)){
- qfile_name = paste(datasource,"\\",ticker[i],"_quotes",sep="");
- qdata=try(readdata(path=qfile_name, extention=extention,header=header,dims=9),silent=TRUE);
- error = dim(qdata)[1]==0;
- if(error)
- {print(paste("no quotes for stock",ticker[i]));
- missingq=rbind(missingq,c(datasource,ticker[i]));
- }
- if(error==FALSE){
- #assign column names
- if(header==FALSE){
- if(is.null(quotecolnames)){
- quotecolnames = c("SYMBOL","DATE","EX","TIME","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ","MODE");
- colnames(qdata)= quotecolnames;
- }else{
- colnames(qdata)= quotecolnames;
- }
- }
- ####important because of data mistakes,must become something like "ticker"
- qdata = qdata[qdata$SYMBOL==ticker[i],];
- ## solve issue that time notation is inconsequent (no 09h but 9h):
- oldtime = as.matrix(as.vector(qdata$TIME));
- newtime = apply(oldtime,1,adjtime); #check if function in this file
- qdata$TIME = newtime;
- rm(oldtime,newtime);
- ##make xts object
- test = paste(as.vector(qdata$DATE), as.vector(qdata$TIME));
- tdobject=timeDate(test,format = format,FinCenter = "GMT",zone="GMT");
- tdobject=timeDate(test,format = format,FinCenter = "GMT",zone="GMT");
- qdata = xts(qdata,order.by=tdobject);
- qdata = qdata[,c("SYMBOL","EX","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ","MODE")];
- }
- xts_name = paste(ticker[i],"_quotes.RData",sep="");
- setwd(datadestination);
- save(qdata, file = xts_name);
- }
- }
Modified: pkg/RTAQ/R/manipulation.R
--- pkg/RTAQ/R/manipulation.R 2010-07-19 13:53:53 UTC (rev 356)
+++ pkg/RTAQ/R/manipulation.R 2010-07-19 17:04:07 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -106,7 +106,11 @@
merged = merged[index(tdata)];
#return useful parts:
- merged = merged[,c((1:tt),((tt+3):(dim(merged)[2])))];
+ #remove duplicated SYMBOL & EX (new)
+ eff = colnames(merged);
+ realnames = c("SYMBOL","EX","PRICE","SIZE","COND","CORR","G127","BID","BIDSIZ","OFR","OFRSIZ","MODE");
+ condition = (1:length(eff))[eff%in%realnames];
+ merged = merged[,condition];
##a bit rough but otherwise opening price disappears...
merged = as.xts(na.locf(as.zoo(merged),fromLast=TRUE));
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