[Biomod-commits] error message FDA - RF

Wilfried Thuiller wilfried.thuiller at ujf-grenoble.fr
Tue Mar 6 20:23:50 CET 2012

Dear Ahmed,

> I am new to BIOMOD, and I have a couple of problems while running FDA and RF .
> I am using the latest version of R (2.14.2) and BIOMOD V1.1-7.00 downloaded from: http://www.will.chez-alice.fr/Software.html - I am using Windows 7 (32 bit) (3GB of ram - core i3)
> While running RF, I am always got this error message:
>         Error: cannot allocate vector of size 596.2 Mb

You do not enough RAM unfortunately. 
Would be better to work on 64 bit machine. 

However, you may give a try with this trick, not sure if this is gonna work, but let's give it a try:

Make a shortcut of the R.exe program.
Copy and paste this shortcut into your working directory.
Right click on the short cut and add the following command in the target window


So in the target window, you'll have something like

"C:\Program Files\R\Rgui.exe" --max-mem-size=5000000000
Then double click on the shortcut and try again random forest.

If you are using Tinn-R, they is also a similar procedure that gives the same results. I do not know if it is working on Win7 (I am a Mac user) but it used to work on Win XP. 

> For FDA, it was working fine on the tutorial data but when I am trying to work on my own data, I am receiving this error:
>         Error in if (min(Fit) < 0) Fit[Fit < 0] <- 0 : 
>         missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Sounds like the FDA does not work for your species. Better switch it off for now and see whether it works for your second species.



> I am pretty sure that there are no na values in my data using this command
>         sum(is.na(currentclim))
>         sum(is.na(species)) 
> in both cases I got 0 na values.
> That is the code used to calibrate the models:
> Initial.State (Response = species[,1:2], Explanatory = currentclim, IndependentResponse = species[,1:2], IndependentExplanator y = currentclim)
>         Models(
>         GLM = T, TypeGLM = "poly", Test = "AIC",
>         GBM = T, No.trees = 2000,
>         GAM = T, Spline = 3,
>         CTA = F, CV.tree = 50,
>         ANN = T, CV.ann = 2,
>         SRE = T, quant=0.025,   # requires opening R with administrative previllages.
>         FDA = T,
>          MARS = T,
>         # RF = T,               
>         NbRunEval = 3, DataSplit = 75, Yweights=NULL, 
>         Roc = T, Optimized.Threshold.Roc = T, Kappa = T, TSS=T,
>         KeepPredIndependent = T, VarImport=5,
>         NbRepPA=0, strategy="circles", coor=latlong,
>         distance=0.125, nb.absences=1000)
> This is the results:
> ----------------------------------- 
> Modelling summar y 
> ----------------------------------- 
> Number of species modelled :            2
> sp1, sp2
> numerical variables :                   bio3, bio5, bio6, bio7, bio8, bio9, bio10, bio11, bio15, bio16, bio19
> number of evaluation repetitions :      3
> number of pseudo-absences runs :        0
> models selected :                       ANN, GAM, GBM, GLM, MARS, FDA, SRE
> total number of model runs :            56
> ----------------------------------- 
> #####                    sp1     ;                #####
> Model=Artificial Neural Network 
>          2 Fold Cross Validation + 3 Repetitions 
> Calibration and evaluation phase: Nb of cross-validations:  3 
> Evaluating Predictor Contributions in  ANN ... 
> Model=GAM spline 
>          3  Degrees of smoothing 
> Evaluating Predictor Contributions in  GAM ... 
> Model=Generalised Boosting Regression 
>          2000 maximum different trees and lambda Fold Cross-Validation 
> Evaluating Predictor Contributions in  GBM ... 
> Model=GLM polynomial + quadratic         Stepwise procedure using AIC criteria 
> Evaluating Pre dictor Contributions in  GLM ... 
> Model=Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines 
> Evaluating Predictor Contributions in  MARS ... 
> Model=Flexible Discriminant Analysis 
> Error in if (min(Fit) < 0) Fit[Fit < 0] <- 0 : 
>   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> Thanks in advance,
> Ahmed
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Dr. Wilfried Thuiller
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, UMR CNRS 5553
Université Joseph Fourier
BP53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France
tel: +33 (0)4 76 51 44 97
fax: +33 (0)4 76 51 42 79

Email: wilfried.thuiller at ujf-grenoble.fr
Personal website: http://www.will.chez-alice.fr
Team website: http://www-leca.ujf-grenoble.fr/equipes/emabio.htm

ERC Starting Grant TEEMBIO project: http://www.will.chez-alice.fr/Research.html
FP6 European EcoChange project: http://www.ecochange-project.eu

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