[Biomod-commits] Inconsistent GLM results

Mathias Kuemmerlen Mathias.Kuemmerlen at senckenberg.de
Tue Aug 28 11:39:05 CEST 2012

Dear BIOMOD-Development Team:
I am using ‘BIOMOD’ version 1.1-7.02, on R version 2.15.0.
When performing ensemble forecasting for several species (15-30
occurrence points) I get outcomes that indicate that in some species
GLM's are not, or cannot be computed (Evualuation.results.Roc with total
score of 0.5; Var.importance with NA). Nevertheless, for most other
species it does work, even though I am while modelling with the same
environmental predictors.
Hopefully you can give me a hint of where the problem may be.
Pura vida, 
M.Sc. Mathias Kuemmerlen
Department of River Ecology and Conservation
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
Clamecystraße 12
63571 Gelnhausen
tel.  +49 (0) 6051 61954-3120
fax. +49 (0) 6051 61954-3118
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Rechtsfähiger Verein gemäß §
22 BGB Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt

Direktorium: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Mosbrugger, Prof. Dr. Michael
Türkay, Dr. Johannes Heilmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch, Prof. Dr.
Georg Zizka, Prof. Dr. Uwe Fritz
Vorsitzender des Präsidiums: Dietmar SchmidAufsichtsbehörde: Magistrat
der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Ordnungsamt)
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