[Biomod-commits] Projection Function in BIOMOD version 1.1-7.03

Matthew Moskwik mpmoskwik at austin.utexas.edu
Fri Aug 10 21:31:32 CEST 2012

I’m using BIOMOD version 1.1-7.03 in R 2.15.1 on a Linux cluster.  I’ve written an R script which builds models and then uses the Projection function to project onto several future climate surfaces.  When the script reaches the Projection function, I receive the following error:

Error in BinaryTransformation(g[, a, Nrep, jj], as.numeric(Evaluation.results.Roc[[i]][a, : 
could not find function "loadMethod" 
Calls: Projection -> BinaryTransformation 
Execution halted

I’ve run the same script on a local Windows machine with the same version of R and BIOMOD with no problems.  However, if I use the previous BIOMOD version 1.1-7.02 on the Linux cluster, I do not receive this error (the script completes without any errors).  Thus, the error only appears when running the most current version of BIOMOD on the Linux cluster.  I should also add that the installed R packages on my Windows machine are identical to those installed on the Linux cluster.  Any ideas what might be causing this problem?   Thanks. 

I wanted to use the most recent version of BIOMOD, as it calculates evaluation metrics (Roc, TSS, Kappa) for independent data for each replicate, whereas version 1.1-7.02 does not.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

Matthew Moskwik
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