[Basta-users] Using BaSTA for stopover duration analyses

Fernando Colchero colchero at imada.sdu.dk
Thu Jul 10 10:44:15 CEST 2014

Dear Jessica,

   Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been traveling with little access to internet. I’m really glad that you like BaSTA! If I understand well, you have data for one field season on a stop over site. You could use BaSTA to determine the time to departure, but not really the combination of time to departure and survival. Unfortunately BaSTA cannot yet deal with stop over data. But we’ll be happy to provide any help you need. I’m copying you message to the BaSTA mailing list and to Maren Rebke, on of the coauthors of the package so we can follow up on your inquiry. Actually, if you are still interested on following this up, it’ll be great help if you could register to the BaSTA mailing list so other people can use your case. To register you can go to: 


   Once again thanks for your interest. Best,


Fernando Colchero
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Max-Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging

Tlf.               +45 65 50 23 24
Email           colchero at imada.sdu.dk
Web             www.sdu.dk/staff/colchero
Pers. web   www.colchero.com
Adr.              Campusvej 55, 5230, Odense, Dk

University of Southern Denmark

On 07 Jul 2014, at 19:39, Henkel, Jessica R <jhenkel at tulane.edu> wrote:

> Dear Dr. Colchero,
> My name is Jessica Henkel. I am a PhD candidate at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. I am researching the migration ecology of 3 species of Calidrid sandpipers stopping over on the northern Gulf of Mexico. I am working with a dataset of birds marked and resighted daily over a 3 month period. I love the BaSTA interface, the flexibility of the program, and how well it can handle additional covariates. 
> I was wondering if you think I could accurately apply the BaSTA analysis to my data. As I’m looking at stopover, the Weibull curve seems the most appropriate, however, as I do not actually know the “birth” or “Death” date for any of my individuals, I’m not sure BaSTA would be the best option for me. Sampling (new banding) continued throughout the 3 month period, and birds were certainly arriving and leaving at different intervals.  Several birds are only in the data set for two observations (banding and one resight).
> I have been playing around with BaSTA and the output from applying a Weibull curve to my data appears to be working properly (birds that stayed for longer have much higher survival rates), but before I continue to move forward I would appreciate any feedback you may have regarding applying BaSTA to stopover duration analyses. 
> Many thanks, and best wishes,
> Jessica
> Jessica Renee Henkel, PhD Candidate
> Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
> Tulane University
> 400 Boggs Hall, EEB
> 6823 Saint Charles Avenue
> New Orleans, LA, 70118

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