[Basta-users] plotting survival curves manually using the posterior means

Jelle Boonekamp jjboonekamp at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 10:36:42 CET 2013

Hi BaSTA users, 

I ran into something peculiar. When I manually plot the survivor function (2par Gompertz in my case) using the posterior mean parameter estimations, I get a slightly different survival curve/shape compared with the curve that BaSTA draws. Shouldn't these be exactly similar, or am I missing something? For the plotting I used the equation from table 3 on p16 of the cran manual, with proportional hazard implementation following equation 7b on page 19. The aim of this exercise was to estimate the effects of the Gompertz parameters on mean lifespan separately.

Best, Jelle

Jelle Boonekamp
Behavioural Biology
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 11103
9700 CC Groningen
The Netherlands

tel: +31.50.363 7853
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