[Basta-users] out$lifetable errors

Cliff Cunningham cliff at duke.edu
Mon Nov 7 11:03:20 CET 2011

Dear BaSTa,
	After several runs I have typed  out$lifetable and got the following

> out$lifetable

	I should report I got several warning messages (see bottom) when I ran the following: 
Survival parameters converged appropriately. 
DIC was calculated
.Warning messages:
1: In max(DeathAges, na.rm = TRUE) :
  no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
2: In max(wa) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
3: In MakeLifeTable(x, ax = 0.5, n = 1) : NAs introduced by coercion

My code was as follows, 

out <- basta(object = Males.dat$newData, studyStart = 1979, studyEnd = 1982, burnin=1000 ,niter=10000, nsim=4, parallel=TRUE, ncpus=4)

	In this one I had all the birthdays at 1978, and first captures in 1979.

Here are the errors from the 
Multiple simulations finished.
Total MCMC computing time: 3.91 minutes

Thanks so much!!

   	Cliff Cunningham

	Biology Department
    	Duke University
        130 Science Drive
	Durham NC 27708
	Phone 919-660-7356


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