[Archetypes-commits] r66 - in pkg: . R inst/doc man vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Dec 15 19:26:07 CET 2013

Author: manuel
Date: 2013-12-15 19:26:07 +0100 (Sun, 15 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 66

check updates

Property changes on: pkg
Added: svn:ignore
   + .Rproj.user

Modified: pkg/.Rbuildignore
--- pkg/.Rbuildignore	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/.Rbuildignore	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: archetypes
 Type: Package
 Title: Archetypal Analysis
-Version: 2.1-1
-Date: 2011-10-25
+Version: 2.1-2
+Date: 2013-12-15
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
     problem solving mechanisms for the different conceputal
     parts of the algorithm.
 License: GPL (>= 2)
-Revision: 44

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

Modified: pkg/NEWS
--- pkg/NEWS	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/NEWS	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+Changes in archetypes version 2.1-2
+  o Moved vignette to 'vignettes' directory.
+  o Fixed R CMD --as-cran warnings/notes.
 Changes in archetypes version 2.1-1
   o Fixed bug in movieplot2.

Modified: pkg/R/archetypes-kit-blocks.R
--- pkg/R/archetypes-kit-blocks.R	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/R/archetypes-kit-blocks.R	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -1,447 +1,447 @@
-### Scaling and rescaling functions: #################################
-#' Scaling block: standardize to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return Standardized data matrix with some attribues.
-#' @noRd
-std.scalefn <- function(x, ...) {
-  m = rowMeans(x)
-  x = x - m
-  s = apply(x, 1, sd)
-  x = x / s
-  attr(x, '.Meta') = list(mean=m, sd=s)
-  return(x)
-#' Rescaling block: counterpart of std.scalefn.
-#' @param x Standardized data matrix.
-#' @param zs Archetypes matrix
-#' @return Rescaled archetypes.
-#' @noRd
-std.rescalefn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
-  m = attr(x, '.Meta')$mean
-  s = attr(x, '.Meta')$sd
-  zs = zs * s
-  zs = zs + m
-  return(zs)
-#' Scaling block: no scaling.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return Data matrix.
-#' @noRd
-no.scalefn <- function(x, ...) {
-  return(x)
-#' Rescaling block: counterpart of no.scalefn.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
-#' @return Archetypes zs.
-#' @noRd
-no.rescalefn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
-  if ( is.null(zs) )
-    return(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0))
-  return(zs)
-### Dummy and undummy functions: #####################################
-#' Dummy block: generator for a dummy function which adds a row
-#'   containing a huge value.
-#' @param huge The value.
-#' @return A function which takes a data matrix and returns the
-#'   data matrix with an additonal row containing \code{huge} values.
-#' @noRd
-make.dummyfn <- function(huge=200) {
-  bp.dummyfn <- function(x, ...) {
-    y = rbind(x, rep(huge, ncol(x)))
-    attr(y, '.Meta') = attr(x, '.Meta')
-    attr(y, '.Meta')$dummyrow = nrow(y)
-    return(y)
-  }
-  return(bp.dummyfn)
-#' Undummy block: remove dummy row.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
-#' @return Archetypes zs.
-#' @noRd
-rm.undummyfn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
-  dr = attr(x, '.Meta')$dummyrow
-  return(zs[-dr,])
-#' Dummy block: no dummy row.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return Data matrix x.
-#' @noRd
-no.dummyfn <- function(x, ...) {
-  return(x)
-#' Undummy block: return archetypes..
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
-#' @return Archetypes zs.
-#' @noRd
-no.undummyfn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
-  return(zs)
-### `From X and alpha to archetypes` functions: ######################
-#' X to alpha block: QR approach.
-#' @param alphas The coefficients.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return The solved linear system.
-#' @noRd
-qrsolve.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
-  return(t(qr.solve(alphas %*% t(alphas)) %*% alphas %*% t(x)))
-#' X to alpha block: pseudo-inverse approach.
-#' @param alphas The coefficients.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return The solved linear system.
-#' @noRd
-ginv.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
-  require(MASS)
-  return(t(ginv(alphas %*% t(alphas)) %*% alphas %*% t(x)))
-#' X to alpha block: optim approach.
-#' @param alphas The coefficients.
-#' @param x Data matrix.
-#' @return The solved linear system.
-#' @noRd
-opt.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
-  z <- rnorm(nrow(x)*nrow(alphas))
-  fun <- function(z){
-    z <- matrix(z, ncol=nrow(alphas))
-    sum( (x - z %*% alphas)^2)
-  }
-  z <- optim(z, fun, method="BFGS")
-  z <- matrix(z$par, ncol=nrow(alphas))
-  return(z)
-### Alpha calculation functions: #####################################
-#' Alpha block: plain nnls.
-#' @param coefs The coefficients alpha.
-#' @param C The archetypes matrix.
-#' @param d The data matrix.
-#' @return Recalculated alpha.
-#' @noRd
-nnls.alphasfn <- function(coefs, C, d, ...) {
-  require(nnls)
-  n = ncol(d)
-  for ( j in 1:n )
-    coefs[,j] = coef(nnls(C, d[,j]))
-  return(coefs)
-#' Alpha block: nnls with singular value decomposition.
-#' @param coefs The coefficients alpha.
-#' @param C The archetypes matrix.
-#' @param d The data matrix.
-#' @return Recalculated alpha.
-#' @noRd
-snnls.alphasfn <- function(coefs, C, d, ...) {
-  require(nnls)
-  n = ncol(d)
-  nc = ncol(C)
-  nr = nrow(C)
-  s = svd(C, nv=nc)
-  yint = t(s$u) %*% d
-  for ( j in 1:n )
-    coefs[,j] = coef(nnls(diag(s$d, nrow=nr, ncol=nc) %*% t(s$v), yint[,j]))
-  return(coefs)
-### Beta calculation functions: ######################################
-#' Beta block: plain nnls.
-#' @param coefs The coefficients beta.
-#' @param C The data matrix.
-#' @param d The archetypes matrix.
-#' @return Recalculated beta.
-#' @noRd
-nnls.betasfn <- nnls.alphasfn
-#' Beta block: nnls with singular value decomposition.
-#' @param coefs The coefficients beta.
-#' @param C The data matrix.
-#' @param d The archetypes matrix.
-#' @return Recalculated beta.
-#' @noRd
-snnls.betasfn <- snnls.alphasfn
-### Norm functions: ##################################################
-#' Norm block: standard matrix norm (spectral norm).
-#' @param m Matrix.
-#' @return The norm.
-#' @noRd
-norm2.normfn <- function(m, ...) {
-  return(max(svd(m)$d))
-#' Norm block: euclidian norm.
-#' @param m Matrix.
-#' @return The norm.
-#' @noRd
-euc.normfn <- function(m, ...) {
-  return(sum(apply(m, 2, function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})))
-### Archetypes initialization functions: #############################
-#' Init block: generator for random initializtion.
-#' @param k The proportion of beta for each archetype.
-#' @return A function which returns a list with alpha and beta.
-#' @noRd
-make.random.initfn <- function(k) {
-  bp.initfn <- function(x, p, ...) {
-    n <- ncol(x)
-    b <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=p)
-    for ( i in 1:p )
-      b[sample(n, k, replace=FALSE),i] <- 1 / k
-    a <- matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = n) / p
-    return(list(betas = b, alphas = a))
-  }
-  return(bp.initfn)
-#' Init block: generator for fix initializtion.
-#' @param indizes The indizies of data points to use as archetypes.
-#' @return A function which returns a list with alpha and beta.
-#' @noRd
-make.fix.initfn <- function(indizes) {
-  fix.initfn <- function(x, p, ...) {
-    n <- ncol(x)
-    b <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
-    b[indizes, ] <- diag(p)
-    a <- matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = n) / p
-    return(list(betas = b, alphas = a))
-  }
-  return(fix.initfn)
-### Weight functions: ################################################
-#' Weight function: move data closer to global center
-#' @param data A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
-#' @param weights Vector of data weights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
-#' @return Weighted data matrix.
-#' @noRd
-center.weightfn <- function(data, weights, ...) {
-  if ( is.null(weights) )
-    return(data)
-  weights <- as.numeric(1 - weights)
-  dr <- attr(data, '.Meta')$dummyrow
-  if ( is.null(dr) ) {
-    center <- rowMeans(data)
-    data <- data + t(weights * t(center - data))
-  }
-  else {
-    center <- rowMeans(data[-dr, ])
-    data[-dr, ] <- data[-dr, ] + t(weights * t(center - data[-dr, ]))
-  }
-  data
-#' Global weight function: move data closer to global center
-#' @param data A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
-#' @param weights Vector or matrix of data weights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
-#' @return Weighted data matrix.
-#' @noRd
-center.globweightfn <- function(data, weights, ...) {
-  if ( is.null(weights) )
-    return(data)
-  if ( is.vector(weights) )
-    weights <- diag(weights)
-  dr <- attr(data, '.Meta')$dummyrow
-  if ( is.null(dr) ) {
-    data <- data %*% weights
-  }
-  else {
-    data[-dr, ] <- data[-dr, ] %*% weights
-  }
-  data
-### Reweights functions: #############################################
-#' Reweights function: calculate Bisquare reweights.
-#' @param resid A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
-#' @param reweights Vector of data reweights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
-#' @return Reweights vector.
-#' @noRd
-bisquare0.reweightsfn <- function(resid, reweights, ...) {
-  resid <- apply(resid, 2, function(x) sum(abs(x)))
-  resid0 <- resid < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
-  s <- 6 * median(resid[!resid0])
-  v <- resid / s
-  ifelse(v < 1, (1 - v^2)^2, 0)
-#' Reweights function: calculate binary Bisquare reweights.
-#' @param resid A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
-#' @param reweights Vector of data reweights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
-#' @param threshold Threshold for binarization.
-#' @return Reweights vector.
-#' @noRd
-binary.bisquare0.reweightsfn <- function(resid, reweights,
-                                         threshold = 0.1, ...) {
-  rw <- bisquare0.reweightsfn(resid, reweights, ...)
-  ifelse(rw < threshold, 0, 1)
-### Archetypes family: ###############################################
-#' Archetypes family constructor
-#' This function returns a problem solving block for each of the
-#' different conceptual parts of the algorithm.
-#' @param which The kind of archetypes family.
-#' @param ... Exchange predefined family blocks with self-defined
-#'            functions.
-#' @return A list containing a function for each of the different parts.
-#' @family archetypes
-#' @export
-archetypesFamily <- function(which = c('original', 'weighted', 'robust'), ...) {
-  which <- match.arg(which)
-  blocks <- list(...)
-  family <- do.call(sprintf('.%s.archetypesFamily', which), list())
-  family$which <- which
-  family$which.exchanged <- NULL
-  if ( length(blocks) > 0 ) {
-    family$which <- sprintf('%s*', family$which)
-    family$which.exchanged <- names(blocks)
-    for ( n in names(blocks) )
-      family[[n]] <- blocks[[n]]
-  }
-  family
-#' Original family constructor helper.
-#' @return A list of blocks.
-#' @noRd
-.original.archetypesFamily <- function() {
-  list(normfn = norm2.normfn,
-       scalefn = std.scalefn,
-       rescalefn = std.rescalefn,
-       dummyfn = make.dummyfn(200),
-       undummyfn = rm.undummyfn,
-       initfn = make.random.initfn(1),
-       alphasfn = nnls.alphasfn,
-       betasfn = nnls.betasfn,
-       zalphasfn = qrsolve.zalphasfn,
-       globweightfn = function(x, weights) x,
-       weightfn = function(x, weights) x,
-       reweightsfn = function(x, weights) weights,
-       class = NULL)
+### Scaling and rescaling functions: #################################
+#' Scaling block: standardize to mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return Standardized data matrix with some attribues.
+#' @noRd
+std.scalefn <- function(x, ...) {
+  m = rowMeans(x)
+  x = x - m
+  s = apply(x, 1, sd)
+  x = x / s
+  attr(x, '.Meta') = list(mean=m, sd=s)
+  return(x)
+#' Rescaling block: counterpart of std.scalefn.
+#' @param x Standardized data matrix.
+#' @param zs Archetypes matrix
+#' @return Rescaled archetypes.
+#' @noRd
+std.rescalefn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
+  m = attr(x, '.Meta')$mean
+  s = attr(x, '.Meta')$sd
+  zs = zs * s
+  zs = zs + m
+  return(zs)
+#' Scaling block: no scaling.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return Data matrix.
+#' @noRd
+no.scalefn <- function(x, ...) {
+  return(x)
+#' Rescaling block: counterpart of no.scalefn.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
+#' @return Archetypes zs.
+#' @noRd
+no.rescalefn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
+  if ( is.null(zs) )
+    return(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0))
+  return(zs)
+### Dummy and undummy functions: #####################################
+#' Dummy block: generator for a dummy function which adds a row
+#'   containing a huge value.
+#' @param huge The value.
+#' @return A function which takes a data matrix and returns the
+#'   data matrix with an additonal row containing \code{huge} values.
+#' @noRd
+make.dummyfn <- function(huge=200) {
+  bp.dummyfn <- function(x, ...) {
+    y = rbind(x, rep(huge, ncol(x)))
+    attr(y, '.Meta') = attr(x, '.Meta')
+    attr(y, '.Meta')$dummyrow = nrow(y)
+    return(y)
+  }
+  return(bp.dummyfn)
+#' Undummy block: remove dummy row.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
+#' @return Archetypes zs.
+#' @noRd
+rm.undummyfn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
+  dr = attr(x, '.Meta')$dummyrow
+  return(zs[-dr,])
+#' Dummy block: no dummy row.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return Data matrix x.
+#' @noRd
+no.dummyfn <- function(x, ...) {
+  return(x)
+#' Undummy block: return archetypes..
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @param zs Archetypes matrix.
+#' @return Archetypes zs.
+#' @noRd
+no.undummyfn <- function(x, zs, ...) {
+  return(zs)
+### `From X and alpha to archetypes` functions: ######################
+#' X to alpha block: QR approach.
+#' @param alphas The coefficients.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return The solved linear system.
+#' @noRd
+qrsolve.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
+  return(t(qr.solve(alphas %*% t(alphas)) %*% alphas %*% t(x)))
+#' X to alpha block: pseudo-inverse approach.
+#' @param alphas The coefficients.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return The solved linear system.
+#' @noRd
+ginv.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
+  require(MASS)
+  return(t(ginv(alphas %*% t(alphas)) %*% alphas %*% t(x)))
+#' X to alpha block: optim approach.
+#' @param alphas The coefficients.
+#' @param x Data matrix.
+#' @return The solved linear system.
+#' @noRd
+opt.zalphasfn <- function(alphas, x, ...) {
+  z <- rnorm(nrow(x)*nrow(alphas))
+  fun <- function(z){
+    z <- matrix(z, ncol=nrow(alphas))
+    sum( (x - z %*% alphas)^2)
+  }
+  z <- optim(z, fun, method="BFGS")
+  z <- matrix(z$par, ncol=nrow(alphas))
+  return(z)
+### Alpha calculation functions: #####################################
+#' Alpha block: plain nnls.
+#' @param coefs The coefficients alpha.
+#' @param C The archetypes matrix.
+#' @param d The data matrix.
+#' @return Recalculated alpha.
+#' @noRd
+nnls.alphasfn <- function(coefs, C, d, ...) {
+  #require(nnls)
+  n = ncol(d)
+  for ( j in 1:n )
+    coefs[,j] = coef(nnls(C, d[,j]))
+  return(coefs)
+#' Alpha block: nnls with singular value decomposition.
+#' @param coefs The coefficients alpha.
+#' @param C The archetypes matrix.
+#' @param d The data matrix.
+#' @return Recalculated alpha.
+#' @noRd
+snnls.alphasfn <- function(coefs, C, d, ...) {
+  #require(nnls)
+  n = ncol(d)
+  nc = ncol(C)
+  nr = nrow(C)
+  s = svd(C, nv=nc)
+  yint = t(s$u) %*% d
+  for ( j in 1:n )
+    coefs[,j] = coef(nnls(diag(s$d, nrow=nr, ncol=nc) %*% t(s$v), yint[,j]))
+  return(coefs)
+### Beta calculation functions: ######################################
+#' Beta block: plain nnls.
+#' @param coefs The coefficients beta.
+#' @param C The data matrix.
+#' @param d The archetypes matrix.
+#' @return Recalculated beta.
+#' @noRd
+nnls.betasfn <- nnls.alphasfn
+#' Beta block: nnls with singular value decomposition.
+#' @param coefs The coefficients beta.
+#' @param C The data matrix.
+#' @param d The archetypes matrix.
+#' @return Recalculated beta.
+#' @noRd
+snnls.betasfn <- snnls.alphasfn
+### Norm functions: ##################################################
+#' Norm block: standard matrix norm (spectral norm).
+#' @param m Matrix.
+#' @return The norm.
+#' @noRd
+norm2.normfn <- function(m, ...) {
+  return(max(svd(m)$d))
+#' Norm block: euclidian norm.
+#' @param m Matrix.
+#' @return The norm.
+#' @noRd
+euc.normfn <- function(m, ...) {
+  return(sum(apply(m, 2, function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})))
+### Archetypes initialization functions: #############################
+#' Init block: generator for random initializtion.
+#' @param k The proportion of beta for each archetype.
+#' @return A function which returns a list with alpha and beta.
+#' @noRd
+make.random.initfn <- function(k) {
+  bp.initfn <- function(x, p, ...) {
+    n <- ncol(x)
+    b <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=p)
+    for ( i in 1:p )
+      b[sample(n, k, replace=FALSE),i] <- 1 / k
+    a <- matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = n) / p
+    return(list(betas = b, alphas = a))
+  }
+  return(bp.initfn)
+#' Init block: generator for fix initializtion.
+#' @param indizes The indizies of data points to use as archetypes.
+#' @return A function which returns a list with alpha and beta.
+#' @noRd
+make.fix.initfn <- function(indizes) {
+  fix.initfn <- function(x, p, ...) {
+    n <- ncol(x)
+    b <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
+    b[indizes, ] <- diag(p)
+    a <- matrix(1, nrow = p, ncol = n) / p
+    return(list(betas = b, alphas = a))
+  }
+  return(fix.initfn)
+### Weight functions: ################################################
+#' Weight function: move data closer to global center
+#' @param data A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
+#' @param weights Vector of data weights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
+#' @return Weighted data matrix.
+#' @noRd
+center.weightfn <- function(data, weights, ...) {
+  if ( is.null(weights) )
+    return(data)
+  weights <- as.numeric(1 - weights)
+  dr <- attr(data, '.Meta')$dummyrow
+  if ( is.null(dr) ) {
+    center <- rowMeans(data)
+    data <- data + t(weights * t(center - data))
+  }
+  else {
+    center <- rowMeans(data[-dr, ])
+    data[-dr, ] <- data[-dr, ] + t(weights * t(center - data[-dr, ]))
+  }
+  data
+#' Global weight function: move data closer to global center
+#' @param data A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
+#' @param weights Vector or matrix of data weights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
+#' @return Weighted data matrix.
+#' @noRd
+center.globweightfn <- function(data, weights, ...) {
+  if ( is.null(weights) )
+    return(data)
+  if ( is.vector(weights) )
+    weights <- diag(weights)
+  dr <- attr(data, '.Meta')$dummyrow
+  if ( is.null(dr) ) {
+    data <- data %*% weights
+  }
+  else {
+    data[-dr, ] <- data[-dr, ] %*% weights
+  }
+  data
+### Reweights functions: #############################################
+#' Reweights function: calculate Bisquare reweights.
+#' @param resid A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
+#' @param reweights Vector of data reweights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
+#' @return Reweights vector.
+#' @noRd
+bisquare0.reweightsfn <- function(resid, reweights, ...) {
+  resid <- apply(resid, 2, function(x) sum(abs(x)))
+  resid0 <- resid < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
+  s <- 6 * median(resid[!resid0])
+  v <- resid / s
+  ifelse(v < 1, (1 - v^2)^2, 0)
+#' Reweights function: calculate binary Bisquare reweights.
+#' @param resid A numeric \eqn{m \times n} data matrix.
+#' @param reweights Vector of data reweights within \eqn{[0, 1]}.
+#' @param threshold Threshold for binarization.
+#' @return Reweights vector.
+#' @noRd
+binary.bisquare0.reweightsfn <- function(resid, reweights,
+                                         threshold = 0.1, ...) {
+  rw <- bisquare0.reweightsfn(resid, reweights, ...)
+  ifelse(rw < threshold, 0, 1)
+### Archetypes family: ###############################################
+#' Archetypes family constructor
+#' This function returns a problem solving block for each of the
+#' different conceptual parts of the algorithm.
+#' @param which The kind of archetypes family.
+#' @param ... Exchange predefined family blocks with self-defined
+#'            functions.
+#' @return A list containing a function for each of the different parts.
+#' @family archetypes
+#' @export
+archetypesFamily <- function(which = c('original', 'weighted', 'robust'), ...) {
+  which <- match.arg(which)
+  blocks <- list(...)
+  family <- do.call(sprintf('.%s.archetypesFamily', which), list())
+  family$which <- which
+  family$which.exchanged <- NULL
+  if ( length(blocks) > 0 ) {
+    family$which <- sprintf('%s*', family$which)
+    family$which.exchanged <- names(blocks)
+    for ( n in names(blocks) )
+      family[[n]] <- blocks[[n]]
+  }
+  family
+#' Original family constructor helper.
+#' @return A list of blocks.
+#' @noRd
+.original.archetypesFamily <- function() {
+  list(normfn = norm2.normfn,
+       scalefn = std.scalefn,
+       rescalefn = std.rescalefn,
+       dummyfn = make.dummyfn(200),
+       undummyfn = rm.undummyfn,
+       initfn = make.random.initfn(1),
+       alphasfn = nnls.alphasfn,
+       betasfn = nnls.betasfn,
+       zalphasfn = qrsolve.zalphasfn,
+       globweightfn = function(x, weights) x,
+       weightfn = function(x, weights) x,
+       reweightsfn = function(x, weights) weights,
+       class = NULL)

Modified: pkg/R/archetypes-kit.R
--- pkg/R/archetypes-kit.R	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/R/archetypes-kit.R	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
   zs <- family$undummyfn(x1, zs)
   zs <- family$rescalefn(x1, zs)
-  resid <- zs %*% alphas - t(data)
+  #resid <- zs %*% alphas - t(data)
   return(as.archetypes(t(zs), k, t(alphas), rss, iters = (i-1),

Deleted: pkg/inst/doc/archetypes.Rnw
--- pkg/inst/doc/archetypes.Rnw	2012-10-05 14:23:48 UTC (rev 65)
+++ pkg/inst/doc/archetypes.Rnw	2013-12-15 18:26:07 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -1,1076 +0,0 @@
-\clubpenalty = 10000
-\widowpenalty = 10000
-\displaywidowpenalty = 10000
-\author{Manuel J. A. Eugster\\{\small
-		Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen} \And
-        Friedrich Leisch\\{\small Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t
-		M{\"u}nchen}}
-\title{From Spider-Man to Hero --\\
-	Archetypal Analysis in \proglang{R}}
-\Plainauthor{Manuel J. A. Eugster, Friedrich Leisch}
-\Plaintitle{From Spider-Man to Hero -- Archetypal Analysis in R}
-\Shorttitle{Archetypal Analysis in \proglang{R}}
-\Keywords{archetypal analysis, convex hull, \proglang{R}}
-\Plainkeywords{archetypal analysis, convex hull, R}
-This introduction to the \proglang{R} package \pkg{archetypes} is a
-(slightly) modified version of \citet{Eugster+Leisch at 2009}, published
-in the {\it Journal of Statistical Software}.
-Archetypal analysis has the aim to represent observations in a
-multivariate data set as convex combinations of extremal points. This
-approach was introduced by \citet{Cutler+Breiman at 1994}; they defined
-the concrete problem, laid out the theoretical foundations and
-presented an algorithm written in \proglang{Fortran}. In this paper we
-present the \proglang{R} package \pkg{archetypes} which is available
-on the Comprehensive \proglang{R} Archive Network. The package
-provides an implementation of the archetypal analysis algorithm within
-\proglang{R} and different exploratory tools to analyze the algorithm
-during its execution and its final result. The application of the
-package is demonstrated on two examples.
-  Manuel J. A. Eugster\\
-  Department of Statistics\\
-  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen\\
-  80539 Munich, Germany\\
-  E-mail: \email{Manuel.Eugster at stat.uni-muenchen.de}\\
-  URL: \url{http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~eugster/}
-  \medskip
-  Friedrich Leisch\\
-  Department of Statistics\\
-  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen\\
-  80539 Munich, Germany\\
-  E-mail: \email{Friedrich.Leisch at R-project.org}\\
-  URL: \url{http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~leisch/}
-%%\usepackage{Sweave} %% already provided by jss.cls
-%%\VignetteIndexEntry{From Spider-Man to Hero -- Archetypal Analysis in R}
-%%\VignetteKeywords{archetypal analysis, convex hull, R}
-\SweaveOpts{eps=FALSE, keep.source=TRUE}
-options(width=80, prompt='R> ')
-The \citet{merriam-webster:archetype} defines an archetype as {\it the
-  original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are
-  representations or copies}. The aim of archetypal analysis is to
-find ``pure types'', the archetypes, within a set defined in a
-specific context. The concept of archetypes is used in many different
-areas, the set can be defined in terms of literature, philosophy,
-psychology and also statistics. Here, the concrete problem is to find
-a few, not necessarily observed, points (archetypes) in a set of
-multivariate observations such that all the data can be well
-represented as convex combinations of the archetypes. The title of
-this article illustrates the concept of archetypes on the basis of
-archetypes in literature: the {\it Spider-Man} personality belongs to
-the generic {\it Hero} archetype, and archetypal analysis tries to
-find this coherence.
-In statistics archetypal analysis was first introduced by
-\citet{Cutler+Breiman at 1994}. In their paper they laid out the
-theoretical foundations, defined the concrete problem as a nonlinear
-least squares problem and presented an alternating minimizing
-algorithm to solve it. It has found applications in different areas,
-with recently grown popularity in economics, e.g.,
-\citet{Li+Wang+Louviere+Carson at 2003} and
-\citet{Porzio+Ragozini+Vistocco at 2008}. In spite of the rising interest
-in this computer-intensive but numerically sensitive method, no
-``easy-to-use'' and freely available software package has been
-developed yet. In this paper we present the software package
-\pkg{archetypes} within the \proglang{R} statistical environment
-\citep{R} which provides an implementation of the archetypal analysis
-algorithm. Additionally, the package provides exploratory tools to
-visualize the algorithm during the minimization steps and its final
-result. The newest released version of \pkg{archetypes} is always
-available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network at
-The paper is organized as follows: In Section~\ref{algorithm} we
-outline the archetypal analysis with its different conceptual
-parts. We present the theoretical background as far as we need it for
-a sound introduction of our implementation; for a complete explanation
-we refer to the original paper. Section~\ref{pkg} demonstrates how to use
-\pkg{archetypes} based on a simple artificial data set, with details about
-numerical problems and the behavior of the algorithm. Section~\ref{comp}
- presents a simulation study to show how the implementation scales
-with numbers of observations, attributes and archetypes. In
-Section~\ref{body} we show a real word example -- the archetypes of
-human skeletal diameter measurements. Section~\ref{outlook} concludes
-the article with future investigations.
-\section[Archetypal analysis]{Archetypal analysis\label{algorithm}}
-Given is an $n \times m$ matrix $X$ representing a multivariate data
-set with $n$ observations and $m$ attributes. For a given $k$ the
-archetypal analysis finds the matrix $Z$ of $k$ $m$-dimensional
-archetypes according to the two fundamentals:
-	[label=(\arabic{enumi})]
-	\item The data are best approximated by convex combinations of the
-	archetypes, i.e., they minimize
-	\[
-		\mbox{RSS} = \|X - \alpha Z^{\top}\|_2
-	\]
-	with $\alpha$, the coefficients of the archetypes, an $n \times k$
-	matrix; the elements are required to be greater equal $0$ and
-	their sum must be $1$, i.e., $\sum_{j=1}^{k} \alpha_{ij} = 1$
-	with $\alpha_{ij} \geq 0$ and $i = 1, \ldots, n$. $\|\cdot\|_2$
-	denotes an appropriate matrix norm.
-	\item The archetypes are convex combinations of the data points:
-	\[
-		Z = X^{\top} \beta
-	\]
-	with $\beta$, the coefficients of the data set, a $n \times k$
-	matrix where the elements are required to be greater equal $0$ and
-	their sum must be $1$, i.e., $\sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{ji} = 1$
-	with $\beta_{ji} \geq 0$ and $j = 1, \ldots, k$.
-These two fundamentals also define the basic principles of the
-estimation algorithm:
-it alternates between finding the best $\alpha$ for given
-archetypes $Z$ and finding the best archetypes $Z$ for given
-$\alpha$; at each step several convex least squares problems are
-solved, the overall $\mbox{RSS}$ is reduced successively.
-With a view to the implementation, the algorithm consists of the
-following steps:
-	[label=\arabic{enumi}.,ref=\arabic{enumi},itemsep=6pt]
-	\item[] Given the number of archetypes $k$:
-	\item\label{alg:pre} Data preparation and initialization: scale
-	data, add a dummy row (see below) and initialize $\beta$
-	in a way that the the constraints are fulfilled to calculate the
-	starting archetypes $Z$.
-	\item\label{alg:loop} Loop until $\mbox{RSS}$ reduction is
-	sufficiently small or the number of maximum iterations is reached:
-	\begin{enumerate}
-		[label=\arabic{enumi}.\arabic{enumii}.,
-		ref=\arabic{enumi}.\arabic{enumii}, itemsep=6pt]
-		\item\label{alg:loop-alpha} Find best $\alpha$ for
-		the given set of archetypes $Z$: solve $n$ convex least
-		squares problems ($i = 1, \ldots, n$)
-		\[
-			\min_{\alpha_i} \frac{1}{2} \|X_i - Z \alpha_i\|_2
-			\mbox{ subject to} \; \alpha_i \geq 0 \;
-			\mbox{ and } \; \sum_{j=1}^{k} \alpha_{ij} = 1\mbox{.}
-		\]
-		\item\label{alg:loop-zt} Recalculate archetypes $\tilde{Z}$:
-		solve system of linear equations $X = \alpha \tilde{Z}^{\top}$.
-		\item\label{alg:loop-beta} Find best $\beta$ for the
-		given set of archetypes $\tilde{Z}$: solve $k$ convex least
-		squares problems ($j = 1, \ldots, k$)
-		\[
-			\min_{\beta_j} \frac{1}{2} \|\tilde{Z}_j - X \beta_j\|_2
-			\mbox{ subject to} \; \beta_j \ge 0 \;
-			\mbox{ and } \; \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{ji} = 1\mbox{.}
-		\]
-		\item\label{alg:loop-z} Recalculate archetypes $Z$: $Z = X \beta$.
-		\item\label{alg:loop-rss} Calculate residual sum of squares
-		$\mbox{RSS}$.
-	\end{enumerate}
-	\item\label{alg:post} Post-processing: remove dummy row and rescale
-	archetypes.
-The algorithm has to deal with several numerical problems,
-i.e. systems of linear equations and convex least squares
-problems. In the following we explain each step in detail.
-\paragraph{Solving the convex least squares problems:} In Step
-\ref{alg:loop-alpha} and \ref{alg:loop-beta} several convex
-least squares problems have to be solved. \citet{Cutler+Breiman at 1994}
-use a penalized version of the non-negative least squares algorithm by
-\citet{Lawson+Hanson at 1974} \citep[as general reference
-see,e.g.,][]{Luenberger at 1984}. In detail, the problems to solve are of
-the form  $\|u - Tw\|_2$  with $u, w$ vectors and $T$ a matrix, all of
-appropriate dimensions, and the non-negativity and equality
-constraints. The penalized version adds an extra element $M$ to $u$
-and to each observation of $T$; then
-	\|u - Tw\|_2 + M^2 \|1 - w\|_2
-is minimized under non-negativity restrictions. For large
-$M$, the second term dominates and forces the equality constraint to be
-approximately satisfied while maintaining the non-negativity
-constraint. The hugeness of the value $M$ varies from problem to
-problem and thus can be seen as a hyperparameter of the
-algorithm. Default value in the package is $200$.
-\paragraph{Solving the system of linear equations:} In Step
-\ref{alg:loop-zt} the system of linear equations
-	\tilde{Z} = \alpha^{-1} X
-has to be solved. A lot of methods exist, one approach is the
-Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse which provides an approximated unique
-solution by a least squares approach: given the pseudoinverse
-$\alpha^{+}$ of $\alpha$,
-	\tilde{Z} = \alpha^{+} X\mbox{,}
-is solved. Another approach is the usage of $QR$ decomposition:
-$\alpha = QR$, where $Q$ is an orthogonal and $R$ an upper triangular
-matrix, then
-	\tilde{Z} = Q^{\top} X R^{-1}\mbox{,}
-is solved. Default approach in the package is the $QR$ decomposition
-using the \code{solve()} function.

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/archetypes -r 66

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