[adegenet-forum] pairwise.fst in the basic tutorial

Tyler Smith tyler at plantarum.ca
Wed Mar 25 17:17:15 CET 2020


The basic tutorial includes instructions to use the function
`pairwise.fst`, which I believe was once part of the package
`hierfstat`. That function no longer exists, and the closest match in
`hierfstat` is `pairwise.neifst`. That function won't work on a `genind`

> data(nancycats)
> pairwise.fst(nancycats)
Error in pairwise.fst(nancycats) : could not find function "pairwise.fst"
> pairwise.neifst(nancycats)
Error in names(y) <- nm[!nas] : 
  'names' attribute [11] must be the same length as the vector [1]
In addition: Warning message:
In is.na(x) : is.na() applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'S4'

Is there a way to calculate pairwise Fst for genind objects now?



Tyler Smith

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