[adegenet-forum] HWE calculation

Felipe Hernández fhernandeu at uc.cl
Thu Mar 2 18:04:42 CET 2017

Hi everyone,

I have used the adegenet/pegas packages to estimate HWE using a genind
object. I got the results from chi-squared and exact test based on Monte
Carlo for my whole set of loci (52 loci) across all my 29 populations. I
wonder if there is any option to calculate HWE and get exact test Monte
Carlo results, but for each population separately. Sorry if the question is
so basic, but I would appreciate any helpful advice!


Felipe Hernández
Médico Veterinario (DVM), MSc.
PhD. Candidate
Interdisciplinary Ecology Program
School of Natural Resources and Environment
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Department
University of Florida
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