[adegenet-forum] DAPC and morphological data

Maéva Angélique TECHER maeva-angelique.techer at cirad.fr
Wed May 27 09:41:38 CEST 2015

Dear all,

I'm trying to perform a DAPC on a morphological dataset which is composed of 176 variables of distances for several populations. 

The dataset looks like this:

> head(jeu)
      POP   X1.2   X1.3   X1.4   X1.5   X1.6   X1.7   X1.8   X1.9  X1.10  X1.11  X1.12  X1.13  X1.14  X1.15  X1.16  X1.17  X1.18  X1.19   X2.3   X2.4   X2.5   X2.6   X2.7   X2.8   X2.9  X2.10
CAF1.1 CAF 0.0837 0.2564 0.3150 0.3667 0.3266 0.2661 0.1942 0.1823 0.1133 0.1667 0.1409 0.2364 0.3959 0.7171 0.5261 0.4894 0.3896 0.4618 0.1742 0.2350 0.2841 0.2773 0.2304 0.1756 0.2089 0.1411

I tried to input the matrix in R using Adegenet and the function df2genind. My problem is that R stopped the importation and posted this message:

> morpho<-df2genind(jeu[,1:177], missing = 0, ploidy = 1, type = "codom")
Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit 

Is the problem coming from the variables which are not integers or from the importation script?

Thank you very much for your help,


Doctorante en Génétique des Populations / Ph.D Student in Population Genetics 
"Diversité génétique et phylogéographie de l'abeille Apis mellifera dans la zone Océan Indien" 
UMR PVBMT, Université de La Réunion - CIRAD 

7 chemin de l'IRAT Ligne Paradis, 
97410 Saint Pierre, 
La Réunion , 
Tel: +262 262 49 92 41 
Portable: +262 692 05 13 07 
maeva-angelique.techer at cirad.fr 
maeva.techer at hotmail.fr 

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