[adegenet-forum] differentiation test
Jombart, Thibaut
t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Apr 24 11:24:27 CEST 2012
Dear Sophie,
I hope you don't mind me forwarding this to the forum where it belongs. I answered this question off-list a while back and this time I would like the answer to be available to other users as well.
I assume that data are stored as a genlight object, although with enough RAM you could do without.
Let us use a toy dataset simulated using glSim:
x <- glSim(100, n.snp.nonstruc=990, n.snp.struc = 10)
> x
=== S4 class genlight ===
100 genotypes, 1000 binary SNPs
Ploidy: 1
0 (0 %) missing data
@pop: individual membership for 2 populations
> pop(x)
[1] A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
[38] A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
[75] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B
Levels: A B
There are only 2 populations, but the approach is applicable with any number of groups.
The simplest approach to do what you are looking for is using one ANOVA for each SNP: SNP frequency will be predicted by groups. That will provide tests (F) and effect size measures as well (R^2).
For instance, for the 1st SNP:
> anova(lm(as.matrix(x[,1])~pop(x)))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: as.matrix(x[, 1])
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pop(x) 1 0.25 0.25000 2.2152 0.1399
Residuals 98 11.06 0.11286
# to get just the p-value:
> anova(lm(as.matrix(x[,1])~pop(x)))$"Pr(>F)"[1]
To do this for all SNPs, I recommend computing all lm first, and then extracting statistics and p-values. Computing all lm is going to take time and surely you just want this done once.
listLm <- lapply(1:nLoc(x), function(i) lm(as.matrix(x[,i])~pop(x))) #all LMs - will take time
save(listLm, file="listLm.RData") # save it for later (to load it into R, use 'load')
pVal <- sapply(listLm, function(e) anova(e)$"Pr(>F)"[1]) # get all pvalues
R2 <- sapply(listLm, function(e) summary(e)$"adj.r.squared") # adjusted R²
then you can plot results using simple things such as:
plot(pVal, type="h")
As a last note, here I use lm because I'm merely interested in comparing average allele frequencies between groups. If you were for interested in making allele predictions, glm (probably Poisson) would make more sense.
From: Sophie Bouchet [sophie.bouchet at moulon.inra.fr]
Sent: 24 April 2012 09:28
To: Jombart, Thibaut
Subject: differentiation test
Dear Mr Jombart,
I have 50K SNPs markers genotyped for 400 samples that represent 5
differentiated genetic groups.
I would like to calculate the differentiation at each locus and its
I found some packages to calculate Fst or variance components but could
not find functions to calculate significance for each locus.
I would like to detect outliers as well.
Could you advice me R package or software to use in that purpose?
Thanks in advance,
Sophie Bouchet
post-doctoral position
UMR de Génétique Végétale
équipe Génétique Quantitative et Méthodologie de la Sélection
Ferme du Moulon
91190 Gif sur Yvette
Tel : +33 (0)1 69 33 23 38
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