[adegenet-forum] error

Mariana Varela mv307 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Mar 29 10:04:10 CEST 2011

Hi, I am trying to implement the seqTrack function and I get this  
error when I require adegenet:
Failed with error:  ‘no item called "newtable" on the search list’
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In objects(newtable, all.names = TRUE) :
   ‘newtable’ converted to character string
2: In objects(newtable, all.names = TRUE) :
   ‘newtable’ converted to character string

then I get this when I try to execute seqTract:

Error: could not find function "seqTrack"

this is my code:

seq <- read.dna("106.fasta", format = "fasta", as.matrix = FALSE)

seq.dist <- dist.dna(seq, model = "N")


seq.names <- names(seq)
numseq <- length(seq.names)
seq.times <- rep(0, numseq)
seq.times[grep("W2", seq.names)] <- 2 * 7
seq.times[grep("W12", seq.names)] <- 12 * 7
seq.dates <- rep(as.POSIXct("2011-01-01"), numseq)
seq.dates <- seq.dates + 60 * 60 * 24 * seq.times

seq.st <- seqTrack(as.matrix(seq.dist), seq.names, seq.dates)

I have this R version:
R 2.12.1 GUI 1.35 Leopard build 32-bit (5665)

Any suggestions?

Many thanks

Mariana Varela, DVM, PhD.
University of Cambridge
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Madingley Road
email: mv307 at cam.ac.uk
tel: +44 (1223) 339042

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