[adegenet-forum] dapc technical definitions

valeria montano mirainoshojo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 19:49:29 CEST 2011

Dear Thibaut,

I swear I read the DAPC tutorial, but I couldn't completely clarify myself
about a couple of stupid things. If I missed them, feel free to answer "see
page xx" and that's it.

First, when I refer to the eigenvalues 1, 2 and so on, do I have to say
discriminant "functions" or can I also use the world component? I didn't use
this last, but it would be easier to make people absorb them, as it's a new
method (anyway if it's wrong no probs). Another stupid thing, when referring
to the highest eigenvalue, I wrote something like: "this is the value which
shows the highest ratio of among/within group variance"...is that the
correct definition? (maybe not really elegant).
Is there any parallel I can do with "the variance explained by this
component is x"? Does it make sense to calculate the total of the
eigenvalues of the discriminant functions to assign a % of the
discrimination ratio they explain?

well, thanks in advance! (sorry for the chaos!)

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