[adegenet-forum] data file import

Christopher Balakrishnan cbala at igb.uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 17 18:35:26 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I am trying to import a dataset into adegenet and am having some  

The issue I think stems from the fact that I have both haploid and  
diploid data.   I have the diploid portion of the data in genepop  
format and can import with no problem. Is there a way to add a single  
haploid locus to that?

I also have all of the data in a structure file. For the haploid locus  
the second allele is coded as missing (-9) following the structure  
convention. I can't seem to import the data this way (possibly  
unrelated "unexpected symbol" error) and I'm not sure it would be  
appropriate to code the data this way in adegenet anyway?

Lastly, I've tried to import the data as a simple table (read.table),  
but the portion of the manual that describes how to specify ploidy  
(and populations) is a bit unclear to me.

Thanks very much for any help (or pointing to previous posts).


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