[adegenet-forum] chooseCN question

Stephen Douglas Petersen stephenpetersen at trentu.ca
Mon Mar 2 21:47:52 CET 2009

Thanks for the insight on the last question - I have another.

I would like to know how to save a modified connection network. Is there a way to export a modified graph (or an unmodified one for that matter) as an adjacency matrix or edge list? I think the network is stored as a nb object - which is an edgelist (?) but I can't seem to save it in a way that will let me reuse it in a later session. 

Stephen D. Petersen, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Visiting Fellow, Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Winnipeg, MB
stephen.petersen at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
stephenpetersen at trentu.ca
spetersen at nrdpfc.ca

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