[adegenet-commits] r1123 - in pkg: . R man
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Tue May 14 15:39:36 CEST 2013
Author: jombart
Date: 2013-05-14 15:39:35 +0200 (Tue, 14 May 2013)
New Revision: 1123
Fixes to auxiliary color functions
Modified: pkg/ChangeLog
--- pkg/ChangeLog 2013-05-14 09:17:14 UTC (rev 1122)
+++ pkg/ChangeLog 2013-05-14 13:39:35 UTC (rev 1123)
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+ o new palettes: azur, wasp
+ o new function any2col translates (numeric, factor, character)
+ vectors into colors, also providing information for a legend
+ o
Modified: pkg/R/auxil.R
--- pkg/R/auxil.R 2013-05-14 09:17:14 UTC (rev 1122)
+++ pkg/R/auxil.R 2013-05-14 13:39:35 UTC (rev 1123)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
## translate numeric values into colors of a palette
num2col <- function(x, col.pal=heat.colors, reverse=FALSE,
x.min=min(x), x.max=max(x), na.col="green"){
- if(any(is.na(x))) warning("NAs detected in x")
+ ## if(any(is.na(x))) warning("NAs detected in x")
x[x < x.min] <- x.min
x[x > x.max] <- x.max
x <- x-x.min # min=0
@@ -225,17 +225,21 @@
## translate a factor into colors of a palette
## colors are randomized based on the provided seed
-fac2col <- function(x, col.pal=funky, na.col="grey", seed=1){
+fac2col <- function(x, col.pal=funky, na.col="grey", seed=NULL){
## get factors and levels
x <- factor(x)
lev <- levels(x)
nlev <- length(lev)
## get colors corresponding to levels
- set.seed(seed)
- newseed <- round(runif(1,1,1e9))
- on.exit(set.seed(newseed))
- col <- sample(col.pal(nlev))
+ if(!is.null(seed)){
+ set.seed(seed)
+ newseed <- round(runif(1,1,1e9))
+ on.exit(set.seed(newseed))
+ col <- sample(col.pal(nlev))
+ } else {
+ col <- col.pal(nlev)
+ }
## get output colors
res <- rep(na.col, length(x))
@@ -246,20 +250,45 @@
+## any2col
+any2col <- function(x, col.pal=seasun, na.col="transparent"){
+ ## handle numeric data
+ if(is.numeric(x)){
+ col <- num2col(x, col.pal=col.pal)
+ leg.col <- num2col(pretty(x), x.min=min(x, na.rm=TRUE),
+ x.max=max(x, na.rm=TRUE), col.pal=col.pal,
+ na.col=na.col)
+ leg.txt <- pretty(x)
+ } else{ ## handle factor
+ x <- factor(x)
+ col <- fac2col(x, col.pal=col.pal)
+ leg.col <- col.pal(length(levels(x)))
+ leg.txt <- levels(x)
+ }
+ return(list(col=col, leg.col=leg.col, leg.txt=leg.txt))
+} # end any2col
## pre-defined palettes ##
## mono color
bluepal <- colorRampPalette(c("lightgrey","blue"))
redpal <- colorRampPalette(c("lightgrey","red"))
-greenpal <- colorRampPalette(c("lightgrey","green"))
+greenpal <- colorRampPalette(c("lightgrey","green3"))
## bi-color
-flame <- colorRampPalette(c("gold","red"))
+flame <- colorRampPalette(c("gold","red3"))
+azur <- colorRampPalette(c("gold","royalblue"))
## tri-color
seasun <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","gold","red"))
lightseasun <- colorRampPalette(c("deepskyblue2","gold","red1"))
deepseasun <- colorRampPalette(c("blue2","gold","red2"))
+wasp <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow2","brown", "black"))
## psychedelic
-funky <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green3","gold","orange","red","brown4","purple"))
+funky <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green3","gold","orange","red","brown4","purple","pink2"))
Modified: pkg/man/auxil.Rd
--- pkg/man/auxil.Rd 2013-05-14 09:17:14 UTC (rev 1122)
+++ pkg/man/auxil.Rd 2013-05-14 13:39:35 UTC (rev 1123)
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@
\title{ Auxiliary functions for adegenet}
@@ -27,41 +30,51 @@
variables (numeric or factors) onto a color scale, adding transparency
to existing colors, pre-defined color palettes, extra functions to
access documentation, and low-level treatment of character vectors.
These functions are mostly auxiliary procedures used internally in
adegenet, with the exception of, which opens the
adegenet website in the default navigator.\cr
- These items include:\cr
- - \code{adegenetWeb}: opens the adegenet website in a web navigator
- - \code{num2col}: translates a numeric vector into colors. \cr
- - \code{fac2col}: translates a numeric vector into colors. \cr
- - \code{transp}: adds transparency to a vector of colors. Note that
- transparent colors are not supported on some graphical devices.\cr
- - \code{corner}: adds text to a corner of a figure. \cr
- - \code{checkType}: checks the type of markers being used in a
- function and issues an error if appropriate.\cr
- - \code{.rmspaces}: remove peripheric spaces in a character string. \cr
- - \code{.genlab}: generate labels in a correct alphanumeric ordering. \cr
- - \code{.readExt}: read the extension of a given file. \cr
+ These items include:
+ \itemize{
+ \item \code{adegenetWeb}: opens the adegenet website in a web navigator
+ \item \code{num2col}: translates a numeric vector into colors.
+ \item \code{fac2col}: translates a factor into colors.
+ \item \code{any2col}: translates a vector of type numeric, character
+ or factor into colors.
+ \item \code{transp}: adds transparency to a vector of colors. Note that
+ transparent colors are not supported on some graphical devices.
+ \item \code{corner}: adds text to a corner of a figure.
+ \item \code{checkType}: checks the type of markers being used in a
+ function and issues an error if appropriate.
+ \item \code{.rmspaces}: remove peripheric spaces in a character string.
+ \item \code{.genlab}: generate labels in a correct alphanumeric ordering.
+ \item \code{.readExt}: read the extension of a given file.
+ }
- Color palettes include:\cr
- - \code{bluepal}: white->blue\cr
- - \code{redpal}: white->red\cr
- - \code{greenpal}: white->green\cr
- - \code{flame}: gold->red\cr
- - \code{seasun}: blue->gold->red\cr
- - \code{lightseasun}: blue->gold->red (light variant)\cr
- - \code{deepseasun}: blue->gold->red (deep variant)\cr
- - \code{funky}: many colors\cr
+ Color palettes include:
+ \itemize{
+ \item \code{bluepal}: white->blue
+ \item \code{redpal}: white->red
+ \item \code{greenpal}: white->green
+ \item \code{flame}: gold->red
+ \item \code{azur}: gold->blue
+ \item \code{seasun}: blue->gold->red
+ \item \code{lightseasun}: blue->gold->red (light variant)
+ \item \code{deepseasun}: blue->gold->red (deep variant)
+ \item \code{wasp}: gold->brown->black
+ \item \code{funky}: many colors
+ }
.genlab(base, n)
corner(text, posi="topleft", inset=0.1, \dots)
num2col(x, col.pal=heat.colors, reverse=FALSE,
- x.min=min(x), x.max=max(x), na.col="green")
-fac2col(x, col.pal=funky, na.col="grey", seed=1)
+ x.min=min(x,na.rm=TRUE), x.max=max(x,na.rm=TRUE),
+ na.col="green")
+fac2col(x, col.pal=funky, na.col="grey", seed=NULL)
+any2col(x, col.pal=seasun, na.col="transparent")
transp(col, alpha=.5)
@@ -82,13 +95,19 @@
\item{x.max}{the maximal value from which to start the color scale}
\item{na.col}{the color to be used for missing values (NAs)}
\item{seed}{a seed for R's random number generated, used to fix the
- random permutation of colors in the palette used.}
+ random permutation of colors in the palette used; if NULL, no
+ randomization is used and the colors are taken from the palette
+ according to the ordering of the levels.}
\item{col}{a vector of colors}
\item{alpha}{a numeric value between 0 and 1 representing the alpha
- coefficient; 0: total transparency; 1: no transparency.}
+ coefficient; 0: total transparency; 1: no transparency.}
For \code{.genlab}, a character vector of size "n".
+ \code{num2col} and \code{fac2col} return a vector of
+ colors. \code{any2col} returns a list with the following components:
+ \code{$col} (a vector of colors), \code{$leg.col} (colors for the
+ legend), and \code{$leg.txt} (text for the legend).
\author{Thibaut Jombart \email{t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk} }
@@ -108,8 +127,8 @@
plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100), pch=20, cex=4)
plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=bluepal), pch=20, cex=4)
plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=flame), pch=20, cex=4)
-plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=seasun), pch=20, cex=4)
-plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=seasun,rev=TRUE), pch=20, cex=4)
+plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=wasp), pch=20, cex=4)
+plot(1:100, col=num2col(1:100, col.pal=azur,rev=TRUE), pch=20, cex=4)
## factor as colors using fac2col
dat <- cbind(c(rnorm(50,8), rnorm(100), rnorm(150,3),
@@ -119,5 +138,16 @@
plot(dat, col=transp(fac2col(fac)), pch=19, cex=4)
plot(dat, col=transp(fac2col(fac,seed=2)), pch=19, cex=4)
+## use of any2col
+x <- factor(1:10)
+col.info <- any2col(x, col.pal=funky)
+plot(x, col=col.info$col, main="Use of any2col on a factor")
+legend("bottomleft", fill=col.info$leg.col, legend=col.info$leg.txt, bg="white")
+x <- 100:1
+col.info <- any2col(x, col.pal=wasp)
+barplot(x, col=col.info$col, main="Use of any2col on a numeric")
+legend("bottomleft", fill=col.info$leg.col, legend=col.info$leg.txt, bg="white")
\ No newline at end of file
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