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Mon Mar 19 18:33:23 CET 2012

Author: jombart
Date: 2012-03-19 18:33:23 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 995

+1 ref

Added: pkg/vignettes/adegenet-spca.tex
--- pkg/vignettes/adegenet-spca.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/vignettes/adegenet-spca.tex	2012-03-19 17:33:23 UTC (rev 995)
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
+% \VignettePackage{spca}
+% \VignetteIndexEntry{A tutorial for spatial Analysis of Principal Components}
+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % for UTF-8/single quotes from sQuote()
+% for bold symbols in mathmode
+\newcommand{\code}[1]{{{\tt #1}}}
+\title{A tutorial for the spatial Analysis of Principal Components (sPCA) using \textit{adegenet} 1.3-0}
+\author{Thibaut Jombart}
+\hyphenpenalty 10000
+{formatcom={\color{Sinput}},fontsize=\footnotesize, baselinestretch=0.75}
+{formatcom={\color{Soutput}},fontsize=\footnotesize, baselinestretch=0.75}
+  This vignette provides a tutorial for the spatial analysis of principal components (sPCA, \cite{tjart04}) using
+  the \textit{adegenet} package \cite{tjart05} for the R software \cite{np145}. sPCA is first
+  illustrated using a simple simulated dataset, and then using empirical data of Chamois
+  (\textit{Rupicapra rupicapra}) from the Bauges mountains (France). In particular, we illustrate
+  how sPCA complements classical PCA by being more powerful for retrieving non-trivial spatial genetic patterns.
+This tutorial goes through the \emph{spatial Principal Component
+  Analysis} (sPCA, \cite{tjart04}), a multivariate method devoted to
+the identification of spatial genetic patterns.
+The purpose of this tutorial is to provide guidelines for the application of sPCA as well as to
+illustrate its usefulness for the investigation of spatial genetic patterns.
+After briefly going through the rationale of the method, we introduce the different tools
+implemented for sPCA in \textit{adegenet}.
+This technical overview is then followed by the analysis of an empirical dataset which illustrates
+the advantage of sPCA over classical PCA for investigating spatial patterns.
+\subsection{Rationale of sPCA}
+Mathematical notations used in this tutorial are identical to the original publication \cite{tjart04}.
+The sPCA analyses a matrix of relative allele frequencies $\m{X}$ which contains genotypes or
+populations (later refered to as 'entities') in rows and alleles in columns.
+Spatial information is stored inside a spatial weighting matrix
+$\m{L}$ which contains positive terms corresponding to some measurement
+(often binary) of spatial proximity among entities.
+Most often, these terms can be derived from a connection network built
+upon a given algorithm (for instance, pp.572-576 in \cite{tj88}).
+This matrix is row-standardized (\textit{i.e.}, each of its rows sums
+to one), and all its diagonal terms are zero.
+$\m{L}$ can be used to compute the spatial autocorrelation of a
+given centred variable $\m{x}$ (\texttt{i.e.}, with mean zero) with $n$ observations ($\m{x} \in
+\R^n$) using Moran's $I$ \cite{tj223,tj222,tj436}:
+I(\m{x}) = \frac{\m{x}^T\m{Lx}}{\m{x}^T\m{x}}
+In the case of genetic data, $\m{x}$ contains frequencies of an allele.
+Moran's $I$ can be used to measure spatial structure in the values
+of $\m{x}$: it is highly positive when values of $\m{x}$ observed at
+neighbouring sites tend to be similar (positive spatial
+autocorrelation, referred to as \emph{global structures}), while it is
+strongly negative when values of $\m{x}$ observed at
+neighbouring sites tend to be dissimilar (negative spatial
+autocorrelation, referred to as \emph{local structures}).
+However, since it is standardized by the variance of
+$\m{x}$, Moran's index measures only spatial structures and not genetic variability.
+The sPCA defines the following function to measure both spatial
+structure and variability in $\m{x}$:
+C(\m{x}) = \mbox{var}(\m{x})I(\m{x}) = \frac{1}{n}\m{x}^T\m{Lx}
+$C(\m{x})$ is highly positive when $\m{x}$ has a large variance and
+exhibits a global structure; conversely, it is largely negative
+when $\m{x}$ has a high variance and displays a local structure.
+This function is the criterion used in sPCA, which finds linear
+combinations of the alleles of $\m{X}$ (denoted $\m{Xv}$) decomposing $C$ from its
+maximum to its minimum value.
+Because $C(\m{Xv})$ is a product of variance and autocorrelation,
+it is important, when interpreting the results, to detail both
+components and to compare their value with their range of variation
+(maximum attainable variance, as well as maximum and minimum $I$ are
+known analytically).
+A structure with a low spatial autocorrelation can barely be
+interpreted as a spatial pattern; similarly, a structure with a low
+variance would likely not reflect any genetic structure.
+We will later see how these information can be retrieved from \texttt{spca} results.
+\subsection{The \texttt{spca} function}
+The simulated dataset used to illustrate this section has been
+analyzed in \cite{tjart04}, and corresponds to Figure 2A of the article.
+In \textit{adegenet}, the matrix of alleles frequencies previously
+denoted $\m{X}$ exactly corresponds to the \texttt{@tab} slot of \texttt{genind} or
+\texttt{genpop} objects:
+> library(adegenet)
+> library(adehabitat)
+> data(spcaIllus)
+> obj <- spcaIllus$dat2A
+> obj
+   #####################
+   ### Genind object ### 
+   #####################
+- genotypes of individuals - 
+S4 class:  genind
+ at call: old2new(object = obj)
+ at tab:  80 x 192 matrix of genotypes
+ at ind.names: vector of  80 individual names
+ at loc.names: vector of  20 locus names
+ at loc.nall: number of alleles per locus
+ at loc.fac: locus factor for the  192 columns of @tab
+ at all.names: list of  20 components yielding allele names for each locus
+ at ploidy:  2
+ at type:  codom
+Optionnal contents: 
+ at pop:  factor giving the population of each individual
+ at pop.names:  factor giving the population of each individual
+ at other: a list containing: xy 
+> head(truenames(obj[loc = "L01"])$tab)
+     L01.1 L01.2 L01.3 L01.4 L01.5 L01.6 L01.7 L01.8 L01.9
+0035     0     0   0.0     0   0.5   0.5     0   0.0   0.0
+0352     0     0   0.5     0   0.5   0.0     0   0.0   0.0
+0423     0     0   0.0     0   0.5   0.0     0   0.0   0.5
+0289     0     0   0.0     0   0.0   0.5     0   0.0   0.5
+0487     0     0   0.0     0   0.0   0.5     0   0.5   0.0
+0053     0     0   0.0     0   0.5   0.5     0   0.0   0.0
+\noindent The object \texttt{obj} is a \texttt{genind} object; note
+that here, we only displayed the table for the first locus (\texttt{loc="L01"}).
+The function performing the sPCA is \texttt{spca}; it accepts a bunch
+of arguments, but only the first two are mandatory to perform the
+analysis (see \texttt{?spca} for further information):
+> args(spca)
+function (obj, xy = NULL, cn = NULL, matWeight = NULL, scale = FALSE, 
+    scale.method = c("sigma", "binom"), scannf = TRUE, nfposi = 1, 
+    nfnega = 1, type = NULL, ask = TRUE, plot.nb = TRUE, edit.nb = FALSE, 
+    truenames = TRUE, d1 = NULL, d2 = NULL, k = NULL, a = NULL, 
+    dmin = NULL) 
+The argument \texttt{obj} is a \texttt{genind}/\texttt{genpop} object.
+By definition in sPCA, the studied entities are georeferenced.
+The spatial information can be provided to the function \texttt{spca}
+in several ways, the first being through the \texttt{xy} argument,
+which is a matrix of spatial coordinates with
+'x' and 'y' coordinates in columns.
+Alternatively, these coordinates can be stored inside the
+\texttt{genind}/\texttt{genpop} object, preferably as
+\texttt{@other\$xy}, in which case the \texttt{spca} function will detect and use this information,
+and not
+request an \texttt{xy} argument.
+Note that \texttt{obj} already contains spatial coordinates at the
+appropriate place.
+Hence, we can use the following command to run the sPCA (\texttt{ask} and \texttt{scannf}
+are set to FALSE to avoid interactivity):
+> mySpca <- spca(obj, ask = FALSE, type = 1, scannf = FALSE)
+Note, however, that spatial coordinates are not directly used in sPCA:
+the spatial information is included in the analysis by the spatial
+weighting matrix $\m{L}$ derived from a connection network (eq. \ref{eqn:I} and \ref{eqn:C}).
+Technically, the \texttt{spca} function can incorporate spatial weightings as a matrix (argument
+\texttt{matWeight}), as a connection network with the classes
+\texttt{nb} or \texttt{listw} (argument \texttt{cn}), both implemented in the \texttt{spdep} package.
+The function \texttt{chooseCN} is a wrapper for different functions
+scattered across several packages implementing a variety of connection networks.
+If only spatial coordinates are provided to \texttt{spca},
+\texttt{chooseCN} is called to construct an appropriate graph.
+See \texttt{?chooseCN} for more information.
+Note that many of the \texttt{spca} arguments are in fact arguments
+for \texttt{chooseCN}: \texttt{type}, \texttt{ask}, \texttt{plot.nb},
+\texttt{edit.nb}, \texttt{d1}, \texttt{d2}, \texttt{k}, \texttt{a}, and \texttt{dmin}.
+For instance, the command:
+> mySpca <- spca(obj, type = 1, ask = FALSE, scannf = FALSE)
+\noindent performs a sPCA using the Delaunay triangulation as
+connection network (\texttt{type=1}, see \texttt{?chooseCN}), while
+the command:
+> mySpca <- spca(obj, type = 5, d1 = 0, d2 = 2, scannf = FALSE)
+\noindent computes a sPCA using a connection network which defines
+neighbouring entities based on pairwise geographic distances (\texttt{type=5}),
+considering as neighbours two entities whose distance between 0 (\texttt{d1=0}) and 2 (\texttt{d2=2}).
+Another possibility is of course to provide directly a connection
+network (\texttt{nb} object) or a list of spatial weights
+(\texttt{listw} object) to the \texttt{spca} function; this can be done via the \texttt{cn} argument.
+For instance:
+> myCn <- chooseCN(obj$other$xy, type = 6, k = 10, plot = FALSE)
+> myCn
+Neighbour list object:
+Number of regions: 80 
+Number of nonzero links: 932 
+Percentage nonzero weights: 14.5625 
+Average number of links: 11.65 
+> class(myCn)
+[1] "nb"
+> mySpca2 <- spca(obj, cn = myCn, scannf = FALSE)
+\noindent produces a sPCA using \texttt{myCn} ($k=10$ nearest
+neighbours) as a connection network.
+When used interactively (\texttt{scannf=TRUE}), \texttt{spca} displays a barplot of eigenvalues and
+asks the user for a number of positive axes ('first number of axes') and negative
+axes ('second number of axes') to be retained.
+For the object \texttt{mySpca}, this barplot would be (here we
+indicate in red the retained eigenvalue):
+> barplot(mySpca$eig, main = "Eigenvalues of sPCA", col = rep(c("red", 
++     "grey"), c(1, 100)))
+\noindent Positive eigenvalues (on the left) correspond to global
+structures, while negative eigenvalues (on the right) indicate local patterns.
+Actual structures should result in more extreme (positive or
+negative) eigenvalues; for instance, the object \texttt{mySpca} likely
+contains one single global structure, and no local structure.
+If one does not want to choose the number of retained axes
+interactively, the arguments \texttt{nfposi} (number of retained
+factors with positive eigenvalues) and \texttt{nfnega} (number of
+retained factors with negative eigenvalues) can be used.
+Once this information has been provided to \texttt{spca}, the
+analysis is computed and stored inside an object with the class \texttt{spca}.
+\subsection{Contents of a \texttt{spca} object}
+Let us consider a \texttt{spca} object resulting from the analysis of
+the object \texttt{obj}, using a Delaunay triangulation (\texttt{type=1}) as connection network:
+> mySpca <- spca(obj, type = 1, scannf = FALSE, plot.nb = FALSE, 
++     nfposi = 1, nfnega = 0)
+> class(mySpca)
+[1] "spca"
+> mySpca
+	########################################
+	# spatial Principal Component Analysis #
+	########################################
+class: spca
+$call: spca(obj = obj, scannf = FALSE, nfposi = 1, nfnega = 0, type = 1, 
+    plot.nb = FALSE)
+$nfposi: 1 axis-components saved
+$nfnega: 0 axis-components saved
+Positive eigenvalues: 0.2309 0.1118 0.09379 0.07817 0.06911 ...
+Negative eigenvalues: -0.08421 -0.07376 -0.06978 -0.06648 -0.06279 ...
+  vector length mode    content    
+1 $eig   79     numeric eigenvalues
+  data.frame nrow ncol content                                                 
+1 $c1        192  1    principal axes: scaled vectors of alleles loadings      
+2 $li        80   1    principal components: coordinates of entities ('scores')
+3 $ls        80   1    lag vector of principal components                      
+4 $as        2    1    pca axes onto spca axes                                 
+$xy: matrix of spatial coordinates
+$lw: a list of spatial weights (class 'listw')
+other elements: NULL
+\noindent An \texttt{spca} object is a list containing all required
+information about a performed sPCA.
+Details about the different components of such a list can be found in
+the \texttt{spca} documentation (\texttt{?spca}).
+The purpose of this section is to explicit how the elements described
+in \cite{tjart04} are stored inside a \texttt{spca} object.
+First, eigenvalues of the analysis are stored inside the
+\texttt{\$eig} component as a numeric vector stored in decreasing order:
+> head(mySpca$eig)
+[1] 0.23087862 0.11184721 0.09378750 0.07816561 0.06910536 0.06429596
+> tail(mySpca$eig)
+[1] -0.05480010 -0.06279067 -0.06647896 -0.06978457 -0.07375563 -0.08421213
+> length(mySpca$eig)
+[1] 79
+> myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "grey", "blue"))
+> barplot(mySpca$eig, main = "A variant of the plot\n of sPCA eigenvalues", 
++     col = myPal(length(mySpca$eig)))
+> legend("topright", fill = c("red", "blue"), leg = c("Global structures", 
++     "Local structures"))
+> abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
+\noindent The axes of the analysis, denoted $\m{v}$ in eq. (4) \cite{tjart04}
+are stored as columns inside the \texttt{\$c1} component.
+Each column contains loadings for all the alleles:
+> head(mySpca$c1)
+             Axis 1
+L01.1  1.268838e-02
+L01.2  2.220446e-16
+L01.3 -1.119979e-01
+L01.4 -4.440892e-16
+L01.5 -2.766095e-02
+L01.6 -4.477031e-02
+> tail(mySpca$c1)
+           Axis 1
+L20.3  0.28715850
+L20.4  0.01485180
+L20.5 -0.01500353
+L20.6  0.01659481
+L20.7 -0.14260743
+L20.8 -0.15388988
+> dim(mySpca$c1)
+[1] 192   1
+\noindent The entity scores, denoted $\psi = \m{Xv}$ in the article, are stored
+in columns in the \texttt{\$li} component:
+> head(mySpca$li)
+         Axis 1
+0035 -0.4367748
+0352 -0.8052723
+0423 -0.4337114
+0289  0.1434650
+0487 -0.4802931
+0053 -0.5421831
+> tail(mySpca$li)
+          Axis 1
+1074 -0.06178196
+1187 -0.08144162
+1260  0.41491795
+1038  0.25643986
+1434  0.35618737
+1218  0.21433977
+> dim(mySpca$li)
+[1] 80  1
+\noindent The lag vectors of the scores can be used to better perceive
+global structures.
+Lag vectors are stored in the \texttt{\$ls} component:
+> head(mySpca$ls)
+         Axis 1
+0035 -0.7076732
+0352 -0.6321654
+0423 -0.4822952
+0289  0.3947791
+0487 -0.2803381
+0053 -0.4848376
+> tail(mySpca$ls)
+         Axis 1
+1074  0.4930238
+1187 -0.8384871
+1260  0.6887072
+1038  0.3665794
+1434  0.3109197
+1218  0.3329688
+> dim(mySpca$ls)
+[1] 80  1
+\noindent Lastly, we can compare the axes of an classical
+PCA (denoted $\m{u}$ in the paper) to the axes of the sPCA ($\m{v}$).
+This is achieved by projecting $\m{u}$ onto $\m{v}$, but this
+projection is a particular one: because both $\m{u}$ and $\m{v}$ are
+centred to mean zero and scaled to unit variance, the value of the
+projection simply is the correlation between both axes.
+This information is stored inside the \texttt{\$as} component:
+> mySpca$as
+              Axis 1
+PCA Axis1 -0.7363595
+PCA Axis2  0.3395674
+\subsection{Graphical display of \texttt{spca} results}
+The information contained inside a \texttt{spca} object can be displayed
+in several ways.
+While we have seen that a simple barplot of sPCA eigenvalues can give a first idea of the
+global and local structures to be retained, we have also seen that
+each eigenvalue can be decomposed into a \textit{variance} and a
+\textit{spatial autocorrelation} (Moran's $I$) component.
+This information is provided by the \texttt{summary} function, but it
+can also be represented graphically.
+The corresponding function is \texttt{screeplot}, and can be used on any
+\texttt{spca} object:
+> screeplot(mySpca)
+\noindent The resulting figure represents eigenvalues of sPCA (denoted
+$\lambda_i$ with $i=1,\ldots,r$, where $\lambda_1$ is the highest
+positive eigenvalue, and $\lambda_{r}$ is the highest negative
+eigenvalue) according the their variance and Moran's $I$ components.
+These eigenvalues are contained inside a rectangle indicated in dashed
+The maximum attainable variance by a linear combination of alleles is
+the one from an ordinary PCA, indicated by the vertical dashed line on
+the right.
+The two horizontal dashed lines indicate the range of variation of
+Moran's $I$, given the spatial weighting matrix that was used.
+This figure is useful to assess whether a given score of entities contains
+relatively enough variability and spatial structuring to be interpreted.
+For instance, here, $\lambda_1$ clearly is the largest eigenvalue in
+terms of variance and of spatial autocorrelation, and can be well
+distinguished from all the other eigenvalues.
+Hence, only the first global structure, associated to $\lambda_1$, should be interpreted.
+The global and local tests proposed in \cite{tjart04} can
+be used to reinforce the decision of interpreting or not
+interpreting global and local structures.
+Each test can detect the presence of one kind of structure.
+We can apply them to the object \texttt{obj}, used in our sPCA:
+> myGtest <- global.rtest(obj$tab, mySpca$lw, nperm = 99)
+> myGtest
+Monte-Carlo test
+Call: global.rtest(X = obj$tab, listw = mySpca$lw, nperm = 99)
+Observation: 0.01658103 
+Based on 99 replicates
+Simulated p-value: 0.01 
+Alternative hypothesis: greater 
+     Std.Obs  Expectation     Variance 
+3.986172e+00 1.289255e-02 8.562127e-07 
+> plot(myGtest)
+\noindent The produced object is a \texttt{randtest} object (see
+\texttt{?randtest}), which is the class of objects for Monte-Carlo
+tests in the \textit{ade4} package.
+As shown, such object can be plotted using a \texttt{plot} function:
+the resulting figure shows an histogram of permuted test statistics
+and indicates the observed statistics by a black dot and a segment.
+Here, the plot clearly shows that the oberved test statistic is larger
+than most simulated values, leading to a likely rejection of
+the null hypothesis of absence of spatial structure.
+Note that because 99 permutations were used, the p-value cannot be
+lower than 0.01.
+In practice, more permutations should be used (like 999 or 9999 for results
+intended to be published).
+The same can be done with the local test, which here we do not expect
+to be significant:
+> myLtest <- local.rtest(obj$tab, mySpca$lw, nperm = 99)
+> myLtest
+Monte-Carlo test
+Call: local.rtest(X = obj$tab, listw = mySpca$lw, nperm = 99)
+Observation: 0.01397349 
+Based on 99 replicates
+Simulated p-value: 0.18 
+Alternative hypothesis: greater 
+     Std.Obs  Expectation     Variance 
+8.138443e-01 1.329193e-02 7.013349e-07 
+> plot(myLtest)
+Once we have an idea of which structures shall be interpreted, we can
+try to visualize spatial genetic patterns.
+There are several ways to do so.
+The first, most simple approach is through the function plot (see \texttt{?plot.spca}):
+> plot(mySpca)
+\noindent This figure displays various information, that we detail from
+the top to bottom and from left to right (also see \texttt{?plot.spca}).
+The first plot shows the connection network that was used to define
+spatial weightings.
+The second, third, and fourth plots are different representations of
+a score of entities in space, the first global score being the default (argument
+In each, the values of scores (\texttt{\$li[,axis]} component of the
+\texttt{spca} object) are represented using black and white symbols
+(a variant being grey levels): white for negative values, and black
+for positive values.
+The second plot is a local interpolation of scores (function
+\texttt{s.image} in \textit{ade4}), using grey levels, with contour lines.
+The closer the contour lines are from each other, the stepest the
+genetic differentiation is.
+The third plot uses different sizes of squares to represent different
+absolute values (\texttt{s.value} in \textit{ade4}): large black squares are well differentiated from
+large white squares, but small squares are less differentiated.
+The fourth plot is a variant using grey levels (\texttt{s.value} in
+\textit{ade4}, with 'greylevel' method).
+Here, all the three representations of the first global score show
+that genotypes are splitted in two genetical clusters, one in the west
+(or left) and one in the east (right).
+The last two plots of the \texttt{plot.spca} function are the two
+already seen displays of eigenvalues.
+While the default \texttt{plot} function for \texttt{spca} objects provides a useful summary of the
+results, more flexible tools are needed e.g. to map the principal components onto the geographic space.
+This can be achieved using the
+\texttt{colorplot} function.
+This function can summarize up to three scores at the same time by
+translating each score into a channel of color (red, green, and blue).
+The obtained values are used to compose a color using the RGB system.
+See \texttt{?colorplot} for details about this function.
+The original idea of such representation is due to \cite{tj179}.
+Despite the \texttt{colorplot} clearly is more powerful to represent
+more than one score on a single map, we can use it to represent the
+first global structure that was retained in \texttt{mySpca}:
+> colorplot(mySpca, cex = 3, main = "colorplot of mySpca, first global score")
+\noindent See examples in \texttt{?colorplot} and \texttt{?spca}
+for more examples of applications of colorplot to represent sPCA scores.
+Another common practice is interpolating principal components to get maps of genetic clines.
+Note that it is crucial to perform this interpolation after the analysis, and not before, which
+would add artefactual structures to the data.
+Interpolation is easy to realize using \texttt{interp} from the \texttt{akima} package, and
+\texttt{image}, or \texttt{filled.contour} to display the results:
+> library(akima)
+> x <- other(obj)$xy[, 1]
+> y <- other(obj)$xy[, 2]
+> temp <- interp(x, y, mySpca$li[, 1])
+> image(temp)
+\noindent Note that for better clarity, we can use the lagged principal scores (\texttt{\$ls})
+rather than the original scores (\texttt{\$li}); we also achieve a better resolution using specific
+interpolated coordinates:
+> interpX <- seq(min(x), max(x), le = 200)
+> interpY <- seq(min(y), max(y), le = 200)
+> temp <- interp(x, y, mySpca$ls[, 1], xo = interpX, yo = interpY)
+> image(temp)
+\noindent Alternatively, \texttt{filled.contour} can be used for the display, and a customized color
+palette can be specified:
+> myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("firebrick2", "white", "lightslateblue"))
+> annot <- function() {
++     title("sPCA - interpolated map of individual scores")
++     points(x, y)
++ }
+> filled.contour(temp, color.pal = myPal, nlev = 50, key.title = title("lagged \nscore 1"), 
++     plot.title = annot())
+Besides assessing spatial patterns, it is sometimes valuable to assess which alleles actually
+exhibit the structure of interest.
+In sPCA, the contribution of alleles to a specific structure is given by the corresponding squared loading.
+We can look for the alleles contributing most to e.g. the first axis
+of sPCA, using the function \texttt{loadingplot} (see \texttt{?loadingplot} for
+a description of the arguments):
+> myLoadings <- mySpca$c1[, 1]^2
+> names(myLoadings) <- rownames(mySpca$c1)
+> loadingplot(myLoadings, xlab = "Alleles", ylab = "Weight of the alleles", 
++     main = "Contribution of alleles \n to the first sPCA axis")
+\noindent See \texttt{?loadingplot} for more information about this
+function, in particular for the definition of the threshold value
+above which alleles are annotated.
+Note that it is possible to also separate the alleles by markers,
+using the \texttt{fac} argument, to assess if all markers have
+comparable contributions to a given structure.
+In our case, we would only have to specify \texttt{fac=obj at loc.fac};
+also note that \texttt{loadingplot} invisibly returns information
+about the alleles whose contribution is above the threshold.
+For instance, to identify the 5\% of alleles with the greatest
+contributions to the first global structure in \texttt{mySpca}, we need:
+> temp <- loadingplot(myLoadings, threshold = quantile(myLoadings, 
++     0.95), xlab = "Alleles", ylab = "Weight of the alleles", 
++     main = "Contribution of alleles \n to the first sPCA axis", 
++     fac = obj$loc.fac, cex.fac = 0.6)
+> temp
+       95% 
+ [1] "L08.06" "L08.07" "L11.4"  "L12.4"  "L14.11" "L16.02" "L16.10" "L17.2" 
+ [9] "L20.3"  "L20.8" 
+L08.06 L08.07  L11.4  L12.4 L14.11 L16.02 L16.10  L17.2  L20.3  L20.8 
+    71     72     99    105    130    146    154    157    187    192 
+    L08.06     L08.07      L11.4      L12.4     L14.11     L16.02     L16.10 
+0.03044687 0.03037709 0.06111338 0.03199067 0.02799529 0.02873923 0.02806079 
+     L17.2      L20.3      L20.8 
+0.05793290 0.08246000 0.02368209 
+But to assess the average contribution of each marker, the
+boxplot probably is a better tool:
+> boxplot(myLoadings ~ obj$loc.fac, las = 3, ylab = "Contribution", 
++     xlab = "Marker", main = "Contributions by markers \nto the first global score", 
++     col = "grey")
+\section{Case study: spatial genetic structure of the chamois in the Bauges mountains}
+The chamois (\textit{Rupicapra rupicapra}) is a conserved species in France.
+The Bauges mountains is a protected area in which the species has been
+recently studied.
+One of the most important questions for conservation purposes relates to whether individuals
+from this area form a single reproductive unit, or whether they
+are structured into sub-groups, and if so, what causes are likely to
+induce this structuring.
+While field observations are very scarce and do not allow to answer
+this question, genetic data can be used to tackle the issue, as
+departure from panmixia should result in genetic structuring.
+The dataset \textit{rupica} contains 335 georeferenced genotypes of Chamois from the
+Bauges mountains for 9 microsatellite markers, which we propose to
+\subsection{An overview of the data}
+We first load the data:
+> data(rupica)
+> rupica
+   #####################
+   ### Genind object ### 
+   #####################
+- genotypes of individuals - 
+S4 class:  genind
+ at call: NULL
+ at tab:  335 x 55 matrix of genotypes
+ at ind.names: vector of  335 individual names
+ at loc.names: vector of  9 locus names
+ at loc.nall: number of alleles per locus
+ at loc.fac: locus factor for the  55 columns of @tab
+ at all.names: list of  9 components yielding allele names for each locus
+ at ploidy:  2
+ at type:  codom
+Optionnal contents: 
+ at pop:  - empty -
+ at pop.names:  - empty -
+ at other: a list containing: xy  mnt  showBauges 
+\texttt{rupica} is a \texttt{genind} object, that is, the class
+of objects storing genotypes (as opposed to population data) in \textit{adegenet}.
+\texttt{rupica} also contains topographic information about the
+sampled area, which can be displayed by calling
+Altitude maps are displayed using the \textit{adehabitat} package \cite{tj440}.
+The spatial distribution of the sampling can be displayed as follows:
+> rupica$other$showBauges()
+> points(rupica$other$xy, col = "red", pch = 20)
+\noindent This spatial distribution is clearly not random, but seems arranged into
+loose clusters.
+However, superimposed samples can bias our visual assessment of the spatial clustering.
+Use a two-dimensional kernel density estimation (function \texttt{s.kde2d}) to overcome this possible
+> rupica$other$showBauges()
+> s.kde2d(rupica$other$xy, add.plot = TRUE)
+> points(rupica$other$xy, col = "red", pch = 20)
+Unfortunately, geographical clustering is not strong enough to assign unambiguously each individual to a group.
+Therefore, we need to carry all analyses at the individual level, which precludes the use of most
+population genetics tools.
+\subsection{Summarising the genetic diversity}
+As a prior clustering of genotypes is not known, we cannot employ usual

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