[adegenet-commits] r823 - pkg/R

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Fri Feb 25 16:28:27 CET 2011

Author: jombart
Date: 2011-02-25 16:28:27 +0100 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 823

Reorganised source files:
- SNPbin.R: class def and accessors
- glHandle.R: handling on SNPbin/genlight
- glFunctions: computing stuff on genlight

Modified: pkg/R/SNPbin.R
--- pkg/R/SNPbin.R	2011-02-24 15:32:20 UTC (rev 822)
+++ pkg/R/SNPbin.R	2011-02-25 15:28:27 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -598,184 +598,11 @@
-## '[' operators
-## SNPbin
-setMethod("[", signature(x="SNPbin", i="ANY"), function(x, i) {
-    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
-    temp <- .SNPbin2int(x) # data as integers with NAs
-    x <- new("SNPbin", snp=temp[i], label=x at label, ploidy=x at ploidy)
-    return(x)
-}) # end [] for SNPbin
-## genlight
-setMethod("[", signature(x="genlight", i="ANY", j="ANY", drop="ANY"), function(x, i, j, ..., treatOther=TRUE, quiet=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
-    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
-    if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
-    ori.n <- nInd(x)
-    x at gen <- x at gen[i]
-    x at ind.names <- x at ind.names[i]
-    if(!is.null(x at ploidy)) {
-        ori.ploidy <- ploidy(x)[i]
-    } else {
-        ori.ploidy <- NULL
-    }
-    ## HANDLE 'OTHER' SLOT ##
-    nOther <- length(other(x))
-    namesOther <- names(other(x))
-    counter <- 0
-    if(treatOther & !(is.logical(i) && all(i))){
-        f1 <- function(obj,n=ori.n){
-            counter <<- counter+1
-            if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==ori.n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
-                obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
-            } else if(length(obj) == ori.n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
-                obj <- obj[i]
-                if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
-            } else {if(!quiet) warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
-            return(obj)
-        } # end f1
-        other(x) <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
-    } # end treatOther
-    ## SUBSET LOCI ##
-    if(length(j)==1 && is.logical(j) && j){ # no need to subset SNPs
-        return(x)
-    } else { # need to subset SNPs
-        old.other <- other(x)
-        x <- as.matrix(x)[, j, drop=FALSE] # maybe need to process one row at a time
-        x <- new("genlight", gen=x, ploidy=ori.ploidy, other=old.other)
-    }
-    return(x)
-}) # end [] for genlight
-## c, cbind, rbind...
-## cbind SNPbin
-##setMethod("cbind", signature("SNPbin"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
-cbind.SNPbin <- function(...){
-    myList <- list(...)
-    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="SNPbin")) stop("some objects are not SNPbin objects")
-    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, ploidy))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different ploidy levels")
-    x <- new("SNPbin", unlist(lapply(myList, as.integer)))
-    return(x)
-} # end cbind.SNPbin
-c.SNPbin <- function(...){
-    return(cbind(...))
-## cbind genlight
-##setMethod("cbind", signature(x="genlight"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
-cbind.genlight <- function(...){
-    myList <- list(...)
-    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="genlight")) stop("some objects are not genlight objects")
-    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, nInd))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different numbers of individuals")
-    n.obj <- length(myList)
-    n.ind <- nInd(myList[[1]])
-    ## merge one individual at a time ##
-    res <- list()
-    for(i in 1:n.ind){
-        res[[i]] <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(myList, function(e) e at gen[[i]]))
-    }
-    res <- new("genlight",res)
-    ## handle loc.names, alleles, etc. ##
-    indNames(res) <- indNames(myList[[1]])
-    locNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, locNames))
-    alleles(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, alleles))
-    pop(res) <- pop(myList[[1]])
-    ## return object ##
-    return(res)
-} # end cbind.genlight
-## rbind genlight
-##setMethod("cbind", signature(x="genlight"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
-rbind.genlight <- function(...){
-    myList <- list(...)
-    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="genlight")) stop("some objects are not genlight objects")
-    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, nLoc))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different numbers of SNPs")
-    ## build output
-    res <- new("genlight", Reduce(c, lapply(myList, function(e) e at gen)))
-    locNames(res) <- locNames(myList[[1]])
-    alleles(res) <- alleles(myList[[1]])
-    indNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, indNames))
-    pop(res) <- factor(unlist(lapply(myList, pop)))
-    ## return object ##
-    return(res)
-} # end rbind.genlight
-## seppop
-setMethod("seppop", signature(x="genlight"), function(x, pop=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, quiet=TRUE){
-    if(!is.null(pop)) {
-        pop(x) <- pop
-    }
-    if(is.null(pop(x))) stop("pop not provided and pop(x) is NULL")
-    kObj <- lapply(levels(pop(x)), function(lev) x[pop(x)==lev, , treatOther=treatOther, quiet=quiet])
-    names(kObj) <- levels(pop(x))
-    return(kObj)

Modified: pkg/R/glFunctions.R
--- pkg/R/glFunctions.R	2011-02-24 15:32:20 UTC (rev 822)
+++ pkg/R/glFunctions.R	2011-02-25 15:28:27 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -500,6 +500,8 @@
 } # end loadingplot.glPca
 ## TESTING ##
 ## x <- new("genlight", list(c(0,0,1,1,0), c(1,1,1,0,0,1), c(2,1,1,1,1,NA)))
 ## as.matrix(x)

Added: pkg/R/glHandle.R
--- pkg/R/glHandle.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/glHandle.R	2011-02-25 15:28:27 UTC (rev 823)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+## '[' operators
+## SNPbin
+setMethod("[", signature(x="SNPbin", i="ANY"), function(x, i) {
+    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
+    temp <- .SNPbin2int(x) # data as integers with NAs
+    x <- new("SNPbin", snp=temp[i], label=x at label, ploidy=x at ploidy)
+    return(x)
+}) # end [] for SNPbin
+## genlight
+setMethod("[", signature(x="genlight", i="ANY", j="ANY", drop="ANY"), function(x, i, j, ..., treatOther=TRUE, quiet=TRUE, drop=FALSE) {
+    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
+    if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
+    ori.n <- nInd(x)
+    x at gen <- x at gen[i]
+    x at ind.names <- x at ind.names[i]
+    if(!is.null(x at ploidy)) {
+        ori.ploidy <- ploidy(x)[i]
+    } else {
+        ori.ploidy <- NULL
+    }
+    ## HANDLE 'OTHER' SLOT ##
+    nOther <- length(other(x))
+    namesOther <- names(other(x))
+    counter <- 0
+    if(treatOther & !(is.logical(i) && all(i))){
+        f1 <- function(obj,n=ori.n){
+            counter <<- counter+1
+            if(!is.null(dim(obj)) && nrow(obj)==ori.n) { # if the element is a matrix-like obj
+                obj <- obj[i,,drop=FALSE]
+            } else if(length(obj) == ori.n) { # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
+                obj <- obj[i]
+                if(is.factor(obj)) {obj <- factor(obj)}
+            } else {if(!quiet) warning(paste("cannot treat the object",namesOther[counter]))}
+            return(obj)
+        } # end f1
+        other(x) <- lapply(x at other, f1) # treat all elements
+    } # end treatOther
+    ## SUBSET LOCI ##
+    if(length(j)==1 && is.logical(j) && j){ # no need to subset SNPs
+        return(x)
+    } else { # need to subset SNPs
+        old.other <- other(x)
+        x <- as.matrix(x)[, j, drop=FALSE] # maybe need to process one row at a time
+        x <- new("genlight", gen=x, ploidy=ori.ploidy, other=old.other)
+    }
+    return(x)
+}) # end [] for genlight
+## c, cbind, rbind...
+## cbind SNPbin
+##setMethod("cbind", signature("SNPbin"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
+cbind.SNPbin <- function(...){
+    myList <- list(...)
+    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="SNPbin")) stop("some objects are not SNPbin objects")
+    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, ploidy))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different ploidy levels")
+    x <- new("SNPbin", unlist(lapply(myList, as.integer)))
+    return(x)
+} # end cbind.SNPbin
+c.SNPbin <- function(...){
+    return(cbind(...))
+## cbind genlight
+##setMethod("cbind", signature(x="genlight"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
+cbind.genlight <- function(...){
+    myList <- list(...)
+    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="genlight")) stop("some objects are not genlight objects")
+    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, nInd))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different numbers of individuals")
+    n.obj <- length(myList)
+    n.ind <- nInd(myList[[1]])
+    ## merge one individual at a time ##
+    res <- list()
+    for(i in 1:n.ind){
+        res[[i]] <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(myList, function(e) e at gen[[i]]))
+    }
+    res <- new("genlight",res)
+    ## handle loc.names, alleles, etc. ##
+    indNames(res) <- indNames(myList[[1]])
+    locNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, locNames))
+    alleles(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, alleles))
+    pop(res) <- pop(myList[[1]])
+    ## return object ##
+    return(res)
+} # end cbind.genlight
+## rbind genlight
+##setMethod("cbind", signature(x="genlight"), function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
+rbind.genlight <- function(...){
+    myList <- list(...)
+    if(!all(sapply(myList, class)=="genlight")) stop("some objects are not genlight objects")
+    if(length(unique(sapply(myList, nLoc))) !=1 ) stop("objects have different numbers of SNPs")
+    ## build output
+    res <- new("genlight", Reduce(c, lapply(myList, function(e) e at gen)))
+    locNames(res) <- locNames(myList[[1]])
+    alleles(res) <- alleles(myList[[1]])
+    indNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, indNames))
+    pop(res) <- factor(unlist(lapply(myList, pop)))
+    ## return object ##
+    return(res)
+} # end rbind.genlight
+## seppop
+setMethod("seppop", signature(x="genlight"), function(x, pop=NULL, treatOther=TRUE, quiet=TRUE){
+    if(!is.null(pop)) {
+        pop(x) <- pop
+    }
+    if(is.null(pop(x))) stop("pop not provided and pop(x) is NULL")
+    kObj <- lapply(levels(pop(x)), function(lev) x[pop(x)==lev, , treatOther=treatOther, quiet=quiet])
+    names(kObj) <- levels(pop(x))
+    return(kObj)
+## c, cbind, rbind ##
+## a <- new("genlight", list(c(1,0,1), c(0,0,1,0)) )
+## b <- new("genlight", list(c(1,0,1,1,1,1), c(1,0)) )
+## locNames(a) <- letters[1:4]
+## locNames(b) <- 1:6
+## c <- cbind(a,b)
+## identical(as.matrix(c),cbind(as.matrix(a), as.matrix(b))) # MUST BE TRUE
+## identical(as.matrix(rbind(a,a)),rbind(as.matrix(a),as.matrix(a)))
+## test subsetting with/without @other ##
+## x <- new("genlight", list(a=1,b=0,c=1), other=list(1:3, letters, data.frame(2:4)))
+## pop(x) <- c("pop1","pop1", "pop2")

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