[adegenet-commits] r798 - pkg/src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 9 14:03:57 CET 2011

Author: jombart
Date: 2011-02-09 14:03:57 +0100 (Wed, 09 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 798

renamed files

Deleted: pkg/src/SNPbin.c
--- pkg/src/SNPbin.c	2011-02-09 12:58:31 UTC (rev 797)
+++ pkg/src/SNPbin.c	2011-02-09 13:03:57 UTC (rev 798)
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-  Coded by Thibaut Jombart (tjombart at imperial.ac.uk), December 2010.
-  Distributed with the adephylo package for the R software.
-  Licence: GPL >=2.
-  These functions are designed to recode genotypes given as binary integers into new integers which
-  map them to unique bytes. One genotype of 8 binary SNPs is mapped uniquely (bijectively) to a
-  value between 0 and 255. This is achieved by considering the genotype 'x' in the basis 2^0
-  ... 2^7, and summing the values of the vector in this basis. That is, we use the function:
-  {0,1}^8 |-> {0,...,255}
-  x -> x_1 * 2^0 + ... + x_8 * 2^7 = \sum_i x_i * 2^(i-1)
-  # Function named as 'SNPbin...' or 'GL...' are to be called directly from R.
-  # The structure 'snpbin' is a C representation of the class 'SNPbin'.
-  # Function named as 'snpbin...' are made to be called internally.
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "snpbin.h"
-/* #define NEARZERO 0.0000000001 */
-/* #define TRUE 1 */
-/* #define FALSE 0 */
-/* typedef short bool; */
-/* /\* */
-/*    ========================= */
-/*    === CLASS DEFINITIONS === */
-/*    ========================= */
-/* *\/ */
-/* /\* 'bytevecnb' arrays of bytes concatenated into a single array *\/ */
-/* /\* of dim 'byteveclength' x 'bytevecnb' *\/ */
-/* /\* nloc is the number of SNPs - used for recoding to integers *\/ */
-/* /\* naposi indicates the positions of NAs *\/ */
-/* /\* nanb is the length of naposi *\/ */
-/* struct snpbin{ */
-/* 	unsigned char *bytevec; */
-/* 	int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi, *ploidy; /\* all but naposi have length 1 *\/ */
-/* }; */
-/* struct snpbin makesnpbin(unsigned char *bytevec, int *byteveclength, int *bytevecnb, int *nloc, int *nanb, int *naposi, int *ploidy) { */
-/* 	struct snpbin out; */
-/* 	int i; */
-/* 	out.bytevec = bytevec; */
-/* 	out.byteveclength = byteveclength; */
-/* 	out.bytevecnb = bytevecnb; */
-/* 	out.nloc = nloc; */
-/* 	out.nanb = nanb; */
-/* 	/\* need to decrease the indices of NAs by 1, e.g. [1-10]->[0-9] *\/ */
-/* 	out.naposi = naposi; */
-/* 	if(*nanb > 0){ */
-/* 		for(i=0;i< *nanb; i++){ */
-/* 			out.naposi[i] = out.naposi[i] - 1; */
-/* 		} */
-/* 	} */
-/* 	out.ploidy = ploidy; */
-/* 	return out; */
-/* }; */
-/* struct genlightC{ */
-/* 	struct snpbin *x; */
-/* 	int *nind; */
-/* }; */
-   ===========================
-   ===========================
-/* Maps one byte from 0-255 to sequences of 8 (binary) integers values */
-void byteToBinInt(unsigned char in, int *out){
-	short int rest, i, temp;
-	rest = (int)in;
-	/* initialize all values to 0*/
-	for(i=0;i<=7;i++)
-		out[i]=0;
-	for(i=7;i>=0;i--){
-		temp = pow(2, i);
-		if(rest >= temp) {
-			out[i] = 1;
-			rest = rest- temp;
-			if(rest == 0) break;
-		}
-	}
-/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to sequences of 8 binary values */
-/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
-void bytesToBinInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *vecsize, int *vecres){
-	int i, j, idres=0, *temp; /* idres: index in vecres*/
-	temp = (int *) calloc(8, sizeof(int));
-	for(i=0;i<*vecsize;i++){
-		byteToBinInt(vecbytes[i], temp);
-		for(j=0;j<=7;j++){
-			vecres[j+idres] = temp[j];
-		}
-		idres = idres + 8;
-	}
-	free(temp);
-} /* end binIntToBytes*/
-   ===============================
-   ===============================
-/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to integers representing counts of alleles */
-/* This is done by adding arrays of 0-1 for indiv with ploidy > 1*/
-/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
-/* veclength is the length of one vector of bytes */
-/* nbvec is the nb of input vectors*/
-/* input 'vecbytes' is actually concatenated, ie of size veclength * nbvec */
-void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
-	int i, j, k, idres=0, *temp; /* idres: index in vecres*/
-	temp = (int *) calloc(8, sizeof(int));
-	for(k=0;k<*nbvec;k++){ /* for all input vector */
-		idres = 0;
-		for(i=0;i<*veclength;i++){ /* for one input vector */
-			byteToBinInt(vecbytes[i+ k* *veclength], temp); /* byte -> 8 int (0/1)*/
-			for(j=0;j<=7;j++){ /* fill in the result*/
-				vecres[j+idres] += temp[j];
-			}
-			idres = idres + 8;
-		}
-	}
-	free(temp);
-} /* end bytesToInt */
-   === MAP BINARY SNPS TO 1->256 SCALE ===
-   - vecsnp: vector of integers (0/1)
-   - vesize: length of vecsnp
-   - res: vector of integers valued on 0:255
-   - ressize: length of res
-void binIntToBytes(int *vecsnp, int *vecsize, unsigned char *vecres, int *ressize){
-	/* declarations */
-	int i, j, idres, *binBasis; /* must use dynamic allocation */
-	/* allocate memory for local variables */
-	vecintalloc(&binBasis, 8);
-	/* define binary basis */
-	for(i=1; i<=8; i++){
-		binBasis[i] = pow(2, i-1);
-	}
-	/* set all values of vecres to 0 */
-	for(i=0;i < *ressize;i++){
-		vecres[i] = 0x00;
-	}
-	/* INDICES */
-	/* i: idx of snp */
-	/* j: idx of binBasis (1:8) */
-	/* idres: idx in vector of results */
-	idres = 0;
-	j = 1;
-	for(i=0;i< *vecsize;i++){
-		vecres[idres] = vecres[idres] + (unsigned char)(binBasis[j] * vecsnp[i]);
-		if(j == 8){
-			idres++;
-			j = 1;
-		} else {
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* free memory */
-	freeintvec(binBasis);
-} /* end binIntToBytes */
-   =====================
-   === CLASS METHODS ===
-   =====================
-int nLoc(struct snpbin *x){
-	return *(x->nloc);
-int ploidy(struct snpbin *x){
-	return *(x->ploidy);
-/* transform a snpbin into a vector of integers */
-void snpbin2intvec(struct snpbin *x, int *out){
-	bytesToInt(x->bytevec, x->byteveclength, x->bytevecnb, out);
-- void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
-- snpbin: unsigned char *bytevec; int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi; */
-/* transform a snpbin into a vector of frequencies (double) */
-void snpbin2freq(struct snpbin *x, double *out){
-	double ploid = (double) ploidy(x);
-	int i;
- 	bytesToInt(x->bytevec, x->byteveclength, x->bytevecnb, (int *) out);
-	out = (double *) out; /* casting back to double */
-	for(i=0; i< nLoc(x); i++){
-		out[i] = out[i] / ploid;
-	}
-- void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
-- snpbin: unsigned char *bytevec; int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi; */
-/* print a snpbin object - used for debugging */
-void printsnpbin(struct snpbin *x){
-	int i, *temp;
-	temp = (int *) calloc(nLoc(x), sizeof(int));
-	snpbin2intvec(x, temp);
-	for(i=0;i< *(x->byteveclength);i++){
-		printf("%i ", (int) (x->bytevec)[i]);
-	}
-	printf("   ");
-	for(i=0;i<nLoc(x);i++){
-		printf("%i ", temp[i]);
-	}
-	printf("NA posi: ");
-	for(i=0;i< *(x->nanb);i++){
-		printf("%i ", (x->naposi)[i]);
-	}
-	free(temp);
-short int snpbin_isna(struct snpbin *x, int i){
-	int j = 0;
-	if(*(x->nanb) < 1 || i > nLoc(x)) return 0;
-	while(j < *(x->nanb)){
-		if( i == (x->naposi)[j]) return 1;
-		j++;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* Function to compute one dot products between two individuals */
-/* centring and scaling is always used */
-/* but need to pass vectors of 0 and 1*/
-double snpbin_dotprod(struct snpbin *x, struct snpbin *y, double *mean, double *sd){
-	/* define variables, allocate memory */
-	int P = nLoc(x), i, *vecx, *vecy;
-	short int isna;
-	double res = 0.0;
-	vecx = (int *) calloc(P, sizeof(int));
-	vecy = (int *) calloc(P, sizeof(int));
-	/* conversion to integers */
-	snpbin2intvec(x, vecx);
-	snpbin2intvec(y, vecy);
-	/* printf("\nvector x: \n"); */
-	/* for(i=0;i<P;i++){ */
-	/* 	printf("%i", vecx[i]); */
-	/* } */
-	/* printf("\nvector y: \n"); */
-	/* for(i=0;i<P;i++){ */
-	/* 	printf("%i", vecy[i]); */
-	/* } */
-	/* compute dot product */
-	int count=0;
-	for(i=0;i<P;i++){
-		if(snpbin_isna(x,i) == 0 && snpbin_isna(y,i) == 0){
-			/* res += ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]); */
-			res += ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]);
-			/* printf("\ntemp value of increment: %f", ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i])); */
-			/* printf("\ntemp value of result: %f", res); */
-		}
-	}
-	/* free memory */
-	free(vecx);
-	free(vecy);
-	return res;
-/* Function to convert a 'genlight' object (R side) into an array of 'snpbin' (C side) */
-/* Each component of the genlight is concatenated into a single vector */
-/* and then used to create different 'snpbin' on the C side */
-struct genlightC genlightTogenlightC(unsigned char *gen, int *nbvecperind, int *byteveclength, int *nbnaperind, int *naposi, int *nind, int *nloc, int *ploidy){
-	/* declare variables and allocate memory */
-	int i, j, idxByteVec=0, idxNAVec=0;
-	struct genlightC out;
-	out.x = (struct snpbin *) calloc(*nind, sizeof(struct snpbin));
-	/* create the list of snpbin */
-	/* printf("\n nind: %d\n", *nind); */
-	for(i=0; i < *nind; i++){
-		out.x[i] = makesnpbin(&gen[idxByteVec], byteveclength, &nbvecperind[i], nloc, &nbnaperind[i], &naposi[idxNAVec], &ploidy[i]);
-		idxByteVec += *byteveclength * nbvecperind[i]; /* update index in byte array */
-		idxNAVec +=  nbnaperind[i]; /* update index in byte array */
-		/* printf("\nimported genotype %i: ", i+1); */
-		/* printsnpbin(&out.x[i]); */
-	}
-	/* printf("step 3"); */
-	out.nind = nind;
-	/* printf("step 4"); */
-	return out;
-   =========================
-   =========================
-/* Simple test function */
-/* Test: increases for a raw (unsigned char) vector */
-void testRaw(unsigned char *a, int *n){
-	int i;
-	for(i=0; i< *n; i++){
-		a[i] = (unsigned char)(i);
-	}
-/* TESTING in R */
-## test raw conversion
-.C("testRaw", raw(256), 256L, PACKAGE="adegenet")
-## test raw->int conversion
-x <- sample(0:1,800,replace=TRUE)
-toto <- .bin2raw(x)$snp
-all(.C("bytesToBinInt", toto, length(toto), integer(length(toto)*8))[[3]]==x)
-## test raw vec -> binary integers
-.C("bytesToBinInt",as.raw(c(12,11)), 2L, integer(16), PACKAGE="adegenet")
-## test several raw vec -> int (allele counts, any ploidy)
-.C("bytesToInt",as.raw(c(12,11)), 1L, 2L, integer(8), PACKAGE="adegenet")

Deleted: pkg/src/SNPbin.h
--- pkg/src/SNPbin.h	2011-02-09 12:58:31 UTC (rev 797)
+++ pkg/src/SNPbin.h	2011-02-09 13:03:57 UTC (rev 798)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define NEARZERO 0.0000000001 */
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-typedef short bool;
-   =========================
-   =========================
-struct snpbin{
-	unsigned char *bytevec;
-	int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi, *ploidy; /* all but naposi have length 1 */
-struct snpbin makesnpbin(unsigned char *bytevec, int *byteveclength, int *bytevecnb, int *nloc, int *nanb, int *naposi, int *ploidy) {
-	struct snpbin out;
-	int i;
-	out.bytevec = bytevec;
-	out.byteveclength = byteveclength;
-	out.bytevecnb = bytevecnb;
-	out.nloc = nloc;
-	out.nanb = nanb;
-	/* need to decrease the indices of NAs by 1, e.g. [1-10]->[0-9] */
-	out.naposi = naposi;
-	if(*nanb > 0){
-		for(i=0;i< *nanb; i++){
-			out.naposi[i] = out.naposi[i] - 1;
-		}
-	}
-	out.ploidy = ploidy;
-	return out;
-struct genlightC{
-	struct snpbin *x;
-	int *nind;
-   ===========================
-   ===========================
-/* Maps one byte from 0-255 to sequences of 8 (binary) integers values */
-void byteToBinInt(unsigned char in, int *out);
-/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to sequences of 8 binary values */
-/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
-void bytesToBinInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *vecsize, int *vecres);
-   ===============================
-   ===============================
-void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres);
-void binIntToBytes(int *vecsnp, int *vecsize, unsigned char *vecres, int *ressize);
-   =====================
-   === CLASS METHODS ===
-   =====================
-int nLoc(struct snpbin *x);
-int ploidy(struct snpbin *x);
-void snpbin2intvec(struct snpbin *x, int *out);
-void snpbin2freq(struct snpbin *x, double *out);
-void printsnpbin(struct snpbin *x);
-short int snpbin_isna(struct snpbin *x, int i);
-double snpbin_dotprod(struct snpbin *x, struct snpbin *y, double *mean, double *sd);
-struct genlightC genlightTogenlightC(unsigned char *gen, int *nbvecperind, int *byteveclength, int *nbnaperind, int *naposi, int *nind, int *nloc, int *ploidy);
-   =========================
-   =========================
-void testRaw(unsigned char *a, int *n);

Copied: pkg/src/snpbin.c (from rev 797, pkg/src/SNPbin.c)
--- pkg/src/snpbin.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/src/snpbin.c	2011-02-09 13:03:57 UTC (rev 798)
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+  Coded by Thibaut Jombart (tjombart at imperial.ac.uk), December 2010.
+  Distributed with the adephylo package for the R software.
+  Licence: GPL >=2.
+  These functions are designed to recode genotypes given as binary integers into new integers which
+  map them to unique bytes. One genotype of 8 binary SNPs is mapped uniquely (bijectively) to a
+  value between 0 and 255. This is achieved by considering the genotype 'x' in the basis 2^0
+  ... 2^7, and summing the values of the vector in this basis. That is, we use the function:
+  {0,1}^8 |-> {0,...,255}
+  x -> x_1 * 2^0 + ... + x_8 * 2^7 = \sum_i x_i * 2^(i-1)
+  # Function named as 'SNPbin...' or 'GL...' are to be called directly from R.
+  # The structure 'snpbin' is a C representation of the class 'SNPbin'.
+  # Function named as 'snpbin...' are made to be called internally.
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "snpbin.h"
+/* #define NEARZERO 0.0000000001 */
+/* #define TRUE 1 */
+/* #define FALSE 0 */
+/* typedef short bool; */
+/* /\* */
+/*    ========================= */
+/*    === CLASS DEFINITIONS === */
+/*    ========================= */
+/* *\/ */
+/* /\* 'bytevecnb' arrays of bytes concatenated into a single array *\/ */
+/* /\* of dim 'byteveclength' x 'bytevecnb' *\/ */
+/* /\* nloc is the number of SNPs - used for recoding to integers *\/ */
+/* /\* naposi indicates the positions of NAs *\/ */
+/* /\* nanb is the length of naposi *\/ */
+/* struct snpbin{ */
+/* 	unsigned char *bytevec; */
+/* 	int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi, *ploidy; /\* all but naposi have length 1 *\/ */
+/* }; */
+/* struct snpbin makesnpbin(unsigned char *bytevec, int *byteveclength, int *bytevecnb, int *nloc, int *nanb, int *naposi, int *ploidy) { */
+/* 	struct snpbin out; */
+/* 	int i; */
+/* 	out.bytevec = bytevec; */
+/* 	out.byteveclength = byteveclength; */
+/* 	out.bytevecnb = bytevecnb; */
+/* 	out.nloc = nloc; */
+/* 	out.nanb = nanb; */
+/* 	/\* need to decrease the indices of NAs by 1, e.g. [1-10]->[0-9] *\/ */
+/* 	out.naposi = naposi; */
+/* 	if(*nanb > 0){ */
+/* 		for(i=0;i< *nanb; i++){ */
+/* 			out.naposi[i] = out.naposi[i] - 1; */
+/* 		} */
+/* 	} */
+/* 	out.ploidy = ploidy; */
+/* 	return out; */
+/* }; */
+/* struct genlightC{ */
+/* 	struct snpbin *x; */
+/* 	int *nind; */
+/* }; */
+   ===========================
+   ===========================
+/* Maps one byte from 0-255 to sequences of 8 (binary) integers values */
+void byteToBinInt(unsigned char in, int *out){
+	short int rest, i, temp;
+	rest = (int)in;
+	/* initialize all values to 0*/
+	for(i=0;i<=7;i++)
+		out[i]=0;
+	for(i=7;i>=0;i--){
+		temp = pow(2, i);
+		if(rest >= temp) {
+			out[i] = 1;
+			rest = rest- temp;
+			if(rest == 0) break;
+		}
+	}
+/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to sequences of 8 binary values */
+/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
+void bytesToBinInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *vecsize, int *vecres){
+	int i, j, idres=0, *temp; /* idres: index in vecres*/
+	temp = (int *) calloc(8, sizeof(int));
+	for(i=0;i<*vecsize;i++){
+		byteToBinInt(vecbytes[i], temp);
+		for(j=0;j<=7;j++){
+			vecres[j+idres] = temp[j];
+		}
+		idres = idres + 8;
+	}
+	free(temp);
+} /* end binIntToBytes*/
+   ===============================
+   ===============================
+/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to integers representing counts of alleles */
+/* This is done by adding arrays of 0-1 for indiv with ploidy > 1*/
+/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
+/* veclength is the length of one vector of bytes */
+/* nbvec is the nb of input vectors*/
+/* input 'vecbytes' is actually concatenated, ie of size veclength * nbvec */
+void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
+	int i, j, k, idres=0, *temp; /* idres: index in vecres*/
+	temp = (int *) calloc(8, sizeof(int));
+	for(k=0;k<*nbvec;k++){ /* for all input vector */
+		idres = 0;
+		for(i=0;i<*veclength;i++){ /* for one input vector */
+			byteToBinInt(vecbytes[i+ k* *veclength], temp); /* byte -> 8 int (0/1)*/
+			for(j=0;j<=7;j++){ /* fill in the result*/
+				vecres[j+idres] += temp[j];
+			}
+			idres = idres + 8;
+		}
+	}
+	free(temp);
+} /* end bytesToInt */
+   === MAP BINARY SNPS TO 1->256 SCALE ===
+   - vecsnp: vector of integers (0/1)
+   - vesize: length of vecsnp
+   - res: vector of integers valued on 0:255
+   - ressize: length of res
+void binIntToBytes(int *vecsnp, int *vecsize, unsigned char *vecres, int *ressize){
+	/* declarations */
+	int i, j, idres, *binBasis; /* must use dynamic allocation */
+	/* allocate memory for local variables */
+	vecintalloc(&binBasis, 8);
+	/* define binary basis */
+	for(i=1; i<=8; i++){
+		binBasis[i] = pow(2, i-1);
+	}
+	/* set all values of vecres to 0 */
+	for(i=0;i < *ressize;i++){
+		vecres[i] = 0x00;
+	}
+	/* INDICES */
+	/* i: idx of snp */
+	/* j: idx of binBasis (1:8) */
+	/* idres: idx in vector of results */
+	idres = 0;
+	j = 1;
+	for(i=0;i< *vecsize;i++){
+		vecres[idres] = vecres[idres] + (unsigned char)(binBasis[j] * vecsnp[i]);
+		if(j == 8){
+			idres++;
+			j = 1;
+		} else {
+			j++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* free memory */
+	freeintvec(binBasis);
+} /* end binIntToBytes */
+   =====================
+   === CLASS METHODS ===
+   =====================
+int nLoc(struct snpbin *x){
+	return *(x->nloc);
+int ploidy(struct snpbin *x){
+	return *(x->ploidy);
+/* transform a snpbin into a vector of integers */
+void snpbin2intvec(struct snpbin *x, int *out){
+	bytesToInt(x->bytevec, x->byteveclength, x->bytevecnb, out);
+- void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
+- snpbin: unsigned char *bytevec; int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi; */
+/* transform a snpbin into a vector of frequencies (double) */
+void snpbin2freq(struct snpbin *x, double *out){
+	double ploid = (double) ploidy(x);
+	int i;
+ 	bytesToInt(x->bytevec, x->byteveclength, x->bytevecnb, (int *) out);
+	out = (double *) out; /* casting back to double */
+	for(i=0; i< nLoc(x); i++){
+		out[i] = out[i] / ploid;
+	}
+- void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres){
+- snpbin: unsigned char *bytevec; int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi; */
+/* print a snpbin object - used for debugging */
+void printsnpbin(struct snpbin *x){
+	int i, *temp;
+	temp = (int *) calloc(nLoc(x), sizeof(int));
+	snpbin2intvec(x, temp);
+	for(i=0;i< *(x->byteveclength);i++){
+		printf("%i ", (int) (x->bytevec)[i]);
+	}
+	printf("   ");
+	for(i=0;i<nLoc(x);i++){
+		printf("%i ", temp[i]);
+	}
+	printf("NA posi: ");
+	for(i=0;i< *(x->nanb);i++){
+		printf("%i ", (x->naposi)[i]);
+	}
+	free(temp);
+short int snpbin_isna(struct snpbin *x, int i){
+	int j = 0;
+	if(*(x->nanb) < 1 || i > nLoc(x)) return 0;
+	while(j < *(x->nanb)){
+		if( i == (x->naposi)[j]) return 1;
+		j++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* Function to compute one dot products between two individuals */
+/* centring and scaling is always used */
+/* but need to pass vectors of 0 and 1*/
+double snpbin_dotprod(struct snpbin *x, struct snpbin *y, double *mean, double *sd){
+	/* define variables, allocate memory */
+	int P = nLoc(x), i, *vecx, *vecy;
+	short int isna;
+	double res = 0.0;
+	vecx = (int *) calloc(P, sizeof(int));
+	vecy = (int *) calloc(P, sizeof(int));
+	/* conversion to integers */
+	snpbin2intvec(x, vecx);
+	snpbin2intvec(y, vecy);
+	/* printf("\nvector x: \n"); */
+	/* for(i=0;i<P;i++){ */
+	/* 	printf("%i", vecx[i]); */
+	/* } */
+	/* printf("\nvector y: \n"); */
+	/* for(i=0;i<P;i++){ */
+	/* 	printf("%i", vecy[i]); */
+	/* } */
+	/* compute dot product */
+	int count=0;
+	for(i=0;i<P;i++){
+		if(snpbin_isna(x,i) == 0 && snpbin_isna(y,i) == 0){
+			/* res += ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]); */
+			res += ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]);
+			/* printf("\ntemp value of increment: %f", ((vecx[i]-mean[i])/sd[i]) * ((vecy[i]-mean[i])/sd[i])); */
+			/* printf("\ntemp value of result: %f", res); */
+		}
+	}
+	/* free memory */
+	free(vecx);
+	free(vecy);
+	return res;
+/* Function to convert a 'genlight' object (R side) into an array of 'snpbin' (C side) */
+/* Each component of the genlight is concatenated into a single vector */
+/* and then used to create different 'snpbin' on the C side */
+struct genlightC genlightTogenlightC(unsigned char *gen, int *nbvecperind, int *byteveclength, int *nbnaperind, int *naposi, int *nind, int *nloc, int *ploidy){
+	/* declare variables and allocate memory */
+	int i, j, idxByteVec=0, idxNAVec=0;
+	struct genlightC out;
+	out.x = (struct snpbin *) calloc(*nind, sizeof(struct snpbin));
+	/* create the list of snpbin */
+	/* printf("\n nind: %d\n", *nind); */
+	for(i=0; i < *nind; i++){
+		out.x[i] = makesnpbin(&gen[idxByteVec], byteveclength, &nbvecperind[i], nloc, &nbnaperind[i], &naposi[idxNAVec], &ploidy[i]);
+		idxByteVec += *byteveclength * nbvecperind[i]; /* update index in byte array */
+		idxNAVec +=  nbnaperind[i]; /* update index in byte array */
+		/* printf("\nimported genotype %i: ", i+1); */
+		/* printsnpbin(&out.x[i]); */
+	}
+	/* printf("step 3"); */
+	out.nind = nind;
+	/* printf("step 4"); */
+	return out;
+   =========================
+   =========================
+/* Simple test function */
+/* Test: increases for a raw (unsigned char) vector */
+void testRaw(unsigned char *a, int *n){
+	int i;
+	for(i=0; i< *n; i++){
+		a[i] = (unsigned char)(i);
+	}
+/* TESTING in R */
+## test raw conversion
+.C("testRaw", raw(256), 256L, PACKAGE="adegenet")
+## test raw->int conversion
+x <- sample(0:1,800,replace=TRUE)
+toto <- .bin2raw(x)$snp
+all(.C("bytesToBinInt", toto, length(toto), integer(length(toto)*8))[[3]]==x)
+## test raw vec -> binary integers
+.C("bytesToBinInt",as.raw(c(12,11)), 2L, integer(16), PACKAGE="adegenet")
+## test several raw vec -> int (allele counts, any ploidy)
+.C("bytesToInt",as.raw(c(12,11)), 1L, 2L, integer(8), PACKAGE="adegenet")

Copied: pkg/src/snpbin.h (from rev 797, pkg/src/SNPbin.h)
--- pkg/src/snpbin.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/src/snpbin.h	2011-02-09 13:03:57 UTC (rev 798)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define NEARZERO 0.0000000001 */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+typedef short bool;
+   =========================
+   =========================
+struct snpbin{
+	unsigned char *bytevec;
+	int *byteveclength, *bytevecnb, *nloc, *nanb, *naposi, *ploidy; /* all but naposi have length 1 */
+struct snpbin makesnpbin(unsigned char *bytevec, int *byteveclength, int *bytevecnb, int *nloc, int *nanb, int *naposi, int *ploidy) {
+	struct snpbin out;
+	int i;
+	out.bytevec = bytevec;
+	out.byteveclength = byteveclength;
+	out.bytevecnb = bytevecnb;
+	out.nloc = nloc;
+	out.nanb = nanb;
+	/* need to decrease the indices of NAs by 1, e.g. [1-10]->[0-9] */
+	out.naposi = naposi;
+	if(*nanb > 0){
+		for(i=0;i< *nanb; i++){
+			out.naposi[i] = out.naposi[i] - 1;
+		}
+	}
+	out.ploidy = ploidy;
+	return out;
+struct genlightC{
+	struct snpbin *x;
+	int *nind;
+   ===========================
+   ===========================
+/* Maps one byte from 0-255 to sequences of 8 (binary) integers values */
+void byteToBinInt(unsigned char in, int *out);
+/* Maps an array of values from 0-255 to sequences of 8 binary values */
+/* Input are unsigned char (hexadecimal), outputs are integers */
+void bytesToBinInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *vecsize, int *vecres);
+   ===============================
+   ===============================
+void bytesToInt(unsigned char *vecbytes, int *veclength, int *nbvec, int *vecres);
+void binIntToBytes(int *vecsnp, int *vecsize, unsigned char *vecres, int *ressize);
+   =====================
+   === CLASS METHODS ===
+   =====================
+int nLoc(struct snpbin *x);
+int ploidy(struct snpbin *x);
+void snpbin2intvec(struct snpbin *x, int *out);
+void snpbin2freq(struct snpbin *x, double *out);
+void printsnpbin(struct snpbin *x);
+short int snpbin_isna(struct snpbin *x, int i);
+double snpbin_dotprod(struct snpbin *x, struct snpbin *y, double *mean, double *sd);
+struct genlightC genlightTogenlightC(unsigned char *gen, int *nbvecperind, int *byteveclength, int *nbnaperind, int *naposi, int *nind, int *nloc, int *ploidy);
+   =========================
+   =========================
+void testRaw(unsigned char *a, int *n);

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