[adegenet-commits] r663 - pkg/man
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Wed Sep 8 17:36:01 CEST 2010
Author: jombart
Date: 2010-09-08 17:36:00 +0200 (Wed, 08 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 663
Doc includes the pairwise fst
Modified: pkg/man/fstat.Rd
--- pkg/man/fstat.Rd 2010-09-08 15:03:29 UTC (rev 662)
+++ pkg/man/fstat.Rd 2010-09-08 15:36:00 UTC (rev 663)
@@ -1,26 +1,48 @@
\title{F statistics for genind objects}
-\description{This function is a wrapper of \code{varcomp.glob} for
- \linkS4class{genind} objects. It computes F statistics (Fst, Fis, Fit)
+ The function \code{fstat} computes a global Fst, while
+ \code{pairwise.fst} computes Nei's pairwise Fst between all pairs of
+ populations. Both functions are designed for \linkS4class{genind}
+ objects.
+ \code{fstat} is wrapper for \code{varcomp.glob} from package
+ \code{hierfstat} for \linkS4class{genind} objects. It computes F statistics (Fst, Fis, Fit)
given a set of genotypes and a grouping factor.
+ \code{pairwise.fst} is a simple implementation of Nei's Fst (see details)
fstat(x, pop=NULL, fstonly=FALSE)
+pairwise.fst(x, pop=NULL, res.type=c("dist","matrix"), truenames=TRUE)
\item{x}{an object of class \linkS4class{genind}.}
\item{pop}{a factor giving the 'population' of each individual. If NULL,
- pop is seeked from x\@pop. Note that the term population refers in
- fact to any grouping of individuals'.}
-\item{fstonly}{a logical stating whether only the Fst value should be
- returned (TRUE) instead of all F statistics (FALSE, default).}
- }
+ pop is seeked from x\@pop. Note that the term population refers in
+ fact to any grouping of individuals'.}
+ \item{fstonly}{a logical stating whether only the Fst value should be
+ returned (TRUE) instead of all F statistics (FALSE, default).}
+ \item{res.type}{the type of result required: a \code{dist} object, or a
+ symmetric matrix}
+ \item{truenames}{a logical indicating whether true labels (as opposed
+ to generic labels) should be used to name the output.}
\value{A matrix of F statistics.}
+\seealso{\code{\link{Hs}}, \code{\link[hierfstat]{varcomp.glob}},
+ Let A and B be two populations, with expected heterozygocity Hs(A) and
+ Hs(B), respectively. We denote Ht the expected heterozygocity of a
+ population pooling A and B. Then, the pairwise Fst \eqn{Fst(A,B)} is
+ computed as:\cr
+ \eqn{\frac{(Ht - (Hs(A)+Hs(B))/2 )}{Ht} \cr
\author{ Thibaut Jombart \email{t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk} }
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