[adegenet-commits] r720 - in pkg: . R
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Tue Nov 23 21:45:06 CET 2010
Author: jombart
Date: 2010-11-23 21:45:05 +0100 (Tue, 23 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 720
inbreeding stuff
Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION 2010-11-23 15:53:03 UTC (rev 719)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION 2010-11-23 20:45:05 UTC (rev 720)
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
Suggests: ade4, genetics, hierfstat, spdep, tripack, ape, pegas, graph, RBGL, seqinr
Depends: methods, MASS
Description: Classes and functions for genetic data analysis within the multivariate framework.
-Collate: classes.R basicMethods.R handling.R auxil.R setAs.R find.clust.R hybridize.R scale.R fstat.R import.R seqTrack.R chooseCN.R genind2genpop.R loadingplot.R sequences.R gstat.randtest.R makefreq.R colorplot.R monmonier.R spca.R coords.monmonier.R haploGen.R old2new.R spca.rtests.R dapc.R haploPop.R PCtest.R dist.genpop.R Hs.R propShared.R export.R HWE.R propTyped.R zzz.R
+Collate: classes.R basicMethods.R handling.R auxil.R setAs.R find.clust.R hybridize.R scale.R fstat.R import.R seqTrack.R chooseCN.R genind2genpop.R loadingplot.R sequences.R gstat.randtest.R makefreq.R colorplot.R monmonier.R spca.R coords.monmonier.R haploGen.R old2new.R spca.rtests.R dapc.R haploPop.R PCtest.R dist.genpop.R Hs.R propShared.R export.R HWE.R propTyped.R inbreeding.R zzz.R
License: GPL (>=2)
LazyLoad: yes
Added: pkg/R/inbreeding.R
--- pkg/R/inbreeding.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/inbreeding.R 2010-11-23 20:45:05 UTC (rev 720)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+## inbreeding
+inbreeding <- function(x, pop=NULL, truenames=TRUE, res.type=c("mean","byloc"), plot=TRUE, ...){
+ ## CHECKS ##
+ if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x is not a valid genind object")
+ checkType(x)
+ res.type <- match.arg(res.type)
+ if(x$ploidy != 2) stop("this inbreeding coefficient is designed for diploid genotypes only")
+ if(!is.null(pop)) pop(x) <- pop
+ if(is.null(x at pop) && is.null(pop)) {
+ if(!quiet) warning("\npop is not provided either in x or in pop - assuming one single group")
+ pop <- factor(rep(1, nrow(x at tab)))
+ }
+ ## get allele frequencies and \sum p_i^2 by pop and loc ##
+ tabfreq2 <- (makefreq(x = genind2genpop(x, quiet = TRUE), quiet=TRUE, truenames=truenames)$tab) ^2
+ sumpi2 <- t(apply(tabfreq2, 1, tapply, x$loc.fac, sum))
+ ## function to check a 1-locus genotype for heterozigocity
+ ## returns 1 if heteroz, 0 otherwise
+ f1 <- function(gen){
+ if(any(is.na(gen))) return(NA)
+ if(sum(abs(gen-0.5) < 1e-10)==2) return(1)
+ return(0)
+ }
+ ## get the table of binary hetero/homo data
+ if(truenames) {
+ X <- truenames(x)$tab
+ } else
+ X <- x$tab
+ heterotab <- t(apply(X, 1, tapply, x at loc.fac, f1))
+ ## get pi2 for the appropriate pop
+ if(truenames){
+ popx <- pop(x)
+ } else {
+ popx <- x$pop
+ }
+ popx <- as.character(popx)
+ tabpi2 <- sumpi2[popx, , drop=FALSE]
+ num <- heterotab - tabpi2
+ denom <- tabpi2 * (1 - tabpi2)
+ res <- num / denom
+ if(res.type=="byloc") return(res)
+ res <- apply(res, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
+ if(plot){
+ par(bg="grey")
+ nPop <- length(unique(popx))
+ myCol <- rainbow(nPop)[as.integer(pop(x))]
+ plot(res, col=myCol, type="h", ylab="Inbreeding", xlab="Individuals", ...)
+ }
+ return(res)
+} # end inbreeding
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