[adegenet-commits] r718 - pkg/R pkg/man www www/files/patches

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Nov 23 16:27:59 CET 2010

Author: jombart
Date: 2010-11-23 16:27:59 +0100 (Tue, 23 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 718

New plotting features for dapc scatterplots.

Modified: pkg/R/dapc.R
--- pkg/R/dapc.R	2010-11-19 11:09:59 UTC (rev 717)
+++ pkg/R/dapc.R	2010-11-23 15:27:59 UTC (rev 718)
@@ -266,14 +266,44 @@
 ## scatter.dapc
-scatter.dapc <- function(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3, csub=1.2, ...){
+scatter.dapc <- function(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), pch=20, cex=1, posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3,
+                         cstar = 1, cellipse = 1.5, axesell = TRUE, label = levels(x$grp), clabel = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
+                         grid = TRUE, addaxes = TRUE, origin = c(0,0), include.origin = TRUE, sub = "", csub = 1, possub = "bottomleft", cgrid = 1,
+                         pixmap = NULL, contour = NULL, area = NULL, ...){
     if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
     ONEDIM <- xax==yax | ncol(x$ind.coord)==1
+    ## recycle color and pch
+    col <- rep(col, length(levels(x$grp)))
+    pch <- rep(pch, length(levels(x$grp)))
-        axes <- c(xax,yax)
-        par(bg=bg)
-        s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, ...)
+        ## set par
+        opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
+        par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), bg=bg)
+        on.exit(par(opar))
+                axes <- c(xax,yax)
+        ## basic empty plot
+        ## s.label(x$ind.coord[,axes], clab=0, cpoint=0, grid=FALSE, addaxes = FALSE, cgrid = 1, include.origin = FALSE, ...)
+        s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, cpoint=0, cstar = cstar, cellipse = cellipse, axesell = axesell, label = label,
+                clabel = clabel, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = grid, addaxes = addaxes, origin = origin, include.origin = include.origin,
+                sub = sub, csub = csub, possub = possub, cgrid = cgrid, pixmap = pixmap, contour = contour, area = area)
+        ## add points
+        colfac <- pchfac <- x$grp
+        levels(colfac) <- col
+        levels(pchfac) <- pch
+        colfac <- as.character(colfac)
+        pchfac <- as.character(pchfac)
+        if(is.numeric(col)) colfac <- as.numeric(colfac)
+        if(is.numeric(pch)) pchfac <- as.numeric(pchfac)
+        points(x$ind.coord[,xax], x$ind.coord[,yax], col=colfac, pch=pchfac, ...)
+        s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, cpoint=0, add.plot=TRUE, cstar = cstar, cellipse = cellipse, axesell = axesell, label = label,
+                clabel = clabel, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = grid, addaxes = addaxes, origin = origin, include.origin = include.origin,
+                sub = sub, csub = csub, possub = possub, cgrid = cgrid, pixmap = pixmap, contour = contour, area = area)
         if(ratio>0.001) {
             add.scatter.eig(x$eig, ncol(x$loadings), axes[1], axes[2], posi=posi, ratio=ratio, csub=csub)

Modified: pkg/man/dapc.Rd
--- pkg/man/dapc.Rd	2010-11-19 11:09:59 UTC (rev 717)
+++ pkg/man/dapc.Rd	2010-11-23 15:27:59 UTC (rev 718)
@@ -52,9 +52,13 @@
 \method{summary}{dapc}(object, \dots)
-\method{scatter}{dapc}(x, xax=1, yax=2,
-        col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), posi="bottomleft", bg="grey",
-        ratio=0.3, csub=1.2, \ldots)
+\method{scatter}{dapc}(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), pch=20,
+                         cex=1, posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3, cstar = 1,
+                         cellipse = 1.5, axesell = TRUE, label = levels(x$grp),
+                         clabel = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, grid = TRUE, addaxes =
+                         TRUE, origin = c(0,0), include.origin = TRUE, sub = "", csub
+                         = 1, possub = "bottomleft", cgrid = 1, pixmap = NULL,
+                         contour = NULL, area = NULL, \ldots)
 assignplot(x, only.grp=NULL, subset=NULL, cex.lab=.75, pch=3)
@@ -89,7 +93,7 @@
   retained axes of PCA.}
 \item{\ldots}{further arguments to be passed to other functions. For
   \code{dapc.matrix}, arguments are to match those of
-  \code{dapc.data.frame}.}
+  \code{dapc.data.frame}; for \code{scatter}, arguments passed to \code{points}.}
 \item{object}{a \code{dapc} object.}
 \item{scale.method}{a \code{character} specifying the scaling method to be used
   for allele frequencies, which must match "sigma" (usual estimate of standard
@@ -117,7 +121,10 @@
   more details).}
 \item{dudi}{optionally, a multivariate analysis with the class
   \code{dudi} (from the ade4 package). If provided, prior PCA will be
-  ignored, and this object will be used as a prior step for variable orthogonalisation.}
+  ignored, and this object will be used as a prior step for variable
+  orthogonalisation.}
+passed to \code{\link{s.class}}; see \code{?s.class} for more informations}
   The Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) is designed
@@ -197,5 +204,15 @@
+## showing different scatter options ##
+pop(H3N2) <- factor(H3N2$other$epid)
+dapc1 <- dapc(H3N2, all.contrib=FALSE, scale=FALSE, n.pca=150, n.da=5)
+## remove internal segments and ellipses, different pch
+scatter(dapc1, cell=0, pch=18:23, cstar=0)
+## only ellipse, custom labels
+scatter(dapc1, cell=2, pch="", cstar=0, posi="top", lab=paste("year\n",2001:2006), axesel=FALSE, col=terrain.colors(10))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: www/download.html
--- www/download.html	2010-11-19 11:09:59 UTC (rev 717)
+++ www/download.html	2010-11-23 15:27:59 UTC (rev 718)
@@ -50,15 +50,24 @@
 <a href="files/patches/makefreq.R"><span style="font-family: monospace;">makefreq.R</span></a>:
-or lower) fixes a an issue occuring when trying to
+lower) fixes a an issue occuring when trying to
 compute frequences in data consisting in a single monomorphic locus.<br>
 <a href="files/patches/export.R"><span style="font-family: monospace;">export.R</span></a>:
-or lower) fixes issues in data conversion from adegenet
+lower) fixes issues in data conversion from adegenet
 to hierfstat
 (genind2hierfstat); also fixes <span style="font-family: monospace;">fstat</span>
+<a href="files/patches/dapc.R"><span style="font-family: monospace;">dapc.R</span></a>:
+lower) implements new plotting options for dapc scatterplots<span
+ style="font-family: monospace;"> (scatter</span> on <span
+ style="font-family: monospace;">dapc</span> objects).<br>
 <img alt="" src="images/bullet.png" style="width: 10px; height: 10px;">
 <span style="font-weight: bold;">Older

Added: www/files/patches/dapc.R
--- www/files/patches/dapc.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/files/patches/dapc.R	2010-11-23 15:27:59 UTC (rev 718)
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+## dapc
+dapc <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("dapc")
+## dapc.data.frame
+dapc.data.frame <- function(x, grp, n.pca=NULL, n.da=NULL,
+                            center=TRUE, scale=FALSE, var.contrib=FALSE,
+                            pca.select=c("nbEig","percVar"), perc.pca=NULL, ..., dudi=NULL){
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    if(!require(MASS, quiet=TRUE)) stop("MASS library is required.")
+    grp <- as.factor(grp)
+    if(length(grp) != nrow(x)) stop("Inconsistent length for grp")
+    pca.select <- match.arg(pca.select)
+    if(!is.null(perc.pca) & is.null(n.pca)) pca.select <- "percVar"
+    if(is.null(perc.pca) & !is.null(n.pca)) pca.select <- "nbEig"
+    if(!is.null(dudi) && !inherits(dudi, "dudi")) stop("dudi provided, but not of class 'dudi'")
+    N <- nrow(x)
+    if(is.null(dudi)){ # if no dudi provided
+        ## PERFORM PCA ##
+        maxRank <- min(dim(x))
+        pcaX <- dudi.pca(x, center = center, scale = scale, scannf = FALSE, nf=maxRank)
+    } else { # else use the provided dudi
+        pcaX <- dudi
+    }
+    cumVar <- 100 * cumsum(pcaX$eig)/sum(pcaX$eig)
+    ## select the number of retained PC for PCA
+    if(is.null(n.pca) & pca.select=="nbEig"){
+        plot(cumVar, xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="Cumulative variance (%)", main="Variance explained by PCA")
+        cat("Choose the number PCs to retain (>=1): ")
+        n.pca <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+    }
+    if(is.null(perc.pca) & pca.select=="percVar"){
+        plot(cumVar, xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="Cumulative variance (%)", main="Variance explained by PCA")
+        cat("Choose the percentage of variance to retain (0-100): ")
+        nperc.pca <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
+    }
+    ## get n.pca from the % of variance to conserve
+    if(!is.null(perc.pca)){
+        n.pca <- min(which(cumVar >= perc.pca))
+        if(perc.pca > 99.999) n.pca <- length(pcaX$eig)
+        if(n.pca<1) n.pca <- 1
+    }
+    ## keep relevant PCs - stored in XU
+    X.rank <- sum(pcaX$eig > 1e-14)
+    n.pca <- min(X.rank, n.pca)
+    if(n.pca >= N) stop("number of retained PCs of PCA is greater than N")
+    if(n.pca > N/3) warning("number of retained PCs of PCA may be too large (> N /3)\n results may be unstable ")
+    n.pca <- round(n.pca)
+    U <- pcaX$c1[, 1:n.pca, drop=FALSE] # principal axes
+    XU <- pcaX$li[, 1:n.pca, drop=FALSE] # principal components
+    XU.lambda <- sum(pcaX$eig[1:n.pca])/sum(pcaX$eig) # sum of retained eigenvalues
+    names(U) <- paste("PCA-pa", 1:ncol(U), sep=".")
+    names(XU) <- paste("PCA-pc", 1:ncol(XU), sep=".")
+     ## PERFORM DA ##
+    ldaX <- lda(XU, grp, tol=1e-30) # tol=1e-30 is a kludge, but a safe (?) one to avoid fancy rescaling by lda.default
+    if(is.null(n.da)){
+        barplot(ldaX$svd^2, xlab="Linear Discriminants", ylab="F-statistic", main="Discriminant analysis eigenvalues", col=heat.colors(length(levels(grp))) )
+        cat("Choose the number discriminant functions to retain (>=1): ")
+        n.da <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+    }
+    n.da <- min(n.da, length(levels(grp))-1, n.pca) # can't be more than K-1 disc. func., or more than n.pca
+    n.da <- round(n.da)
+    predX <- predict(ldaX, dimen=n.da)
+    res <- list()
+    res$n.pca <- n.pca
+    res$n.da <- n.da
+    res$tab <- XU
+    res$grp <- grp
+    res$var <- XU.lambda
+    res$eig <- ldaX$svd^2
+    res$loadings <- ldaX$scaling[, 1:n.da, drop=FALSE]
+    res$ind.coord <-predX$x
+    res$grp.coord <- apply(res$ind.coord, 2, tapply, grp, mean)
+    res$prior <- ldaX$prior
+    res$posterior <- predX$posterior
+    res$assign <- predX$class
+    res$call <- match.call()
+    ## optional: get loadings of alleles
+    if(var.contrib){
+        res$var.contr <- as.matrix(U) %*% as.matrix(ldaX$scaling)
+        f1 <- function(x){
+            temp <- sum(x*x)
+            if(temp < 1e-12) return(rep(0, length(x)))
+            return(x*x / temp)
+        }
+        res$var.contr <- apply(res$var.contr, 2, f1)
+    }
+    class(res) <- "dapc"
+    return(res)
+} # end dapc.data.frame
+## dapc.matrix
+dapc.matrix <- function(x, ...){
+    return(dapc(as.data.frame(x), ...))
+## dapc.genind
+dapc.genind <- function(x, pop=NULL, n.pca=NULL, n.da=NULL,
+                        scale=FALSE, scale.method=c("sigma", "binom"), truenames=TRUE, all.contrib=FALSE,
+                        pca.select=c("nbEig","percVar"), perc.pca=NULL, ...){
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    if(!require(MASS, quiet=TRUE)) stop("MASS library is required.")
+    if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x must be a genind object.")
+    if(is.null(pop)) {
+        pop.fac <- pop(x)
+    } else {
+        pop.fac <- pop
+    }
+    if(is.null(pop.fac)) stop("x does not include pre-defined populations, and `pop' is not provided")
+    N <- nrow(x at tab)
+    ## PERFORM PCA ##
+    maxRank <- min(dim(x at tab))
+    X <- scaleGen(x, center = TRUE, scale = scale, method = scale.method,
+                  missing = "mean", truenames = truenames)
+    res <- dapc(X, grp=pop.fac, n.pca=n.pca, n.da=n.da,
+                center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, var.contrib=all.contrib,
+                pca.select=pca.select, perc.pca=perc.pca)
+    res$call <- match.call()
+    return(res)
+} # end dapc.genind
+# Function dapc.dudi
+dapc.dudi <- function(x, grp, ...){
+    return(dapc.data.frame(x$li, grp, dudi=x, ...))
+# Function print.dapc
+print.dapc <- function(x, ...){
+    cat("\t#########################################\n")
+    cat("\t# Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components #\n")
+    cat("\t#########################################\n")
+    cat("class: ")
+    cat(class(x))
+    cat("\n$call: ")
+    print(x$call)
+    cat("\n$n.pca:", x$n.pca, "first PCs of PCA used")
+    cat("\n$n.da:", x$n.da, "discriminant functions saved")
+    cat("\n$var (proportion of conserved variance):", round(x$var,3))
+    cat("\n\n$eig (eigenvalues): ")
+    l0 <- sum(x$eig >= 0)
+    cat(signif(x$eig, 4)[1:(min(5, l0))])
+    if (l0 > 5)
+        cat(" ...\n\n")
+    ## vectors
+    sumry <- array("", c(4, 3), list(1:4, c("vector", "length", "content")))
+    sumry[1, ] <- c('$eig', length(x$eig),  'eigenvalues')
+    sumry[2, ] <- c('$grp', length(x$grp), 'prior group assignment')
+    sumry[3, ] <- c('$prior', length(x$prior), 'prior group probabilities')
+    sumry[4, ] <- c('$assign', length(x$assign), 'posterior group assignment')
+    class(sumry) <- "table"
+    print(sumry)
+    ## data.frames
+    cat("\n")
+    sumry <- array("", c(5, 4), list(1:5, c("data.frame", "nrow", "ncol", "content")))
+    sumry[1, ] <- c("$tab", nrow(x$tab), ncol(x$tab), "retained PCs of PCA")
+    sumry[2, ] <- c("$loadings", nrow(x$loadings), ncol(x$loadings), "loadings of variables")
+    sumry[3, ] <- c("$ind.coord", nrow(x$ind.coord), ncol(x$ind.coord), "coordinates of individuals (principal components)")
+    sumry[4, ] <- c("$grp.coord", nrow(x$grp.coord), ncol(x$grp.coord), "coordinates of groups")
+    sumry[5, ] <- c("$posterior", nrow(x$posterior), ncol(x$posterior), "posterior membership probabilities")
+    class(sumry) <- "table"
+    print(sumry)
+    cat("\nother elements: ")
+    if (length(names(x)) > 13)
+        cat(names(x)[14:(length(names(x)))], "\n")
+    else cat("NULL\n")
+## summary.dapc
+summary.dapc <- function(object, ...){
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    x <- object
+    res <- list()
+    ## number of dimensions
+    res$n.dim <- ncol(x$loadings)
+    res$n.pop <- length(levels(x$grp))
+    ## assignment success
+    temp <- as.character(x$grp)==as.character(x$assign)
+    res$assign.prop <- mean(temp)
+    res$assign.per.pop <- tapply(temp, x$grp, mean)
+    ## group sizes
+    res$prior.grp.size <- table(x$grp)
+    res$post.grp.size <- table(x$assign)
+    return(res)
+} # end summary.dapc
+## scatter.dapc
+scatter.dapc <- function(x, xax=1, yax=2, col=rainbow(length(levels(x$grp))), pch=20, cex=1, posi="bottomleft", bg="grey", ratio=0.3,
+                         cstar = 1, cellipse = 1.5, axesell = TRUE, label = levels(x$grp), clabel = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
+                         grid = TRUE, addaxes = TRUE, origin = c(0,0), include.origin = TRUE, sub = "", csub = 1, possub = "bottomleft", cgrid = 1,
+                         pixmap = NULL, contour = NULL, area = NULL, ...){
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    ONEDIM <- xax==yax | ncol(x$ind.coord)==1
+    ## recycle color and pch
+    col <- rep(col, length(levels(x$grp)))
+    pch <- rep(pch, length(levels(x$grp)))
+    if(!ONEDIM){
+        ## set par
+        opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
+        par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), bg=bg)
+        on.exit(par(opar))
+                axes <- c(xax,yax)
+        ## basic empty plot
+        ## s.label(x$ind.coord[,axes], clab=0, cpoint=0, grid=FALSE, addaxes = FALSE, cgrid = 1, include.origin = FALSE, ...)
+        s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, cpoint=0, cstar = cstar, cellipse = cellipse, axesell = axesell, label = label,
+                clabel = clabel, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = grid, addaxes = addaxes, origin = origin, include.origin = include.origin,
+                sub = sub, csub = csub, possub = possub, cgrid = cgrid, pixmap = pixmap, contour = contour, area = area)
+        ## add points
+        colfac <- pchfac <- x$grp
+        levels(colfac) <- col
+        levels(pchfac) <- pch
+        colfac <- as.character(colfac)
+        pchfac <- as.character(pchfac)
+        if(is.numeric(col)) colfac <- as.numeric(colfac)
+        if(is.numeric(pch)) pchfac <- as.numeric(pchfac)
+        points(x$ind.coord[,xax], x$ind.coord[,yax], col=colfac, pch=pchfac, ...)
+        s.class(x$ind.coord[,axes], fac=x$grp, col=col, cpoint=0, add.plot=TRUE, cstar = cstar, cellipse = cellipse, axesell = axesell, label = label,
+                clabel = clabel, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = grid, addaxes = addaxes, origin = origin, include.origin = include.origin,
+                sub = sub, csub = csub, possub = possub, cgrid = cgrid, pixmap = pixmap, contour = contour, area = area)
+        if(ratio>0.001) {
+            add.scatter.eig(x$eig, ncol(x$loadings), axes[1], axes[2], posi=posi, ratio=ratio, csub=csub)
+        }
+    } else {
+        ## get plotted axis
+        if(ncol(x$ind.coord)==1) {
+            pcLab <- 1
+        } else{
+            pcLab <- xax
+        }
+        ## get densities
+        ldens <- tapply(x$ind.coord[,pcLab], x$grp, density)
+        allx <- unlist(lapply(ldens, function(e) e$x))
+        ally <- unlist(lapply(ldens, function(e) e$y))
+         par(bg=bg)
+        plot(allx, ally, type="n", xlab=paste("Discriminant function", pcLab), ylab="Density")
+        for(i in 1:length(ldens)){
+            lines(ldens[[i]]$x,ldens[[i]]$y, col=col[i], lwd=2)
+        }
+    }
+    return(invisible(match.call()))
+} # end scatter.dapc
+## assignplot
+assignplot <- function(x, only.grp=NULL, subset=NULL, cex.lab=.75, pch=3){
+    if(!require(ade4, quiet=TRUE)) stop("ade4 library is required.")
+    if(!inherits(x, "dapc")) stop("x is not a dapc object")
+    if(!is.null(only.grp)){
+        only.grp <- as.character(only.grp)
+        ori.grp <- as.character(x$grp)
+        x$grp <- x$grp[only.grp==ori.grp]
+        x$assign <- x$assign[only.grp==ori.grp]
+        x$posterior <- x$posterior[only.grp==ori.grp, , drop=FALSE]
+    } else if(!is.null(subset)){
+        x$grp <- x$grp[subset]
+        x$assign <- x$assign[subset]
+        x$posterior <- x$posterior[subset, , drop=FALSE]
+    }
+    ##table.paint(x$posterior, col.lab=ori.grp, ...)
+    ## symbols(x$posterior)
+    n.grp <- ncol(x$posterior)
+    n.ind <- nrow(x$posterior)
+    Z <- t(x$posterior)
+    Z <- Z[,ncol(Z):1,drop=FALSE ]
+    image(x=1:n.grp, y=seq(.5, by=1, le=n.ind), Z, col=rev(heat.colors(100)), yaxt="n", ylab="", xaxt="n", xlab="Clusters")
+    axis(side=1, at=1:n.grp,tick=FALSE, label=colnames(x$posterior))
+    axis(side=2, at=seq(.5, by=1, le=n.ind), label=rev(rownames(x$posterior)), las=1, cex.axis=cex.lab)
+    abline(h=1:n.ind, col="lightgrey")
+    abline(v=seq(0.5, by=1, le=n.grp))
+    box()
+    newGrp <- colnames(x$posterior)
+    x.real.coord <- rev(match(x$grp, newGrp))
+    y.real.coord <- seq(.5, by=1, le=n.ind)
+    points(x.real.coord, y.real.coord, col="deepskyblue2", pch=pch)
+    return(invisible(match.call()))
+} # end assignplot
+## a.score
+a.score <- function(x, n.sim=10, ...){
+    if(!inherits(x,"dapc")) stop("x is not a dapc object")
+    ## perform DAPC based on permuted groups
+    lsim <- lapply(1:n.sim, function(i) summary(dapc(x$tab, sample(x$grp), n.pca=x$n.pca, n.da=x$n.da))$assign.per.pop)
+    sumry <- summary(x)
+    ## get the a-scores
+    f1 <- function(Pt, Pf){
+        tol <- 1e-7
+        ##res <- (Pt-Pf) / (1-Pf)
+        ##res[Pf > (1-tol)] <- 0
+        res <- Pt-Pf
+        return(res)
+    }
+    lscores <- lapply(lsim, function(e) f1(sumry$assign.per.pop, e))
+    ## make a table of a-scores
+    tab <- data.frame(lscores)
+    colnames(tab) <- paste("sim", 1:n.sim, sep=".")
+    rownames(tab) <- names(sumry$assign.per.pop)
+    tab <- t(as.matrix(tab))
+    ## make result
+    res <- list()
+    res$tab <- tab
+    res$pop.score <- apply(tab, 2, mean)
+    res$mean <- mean(tab)
+    return(res)
+} # end a.score
+## optim.a.score
+optim.a.score <- function(x, n.pca=1:ncol(x$tab), smart=TRUE, n=10, plot=TRUE,
+                         n.sim=10, n.da=length(levels(x$grp)), ...){
+    ## A FEW CHECKS ##
+    if(!inherits(x,"dapc")) stop("x is not a dapc object")
+    if(max(n.pca)>ncol(x$tab)) {
+        n.pca <- min(n.pca):ncol(x$tab)
+    }
+    if(n.da>length(levels(x$grp))){
+        n.da <- min(n.da):length(levels(x$grp))
+    }
+    pred <- NULL
+    if(length(n.pca)==1){
+        n.pca <- 1:n.pca
+    }
+    if(length(n.da)==1){
+        n.da <- 1:n.da
+    }
+    f1 <- function(ndim){
+        temp <- dapc(x$tab[,1:ndim,drop=FALSE], x$grp, n.pca=ndim, n.da=x$n.da)
+        a.score(temp, n.sim=n.sim)$pop.score
+    }
+    if(smart){
+        if(!require(stats)) stop("the package stats is required for 'smart' option")
+        o.min <- min(n.pca)
+        o.max <- max(n.pca)
+        n.pca <- pretty(n.pca, n) # get evenly spaced nb of retained PCs
+        n.pca <- n.pca[n.pca>0 & n.pca<=ncol(x$tab)]
+        if(!any(o.min==n.pca)) n.pca <- c(o.min, n.pca) # make sure range is OK
+        if(!any(o.max==n.pca)) n.pca <- c(o.max, n.pca) # make sure range is OK
+        lres <- lapply(n.pca, f1)
+        names(lres) <- n.pca
+        means <- sapply(lres, mean)
+        sp1 <- smooth.spline(n.pca, means) # spline smoothing
+        pred <- predict(sp1, x=1:max(n.pca))
+        best <- pred$x[which.max(pred$y)]
+    } else { ## DO NOT TRY TO BE SMART ##
+        lres <- lapply(n.pca, f1)
+        names(lres) <- n.pca
+        best <- which.max(sapply(lres, mean))
+        means <- sapply(lres, mean)
+    }
+    res <- list()
+    res$pop.score <- lres
+    res$mean <- means
+    if(!is.null(pred)) res$pred <- pred
+    res$best <- best
+    if(plot){
+        if(smart){
+            boxplot(lres, at=n.pca, col="gold", xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="a-score", xlim=range(n.pca)+c(-1,1), ylim=c(-.1,1.1))
+            lines(pred, lwd=3)
+            points(pred$x[best], pred$y[best], col="red", lwd=3)
+            title("a-score optimisation - spline interpolation")
+            mtext(paste("Optimal number of PCs:", res$best), side=3)
+        } else {
+            myCol <- rep("gold", length(lres))
+            myCol[best] <- "red"
+            boxplot(lres, at=n.pca, col=myCol, xlab="Number of retained PCs", ylab="a-score", xlim=range(n.pca)+c(-1,1), ylim=c(-.1,1.1))
+            lines(n.pca, sapply(lres, mean), lwd=3, type="b")
+            myCol <- rep("black", length(lres))
+            myCol[best] <- "red"
+            points(n.pca, res$mean, lwd=3, col=myCol)
+            title("a-score optimisation - basic search")
+            mtext(paste("Optimal number of PCs:", res$best), side=3)
+        }
+    }
+    return(res)
+} # end optim.a.score
+## ############
+## ## crossval
+## ############
+## crossval <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("crossval")
+## crossval.dapc <- function(){
+## }
+## ###############
+## ## randtest.dapc
+## ###############
+## ##randtest.dapc <- function(x, nperm = 999, ...){
+## ##} # end randtest.dapc

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