[adegenet-commits] r617 - pkg/man
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Mon May 10 16:03:58 CEST 2010
Author: jombart
Date: 2010-05-10 16:03:58 +0200 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
New Revision: 617
not finished yet, but documented args for the main function.
Modified: pkg/man/seqTrack.Rd
--- pkg/man/seqTrack.Rd 2010-05-10 13:29:13 UTC (rev 616)
+++ pkg/man/seqTrack.Rd 2010-05-10 14:03:58 UTC (rev 617)
@@ -16,18 +16,21 @@
\title{SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies}
- The SeqTrack algorithm aims at reconstructing genealogies of sampled
- haplotypes or genotypes for which a sampling date is
- available. Contrary to phylogenetics which aims at reconstructing
- hypothetical, unbserved most recent common ancestors (MRCA), SeqTrack
- considers that both ancestors and descendents are sampled together.
+ The SeqTrack algorithm [1] aims at reconstructing genealogies of sampled
+ haplotypes or genotypes for which a collection date is
+ available. Contrary to phylogenetic methods which aims at reconstructing
+ hypothetical ancestors for observed sequences, SeqTrack
+ considers that ancestors and descendents are sampled together, and
+ therefore infers ancestry relationships among the sampled sequences.
This approach proved more efficient than phylogenetic approaches for
reconstructing transmission trees in densely sampled disease outbreaks
[1]. This implementation defines a generic function \code{seqTrack}
+ with methods for specific object classes.
\method{seqTrack}{matrix}(x, x.names, x.dates, best = c("min", "max"), prox.mat = NULL,
mu = NULL, haplo.length = NULL, \dots)
@@ -38,11 +41,34 @@
mu = NULL, seq.length = NULL, col.pal = heat.colors, plot = TRUE, \dots)
- \item{seq.names}{}
- \item{seq.dates}{}
- \item{W}{}
- \item{optim}{}
- \item{x}{}
+ \item{x}{for seqTrack, a matrix giving weights to pairs of ancestries such that
+ x[i,j] is the weight of 'i ancestor of j'. For plotSeqTrack, a
+ seqTrack object.}
+ \item{seq.names}{a character vector giving the labels of the haplotypes/genotypes}
+ \item{seq.dates}{a vector of collection dates for the sampled
+ haplotypes/genotypes. Dates must have the POSIXct format. See
+ \code{details} or \code{?as.POSIXct} for more information.}
+ \item{best}{a character string matching 'min' or 'max', indicating
+ whether genealogies should minimize or maximize the sum of weights
+ of ancestries.}
+ \item{prox.mat}{an optional matrix of proximities between
+ haplotypes/genotypes used to resolve ties in the choice of
+ ancestors, by picking up the 'closest' ancestor amongst possible
+ ancestors, in the sense of \code{prox.mat}. \code{prox.mat[i,j]}
+ must indicate a proximity for the relationship 'i ancestor to
+ j'. For instance, if \code{prox.mat} contains spatial proximities,
+ then \code{prox.mat[i,j]} gives a measure of how easy it is to
+ migrate from location 'i' to 'j'.
+ }
+ \item{mu}{(optional) a mutation rate, per site and per day. When 'x'
+ contains numbers of mutations, used to resolve ties using a maximum
+ likelihood approach (requires \code{haplo.length} to be provided).}
+ \item{haplo.length}{(optional) the length of analysed sequences in
+ number of nucleotides. When 'x' contains numbers of mutations, used
+ to resolve ties using a maximum likelihood approach (requires
+ \code{haplo.length} to be provided).}
@@ -50,8 +76,23 @@
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
+ \item{}{}
-\author{Thibaut Jombart \email{t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk}}
+ Thibaut Jombart \email{t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk}
Jombart T, Eggo R, Dodd P, Balloux F (accepted) Reconstructing disease
outbreaks from genetic data: a graph approach. Heredity.
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