[adegenet-commits] r452 - in www: . files files/patches

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Oct 14 15:06:40 CEST 2009

Author: jombart
Date: 2009-10-14 15:06:39 +0200 (Wed, 14 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 452

Added patches to the download section.

Modified: www/download.html
--- www/download.html	2009-10-14 11:30:32 UTC (rev 451)
+++ www/download.html	2009-10-14 13:06:39 UTC (rev 452)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 is available as:<br>
 - <a href="files/adegenet_1.2-3.tar.gz">linux/unix sources</a><br>
-- MacOS X binary<br>
+- <a href="files/adegenet_1.2-3.tgz">MacOS X binary</a><br>
 - <a href="files/adegenet_1.2-3.zip">Windows binary</a><br>
 <img alt="" src="images/bullet.png" style="width: 10px; height: 10px;">
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
 (CRAN) ones. Simply download the file in your working directory and
 type <span style="font-family: monospace;">source("[your-patch-file.R]")</span>&nbsp;
 to use a patch.<br>
+- <a style="font-family: monospace;" href="files/patches/classes.R">classes.R</a>:
+removed the 'no dot' constraint in locus names<br>
+- <a style="font-family: monospace;" href="files/patches/propShared.R">propShared.R</a>:
+fixes a bug identified by Valeria Paccapelo occuring with NAs<br>
 <img alt="" src="images/bullet.png" style="width: 10px; height: 10px;">
 <span style="font-weight: bold;">Older

Added: www/files/adegenet_1.2-3.tgz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: www/files/adegenet_1.2-3.tgz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: www/files/patches/classes.R
--- www/files/patches/classes.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/files/patches/classes.R	2009-10-14 13:06:39 UTC (rev 452)
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+# adegenet classes definitions. All classes are S4.
+# Thibaut Jombart, November 2007
+# t.jombart at imperial.ac.uk
+# Two classes of R object are
+# defined :
+# gen - common part to genind and genpop
+# genind - genotypes of individuals
+# genpop - allelic frequencies of populations
+##.initAdegenetClasses <- function(){
+# Unions of classes
+setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("list","NULL"))
+setClassUnion("factorOrNULL", c("factor","NULL"))
+setClassUnion("charOrNULL", c("character","NULL"))
+setClassUnion("callOrNULL", c("call","NULL"))
+setClassUnion("intOrNum", c("integer","numeric","NULL"))
+# virtual class gen
+.gen.valid <- function(object){
+  # this function tests only the consistency
+  # of the length of each component
+  p <- ncol(object at tab)
+  k <- length(unique(object at loc.names))
+  if(!is.null(object at loc.fac)){
+      if(length(object at loc.fac) != p) {
+          cat("\ninvalid length for loc.fac\n")
+          return(FALSE)
+      }
+      if(length(levels(object at loc.fac)) != k) {
+          cat("\ninvalid number of levels in loc.fac\n")
+          return(FALSE)
+      }
+  }
+  if(!is.null(object at loc.nall)){
+      if(length(object at loc.nall) != k) {
+          cat("\ninvalid length in loc.nall\n")
+          return(FALSE)
+      }
+  }
+  temp <- table(object at loc.names[object at loc.names!=""])
+  if(any(temp>1)) {
+      warning("\nduplicate names in loc.names:\n")
+      print(temp[temp>1])
+  }
+  if(!is.null(object at all.names)){
+      if(length(unlist(object at all.names)) != p) {
+          cat("\ninvalid length in all.names\n")
+          return(FALSE)
+      }
+  }
+  return(TRUE)
+}# end .gen.valid
+setClass("gen", representation(tab = "matrix",
+                               loc.names = "character",
+                               loc.fac = "factorOrNULL",
+                               loc.nall = "intOrNum",
+                               all.names = "listOrNULL",
+                               call = "callOrNULL",
+                               "VIRTUAL"),
+         prototype(tab=matrix(ncol=0,nrow=0), loc.nall=integer(0), call=NULL))
+setValidity("gen", .gen.valid)
+# virtual class indInfo
+setClass("indInfo", representation(ind.names = "character",
+                                   pop = "factorOrNULL",
+                                   pop.names = "charOrNULL",
+                                   ploidy = "integer",
+                                   type = "character",
+                                   other = "listOrNULL", "VIRTUAL"),
+         prototype(pop=NULL, pop.names = NULL, type = "codom", ploidy = as.integer(2), other = NULL))
+# Class genind
+.genind.valid <- function(object){
+    if(!.gen.valid(object)) return(FALSE)
+    if(length(object at ind.names) != nrow(object at tab)) {
+        cat("\ninvalid length in ind.names\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    temp <- table(object at ind.names[object at ind.names!=""])
+    if(any(temp>1)) {
+        warning("\nduplicate names in ind.names:\n")
+        print(temp[temp>1])
+    }
+    if(!is.null(object at pop)){ # check pop
+        if(length(object at pop) != nrow(object at tab)) {
+            cat("\npop is given but has invalid length\n")
+            return(FALSE)
+        }
+        if(is.null(object at pop.names)) {
+            cat("\npop is provided without pop.names")
+        }
+        if(length(object at pop.names) != length(levels(object at pop))) {
+            cat("\npop.names has invalid length\n")
+            return(FALSE)
+        }
+        temp <- table(object at pop.names[object at pop.names!=""])
+        if(any(temp>1)) {
+            warning("\nduplicate names in pop.names:\n")
+            print(temp[temp>1])
+        }
+    } # end check pop
+    ## check ploidy
+    if(object at ploidy < as.integer(1)){
+        cat("\nploidy inferior to 1\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    ## check type of marker
+    if(!object at type %in% c("codom","PA") ){
+        cat("\nunknown type of marker\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    return(TRUE)
+} #end .genind.valid
+setClass("genind", contains=c("gen", "indInfo"))
+setValidity("genind", .genind.valid)
+# virtual class popInfo
+setClass("popInfo", representation(pop.names = "character", ploidy = "integer",
+                                   type = "character", other = "listOrNULL", "VIRTUAL"),
+         prototype(type = "codom", ploidy = as.integer(2), other = NULL))
+# Class genpop
+.genpop.valid <- function(object){
+    if(!.gen.valid(object)) return(FALSE)
+    if(length(object at pop.names) != nrow(object at tab)) {
+        cat("\ninvalid length in pop.names\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    temp <- table(object at pop.names[object at pop.names!=""])
+    if(any(temp>1)) {
+        warning("\nduplicate names in pop.names:\n")
+        print(temp[temp>1])
+    }
+     ## check ploidy
+    if(object at ploidy < as.integer(1)){
+        cat("\nploidy inferior to 1\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    ## check type of marker
+    if(!object at type %in% c("codom","PA") ){
+        cat("\nunknown type of marker\n")
+        return(FALSE)
+    }
+    return(TRUE)
+} #end .genpop.valid
+setClass("genpop", contains=c("gen", "popInfo"))
+setValidity("genpop", .genpop.valid)
+# Function names
+setMethod("names", signature(x = "genind"), function(x){
+    return(slotNames(x))
+setMethod("names", signature(x = "genpop"), function(x){
+    return(slotNames(x))
+# Function genind
+## constructor of a genind object
+genind <- function(tab,pop=NULL,prevcall=NULL,ploidy=2,type=c("codom","PA")){
+    ## handle arguments
+    X <- as.matrix(tab)
+    if(is.null(colnames(X))) stop("tab columns have no name.")
+    if(is.null(rownames(X))) {rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)}
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
+    nind <- nrow(X)
+    ## HANDLE LABELS ##
+    ## loc names is not type-dependent
+    temp <- colnames(X)
+    ## temp <- gsub("[.].*$","",temp)
+    temp <- gsub("[.][^.]*$", "", temp)
+    temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
+    loc.names <- unique(temp)
+    nloc <- length(loc.names)
+    loc.codes <- .genlab("L",nloc)
+    names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
+    ## ind names is not type-dependent either
+    ind.codes <- .genlab("", nind)
+    ind.names <- .rmspaces(rownames(X))
+    names(ind.names) <- ind.codes
+    rownames(X) <- ind.codes
+    if(type=="codom"){
+        ## loc.nall
+        loc.nall <-  table(temp)[match(loc.names,names(table(temp)))]
+        loc.nall <- as.integer(loc.nall)
+        names(loc.nall) <- loc.codes
+        ## loc.fac
+        loc.fac <- rep(loc.codes,loc.nall)
+        ## alleles name
+        temp <- colnames(X)
+        temp <- gsub("^.*[.]","",temp)
+        temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
+        all.names <- split(temp,loc.fac)
+        all.codes <- lapply(all.names,function(e) .genlab("",length(e)))
+        for(i in 1:length(all.names)){
+            names(all.names[[i]]) <- all.codes[[i]]
+        }
+        colnames(X) <- paste(loc.fac,unlist(all.codes),sep=".")
+        loc.fac <- as.factor(loc.fac)
+    } else { # end if type=="codom" <=> if type=="PA"
+        colnames(X) <- loc.codes
+        loc.fac <- NULL
+        all.names <- NULL
+        loc.nall <- NULL
+    }
+    ## Ideally I should use an 'initialize' method here
+    res <- new("genind")
+    res at tab <- X
+    res at ind.names <- ind.names
+    res at loc.names <- loc.names
+    res at loc.nall <- loc.nall
+    res at loc.fac <- loc.fac
+    res at all.names <- all.names
+    ## populations name (optional)
+    ## beware, keep levels of pop sorted in
+    ## there order of appearance
+    if(!is.null(pop)) {
+        # convert pop to a factor if it is not
+        if(!is.factor(pop)) {pop <- factor(pop)}
+        pop.lab <- .genlab("P",length(levels(pop)) )
+        # put pop levels in appearance order
+        pop <- as.character(pop)
+        pop <- factor(pop, levels=unique(pop))
+        temp <- pop
+        # now levels are correctly ordered
+        levels(pop) <- pop.lab
+        res at pop <- pop
+        pop.names <- as.character(levels(temp))
+        names(pop.names) <- as.character(levels(res at pop))
+        res at pop.names <- pop.names
+    }
+    ## ploidy
+    plo <- as.integer(ploidy)
+    if(plo < as.integer(1)) stop("ploidy inferior to 1")
+    res at ploidy <- plo
+    ## type of marker
+    res at type <- as.character(type)
+    if(is.null(prevcall)) {prevcall <- match.call()}
+    res at call <- prevcall
+    return(res)
+} # end genind
+# alias for as.genind
+as.genind <- genind
+# Function genpop
+genpop <- function(tab,prevcall=NULL,ploidy=as.integer(2),type=c("codom","PA")){
+    ## handle args
+    X <- as.matrix(tab)
+    if(is.null(colnames(X))) stop("tab columns have no name.")
+    if(is.null(rownames(X))) {rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)}
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
+    npop <- nrow(X)
+    ## HANDLE LABELS ##
+    ## loc names is not type-dependent
+    temp <- colnames(X)
+    ## temp <- gsub("[.].*$","",temp)
+    temp <- gsub("[.][^.]*$", "", temp)
+    temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
+    loc.names <- unique(temp)
+    nloc <- length(loc.names)
+    loc.codes <- .genlab("L",nloc)
+    names(loc.names) <- loc.codes
+    ## pop names is not type-dependent either
+    pop.codes <- .genlab("", npop)
+    pop.names <- .rmspaces(rownames(X))
+    names(pop.names) <- pop.codes
+    rownames(X) <- pop.codes
+    ## type-dependent stuff
+    if(type=="codom"){
+        ## loc.nall
+        loc.nall <-  table(temp)[match(loc.names,names(table(temp)))]
+        loc.nall <- as.integer(loc.nall)
+        names(loc.nall) <- loc.codes
+        ## loc.fac
+        loc.fac <- rep(loc.codes,loc.nall)
+        ## alleles name
+        temp <- colnames(X)
+        temp <- gsub("^.*[.]","",temp)
+        temp <- .rmspaces(temp)
+        all.names <- split(temp,loc.fac)
+        all.codes <- lapply(all.names,function(e) .genlab("",length(e)))
+        for(i in 1:length(all.names)){
+            names(all.names[[i]]) <- all.codes[[i]]
+        }
+        rownames(X) <- pop.codes
+        colnames(X) <- paste(loc.fac,unlist(all.codes),sep=".")
+        loc.fac <- as.factor(loc.fac)
+    } else { # end if type=="codom" <=> if type=="PA"
+        colnames(X) <- loc.codes
+        loc.fac <- NULL
+        all.names <- NULL
+        loc.nall <- NULL
+    }
+    res <- new("genpop")
+    res at tab <- X
+    res at pop.names <- pop.names
+    res at loc.names <- loc.names
+    res at loc.nall <- loc.nall
+    res at loc.fac <- loc.fac
+    res at all.names <- all.names
+    res at ploidy <- ploidy
+    res at type <- as.character(type)
+    if(is.null(prevcall)) {prevcall <- match.call()}
+    res at call <- prevcall
+    return(res)
+} # end genpop
+# alias for as.genpop
+as.genpop <- genpop

Added: www/files/patches/propShared.R
--- www/files/patches/propShared.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ www/files/patches/propShared.R	2009-10-14 13:06:39 UTC (rev 452)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+## propShared computes the proportion of shared alleles
+## in a genind object
+# Function propShared
+propShared <- function(obj){
+    x <- obj
+    ## convert alleles to integers (alleles may be characters)
+    x at all.names <- lapply(x at all.names, function(v) 1:length(v))
+    ## check that this is a valid genind
+    if(!inherits(x,"genind")) stop("obj must be a genind object.")
+    invisible(validObject(x))
+    ## check ploidy level
+    if(x$ploidy > 2) stop("not implemented for ploidy > 2")
+    checkType(x)
+    ## if ploidy = 1
+    if(x$ploidy == as.integer(1)){
+        ## stop("not implemented for ploidy = 1")
+        ## compute numbers of alleles used in each comparison
+        nAllByInd <- propTyped(x,"both")
+        nAll <- nAllByInd %*% t(nAllByInd)
+        ## compute numbers of common alleles
+        X <- x at tab
+        X[is.na(X)] <- 0
+        M <- X %*% t(X)
+        ## result
+        res <- M / nAll
+        res[is.nan(res)] <- NA # as 0/0 is NaN (when no common locus typed)
+        colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- x$ind.names
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## if ploidy = 2
+    if(x$ploidy == as.integer(2)){
+        ## build a matrix of genotypes (in rows) coded by integers
+        ## NAs are coded by 0
+        ## The matrix is a cbind of two matrices, storing respectively the
+        ## first and the second allele.
+        temp <- genind2df(x,usepop=FALSE)
+        alleleSize <- max(apply(temp,1:2,nchar))/2
+        mat1 <- apply(temp, 1:2, substr, 1, alleleSize)
+        mat2 <- apply(temp, 1:2, substr, alleleSize+1, alleleSize*2)
+        matAll <- cbind(mat1,mat2)
+        matAll <- apply(matAll,1:2,as.integer)
+        matAll[is.na(matAll)] <- 0
+        n <- nrow(matAll)
+        resVec <- double(n*(n-1)/2)
+        res <- .C("sharedAll", as.integer(as.matrix(matAll)),
+                  n, ncol(matAll), resVec, PACKAGE="adegenet")[[4]]
+        attr(res,"Size") <- n
+        attr(res,"Diag") <- FALSE
+        attr(res,"Upper") <- FALSE
+        class(res) <- "dist"
+        res <- as.matrix(res)
+    } # end if ploidy = 2
+    diag(res) <- 1
+    rownames(res) <- x at ind.names
+    colnames(res) <- x at ind.names
+    return(res)
+## ######################
+## # Function propShared (old, pure-R version)
+## ######################
+## propShared <- function(obj){
+##     x <- obj
+##     ## check that this is a valid genind
+##     if(!inherits(x,"genind")) stop("obj must be a genind object.")
+##     invisible(validObject(x))
+##     ## replace NAs
+##     x <- na.replace(x, method="0")
+##     ## some useful variables
+##     nloc <- length(x at loc.names)
+##     ## fnorm: auxiliary function for scaling
+##     fnorm <- function(vec){
+## 	norm <- sqrt(sum(vec*vec))
+## 	if(length(norm) > 0 && norm > 0) {return(vec/norm)}
+## 	return(vec)
+##     }
+##     ## auxiliary function f1
+##     ## computes the proportion of shared alleles in one locus
+##     f1 <- function(X){
+## 	X <- t(apply(X, 1, fnorm))
+## 	res <- X %*% t(X)
+## 	res[res>0.51 & res<0.9] <- 0.5 # remap case one heteroZ shares the allele of on homoZ
+## 	return(res)
+##     }
+##     ## separate data per locus
+##     temp <- seploc(x)
+##     listProp <- lapply(temp, function(e) f1(e at tab))
+##     ## produce the final result
+##     res <- listProp[[1]]
+##     if(nloc>2){
+## 	for(i in 2:nloc){
+##             res <- res + listProp[[i]]
+## 	}
+##     }
+##     res <- res/nloc
+##     rownames(res) <- x at ind.names
+##     colnames(res) <- x at ind.names
+##     return(res)
+## }

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