[adegenet-commits] r357 - in pkg: . R

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Thu Jun 4 12:21:31 CEST 2009

Author: jombart
Date: 2009-06-04 12:21:31 +0200 (Thu, 04 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 357

simuFlu renamed to haploSim.
Started size limitation for results.

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-06-03 22:46:35 UTC (rev 356)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-06-04 10:21:31 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
 Description: Classes and functions for genetic data analysis within the multivariate framework.
 License: GPL (>=2)
 LazyLoad: yes
-Collate: classes.R auxil.R handling.R genind2genpop.R propTyped.R basicMethods.R old2new.R makefreq.R chooseCN.R dist.genpop.R export.R setAs.R gstat.randtest.R HWE.R import.R monmonier.R coords.monmonier.R spca.R spca.rtests.R zzz.R hybridize.R fstat.R propShared.R scale.R colorplot.R loadingplot.R sequences.R seqTrack.R simuFlu.R
+Collate: classes.R auxil.R handling.R genind2genpop.R propTyped.R basicMethods.R old2new.R makefreq.R chooseCN.R dist.genpop.R export.R setAs.R gstat.randtest.R HWE.R import.R monmonier.R coords.monmonier.R spca.R spca.rtests.R zzz.R hybridize.R fstat.R propShared.R scale.R colorplot.R loadingplot.R sequences.R seqTrack.R haploSim.R

Copied: pkg/R/haploSim.R (from rev 356, pkg/R/simuFlu.R)
--- pkg/R/haploSim.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/haploSim.R	2009-06-04 10:21:31 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+## haploSim
+## N: number of sequences to simulate
+## mu: mutation rate per nucleotid per year
+## Tmax: periode of time to simulatet
+## mean.gen.time, sd.gen.time: average time for transmission and its standard deviation (normal dist)
+## mean.repro, sd.repro: average number of transmissions and its standard deviation (normal dist)
+haploSim <- function(seq.length=1500, mu=0.0035,
+                    Tmax=30, mean.gen.time=2.5, sd.gen.time=0.5,
+                    mean.repro=1.5, sd.repro=1,
+                    max.nb.strain=1e4){
+    NUCL <- c("a","t","c","g")
+    res <- list(seq=list(), dates=integer(), ances=integer())
+    toExpand <- logical()
+    mu <- mu/365 # mutation rate by day
+    ## generate sequence from scratch
+    gen.seq <- function(){
+        return(sample(NUCL, size=seq.length, replace=TRUE))
+    }
+    ## create substitutions for defined SNPs
+    substi <- function(snp){
+        res <- sapply(snp, function(e) sample(setdiff(NUCL,e),1))
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## duplicate a sequence (including possible mutations)
+    seq.dupli <- function(seq){
+        toChange <- as.logical(rbinom(n=seq.length, size=1, prob=mu))
+        res <- seq
+        if(sum(toChange)>0) {
+            res[toChange] <- substi(res[toChange])
+        }
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## how many days before duplication occurs ?
+    time.dupli <- function(){
+        res <- round(rnorm(1, mean=mean.gen.time, sd=sd.gen.time))
+        res[res<0] <- 0
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## when duplication occurs?
+    date.dupli <- function(curDate){
+        res <- curDate + time.dupli()
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## how many duplication/transmission occur?
+    nb.desc <- function(){
+        res <- round(rnorm(1, mean=mean.repro, sd=sd.repro))
+        res[res<0] <- 0
+        return(res)
+    }
+    ## check result size and bound it
+    resize.result <- function(){
+        if(length(res$date) < max.nb.strain) return(NULL)
+    }
+    expand.one.strain <- function(seq, date, idx){
+        toExpand[idx] <<- FALSE # this one is no longer to expand
+        nbDes <- nb.desc()
+        if(nbDes==0) return(NULL) # stop if no descendant
+        newDates <- sapply(1:nbDes, function(i) date.dupli(date)) # find dates for descendants
+        newDates <- newDates[newDates <= Tmax] # don't store future sequences
+        nbDes <- length(newDates)
+        if(nbDes==0) return(NULL) # stop if no suitable date
+        newSeq <- lapply(1:nbDes, function(i) seq.dupli(seq)) # generate new sequences
+        res$seq <<- c(res$seq, newSeq) # append to general output
+        res$dates <<- c(res$dates, newDates) # append to general output
+        res$ances <<- c(res$ances, rep(idx, nbDes)) # append to general output
+        toExpand <<- c(toExpand, rep(TRUE, nbDes))
+        return(NULL)
+    }
+    ## initialization
+    res$seq[[1]] <- gen.seq()
+    res$dates[1] <- 0
+    res$ances[1] <- NA
+    toExpand <- TRUE
+    ## simulations: isn't simplicity beautiful?
+    while(any(toExpand)){
+        idx <- min(which(toExpand))
+        expand.one.strain(res$seq[[idx]], res$dates[idx], idx)
+    }
+    ## RETURN OUTPUT ##
+    return(res)
+} # end haploSim

Property changes on: pkg/R/haploSim.R
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: pkg/R/simuFlu.R
--- pkg/R/simuFlu.R	2009-06-03 22:46:35 UTC (rev 356)
+++ pkg/R/simuFlu.R	2009-06-04 10:21:31 UTC (rev 357)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-## simuFlu
-## N: number of sequences to simulate
-## Tmax: periode of time to simulatet
-## mean.gen.time, sd.gen.time: average time for transmission and its standard deviation (normal dist)
-## mean.repro, sd.repro: average number of transmissions and its standard deviation (normal dist)
-simuFlu <- function(seq.length=1500, mu=0.0035,
-                    Tmax=30, mean.gen.time=2.5, sd.gen.time=0.5,
-                    mean.repro=1.5, sd.repro=1){
-    NUCL <- c("a","t","c","g")
-    res <- list(seq=list(), dates=integer(), ances=integer())
-    toExpand <- logical()
-    ## generate sequence from scratch
-    gen.seq <- function(){
-        return(sample(NUCL, size=seq.length, replace=TRUE))
-    }
-    ## create substitutions for defined SNPs
-    substi <- function(snp){
-        res <- sapply(snp, function(e) sample(setdiff(NUCL,e),1))
-        return(res)
-    }
-    ## duplicate a sequence (including possible mutations)
-    seq.dupli <- function(seq){
-        toChange <- as.logical(rbinom(n=seq.length, size=1, prob=mu))
-        res <- seq
-        if(sum(toChange)>0) {
-            res[toChange] <- substi(res[toChange])
-        }
-        return(res)
-    }
-    ## how many days before duplication occurs ?
-    time.dupli <- function(){
-        res <- round(rnorm(1, mean=mean.gen.time, sd=sd.gen.time))
-        res[res<0] <- 0
-        return(res)
-    }
-    ## when duplication occurs?
-    date.dupli <- function(curDate){
-        res <- curDate + time.dupli()
-        return(res)
-    }
-    ## how many duplication/transmission occur?
-    nb.desc <- function(){
-        res <- round(rnorm(1, mean=mean.repro, sd=sd.repro))
-        res[res<0] <- 0
-        return(res)
-    }
-    expand.one.strain <- function(seq, date, idx){
-        toExpand[idx] <<- FALSE # this one is no longer to expand
-        nbDes <- nb.desc()
-        if(nbDes==0) return(NULL) # stop if no descendant
-        newDates <- sapply(1:nbDes, function(i) date.dupli(date)) # find dates for descendants
-        newDates <- newDates[newDates <= Tmax] # don't store future sequences
-        nbDes <- length(newDates)
-        if(nbDes==0) return(NULL) # stop if no suitable date
-        newSeq <- lapply(1:nbDes, function(i) seq.dupli(seq)) # generate new sequences
-        res$seq <<- c(res$seq, newSeq) # append to general output
-        res$dates <<- c(res$dates, newDates) # append to general output
-        res$ances <<- c(res$ances, rep(idx, nbDes)) # append to general output
-        toExpand <<- c(toExpand, rep(TRUE, nbDes))
-        return(NULL)
-    }
-    ## initialization
-    res$seq[[1]] <- gen.seq()
-    res$dates[1] <- 0
-    res$ances[1] <- NA
-    toExpand <- TRUE
-    ## simulations: isn't simplicity beautiful?
-    while(any(toExpand)){
-        idx <- min(which(toExpand))
-        expand.one.strain(res$seq[[idx]], res$dates[idx], idx)
-    }
-    ## RETURN OUTPUT ##
-    return(res)
-} # end simuFlu

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