[adegenet-commits] r184 - in pkg: . R man

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Thu Oct 2 13:13:09 CEST 2008

Author: jombart
Date: 2008-10-02 13:13:09 +0200 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 184

Added the loadingplot function and documentation.

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-09-30 16:35:07 UTC (rev 183)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-10-02 11:13:09 UTC (rev 184)
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
 Description: Classes and functions for genetic data analysis within the multivariate framework.
 License: GPL (>=2)
 LazyLoad: yes
-Collate: classes.R auxil.R genind2genpop.R propTyped.R basicMethods.R old2new.R makefreq.R chooseCN.R dist.genpop.R export.R setAs.R gstat.randtest.R HWE.R import.R monmonier.R coords.monmonier.R spca.R spca.rtests.R zzz.R hybridize.R fstat.R propShared.R scale.R colorplot.R
+Collate: classes.R auxil.R genind2genpop.R propTyped.R basicMethods.R old2new.R makefreq.R chooseCN.R dist.genpop.R export.R setAs.R gstat.randtest.R HWE.R import.R monmonier.R coords.monmonier.R spca.R spca.rtests.R zzz.R hybridize.R fstat.R propShared.R scale.R colorplot.R loadingplot.R

Added: pkg/R/loadingplot.R
--- pkg/R/loadingplot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/loadingplot.R	2008-10-02 11:13:09 UTC (rev 184)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# loadingplot
+loadingplot <- function(x, threshold=quantile(x,0.75), axis=1, fac=NULL,
+                        lab=names(x), cex.lab=0.7, cex.fac=1, lab.jitter=0,
+                        main="Loading plot", xlab="Variables", ylab="Loadings",...){
+    ## some checks
+    if(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)){
+        temp <- rownames(x)
+        x <- x[,axis]
+        names(x) <- temp
+    }
+    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("x is not numeric")
+    if(any(is.na(x))) stop("NA entries in x")
+    if(any(x<0)) {
+        warning("Some values in x are less than 0\n Using abs(x) instead, but this might not be optimal.")
+        x <- abs(x)
+    }
+    ## preliminary computations
+    y.min <- min(min(x),0)
+    y.max <- max(max(x),0)
+    y.offset <- (y.max-y.min)*0.02
+    if(is.null(lab)) {lab <- 1:length(x)}
+    if(!is.null(fac)){
+        fac <- factor(fac, levels=unique(fac))
+        grp.idx <- cumsum(table(fac)) + 0.5
+        grp.lab.idx <- tapply(1:length(x), fac, mean)
+        grp.lab <- names(grp.idx)
+        grp.idx <- grp.idx[-length(grp.idx)]
+    } # end fac handling
+    ## start the plot
+    plot(x, type="h", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
+         main=main, xaxt="n", ylim=c(y.min,y.max*1.2), ...)
+    ## add groups of variables (optional)
+    if(!is.null(fac)) {
+        abline(v=grp.idx,lty=2) # split groups of variables
+        text(x=grp.lab.idx,y=y.max*1.15, labels=grp.lab, cex=cex.fac) # annotate groups
+    }
+    ## annotate variables that are above the threshold
+    x.ann <- which(x > threshold)
+    x.ann <- jitter(x.ann,fac=lab.jitter)
+    y.ann <- x[x > threshold] + y.offset
+    y.ann <- jitter(y.ann,fac=lab.jitter)
+    txt.ann <- lab[x > threshold]
+    text(x=x.ann, y=y.ann, label=txt.ann, cex=cex.lab)
+    ## indicate the threshold
+    abline(h=threshold, col="grey")
+    ## build the result
+    res <- list(threshold=threshold,
+                var.names=txt.ann,
+                var.idx=which(x > threshold),
+                var.values=x[x > threshold])
+    return(invisible(res))
+} # end loadingplot

Modified: pkg/R/spca.R
--- pkg/R/spca.R	2008-09-30 16:35:07 UTC (rev 183)
+++ pkg/R/spca.R	2008-10-02 11:13:09 UTC (rev 184)
@@ -72,8 +72,10 @@
-    rownames(X) <- rownames(truenames(obj))
-    colnames(X) <- colnames(truenames(obj))   
+      temp <- truenames(obj) # ! can return a list or a matrix
+      if(is.list(temp)) {temp <- temp$tab}
+      rownames(X) <- rownames(temp)
+      colnames(X) <- colnames(temp)
   # perform analyses
@@ -95,11 +97,16 @@
   posaxes <- if(nfposi>0) {1:nfposi} else NULL
   negaxes <- if(nfnega>0) {(length(spcaX$eig)-nfnega+1):length(spcaX$eig)} else NULL
   keptaxes <- c(posaxes,negaxes)
+  ## set names of different components
   colnames(spcaX$c1) <- paste("Axis",keptaxes)
   colnames(spcaX$li) <- paste("Axis",keptaxes)
   colnames(spcaX$ls) <- paste("Axis",keptaxes)
+  row.names(spcaX$c1) <- colnames(X)
+  colnames(spcaX$as) <- colnames(spcaX$c1)
+  temp <- row.names(spcaX$as)
+  row.names(spcaX$as) <- paste("PCA",temp)
   class(spcaX) <- "spca"

Added: pkg/man/loadingplot.Rd
--- pkg/man/loadingplot.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/loadingplot.Rd	2008-10-02 11:13:09 UTC (rev 184)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+\title{Represents a cloud of points with colors}
+  The \code{loadingplot} function represents positive values of a vector
+  and identifies the values above a given threshold. It can also
+  indicate groups of observations provided as a factor. \cr
+  Such graphics can be used, for instance, to assess the weight of each
+  variable (loadings) in a given analysis.
+loadingplot(x, threshold=quantile(x,0.75), axis=1, fac=NULL,
+                        lab=names(x), cex.lab=0.7, cex.fac=1, lab.jitter=0,
+                        main="Loading plot", xlab="Variables", ylab="Loadings",\dots)
+  \item{x}{either a vector with numeric values to be plotted, or a
+    matrix-like object containing numeric values. In such case, the
+    \code{x[,axis]} is used as vector of values to be plotted.}
+  \item{threshold}{a threshold value above which values of x are
+    identified. By default, this is the third quartile of x.}
+  \item{axis}{an integer indicating the column of x to be plotted; used
+    only if x is a matrix-like object.}
+  \item{fac}{a factor defining groups of observations.}
+  \item{lab}{a character vector giving the labels used to annotate
+    values above the threshold.}
+  \item{cex.lab}{a numeric value indicating the size of annotations.}
+  \item{cex.fac}{a numeric value indicating the size of annotations for
+    groups of observations.}
+  \item{lab.jitter}{a numeric value indicating the factor of
+    randomisation for the position of annotations. Set to 0 (by default)
+  implies no randomisation.}
+  \item{main}{the main title of the figure.}
+  \item{xlab}{the title of the x axis.}
+  \item{ylab}{the title of the y axis.}
+  \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to the plot function.}
+  \value{
+    Invisibly returns a list with the following components:\cr
+    - threshold: the threshold used\cr
+    - var.names: the names of observations above the threshold\cr
+    - var.idx: the indices of observations above the threshold\cr
+    - var.values: the values above the threshold\cr
+\author{Thibaut Jombart \email{jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr}}
+x <- runif(20)
+names(x) <- letters[1:20]
+grp <- factor(paste("group", rep(1:4,each=5)))
+## basic plot
+## adding groups
+loadingplot(x,fac=grp,main="My title",cex.lab=1)

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