[adegenet-commits] r206 - in pkg: R man misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03 src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Nov 19 17:40:16 CET 2008

Author: jombart
Date: 2008-11-19 17:40:16 +0100 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 206

Fixed bug 1.2-2.03.

Modified: pkg/R/monmonier.R
--- pkg/R/monmonier.R	2008-11-19 11:24:43 UTC (rev 205)
+++ pkg/R/monmonier.R	2008-11-19 16:40:16 UTC (rev 206)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Algorithm to detect boundaries, based on Monmonier's algorithm
-# Extended to any connection network 
+# Extended to any connection network
 # Thibaut Jombart 2006-2008 (jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr)
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@
 if(nrow(xy) != nrow(as.matrix(dist))) stop('Number of sites and number of observations differ')
 ## set to TRUE to debug
 ## if(DEBUG) {
 ##     plot.nb(cn, xy, col="grey", points=FALSE)
-##     x1 <<- x1
-##     s.value(xy,x1,add.p=TRUE)
+##     if(exists("x1")) {
+##         x1 <<- x1
+##         s.value(xy,x1,add.p=TRUE)
+##     }
 ##     text(xy,lab=1:nrow(xy),font=2,col="darkgreen")
 ## }
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
     ## 	xM <- (xA + xB)/2
     ##     yM <- (yA + yB)/2
     ## ## ## END OLD VERSION ## ## ##
     #### Must take into account that the some local distances occur for different segments
     #### Create a table with columns A, B and val
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@
     yB <- xy[B,2]
     xM <- mean(c(xA,xB))
     yM <- mean(c(yA,yB))
     return( list(A=c(A,xA,yA), B=c(B,xB,yB), M=c(xM,yM), val=val) )
@@ -138,18 +140,25 @@
 ## -AB is the edge whose middle is M ; given to avoid checking MN vs AB
 ## -CD is the edge whose middle is N ; given to avoid checking MN vs CD
 ## - toRemove: a vector of characters naming other edges in segMat to be removed before checking
-checkNext <- function(M,N,A,B,C,D,segMat=allSeg,toRemove=NULL){
+checkNext <- function(M,N,A,B,C,D,segMat=allSeg,toRemove=NULL,curDir=NULL){
     ## orientation of the segment MN
     xmin <- min(M[1],N[1])
     xmax <- max(M[1],N[1])
     ymin <- min(M[2],N[2])
     ymax <- max(M[2],N[2])
 ### From here segment that would be difficult to check for crossing are removed
 ### If MN is the segment of interest, with M middle of AB and N middle of CD,
-    ## The segment that was just drawn before is removed from the checks for crossing
-    subsetSeg <- segMat[-nrow(segMat),,drop=FALSE] # make sure subsetSeg is always a matrix
+    subsetSeg <- segMat
+    ## The segment that was just drawn before is removed from the checks for crossing (messy code 2)
+    if(!is.null(curDir)){
+        prevSeg <- grep(paste("dir",curDir,sep=""),rownames(subsetSeg))
+        if(length(prevSeg)>0){
+            prevSeg <- prevSeg[length(prevSeg)]
+            subsetSeg <- segMat[-prevSeg,,drop=FALSE]
+        }
+    }
     ## AB and CD are now taken out (doubtful code 2 returned by the C procedure CheckAllSeg)
     AB.name <- paste(sort(c(A,B)),collapse="-")
@@ -176,7 +185,7 @@
     ## temp is used for the output of CheckAllSeg
     ## initialized at 10, which is never returned by CheckAllSeg
     temp <- as.integer(10)
     ## call to CheckAllSeg
     ## =======================
     ## output code for CheckAllSeg:
@@ -193,17 +202,17 @@
     ## round down coordinates in subsetSeg
     subsetSeg <- round(subsetSeg, digits=PRECISION)
     if(nrow(subsetSeg)>0) {
         temp <- .C("CheckAllSeg",as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg)),as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg)),
                    as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp,PACKAGE="adegenet")[[6]]
     } else {temp <- 0}
     ## for debugging
-    ##    if(DEBUG) {
-    ##         if(temp==1)  cat("\n can't go there (code",temp,")") else cat("\n new segment ok (code",temp,")")
-    ##     }
+    ##  if(DEBUG) {
+    ##             if(temp==1)  cat("\n can't go there (code",temp,")") else cat("\n new segment ok (code",temp,")")
+    ##         }
     ## if a code 1 or 3 is returned, CheckAllSeg returns FALSE
     ## else it returns TRUE
     ## additional control used (code 10, CheckAllSeg failed)
@@ -212,7 +221,7 @@
 } # end of checkNext
 ## result object is created
-## this is a list with one component per run (a run = a boundary) 
+## this is a list with one component per run (a run = a boundary)
 result <-list()
 for(run in 1:nrun){
     result[[run]] <- list(dir1=list(),dir2=list())
@@ -223,7 +232,7 @@
 #### a for loop is used to handle several runs
 ## each boundary seeks one starting point, and then expands both sides (dir1 / dir2)
 for(run in 1:nrun){
     ## handle skip.local.diff here
     ## the corresponding values of distance are set definitely to -1
     ##   if(skip.local.diff[run] >0)
@@ -233,7 +242,7 @@
     ##             ## D[temp$B[1],temp$A[1] ] <- -1
     ##             rmFromMatSegVal(temp$A[1],temp$B[1])
     ##         }
     ## starting point: find the highest distance among neighbours
     ## then expand
     currentDir1 <- getNext(1 + skip.local.diff[run])
@@ -245,7 +254,7 @@
     ## D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1 # update D matrix
     ## D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1 # update D matrix
     rmFromMatSegVal(result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1], result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1]) # update matSegVal
     ## dir1 => i1: result index; s1: index for the rank of the distance between neighbours (decreasing order)
     ## dir2 => i2: result index; s2: index for the rank of the distance between neighbours (decreasing order)
     i1 <- 1
@@ -253,14 +262,14 @@
     i2 <- 1
     s2 <- 2
     n <- nrow(D)
     ## logical handling the expansion of a boundary
     keepExpanding <- ((current.bd.length < bd.length)
                       && ((currentDir1$val>Dlim)|(currentDir2$val>Dlim))
                       && (s1 < nrow(matSegVal) | s2 < nrow(matSegVal)) )
     #### This while loop has the following behavior:
-    ## as long as the keepExpanding is true, we try to expand the boundary by 
+    ## as long as the keepExpanding is true, we try to expand the boundary by
     ## 1) finding the highest next distance among neighbours
     ## 2) test if we can draw the corresponding segment
     ## 3) - if we can, store the result, increment i1 or i2, reset s1 and s2, erase the edge
@@ -268,18 +277,18 @@
     ## 4) get back to 1)
         hasExpanded <- FALSE # used to test if it is relevant to check for looping
-       ##  if(DEBUG){
-        ##             points(currentDir1$M[1],currentDir1$M[2],col="white",pch=20)
-        ##             points(currentDir2$M[1],currentDir2$M[2],col="white",pch=20)
-        ##         }
+        ##  if(DEBUG){
+        ##                     points(currentDir1$M[1],currentDir1$M[2],col="white",pch=20)
+        ##                     points(currentDir2$M[1],currentDir2$M[2],col="white",pch=20)
+        ##                 }
         if(s1 <= nrow(matSegVal)) { currentDir1 <- getNext(s1) }
         if(s2 <= nrow(matSegVal)) { currentDir2 <- getNext(s2) }
-        ## if(DEBUG){
-        ##             cat("\n dir1: trying edge",currentDir1$A[1],"-",currentDir1$B[1])
-        ##             points(currentDir1$M[1],currentDir1$M[2],col="blue",pch=20)
-        ##             readline("\npress enter")
-        ##         }
+        ##  if(DEBUG){
+        ##                     cat("\n\n ## dir1: trying edge",currentDir1$A[1],"-",currentDir1$B[1])
+        ##                     points(currentDir1$M[1],currentDir1$M[2],col="blue",pch=20)
+        ##                     readline("\npress enter")
+        ##                 }
         ## first direction (dir1)
         if( currentDir1$val > Dlim && s1 <= nrow(matSegVal)) {
@@ -287,7 +296,7 @@
-                         currentDir1$B[1])) {
+                         currentDir1$B[1], curDir=as.integer(1))) {
                 i1 <- i1+1
                 result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]] <- currentDir1
                 ## update the matrix of diff. between neighbours
@@ -302,20 +311,20 @@
                 ## add 1 to the boundary length
                 current.bd.length <- current.bd.length + 1
                 hasExpanded <- TRUE
-                ## if(DEBUG){
-                ##                     arrows(result[[run]]$dir1[[i1-1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir1[[i1-1]]$M[2],
-                ##                            result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$M[2],col="blue")
-                ##                 }
+                ## if(DEBUG) {
+                ##                                     arrows(result[[run]]$dir1[[i1-1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir1[[i1-1]]$M[2],
+                ##                                            result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir1[[i1]]$M[2],col="blue")
+                ##                                 }
             } else{ s1 <- s1+1 }
         } # end "if( currentDir1$val>Dlim)"
-        ## if(DEBUG){
-        ##             cat("\n dir2: trying edge",currentDir2$A[1],"-",currentDir2$B[1])
-        ##             points(currentDir2$M[1],currentDir2$M[2],col="red",pch=20)
-        ##             readline("\npress enter")
-        ##         }
+        ##   if(DEBUG){
+        ##                     cat("\n\n ## dir2: trying edge",currentDir2$A[1],"-",currentDir2$B[1])
+        ##                     points(currentDir2$M[1],currentDir2$M[2],col="red",pch=20)
+        ##                     readline("\npress enter")
+        ##                 }
         ## second direction (dir2)
         if( currentDir2$val > Dlim  && s2 <= nrow(matSegVal)) {
@@ -323,7 +332,7 @@
-                         currentDir2$B[1])) {
+                         currentDir2$B[1], curDir=as.integer(2))) {
                 i2 <- i2+1
                 result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]] <- currentDir2
                 ## update the matrix of diff. between neighbours
@@ -337,26 +346,26 @@
                 ## add 1 to the boundary length
                 current.bd.length <- current.bd.length + 1
                 hasExpanded <- TRUE
-                ## if(DEBUG){
-                ##                     arrows(result[[run]]$dir2[[i2-1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir2[[i2-1]]$M[2],
-                ##                            result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$M[2],col="red",cex=2)
-                ##                 }
+                ##  if(DEBUG){
+                ##                                     arrows(result[[run]]$dir2[[i2-1]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir2[[i2-1]]$M[2],
+                ##                                            result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$M[1], result[[run]]$dir2[[i2]]$M[2],col="red",cex=2)
+                ##                                 }
             } else{ s2 <- s2+1 }
         } # end "if( currentDir2$val>Dlim)"
         ## update the logical for the while loop
         keepExpanding <- ((current.bd.length < bd.length)
                           && ((currentDir1$val>Dlim)|(currentDir2$val>Dlim))
                           && (s1 <= nrow(matSegVal) | s2 <= nrow(matSegVal)) )
         ## handle the looping of a boundary
         if(hasExpanded && (current.bd.length>3) && allowLoop){
             ## check if the two ends of the boundary can be joined
             ## remove segments ending each direction (to avoid messy code 2 in checkNext)
             terminalEdges <- c(paste("dir1",i1-1,i1,sep="-"),
             canLoop <- checkNext(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
@@ -379,15 +388,15 @@
         ## output for debugging
-        ## if(DEBUG) {
-        ##        ##     cat("\n","s1:",s1,"s2:",s2,"i1:",i1,"i2:",i2,"D1:",
-        ##        ##     currentDir1$val,"D2:",currentDir2$val,"Dlim:",Dlim,
-        ##        ##     "nrow(matSegVal)",nrow(matSegVal),"\n")
+        ##  if(DEBUG) {
+        ##             cat("\n","s1:",s1,"s2:",s2,"i1:",i1,"i2:",i2,"D1:",
+        ##                 currentDir1$val,"D2:",currentDir2$val,"Dlim:",Dlim,
+        ##                 "nrow(matSegVal)",nrow(matSegVal),"\n")
         ##             cat("\n","D1:",currentDir1$val,"D2:",currentDir2$val,"Dlim:",Dlim,
         ##                 "cur.bd.le:", current.bd.length,"max length:", bd.length,"\n",
         ##                 "s1:",s1,"s2:",s2,"maxS:",nrow(matSegVal))
         ##         }
     } # end of one given run
 } # end for all run
@@ -418,7 +427,7 @@
 		output[[runname]]$dir2$path[i,] <- result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$M
 		output[[runname]]$dir2$values[i] <- result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$val
 output$nrun <- nrun
@@ -434,7 +443,7 @@
-# function plot.monmonier 
+# function plot.monmonier
 plot.monmonier <- function(x, variable=NULL,displayed.runs=1:x$nrun,
                            add.arrows=TRUE, col='blue',lty=1,bwd=4, clegend=1,csize=0.7,
@@ -447,7 +456,7 @@
     xy <- x$xy
     cpoint <- 0
     if(cneig>0) {neig <- nb2neig(x$cn)} else {neig <- NULL}
 	variable <- rep(1,nrow(xy))
@@ -461,13 +470,13 @@
     opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
     for(run in displayed.runs){
         obj <- x[[run]]
         if(length(col)!=x$nrun) col <- rep(col,x$nrun)
         if(length(lty)!=x$nrun) lty <- rep(lty,x$nrun)
         if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 0) stop(paste('Monmonier object of run', run, 'is empty (no point in the path)\n'))
         if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 1 && length(obj$dir2$values) == 1) {
         } else{
@@ -479,21 +488,21 @@
             n2 <- length(val.2)
             cex.bwd.1 <- ( val.1[1:(n1-1)] + val.1[2:n1] )/2
             cex.bwd.2 <- ( val.2[1:(n2-1)] + val.2[2:n2] )/2
-            cex.bwd.max <- max(c(cex.bwd.1,cex.bwd.2))
+            cex.bwd.max <- max(c(cex.bwd.1,cex.bwd.2), na.rm=TRUE)
             cex.bwd.1 <- cex.bwd.1/max(cex.bwd.max)
             cex.bwd.2 <- cex.bwd.2/max(cex.bwd.max)
             ## amplify the differences
             ## cex.bwd.1 <- cex.bwd.1^1.5
             ## cex.bwd.2 <- cex.bwd.2^1.5
             if(add.arrows) {
                 if(n1>1) arrows(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
                 if(n2>1) arrows(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
@@ -505,7 +514,7 @@
@@ -514,13 +523,13 @@
         } # end else
     } # end for
 } # end function
-# print function 
+# print function
 print.monmonier <- function(x, ...){
@@ -561,7 +570,7 @@
 	if(nrow(x[[i]]$dir2$path) >3) cat('...\n')
 	if(length(x[[i]]$dir2$values)>3) cat(' ...')
 	lenTheo <- x$nrun + 5
 	if(length(names(x))> lenTheo) {
@@ -575,7 +584,7 @@
-# function optimize.monmonier 
+# function optimize.monmonier
 optimize.monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,ntry=10, bd.length=NULL, return.best=TRUE,
@@ -630,7 +639,7 @@
 ## remove the first value (-1) in bdr.value
 bdr.values <- bdr.values[-1]
 ## graphical display
 if(display.graph) barplot(bdr.values,xlab="Local differences skipped",ylab="Sum of all local differences",names.arg=0:(ntry-1))
@@ -646,7 +655,7 @@
     ## assign the appropriate call to the result
     bdr.best$call <- newcall
     ## exp <- bquote( monmonier(xy=.(prevcall$xy),dist=.(prevcall$dist),cn=.(prevcall$cn),skip=.(bdr.skip),
     ##                          ,scan=FALSE,thres=.(Dlim),bd.length=.(bd.length),allowLoop=.(allowLoop)) )

Modified: pkg/man/monmonier.Rd
--- pkg/man/monmonier.Rd	2008-11-19 11:24:43 UTC (rev 205)
+++ pkg/man/monmonier.Rd	2008-11-19 16:40:16 UTC (rev 206)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 ### interactive example
-# est-west separation
+# north-south separation
 xy <- matrix(runif(120,0,10), ncol=2)
 x1 <- rnorm(60)
 x1[xy[,2] > 5] <- x1[xy[,2] > 5]+3
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 # graphics
-# square in the middle
+# island in the middle
 x2 <- rnorm(60)
 sel <- (xy[,1]>3.5 & xy[,2]>3.5 & xy[,1]<6.5 & xy[,2]<6.5)
 x2[sel] <- x2[sel]+4

Added: pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/.RData
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/.RData
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/.Rhistory
--- pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/.Rhistory	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/.Rhistory	2008-11-19 16:40:16 UTC (rev 206)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+.C("CheckAllSeg", as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg)), as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg)), 
+        as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg)), as.double(M), as.double(N), 
+        temp, PACKAGE = "adegenet")[[6]]
+subsetSeg.old <- subsetSeg
+subsetSeg.new <- subsetSeg
+subsetSeg.new[2,] <- NULL
+subsetSeg.new <- subsetSeg.new[1,,drop=FALSE]
+.C("CheckAllSeg", as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg.new)), as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg.new)), 
+        as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(M), as.double(N), 
+        temp, PACKAGE = "adegenet")[[6]]
+datBug <- list(subsetSeg=subsetSeg, M=as.double(M), N=as.double(N), call=".C("CheckAllSeg", as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg.new)), as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp, PACKAGE = "adegenet")[[6]]" )
+datBug <- list(subsetSeg=subsetSeg, M=as.double(M), N=as.double(N), call=".C("CheckAllSeg", as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg.new)), as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp, PACKAGE = 'adegenet')[[6]]" )
+datBug <- list(subsetSeg=subsetSeg, M=as.double(M), N=as.double(N), call='.C("CheckAllSeg", as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg.new)), as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg.new)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp, PACKAGE = "adegenet")[[6]]' )
+save(datBug, file="datBug.RData")
+points(subsetSeg[2,c(1,3)],subsetSeg[2,c(2,4)], col="red")
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+        prevSeg <- grep("dir1",rownames(subsetSeg))
+        prevSeg <- prevSeg[length(prevSeg]
+        prevSeg <- prevSeg[length(prevSeg)]
+       prevSeg <- grep(paste("dir",curDir,sep=""),rownames(subsetSeg))
+        prevSeg <- prevSeg[length(prevSeg)]
+        subsetSeg <- segMat[-prevSeg,,drop=FALSE]
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+        currentDir1$M, result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[1], 
+        result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[1], 
+        currentDir1$A[1], currentDir1$B[1], curDir = as.integer(1)))
+        currentDir1$M, result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[1], 
+        result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[1], 
+        currentDir1$A[1], currentDir1$B[1], curDir = as.integer(1))
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+mon <- monmonier(coords, Da, cn, threshold=0.1, nrun=1, skip.local.diff = rep(1, 1)) 
+     data(sim2pop)
+ gab <- chooseCN(sim2pop at other$xy,ask=FALSE,type=2)
+     # filter random noise 
+     pca1 <- dudi.pca(sim2pop at tab,scale=FALSE, scannf=FALSE, nf=1)
+     # run the algorithm
+     mon1 <- monmonier(sim2pop at other$xy,dist(pca1$l1[,1]),gab,scanthres=FALSE)
+     pca1 <- dudi.pca(sim2pop at tab,scale=FALSE, scannf=FALSE, nf=1)
+     mon1 <- monmonier(sim2pop at other$xy,dist(pca1$l1[,1]),gab,scanthres=FALSE)
+plot(mon1,bwd=100, add.ar=FALSE)
+     plot(mon2,mondata2$x2,method="greylevel",add.arr=FALSE,bwd=6,col="red",csize=.5)
+ plot(mon2,method="greylevel",add.arr=FALSE,bwd=6,col="red",csize=.5)
+ plot(mon2,method="greylevel",add.arr=FALSE,bwd=10,col="red",csize=.5)
+     mon1 <- monmonier(sim2pop at other$xy,dist(pca1$l1[,1]),gab,scanthres=FALSE)
+plot(mon1,add.arr=FALSE, bwd=4)
+plot(mon1,add.arr=FALSE, bwd=40)
+ plot(mon1)

Added: pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/datBug.RData
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/misc/bug-report.1.2-2.03/datBug.RData
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: pkg/src/monmonier-utils.c
--- pkg/src/monmonier-utils.c	2008-11-19 11:24:43 UTC (rev 205)
+++ pkg/src/monmonier-utils.c	2008-11-19 16:40:16 UTC (rev 206)
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
    double num, denom;  /* Numerator and denoninator of equations. */
    int code = 10; /* returned value, default 10 is a failure */
-   /* For debugging
-   printf("\n!!! SegSeg: code initialized at %d\n",code);*/
+   /* For debugging */
+   /*printf("\n!!! SegSeg: code initialized at %d\n",code);*/
    /* Initialization of the intersection point 'p' */
    tPointd p;
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@
       as well as ...==... */
    if (dAbs(denom) < NEARZERO) {
      code =  Parallel(a, b, c, d, p);
-     /* For debugging 
-     printf("\n!!! SegSeg: call to Parallel (denom=%f)\n",denom);*/
+     /* For debugging */
+     /*printf("\n!!! SegSeg: call to Parallel (denom=%f)\n",denom);*/
      num =    a[X] * (double)( d[Y] - c[Y] ) +
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
      /*if ( ((num < NEARZERO) && (num > -NEARZERO)) || (num == denom) ) code = 2;*/
      if ( (dAbs(num) < NEARZERO) || (dEqual(num,denom)) ) code = 2;
-     /* Debugging step 1
-     printf("\n!!! SegSeg step1: dAbs(num)=%f, dEqual(num,denom)=%d), code=%d\n",dAbs(num),dEqual(num,denom),code);
+     /* Debugging step 1*/
+     /*printf("\n!!! SegSeg step1: dAbs(num)=%f, dEqual(num,denom)=%d), code=%d\n",dAbs(num),dEqual(num,denom),code);
      s = num / denom;
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@
      /* if ( ((num < NEARZERO) && (num > -NEARZERO)) || (num == denom) ) code = 2;*/
      if ( (dAbs(num) < NEARZERO) || (dEqual(num,denom)) ) code = 2;
-     /* Debugging step 2
-     printf("\n!!! SegSeg step2: dAbs(num)=%f, dEqual(num,denom)=%d), code=%d\n",dAbs(num),dEqual(num,denom),code);
+     /* Debugging step 2*/
+     /*printf("\n!!! SegSeg step2: dAbs(num)=%f, dEqual(num,denom)=%d), code=%d\n",dAbs(num),dEqual(num,denom),code);
      if ( (NEARZERO < s) && (s < 1.0) &&
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
      p[Y] = a[Y] + s * ( b[Y] - a[Y] );
-   /* Debugging step 3
-   printf("\n!!! SegSeg step3: final value of code=%d\n",code);*/
+   /* Debugging step 3*/
+   /*printf("\n!!! SegSeg step3: final value of code=%d\n",code);*/
    return code;

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