[adegenet-commits] r137 - pkg/man
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Sat Jun 28 18:32:02 CEST 2008
Author: jombart
Date: 2008-06-28 18:32:02 +0200 (Sat, 28 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 137
Doc df2genind update.
Modified: pkg/man/df2genind.Rd
--- pkg/man/df2genind.Rd 2008-06-28 16:20:58 UTC (rev 136)
+++ pkg/man/df2genind.Rd 2008-06-28 16:32:02 UTC (rev 137)
@@ -9,34 +9,35 @@
- genotypes are in row (on row per genotype)\cr
- markers are in columns\cr
- - each element is a string of (2, 4 or 6) characters coding both alleles without
- separation. Missing values are coded by NA or zeros. Uncomplete
- strings are filled with "0" at the begining. For instance, "912" in a
- 4-characters coding scheme is interpreted as "0912", thus as an
- heterozygote with alleles "09" and "12". Note that this format is the
- one of GENETIX for a 6-characters coding scheme\cr
+ - each element is a string of characters coding alleles with or without
+ separator. If no separator is used, the function tries to find how
+ many characters code each genotypes at a locus, but it is safer to state it
+ (\code{ncode} argument). Uncomplete strings are filled with "0" at the
+ begining. \cr
The function \code{genind2df} converts a \linkS4class{genind} back to
such a data.frame.
-df2genind(X, ncode=NULL, ind.names=NULL, loc.names=NULL, pop=NULL,
- missing=NA)
-genind2df(x,pop=NULL, sep="",usepop=TRUE)
+df2genind(X, sep=NULL, ncode=NULL, ind.names=NULL, loc.names=NULL, pop=NULL,
+ missing=NA, ploidy=2)
+genind2df(x,pop=NULL, sep="", usepop=TRUE)
\item{X}{a matrix or a data.frame (see decription)}
- \item{ncode}{an optional integer the number of characters used for coding one
- genotype at one locus (can be 2, 4 or 6). If not provided, this is
- determined from data.}
+ \item{sep}{a character string separating alleles. See details.}
+ \item{ncode}{an optional integer giving the number of characters used for coding one
+ genotype at one locus. If not provided, this is determined from data.}
\item{ind.names}{an optional character vector giving the individuals
names; if NULL, taken from rownames of X.}
\item{loc.names}{an optional character vector giving the markers
names; if NULL, taken from colnames of X.}
\item{pop}{an optional factor giving the population of each individual.}
\item{missing}{can be NA, 0 or "mean". See details section.}
+ \item{ploidy}{an integer indicating the degree of ploidy of the genotypes.}
\item{x}{a \linkS4class{genind} object}
- \item{sep}{a character used to separate two alleles}
\item{usepop}{a logical stating whether the population (argument \code{pop}
or \code{x at pop} should be used (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE).}
@@ -49,7 +50,12 @@
- "mean": missing values are replaced by the mean frequency of the
corresponding allele, computed on the whole set of
- individuals. Recommended for a centred PCA.\cr
+ individuals. Recommended for a centred PCA.\cr\cr
+ Details for the \code{sep} argument:\cr
+ this character is directly used in reguar expressions like
+ \code{gsub}, and thus require some characters to be preceeded by
+ double backslashes. For instance, "/" works but "|" must be coded as "\\\\|".
\value{an object of the class \linkS4class{genind} for \code{df2genind};
a matrix of biallelic genotypes for \code{genind2df}}
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