[adegenet-commits] r156 - pkg/R www www/files
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Wed Jul 16 19:29:00 CEST 2008
Author: jombart
Date: 2008-07-16 19:29:00 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 156
Correct a bug of non-detection of NAs while reading objects.
Modified: pkg/R/import.R
--- pkg/R/import.R 2008-07-13 22:29:35 UTC (rev 155)
+++ pkg/R/import.R 2008-07-16 17:29:00 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -75,13 +75,14 @@
tempX <- X
if(!is.null(sep)) tempX <- gsub(sep,"",X)
## turn NANANA, 00000, ... into NA
- tempX <- gsub("^0*$",NA,X)
+ tempX <- gsub("^0*$",NA,tempX)
tempX <- gsub("(NA)+",NA,tempX)
## Erase entierely non-typed loci
temp <- apply(tempX,2,function(c) all(is.na(c)))
X <- X[,!temp]
+ tempX <- tempX[,!temp]
loc.names <- loc.names[!temp]
nloc <- ncol(X)
warning("entirely non-type marker(s) deleted")
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
temp <- apply(tempX,1,function(r) all(is.na(r)))
X <- X[!temp,]
+ tempX <- tempX[!temp,]
pop <- pop[!temp]
ind.names <- ind.names[!temp]
n <- nrow(X)
@@ -98,7 +100,8 @@
n <- nrow(X)
- X <- gsub("^.*NA.*$",NA,X) # set correct NAs in X
+ ## SET NAs IN X
+ X[is.na(tempX)] <- NA
# ind.names <- rownames(X) this erases the real labels
# note: if X is kept as a matrix, duplicate row names are no problem
Modified: www/download.html
--- www/download.html 2008-07-13 22:29:35 UTC (rev 155)
+++ www/download.html 2008-07-16 17:29:00 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
(CRAN) ones. Simply download the file in your working directory and
type <span style="font-family: monospace;">source("[your-patch-file.R]")</span>
to use a patch.<br>
+- <a href="files/import.R"><span style="font-family: monospace;">import.R</span></a>:
+corrects an important bug arising in adegenet_1.2-0: NA were not
<img alt="" src="images/bullet.png" style="width: 10px; height: 10px;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Older
Added: www/files/import.R
--- www/files/import.R (rev 0)
+++ www/files/import.R 2008-07-16 17:29:00 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# Fonctions designed to import files from other softwares
+# into genind objects
+# currently supported formats are :
+# .gtx (GENETIX)
+# .dat (Fstat)
+# .gen (Genepop)
+# Thibaut Jombart, avril 2006
+# jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
+# Function rmspaces
+# removes spaces and tab at the begining and the end of each element of charvec
+.rmspaces <- function(charvec){
+ charvec <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]+)","",charvec)
+ charvec <- gsub("([[:blank:]]+)$","",charvec)
+ return(charvec)
+# Function readExt
+.readExt <- function(char){
+ temp <- as.character(char)
+ temp <- unlist(strsplit(char,"[.]"))
+ res <- temp[length(temp)]
+ return(res)
+# Function df2genind
+df2genind <- function(X, sep=NULL, ncode=NULL, ind.names=NULL, loc.names=NULL, pop=NULL, missing=NA, ploidy=2){
+ if(is.data.frame(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
+ if (!inherits(X, "matrix")) stop ("X is not a matrix")
+ res <- list()
+ ## make sure X is in character mode
+ mode(X) <- "character"
+ n <- nrow(X)
+ nloc <- ncol(X)
+ ploidy <- as.integer(ploidy)
+ if(ploidy < as.integer(1)) stop("ploidy cannot be less than 1")
+ if(is.null(ind.names)) {ind.names <- rownames(X)}
+ if(is.null(loc.names)) {loc.names <- colnames(X)}
+ ## pop optionnelle
+ if(!is.null(pop)){
+ if(length(pop)!= n) stop("length of factor pop differs from nrow(X)")
+ pop <- as.factor(pop)
+ }
+ ## find or check the number of coding characters, 'ncode'
+ if(is.null(sep)){
+ if(!is.null(ncode)) {if(ncode < max(nchar(X)) ) stop("some character strings exceed the provided ncode.")}
+ if(is.null(ncode)) { ncode <- max(nchar(X)) }
+ if((ncode %% ploidy)>0) stop(paste(ploidy,"alleles cannot be coded by a total of",
+ ncode,"characters", sep=" "))
+ }
+ tempX <- X
+ if(!is.null(sep)) tempX <- gsub(sep,"",X)
+ ## turn NANANA, 00000, ... into NA
+ tempX <- gsub("^0*$",NA,tempX)
+ tempX <- gsub("(NA)+",NA,tempX)
+ ## Erase entierely non-typed loci
+ temp <- apply(tempX,2,function(c) all(is.na(c)))
+ if(any(temp)){
+ X <- X[,!temp]
+ tempX <- tempX[,!temp]
+ loc.names <- loc.names[!temp]
+ nloc <- ncol(X)
+ warning("entirely non-type marker(s) deleted")
+ }
+ ## Erase entierely non-type individuals
+ temp <- apply(tempX,1,function(r) all(is.na(r)))
+ if(any(temp)){
+ X <- X[!temp,]
+ tempX <- tempX[!temp,]
+ pop <- pop[!temp]
+ ind.names <- ind.names[!temp]
+ n <- nrow(X)
+ warning("entirely non-type individual(s) deleted")
+ }
+ n <- nrow(X)
+ ## SET NAs IN X
+ X[is.na(tempX)] <- NA
+ # ind.names <- rownames(X) this erases the real labels
+ # note: if X is kept as a matrix, duplicate row names are no problem
+ ## function to fill a matrix of char 'M' with the required
+ ## number of zero, targetN being the total number of char required
+ fillWithZero <- function(M, targetN){
+ naIdx <- is.na(M)
+ keepCheck <- any(nchar(M) < targetN)
+ while(keepCheck){
+ mat0 <- matrix("", ncol=ncol(M), nrow=nrow(M))
+ mat0[nchar(M) < targetN] <- "0"
+ M <- matrix(paste(mat0, M, sep=""), nrow=nrow(mat0))
+ keepCheck <- any(nchar(M) < targetN)
+ }
+ ## restore NA (otherwise we're left with "NA")
+ M[naIdx] <- NA
+ return(M)
+ }
+ if(is.null(sep) | ploidy==as.integer(1)){
+ ## ## now check all strings and make sure they all have 'ncode' characters
+ ## ## NA are temporarily coded as "00", "000" or "000000" to fit the check
+ ## keepCheck <- any(nchar(X) < ncode)
+ ## missAll <- paste(rep("0",ncode/ploidy),collapse="")
+ ## missTyp <- paste(rep("0",ncode),collapse="")
+ ## X[is.na(X)] <- missTyp
+ ## while(keepCheck){
+ ## mat0 <- matrix("", ncol=ncol(X), nrow=nrow(X))
+ ## mat0[nchar(X) < ncode] <- "0"
+ ## X <- matrix(paste(mat0, X, sep=""), nrow=nrow(mat0))
+ ## keepCheck <- any(nchar(X) < ncode)
+ ## }
+ X <- fillWithZero(X,targetN=ncode)
+ ## now split X by allele
+ splitX <- list()
+ for(i in 1:ploidy){
+ splitX[[i]] <- substr(X,1,ncode/ploidy)
+ X <- sub(paste("^.{",ncode/ploidy,"}",sep=""),"",X)
+ }
+ if(!is.null(sep)){
+ if(ploidy > 1){
+ temp <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(strsplit(X,sep))))
+ splitX <- list()
+ for(i in 1:ncol(temp)){
+ splitX[[i]] <- matrix(temp[,i], nrow=n)
+ } # each matrix of splitX contains typing for 1 allele
+ } else {
+ splitX <- list()
+ splitX[[1]] <- X
+ }
+ ## get the right ncode
+ temp <- unlist(splitX)
+ temp <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
+ ncode <- max(nchar(temp))*ploidy
+ splitX <- lapply(splitX, function(Y) fillWithZero(Y,targetN=ncode/ploidy))
+ ## fetch all possible alleles per locus
+ loc.all <- list()
+ for(i in 1:nloc){
+ temp <- unlist(lapply(splitX,function(e) e[,i]))
+ loc.all[[i]] <- sort(unique(temp[!is.na(temp)]))
+ }
+ names(loc.all) <- loc.names
+ ## loc.all is a list whose element are vectors of sorted possible alleles at a locus
+ temp <- lapply(1:nloc, function(i) matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=length(loc.all[[i]]),
+ dimnames=list(NULL,loc.all[[i]])) )
+ names(temp) <- loc.names
+ # note: keep rownames as NULL in case of duplicates
+ ## temp is a list whose elements are one matrix (indiv x alleles) for each marker
+ ## now tables in 'temp' are filled up
+ findall <- function(cha,loc.all){
+ if(is.na(cha)) return(NULL)
+ return(which(cha==loc.all))
+ }
+ for(k in 1:ploidy){
+ for(i in 1:n){
+ for(j in 1:nloc){
+ allIdx <- findall(splitX[[k]][i,j],loc.all[[j]])
+ temp[[j]][i,allIdx] <- temp[[j]][i,allIdx] + 1
+ if(is.null(allIdx)) {temp[[j]][i,] <- NA}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## beware: colnames are wrong when there is only one allele in a locus
+ ## right colnames are first generated
+ nall <- unlist(lapply(temp,ncol))
+ loc.rep <- rep(names(nall),nall)
+ col.lab <- paste(loc.rep,unlist(loc.all,use.names=FALSE),sep=".")
+ mat <- as.matrix(cbind.data.frame(temp))
+ mat <- mat/ploidy
+ colnames(mat) <- col.lab
+ rownames(mat) <- ind.names
+ if(!is.na(missing)){
+ if(missing==0) {mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0}
+ if(toupper(missing)=="MEAN") {
+ moy <- apply(mat,2,function(c) mean(c,na.rm=TRUE))
+ for(j in 1:ncol(mat)) {mat[,j][is.na(mat[,j])] <- moy[j]}
+ }
+ }
+ prevcall <- match.call()
+ res <- genind( tab=mat, pop=pop, prevcall=prevcall, ploidy=ploidy )
+ return(res)
+} # end df2genind
+# Function read.genetix
+# code based on previous ade4 functions
+read.genetix <- function(file=NULL,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE) {
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from GENETIX to a genind object... \n")
+ ## read from file
+ if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
+ if(toupper(.readExt(file)) != "GTX") stop("File extension .gtx expected")
+ # retrieve first infos
+ nloc <- as.numeric(scan(file,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE)[1])
+ npop <- as.numeric(scan(file,nlines=1,skip=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE)[1])
+ txt <- scan(file,skip=2,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)
+ txt <- gsub("\t"," ",txt)
+ loc.names <- txt[seq(1,by=2,length=nloc)]
+ txt <- txt[-(1:(nloc*2))]
+ ## retrieve populations infos
+ pop.names <- vector(mode="character",length=npop)
+ pop.nind <- vector(mode="integer",length=npop)
+ index <- 1
+ temp <- vector(mode="integer",length=npop)
+ for(i in 1:npop){
+ pop.names[i] <- txt[index]
+ pop.nind[i] <- as.numeric(txt[index+1])
+ temp[i] <- index
+ index <- index + pop.nind[i] + 2
+ }
+ pop.names <- .rmspaces(pop.names)
+ ## retrieve genotypes infos
+ txt <- txt[-c(temp,temp+1)]
+ txt <- .rmspaces(txt)
+ txt <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) unlist(strsplit(txt[i],"([[:space:]]+)|([[:blank:]]+)")) )
+ X <- t(txt)
+ if(ncol(X) == (nloc+1)){
+ rownames(X) <- X[,1]
+ X <- X[,-1]
+ } else{
+ rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
+ }
+ colnames(X) <- loc.names
+ ## make a factor "pop" if there is more than one population
+ pop <- factor(rep(pop.names,pop.nind))
+ ## pass X to df2genind
+ res <- df2genind(X=X, ncode=6, pop=pop, missing=missing, ploidy=2)
+ res at call <- match.call()
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
+ return(res)
+} # end read.genetix
+# Function read.fstat
+read.fstat <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE){
+ if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
+ if(toupper(.readExt(file)) != "DAT") stop("File extension .dat expected")
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from a FSTAT .dat file to a genind object... \n\n")
+ call <- match.call()
+ txt <- scan(file,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)
+ txt <- gsub("\t"," ",txt)
+ # read first infos
+ info <- unlist(strsplit(txt[1],"([[:space:]]+)"))
+ # npop <- as.numeric(info[1]) ## no longer used
+ nloc <- as.numeric(info[2])
+ loc.names <- txt[2:(nloc+1)]
+ # build genotype matrix
+ txt <- txt[-(1:(nloc+1))]
+ txt <- .rmspaces(txt)
+ txt <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) unlist(strsplit(txt[i],"([[:space:]]+)|([[:blank:]]+)")) )
+ X <- t(txt)
+ pop <- factor(X[,1])
+ if(length(levels(pop)) == 1 ) pop <- NULL
+ X <- X[,-1]
+ colnames(X) <- loc.names
+ rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
+ res <- df2genind(X=X,pop=pop,missing=missing, ploidy=2)
+ # beware : fstat files do not yield ind names
+ res at ind.names <- rep("",length(res at ind.names))
+ names(res at ind.names) <- rownames(res at tab)
+ res at call <- call
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
+ return(res)
+} # end read.fstat
+# Function read.genepop
+read.genepop <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE){
+ if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
+ if(toupper(.readExt(file)) != "GEN") stop("File extension .gen expected")
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from a Genepop .gen file to a genind object... \n\n")
+ prevcall <- match.call()
+ txt <- scan(file,sep="\n",what="character",quiet=TRUE)
+ if(!quiet) cat("\nFile description: ",txt[1], "\n")
+ txt <- txt[-1]
+ txt <- gsub("\t", " ", txt)
+ # two cases for locus names:
+ # 1) all on the same row, separated by ","
+ # 2) one per row
+ # ! spaces and tab allowed
+ # a bug was reported by S. Devillard, occuring
+ # when the two cases occur together,
+ # that is:
+ # loc1,
+ # loc2,
+ # ...
+ ### former version
+ #1
+ #if(length(grep(",",txt[1])) > 0){
+ # loc.names <- unlist(strsplit(txt[1],","))
+ # loc.names <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)","",loc.names)
+ # loc.names <- gsub("([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)$","",loc.names)
+ # nloc <- length(loc.names)
+ # txt <- txt[-1]
+ #} else { #2
+ # nloc <- min(grep("POP",toupper(txt)))-1
+ # loc.names <- txt[1:nloc]
+ # loc.names <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)","",loc.names)
+ # loc.names <- gsub("([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)$","",loc.names)
+ # txt <- txt[-(1:nloc)]
+ #}
+ # new strategy (shorter): isolate the 'locus names' part and then parse it.
+ locinfo.idx <- 1:(min(grep("POP",toupper(txt)))-1)
+ locinfo <- txt[locinfo.idx]
+ locinfo <- paste(locinfo,collapse=",")
+ loc.names <- unlist(strsplit(locinfo,"([,]|[\n])+"))
+ loc.names <- .rmspaces(loc.names)
+ nloc <- length(loc.names)
+ txt <- txt[-locinfo.idx]
+ # locus names have been retreived
+ # build the pop factor
+ # and correct the genotypes splited on more than 1 line
+ pop.idx <- grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt))
+ npop <- length(pop.idx)
+ # correction for splited genotype
+ # isolated by the absence of comma on a line not containing "pop"
+ nocomma <- which(! (1:length(txt)) %in% grep(",",txt))
+ splited <- nocomma[which(! nocomma %in% pop.idx)]
+ if(length(splited)>0){
+ for(i in sort(splited,dec=TRUE)){
+ txt[i-1] <- paste(txt[i-1],txt[i],sep=" ")
+ }
+ txt <- txt[-splited]
+ }
+ # end correction
+ # reevaluate pop index
+ pop.idx <- grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt))
+ txt[length(txt)+1] <- "POP"
+ nind.bypop <- diff(grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt)))-1
+ pop <- factor(rep(1:npop,nind.bypop))
+ txt <- txt[-c(pop.idx,length(txt))]
+ temp <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) strsplit(txt[i],","))
+ # temp is a list with nind elements, first being ind. name and 2nd, genotype
+ ind.names <- sapply(temp,function(e) e[1])
+ ind.names <- .rmspaces(ind.names)
+ # individuals' name are now clean
+ vec.genot <- sapply(temp,function(e) e[2])
+ vec.genot <- .rmspaces(vec.genot)
+ # X is a individual x locus genotypes matrix
+ X <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(vec.genot,"[[:space:]]+")),ncol=nloc,byrow=TRUE)
+ rownames(X) <- ind.names
+ colnames(X) <- loc.names
+ ## # correct X to fulfill the genetix format
+## f1 <- function(char){
+## paste("00", substr(char,1,1), "00", substr(char,2,2), sep="")
+## }
+## f2 <- function(char){
+## paste("0", substr(char,1,2), "0", substr(char,3,4), sep="")
+## }
+## if(all(nchar(X)==2)) {X <- apply(X,c(1,2),f1)}
+## if(all(nchar(X)==4)) {X <- apply(X,c(1,2),f2)}
+ # give right pop names
+ # beware: genepop takes the name of the last individual of a sample as this sample's name
+ pop.names.idx <- cumsum(table(pop))
+ pop.names <- ind.names[pop.names.idx]
+ levels(pop) <- pop.names
+ res <- df2genind(X=X,pop=pop,missing=missing, ploidy=2)
+ res at call <- prevcall
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
+ return(res)
+} # end read.genepop
+# Function read.structure
+read.structure <- function(file, n.ind=NULL, n.loc=NULL, onerowperind=FALSE, col.lab=NULL, col.pop=NULL, col.others=NULL, row.marknames=NULL, NA.char="-9", pop=NULL, missing=NA, ask=TRUE, quiet=FALSE){
+ if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
+ if(!toupper(.readExt(file)) %in% c("STR","STRU")) stop("File extension .stru expected")
+ ## set defaults for non optional arguments without default values
+ if(!ask){
+ if(is.null(col.lab)) col.lab <- 0
+ if(is.null(col.pop)) col.pop <- 0
+ if(is.null(row.marknames)) row.marknames <- 0
+ }
+ ## required questions
+ if(is.null(n.ind)){
+ cat("\n How many genotypes are there? ")
+ n.ind <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ if(is.null(n.loc)){
+ cat("\n How many markers are there? ")
+ n.loc <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ if(is.null(col.lab)){
+ cat("\n Which column contains labels for genotypes ('0' if absent)? ")
+ col.lab <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ if(is.null(col.pop)){
+ cat("\n Which column contains the population factor ('0' if absent)? ")
+ col.pop <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ if(is.null(col.others) & ask){
+ cat("\n Which other optional columns should be read (press 'return' when done)? ")
+ col.others <- scan(quiet=TRUE)
+ if(length(col.others) == 0) col.others <- NULL
+ }
+ if(is.null(row.marknames)){
+ cat("\n Which row contains the marker names ('0' if absent)? ")
+ row.marknames <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ if(is.null(onerowperind)){
+ cat("\n Use the option 'onerowperind' (y/n)? ")
+ onerowperind <- toupper(readLines(n = 1))
+ if(onerowperind == "Y") {
+ onerowperind <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ onerowperind <- FALSE
+ }
+ }
+ if(is.null(NA.char)){
+ cat("\n What is the code for missing data (default is '-9')? ")
+ NA.char <- as.character(readLines(n = 1))
+ }
+ # message to console
+ if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from a STRUCTURE .stru file to a genind object... \n\n")
+ # read the file
+ txt <- scan(file,sep="\n",what="character",quiet=TRUE)
+ # remove empty lines and spaces/tabs at the end of a line
+ temp <- grep("^[[:space:]]*$",txt)
+ if(length(temp) > 0) {
+ txt <- txt[-temp]
+ }
+ txt <- gsub("([[:blank:]]+)$","",txt)
+ ## isolate each useful component of the file
+ # matrix of data
+ if(onerowperind) {
+ n <- n.ind
+ p <- 2*n.loc
+ } else{
+ n <- 2*n.ind
+ p <- n.loc
+ }
+ lastline <- length(txt)
+ mat <- txt[(lastline-n+1):lastline]
+ mat <- t(as.data.frame(strsplit(mat,"[[:blank:]]+")))
+ rownames(mat) <- 1:n
+ gen <- mat[, (ncol(mat)-p+1):ncol(mat)]
+ # markers names
+ if(row.marknames != 0) {
+ loc.names <- .rmspaces(txt[row.marknames])
+ loc.names <- unlist(strsplit(loc.names,"[[:blank:]]+"))
+ } else {
+ loc.names <- .genlab("L",n.loc)
+ }
+ # genotypes labels
+ if(col.lab !=0) {
+ ind.names <- mat[, col.lab]
+ } else {
+ ind.names <- .genlab("",n.ind)
+ }
+ # population factor
+ if(col.pop !=0) {
+ pop <- factor(mat[, col.pop])
+ } else {
+ pop <- NULL
+ }
+ # other variables
+ if(!is.null(col.others)){
+ X.other <- mat[col.others]
+ }
+ ## transformations if onerowperind is FALSE
+ if(!onerowperind) {
+ temp <- seq(1,n,by=2)
+ ind.names <- ind.names[temp]
+ if(length(ind.names) < n.ind) warning("Duplicated identifier for genotypes")
+ pop <- pop[temp]
+ if(exists("X.other")) X.other <- X.other[temp]
+ ## make sur that all strings in gen have the same number of characters
+ ncode <- max(nchar(gen))
+ keepCheck <- any(nchar(gen) < ncode)
+ while(keepCheck){
+ mat0 <- matrix("", ncol=ncol(gen), nrow=nrow(gen))
+ mat0[nchar(gen) < ncode] <- "0"
+ gen <- matrix(paste(mat0, gen, sep=""), nrow=nrow(mat0))
+ keepCheck <- any(nchar(gen) < ncode)
+ }
+ # reorder matrix of genotypes
+ X <- t(sapply(temp, function(i) paste(gen[i,],gen[i+1,],sep="") ))
+ } else { # else of "if(!onerowperind)"
+ temp <- seq(1,p-1,by=2)
+ X <- paste(gen[,temp] , gen[,temp+1], sep="")
+ X <- matrix(X, nrow=n.ind)
+ }
+ # replace missing values by NAs
+ X <- gsub(NA.char,NA,X)
+ rownames(X) <- ind.names
+ colnames(X) <- loc.names
+ res <- df2genind(X=X,pop=pop,missing=missing, ploidy=2)
+ res at call <- match.call()
+ if(exists("X.other")) {res at other <- list(X=X.other)}
+ return(res)
+# Function import2genind
+import2genind <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE, ...){
+ if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
+ ext <- .readExt(file)
+ ext <- toupper(ext)
+ if(ext == "GTX")
+ return(read.genetix(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
+ if(ext == "DAT")
+ return(read.fstat(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
+ if(ext == "GEN")
+ return(read.genepop(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
+ if(ext %in% c("STR","STRU"))
+ return(read.structure(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet, ...))
+ # evaluated only if extension is not supported
+ cat("\n File format (",ext,") not supported.\n")
+ cat("\nSupported formats are:\nGENETIX (.gtx) \nFSTAT (.dat) \nGenepop (.gen)\n \nSTRUCTURE (.str)\n")
+ return(invisible())
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