[adegenet-commits] r102 - www/files

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Sat Apr 19 14:12:13 CEST 2008

Author: jombart
Date: 2008-04-19 14:12:13 +0200 (Sat, 19 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 102

Deleted some old files.

Deleted: www/files/TODO
--- www/files/TODO	2008-04-19 12:09:08 UTC (rev 101)
+++ www/files/TODO	2008-04-19 12:12:13 UTC (rev 102)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# adegenet TODO list
-# please list here all intended modifications
-# and all detected bugs
-# please add a "-- done" or "-- fixed" tag when
-# you achieved something
-# Inside a given section, priority goes decreasing.
-# Delete fixed things each new release.
-# T.J. 2008
-* genepop2genind: bug when both newlines and commas are used
-to separate loci in the header of the file -- fixed (TJ)
-* package conversion to S4 -- done (TJ)
-* !!! new("genind")$pop gives a really nasty thing - maybe a bug in methods -- was a bug in '$' operator -- fixed (TJ)
-* document df2genind -- done (TJ)
-* split documentation of read.[...] functions -- done (TJ)
-* document repool function -- done (TJ)
-* provide the list of the points crossed by a Monmonier's boundary -- done (PS)
-* read.structure code -- done (TJ)
-* read.structure doc -- done (TJ)
-* include new simulated datasets of sPCA -- done (TJ)
-* document new simulated datasets of sPCA -- done (TJ)
-* split read.genetix in: 
-   - a "true" read.genetix, similar to other read... functions  -- done (TJ)
-   - a "df2genind" which takes a matrix of char strings of lengths 2,4
-   or 6  -- done (TJ)
-* method to split a genind object, keeping only certain populations
-   - seppop  -- done (TJ)
-* implement a $[$ method for genind and genpop objects (and call it in
-   seppop)  -- done (TJ)
-* implement na.replace methods for genind and genpop objects (call it
-   in df2genind)  -- done (TJ)
-* repool function  -- done (TJ)
-* test hybridize example -- done (TJ)
-* in spca, when nfposi=0, the returned object actually contains what corresponds to nfposi=1. Comes from multispati in ade4. To correct.
-* use spcaIllus to illustrate global.rtest and local.rtest
-* import from geneticsBase or so
-* export to geneticsBase or so
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: www/files/coords.monmonier.R
--- www/files/coords.monmonier.R	2008-04-19 12:09:08 UTC (rev 101)
+++ www/files/coords.monmonier.R	2008-04-19 12:12:13 UTC (rev 102)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-coords.monmonier <- function(x){
-# require(adegenet) no longer use since in adegenet
-if (!inherits(x, "monmonier")) stop("Use only with 'monmonier' objects")
-xy.full <- x$xy
-n.points <- nrow(xy.full)
-k <- 1
-#cn list to cn matrix
-cn.matr <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n.points, ncol = n.points)
-for(i in 1:n.points){
-	eval <- is.element(c(1:n.points), x$cn[[i]])
-	cn.matr[i,which(eval == TRUE)] <- 1
-	}
-#halfway <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = (n.points^2-n.points)/2, ncol = 4)
-halfway <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = sum(cn.matr)/2, ncol = 4)
-colnames(halfway) <- c("x.hw","y.hw","first","second")
-for(first in 1:(n.points-1)){
-for(second in (first+1):n.points){
-	if(cn.matr[first,second] == 1){
-	halfway[k,] <- c(
-		(xy.full[first,1]+xy.full[second,1])/2,
-		(xy.full[first,2]+xy.full[second,2])/2,
-		first, second)
-	k <- k+1}
-	}}
-for(run in 1:x$nrun){
-	runname <- paste('run',run,sep='')
-	output[[runname]] <- list(dir1=list(),dir2=list())
-dir1.in <- x[[runname]]$dir1$path
-output[[runname]]$dir1 <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(dir1.in), ncol = 4)
-colnames(output[[runname]]$dir1) <- c("x.hw","y.hw","first","second")
-rownames(output[[runname]]$dir1) <- rownames(x[[runname]]$dir1$path)
-for(i in 1:nrow(dir1.in)){
-	eval.x <- is.element(halfway[,1], dir1.in[i,1])
-	eval.y <- is.element(halfway[,2], dir1.in[i,2])
-	output[[runname]]$dir1[i,] <- halfway[which(eval.x == TRUE & eval.y == TRUE),]
-	}
-dir2.in <- x[[runname]]$dir2$path
-output[[runname]]$dir2 <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(dir2.in), ncol = 4)
-colnames(output[[runname]]$dir2) <- c("x.hw","y.hw","first","second")
-rownames(output[[runname]]$dir2) <- rownames(x[[runname]]$dir2$path)
-for(i in 1:nrow(dir2.in)){
-	eval.x <- is.element(halfway[,1], dir2.in[i,1])
-	eval.y <- is.element(halfway[,2], dir2.in[i,2])
-	output[[runname]]$dir2[i,] <- halfway[which(eval.x == TRUE & eval.y == TRUE),]
-	}

Deleted: www/files/import.R
--- www/files/import.R	2008-04-19 12:09:08 UTC (rev 101)
+++ www/files/import.R	2008-04-19 12:12:13 UTC (rev 102)
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-# Fonctions designed to import files from other softwares
-# into genind objects
-# currently supported formats are :
-# .gtx (GENETIX)
-# .dat (Fstat)
-# .gen (Genepop)
-# Thibaut Jombart, avril 2006
-# jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
-# Function rmspaces
-# removes spaces and tab at the begining and the end of each element of charvec
-.rmspaces <- function(charvec){
-    charvec <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)","",charvec)
-    charvec <- gsub("([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)$","",charvec)
-    return(charvec)
-# Function genetix2genind
-# code based on previous ade4 functions
-genetix2genind <- function(file=NULL,X=NULL,pop=NULL,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE) {
-    if(is.null(X) == is.null(file)) stop("Either X or file must be provided")
-    if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from GENETIX to a genind object... \n")
-    if(!is.null(X)){
-      if(is.data.frame(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
-      if (!inherits(X, "matrix")) stop ("X is not a matrix")
-    }
-    # eventually read from file
-    if(!is.null(file)){
-      if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
-      if(toupper(substr(file,nchar(file)-2,nchar(file))) != "GTX") stop("File extension .gtx expected")
-      # retrieve first infos
-      nloc <- as.numeric(scan(file,nlines=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE)[1])
-      npop <- as.numeric(scan(file,nlines=1,skip=1,what="character",quiet=TRUE)[1])
-      txt <- scan(file,skip=2,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)
-      txt <- gsub("\t"," ",txt)
-      loc.names <- txt[seq(1,by=2,length=nloc)]
-      txt <- txt[-(1:(nloc*2))]
-      # retrieve populations infos
-      pop.names <- vector(mode="character",length=npop)
-      pop.nind <- vector(mode="integer",length=npop)
-      index <- 1
-      temp <- vector(mode="integer",length=npop)
-      for(i in 1:npop){
-        pop.names[i] <- txt[index]
-        pop.nind[i] <- as.numeric(txt[index+1])
-        temp[i] <- index
-        index <- index + pop.nind[i] + 2
-      }
-      pop.names <- .rmspaces(pop.names)
-      # retrieve genotypes infos
-      txt <- txt[-c(temp,temp+1)]
-      txt <- .rmspaces(txt)
-      txt <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) unlist(strsplit(txt[i],"([[:space:]]+)|([[:blank:]]+)")) )
-      X <- t(txt)
-      if(ncol(X) == (nloc+1)){
-        rownames(X) <- X[,1]
-        X <- X[,-1]
-      } else{
-        rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
-      }
-      colnames(X) <- loc.names
-      # make a factor "pop" if there is more than one population
-      pop <- factor(rep(pop.names,pop.nind))
-    } # end if(!is.null(file))
-    # now X exists whether file or X was provided by user
-    # make the result
-    res <- list()
-    n <- nrow(X)
-    # pop optionnelle
-    if(!is.null(pop)){
-      if(length(pop)!= n) stop("length of factor pop differs from nrow(X)")
-      pop <- as.factor(pop)
-    }
-    # fonction pour corriger les cas a 4 caracteres, eliminer les autres, remplacer les NA
-    checkcar <- function(cha) {
-        n <- nchar(cha)
-        if(n==6) return(cha)
-        if(is.na(cha) || cha=="0") return("000000")
-        if(n>6) stop(paste("data with more than 6 characters (",cha,")",sep=""))
-        if(n==4) return(paste("0",substr(cha,1,2),"0",substr(cha,3,4),sep=""))
-        if(n==2) return(paste("00",substr(cha,1,1),"00",substr(cha,2,2),sep=""))
-        if(n<6) stop(paste("\n",cha,"is not interpretable"))  
-     } # end checkcar
-    if(any(nchar(X)) != 6) {X <- apply(X,c(1,2),checkcar)}
-    # X contient a present seulement des données valides avec 6 caracteres
-    # Erase entierely non-typed loci
-    temp <- apply(X,2,function(c) all(c=="000000"))
-    X <- X[,!temp]
-    nloc <- ncol(X)
-    loc.names <- colnames(X)
-    # Erase entierely non-type individuals
-    temp <- apply(X,1,function(c) all(c=="000000"))
-    X <- X[!temp,]
-    pop <- pop[!temp]
-    n <- nrow(X)
-    ind.names <- rownames(X)
-    # note: if X is kept as a matrix, duplicate row names are no problem
-    enumallel <- function (x) {
-      w <- as.character(x)
-      w1 <- substr(w,1,3)
-      w2 <- substr(w,4,6)
-      w3 <- sort(unique (c(w1,w2)))
-      return(w3[w3!="000"])
-    }
-    loc.all <- lapply(1:ncol(X),function(i) enumallel(X[,i]))
-    names(loc.all) <- loc.names
-    # loc.all est une liste dont chaque element est un vecteur des alleles (ordonnes) d'un marqueur
-    temp <- lapply(1:nloc, function(i) matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=length(loc.all[[i]]),
-       dimnames=list(NULL,loc.all[[i]])) )
-    # note: keep rownames as NULL in case of duplicates
-    names(temp) <- loc.names
-    # temp est une liste dont chaque element est un tableau-marqueur (indiv x alleles)
-    # remplissage des tableaux
-    findall <- function(cha,loc.all){
-      if(cha=="000") return(NULL)
-      return(which(cha==loc.all))
-    }
-    for(i in 1:n){
-      for(j in 1:nloc){
-        all1pos <- findall(substr(X[i,j],1,3),loc.all[[j]])
-        temp[[j]][i,all1pos] <- temp[[j]][i,all1pos] + 0.5
-        all2pos <- findall(substr(X[i,j],4,6),loc.all[[j]])
-        temp[[j]][i,all2pos] <- temp[[j]][i,all2pos] + 0.5
-        if(is.null(c(all1pos,all2pos))) {temp[[j]][i,] <- NA}
-      }
-    }
-    # beware: colnames are wrong when there is only one allele in a locus
-    # right colnames are first generated
-    nall <- unlist(lapply(temp,ncol))
-    loc.rep <- rep(names(nall),nall)
-    col.lab <- paste(loc.rep,unlist(loc.all,use.names=FALSE),sep=".")
-    mat <- as.matrix(cbind.data.frame(temp))
-    colnames(mat) <- col.lab
-    rownames(mat) <- ind.names
-    if(!is.na(missing)){
-      if(missing==0) {mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0}
-      if(toupper(missing)=="MEAN") {
-        moy <- apply(mat,2,function(c) mean(c,na.rm=TRUE))
-        for(j in 1:ncol(mat)) {mat[,j][is.na(mat[,j])] <- moy[j]}
-      }
-    }
-    prevcall <- match.call()
-    res <- as.genind( tab=mat, pop=pop, prevcall=prevcall )
-    if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
-    return(res)
-} # end genetix2genind
-# Function fstat2genind
-fstat2genind <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE){
-  if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
-  if(toupper(substr(file,nchar(file)-2,nchar(file))) != "DAT") stop("File extension .dat expected")
-  if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from a FSTAT .dat file to a genind object... \n\n")
-  call <- match.call()
-  txt <- scan(file,what="character",sep="\n",quiet=TRUE)
-  txt <- gsub("\t"," ",txt)
-  # read first infos
-  info <- unlist(strsplit(txt[1],"([[:space:]]+)"))
-  # npop <- as.numeric(info[1]) ## no longer used
-  nloc <- as.numeric(info[2]) 
-  loc.names <- txt[2:(nloc+1)]
-  # build genotype matrix
-  txt <- txt[-(1:(nloc+1))]
-  txt <- .rmspaces(txt)
-  txt <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) unlist(strsplit(txt[i],"([[:space:]]+)|([[:blank:]]+)")) )
-  X <- t(txt)
-  pop <- factor(X[,1])
-  if(length(levels(pop)) == 1 ) pop <- NULL
-  X <- X[,-1]
-  colnames(X) <- loc.names
-  rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
-  res <- genetix2genind(X=X,pop=pop,missing=missing,quiet=TRUE)
-  # beware : fstat files do not yield ind names
-  res$ind.names <- rep("",length(res$ind.names))
-  names(res$ind.names) <- rownames(res$tab)
-  res$call <- call
-  if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
-  return(res)
-} # end fstat2genind
-# Function genepop2genind 
-genepop2genind <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE){
-  if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
-  if(toupper(substr(file,nchar(file)-2,nchar(file))) != "GEN") stop("File extension .gen expected")
-  if(!quiet) cat("\n Converting data from a Genepop .gen file to a genind object... \n\n")
-  prevcall <- match.call()
-  txt <- scan(file,sep="\n",what="character",quiet=TRUE)
-  if(!quiet) cat("\nFile description: ",txt[1], "\n")
-  txt <- txt[-1]
-  txt <- gsub("\t", " ", txt)
-  # two cases for locus names:
-  # 1) all on the same row, separated by ","
-  # 2) one per row
-  # ! spaces and tab allowed
-  # a bug was reported by S. Devillard, occuring
-  # when the two cases occur together,
-  # that is:
-  # loc1,
-  # loc2,
-  # ...
-  ### former version
-  #1
-  #if(length(grep(",",txt[1])) > 0){
-  #  loc.names <- unlist(strsplit(txt[1],","))
-  #  loc.names <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)","",loc.names)
-  #  loc.names <- gsub("([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)$","",loc.names)
-  #  nloc <- length(loc.names)
-  #  txt <- txt[-1]
-  #} else { #2
-  #  nloc <- min(grep("POP",toupper(txt)))-1
-  #  loc.names <- txt[1:nloc]
-  #  loc.names <- gsub("^([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)","",loc.names)
-  #  loc.names <- gsub("([[:blank:]]*)([[:space:]]*)$","",loc.names)
-  #  txt <- txt[-(1:nloc)]
-  #}
-  # new strategy (shorter): isolate the 'locus names' part and then parse it.
-  locinfo.idx <- 1:(min(grep("POP",toupper(txt)))-1)
-  locinfo <- txt[locinfo.idx]
-  locinfo <- paste(locinfo,collapse=",")
-  loc.names <- unlist(strsplit(locinfo,"([,]|[\n])+"))
-  loc.names <- .rmspaces(loc.names)
-  nloc <- length(loc.names)
-  txt <- txt[-locinfo.idx]
-  # locus names have been retreived  
-  # build the pop factor
-  # and correct the genotypes splited on more than 1 line
-  pop.idx <- grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt))
-  npop <- length(pop.idx)
-  # correction for splited genotype
-  # isolated by the absence of comma on a line not containing "pop"
-  nocomma <- which(! (1:length(txt)) %in% grep(",",txt))
-  splited <- nocomma[which(! nocomma %in% pop.idx)]
-  if(length(splited)>0){
-    for(i in sort(splited,dec=TRUE)){
-      txt[i-1] <- paste(txt[i-1],txt[i],sep=" ")
-    }
-    txt <- txt[-splited]
-  }
-  # end correction
-  # reevaluate pop index
-  pop.idx <- grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt))
-  txt[length(txt)+1] <- "POP"
-  nind.bypop <- diff(grep("^([[:space:]]*)POP([[:space:]]*)$",toupper(txt)))-1
-  pop <- factor(rep(1:npop,nind.bypop))
-  txt <- txt[-c(pop.idx,length(txt))]
-  temp <- sapply(1:length(txt),function(i) strsplit(txt[i],","))
-  # temp is a list with nind elements, first being ind. name and 2nd, genotype
-  ind.names <- sapply(temp,function(e) e[1])
-  ind.names <- .rmspaces(ind.names)
-  # individuals' name are now clean
-  vec.genot <- sapply(temp,function(e) e[2])
-  vec.genot <- .rmspaces(vec.genot)
-  # X is a individual x locus genotypes matrix
-  X <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(vec.genot,"[[:space:]]+")),ncol=nloc,byrow=TRUE)
-  rownames(X) <- ind.names
-  colnames(X) <- loc.names
-  # correct X to fulfill the genetix format
-  f1 <- function(char){
-    paste("00", substr(char,1,1), "00", substr(char,2,2), sep="")
-  }
-  f2 <- function(char){
-    paste("0", substr(char,1,2), "0", substr(char,3,4), sep="")
-  }
-  if(all(nchar(X)==2)) {X <- apply(X,c(1,2),f1)}
-  if(all(nchar(X)==4)) {X <- apply(X,c(1,2),f2)}
-  # give right pop names
-  # beware: genepop takes the name of the last individual of a sample as this sample's name
-  pop.names.idx <- cumsum(table(pop))
-  pop.names <- ind.names[pop.names.idx]
-  levels(pop) <- pop.names
-  res <- genetix2genind(X=X,pop=pop,missing=missing,quiet=TRUE)
-  res$call <- prevcall
-  if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
-  return(res)
-} # end genepop2genind
-# Function import2genind
-import2genind <- function(file,missing=NA,quiet=FALSE){
-  if(!file.exists(file)) stop("Specified file does not exist.")
-  ext <- toupper(substr(file,nchar(file)-2,nchar(file)))
-  if(ext == "GTX")
-    return(genetix2genind(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
-  if(ext == "DAT")
-    return(fstat2genind(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
-  if(ext == "GEN")
-    return(genepop2genind(file,missing=missing,quiet=quiet))
-  # evaluated only if extension is not supported
-  cat("\n File format (",ext,") not supported.\n")
-  cat("\nSupported formats are:\nGENETIX (.gtx) \nFSTAT (.dat) \nGenepop (.gen)\n")
-  return(invisible())    

Deleted: www/files/monmonier.R
--- www/files/monmonier.R	2008-04-19 12:09:08 UTC (rev 101)
+++ www/files/monmonier.R	2008-04-19 12:12:13 UTC (rev 102)
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# Algorithm to detect boundaries, based on Monmonier's algorithm
-# Extended to any connection network 
-# Thibaut Jombart 2006-2007 (jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr)
-# function monmonier
-monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,threshold=NULL,nrun=1,skip.local.diff=rep(0,nrun),scanthres=is.null(threshold)){
-if(!require(spdep) & !require(ade4)) stop("The package spdep is required but not installed")
-if(!inherits(cn,"nb")) stop('cn is not a nb object')
-if(is.data.frame(xy)) xy <- as.matrix(xy)
-if(!is.matrix(xy)) stop('xy must be a matrix')
-if(!inherits(dist,"dist")) stop('Argument \'dist\' must be a distance matrix of class dist')
-if(nrow(xy) != nrow(as.matrix(dist))) stop('Number of sites and number of observations differ')
-# precision des coordonnees xy (nb chiffres apres virgule)
-# ne pas dépasser 10 !
-# conversion cn
-cn.nb <- cn
-cn <- nb2neig(cn)
-# calcul matrice voisinage
-M <- neig2mat(cn)
-# matrice de distance D
-D <- as.matrix(dist)
-# matrice des distances entre voisins, D
-D <- M*D
-# mettre la valeur seuil, par expl la médiane des différences entre voisins.
-if(is.null(threshold) || threshold<0) {Dlim <- summary(unique(D[D>0]))[5]} else {Dlim <- threshold}
-  barplot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances barplot")
-  abline(h=Dlim,lty=2)
-  mtext("Dashed line indicates present threshold")
-  cat("Indicate the threshold (\'d\' for default): ")
-  temp <- as.character(readLines(n = 1))
-  if(toupper(temp)!="D") { Dlim <- as.numeric(temp) }
-# faire liste des coord des points voisins, data.frame avec comme colonnes : x1 y1 x2 y2.
-listCpl <- neig.util.GtoL(neig2mat(cn))
-allSeg <- cbind(xy[,1][listCpl[,1]] , xy[,2][listCpl[,1]] , xy[,1][listCpl[,2]] , xy[,2][listCpl[,2]])
-colnames(allSeg) <- c('xP','yP','xQ','yQ')
-# retourne la valeur d'une différence selon le rang (ordre décroissant) et les numéros des points correspondants
-# et retourne les coord du milieu M d'un segment AB.
-getNext <- function(D,rang){
-	val <- unique(sort(D,decreasing=TRUE))[rang]
-	A <- which(D==val,TRUE)[1,1]
-	B <- which(D==val,TRUE)[1,2]
-	xA <- xy[A,1]
-	yA <- xy[A,2]
-	xB <- xy[B,1]
-	yB <- xy[B,2]
-	xM <- (xA + xB)/2
-	yM <- (yA + yB)/2
-	return( list(A=c(A,xA,yA), B=c(B,xB,yB), M=c(xM,yM), val=val) )
-## retourne FALSE si on croise avec une arrete, sinon TRUE
-# M et N definissent le segment d'interet
-# segMat est la matrice des segments connus (arretes)
-# AB est le segment de milieu M ; on le donne pour enlever la comparaison MN vs AB
-# CD est le segment de milieu N ; on le donne pour enlever la comparaison MN vs CD
-checkNext <- function(M,N,A,B,C,D,segMat=allSeg){
-        # orientation du segment MN
-	xmin <- min(M[1],N[1])
-	xmax <- max(M[1],N[1])
-	ymin <- min(M[2],N[2])
-	ymax <- max(M[2],N[2])
-        # A partir d'ici on élimine des comparaisons inutiles et/ou sources de problèmes
-        # Faire attention à toujours garder subsetSeg en tant que matrice
-        # il faut éliminer le segment qui vient d'être tracé, des fois que les comparaisons XY vs XZ renvoient un code d'intersection ordinaire.
-        subsetSeg <- segMat[-nrow(segMat),]
-        subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg,ncol=4) # coerce to matrix, even if 0 rows
-        # subsetSeg est une matrice dont chaque ligne est un segment : xP,yP,xQ,yQ
-        # on elimine les segments totalement hors du carre de diagonale MN
-	subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg[!(subsetSeg[,1] < xmin & subsetSeg[,3] < xmin),] ,ncol=4)
-	subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg[!(subsetSeg[,1] > xmax & subsetSeg[,3] > xmax),] ,ncol=4)
-	subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg[!(subsetSeg[,2] < ymin & subsetSeg[,4] < ymin),] ,ncol=4)
-	subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg[!(subsetSeg[,2] > ymax & subsetSeg[,4] > ymax),] ,ncol=4)
-        # ntemp est le nombre de ligne de subsetSeg a ce stade
-        # a partir d'ici, on va eliminer AB et CD ; donc si ntemp <= 2, pas la peine de continuer
-        ntemp <- nrow(subsetSeg)
-        if(ntemp <= 2) return(TRUE)
-        # on elimine le segment AB dont le milieu est N (code 2 litigieux)
-        # il faut le retrouver dans la liste des segments
-        # on compare pour se faire les coordonnees, arrondies puisqu'en double
-        # il faut aussi savoir ou sont A et B (en premier ou deuxieme) dans le tableau
-        AB <- c(A,B)
-        temp <- apply(subsetSeg,1,function(r) all(round(r,PRECISION)==round(AB,PRECISION)) )
-        if(!any(temp)) {
-          AB <- c(B,A)
-          temp <- apply(subsetSeg,1,function(r) all(round(r,PRECISION)==round(AB,PRECISION)) )
-        }
-        if(!any(temp)) {
-          # This warning is no longer useful. Commented.   
-          # warning("Failed to avoid middle-segment comparaison. Wrong path is likely to result.")
-        } else{ subsetSeg <- subsetSeg[-which(temp),] }
-        # idem pour CD, qu'il faut enlever      
-        CD <- c(C,D)
-        temp <- apply(subsetSeg,1,function(r) all(round(r,PRECISION)==round(CD,PRECISION)) )
-        if(!any(temp)) {
-          CD <- c(D,C)
-          temp <- apply(subsetSeg,1,function(r) all(round(r,PRECISION)==round(CD,PRECISION)) )
-        }
-        if(!any(temp)) {
-          # This warning is no longer useful. Commented.    
-          # warning("Failed to avoid middle-segment comparaison. Wrong path is likely to result.")}
-        } else{ subsetSeg <- subsetSeg[-which(temp),] }
-        # temp utilisé pour la réponse (ecrase l'ancien), initialisé à 10
-	temp <- as.integer(10)
-        # version utilisant monmonier-utils.C
-        # evalue seulement si il y a des comparaisons a faire
-        # attention : si ntemp=3 (avant de virer AB et CD), alors ici subsetSeg n'est plus une matrice, mais un vecteur
-        if(ntemp == 3) {subsetSeg <- matrix(subsetSeg,ncol=4)}
-        if(nrow(subsetSeg)>0) {
-          temp <- .C("CheckAllSeg",as.integer(nrow(subsetSeg)),as.integer(ncol(subsetSeg)),
-          as.double(as.matrix(subsetSeg)), as.double(M), as.double(N), temp,PACKAGE="adegenet")[[6]]
-        } else {temp <- 0}
-	# chargement de la fonction C (a commenter une fois dans ade4)
-	#dyn.load('monmonier-utils.so') !!! marche pas, besoin de taballoc
-	# si 1 (au moins une intersection) est retourné, on retourne FALSE, TRUE dans tous les autres cas.
-        # on ajoute un controle
-        if(temp==10) stop("CheckAllSeg failure (returned value=10, i.e. unchanged, not computed). Please report the bug.")
-        if(temp==1) return(FALSE) else return(TRUE)
-# création de l'objet result
-# c'est une liste ayant une liste de résultats par run
-result <-list()
-for(run in 1:nrun){
-	result[[run]] <- list(dir1=list(),dir2=list())
-# initialiser en trouvant la plus grande différence entre voisin
-# puis tracer le chemin en fonction du premier point
-# se fait en prenant la plus grande différence pour le run 1, la seconde pour le 2, etc.
-for(run in 1:nrun){
-        ## dir 1 ##
-        # on retire éventuellement les différences locales qui piegent l'algorithme (argument skip)
-	# ces valeurs sont retirées de facon irrémédiables (mises à -1)
-	if(skip.local.diff[run] >0) 
-		for(i in 1:skip.local.diff[run]){
-			temp <- getNext(D,1)
-			D[temp$A[1],temp$B[1] ] <- -1
-			D[temp$B[1],temp$A[1] ] <- -1
-		}
-	# initialisation
-	temp <- getNext(D,1)
-        firstPoint <- temp
-	if(temp$val<=Dlim) stop(paste('Algorithm reached the threshold value at the first step of run',run))
-	result[[run]]$dir1[[1]] <- temp
-	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1
-	D[result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1
-	### fonction principale
-	# i est l'indice du résultat, s est l'indice de rang de la différence entre voisin (ordre decroissant)
-	i <- 1
-	s <- 1
-	while(temp$val>Dlim){
-          temp <- getNext(D,s) 
-		if( (checkNext(result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$M,
-                               temp$M,
-                               result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$A[2:3],
-                               result[[run]]$dir1[[length(result[[run]]$dir1)]]$B[2:3],
-                               temp$A[2:3],
-                               temp$B[2:3])) & (temp$val>Dlim)){
-			i <- i+1
-			result[[run]]$dir1[[i]] <- temp
-                        # mise à jour matrice des différences
-			D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$B[1]] <- -1
-			D[result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$A[1]] <- -1
-			s <- 1
-			# mise a jour des segments
-			allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir1[[i-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$M) ) 
-		} else{ s <- s+1 }
-	} # end dir 1 pour un run donne
-        ## dir 2 ##
-        temp <- firstPoint
-        result[[run]]$dir2[[1]] <- temp
-        D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1]] <- -1
-        D[result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[1]]$A[1]] <- -1
-        # i est l'indice du résultat, s est l'indice de rang de la différence entre voisin (ordre decroissant)
-        i <- 1
-        s <- 1
-        while(temp$val>Dlim){
-	  temp <- getNext(D,s)
-          if( checkNext(result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$M,
-                        temp$M,
-                        result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$A[2:3],
-                        result[[run]]$dir2[[length(result[[run]]$dir2)]]$B[2:3],
-                        temp$A[2:3],
-                        temp$B[2:3]) & (temp$val>Dlim)){
-		   i <- i+1
-                   result[[run]]$dir2[[i]] <- temp
-                   D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1]] <- -1
-                   D[result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$B[1],result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$A[1]] <- -1
-                   s <- 1
-                   # mise a jour des segments
-                   allSeg <- rbind(allSeg,c(result[[run]]$dir2[[i-1]]$M,result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$M) )		
-          } else{ s <- s+1 }        
-              } # end dir2 for a given run
-} # end for all run
-# mise en forme de l'output
-# c'est une liste de la classe monmonier
-# chaque élément correspond à un run, donc à une "frontière" potentielle.
-# l'objet contient aussi le nombre de runs ($nrun) et son propre appel ($call).
-for(run in 1:nrun){
-	runname <- paste('run',run,sep='')
-	output[[runname]] <- list(dir1=list(),dir2=list())
-	# dir 1 #
-	output[[runname]]$dir1$path <- matrix(-1, ncol=2,nrow=length(result[[run]]$dir1))
-	colnames(output[[runname]]$dir1$path) <- c('x','y')
-	rownames(output[[runname]]$dir1$path) <- paste('Point',1:nrow(output[[run]]$dir1$path),sep='_')
-	for(i in 1:length(result[[run]]$dir1)) {
-		output[[runname]]$dir1$path[i,] <- result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$M
-		output[[runname]]$dir1$values[i] <- result[[run]]$dir1[[i]]$val
-	}
-        # dir 2 #
-	output[[runname]]$dir2$path <- matrix(-1, ncol=2,nrow=length(result[[run]]$dir2))
-	colnames(output[[runname]]$dir2$path) <- c('x','y')
-	rownames(output[[runname]]$dir2$path) <- paste('Point',1:nrow(output[[run]]$dir2$path),sep='_')
-        for(i in 1:length(result[[run]]$dir2)) {
-		output[[runname]]$dir2$path[i,] <- result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$M
-		output[[runname]]$dir2$values[i] <- result[[run]]$dir2[[i]]$val
-	}
-output$nrun <- nrun
-output$threshold <- Dlim
-output$xy <- xy
-output$cn <- cn.nb
-output$call <- match.call()
-class(output) <- 'monmonier'
-# function plot.monmonier 
-plot.monmonier <- function(x, variable=NULL,displayed.runs=1:x$nrun,
-                           add.arrows=TRUE, col='blue',lty=1,bwd=4, clegend=1,csize=0.7,
-                           method = c('squaresize','greylevel'),sub='',csub=1,possub='topleft',
-                           cneig=1,pixmap=NULL,contour=NULL,area=NULL,add.plot=FALSE,...){
-if (!inherits(x, "monmonier")) stop("Use only with 'monmonier' objects")
-if(!is.null(variable) & !is.numeric(variable)) stop('If provided, variable must be numeric.\n')
-call <- as.list(x$call)
-xy <- x$xy
-if(cneig>0) {neig <- nb2neig(x$cn)} else {neig <- NULL}
-	variable <- rep(1,nrow(xy))
-	csize <- 0
-	cpoint <- 1
-	clegend <- 0
-        cneig=cneig,clegend=clegend,csize=csize,cpoint=0,pch=20,pixmap=pixmap,
-        method=method,sub=sub,csub=csub,possub=possub,add.plot=add.plot)
-opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
-for(run in displayed.runs){
-        obj <- x[[run]]
-	if(length(col)!=x$nrun) col <- rep(col,x$nrun)
-	if(length(lty)!=x$nrun) lty <- rep(lty,x$nrun)
-	if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 0) stop(paste('Monmonier object of run', run, 'is empty (no point in the path)\n'))
-	if(length(obj$dir1$values) == 1) points(obj$dir1$path[1],obj$dir1$path[2],pch=20,col=col[run],...)
-	else{
-	# ceci gere l'épaisseur des lignes
-	# la ligne la plus large correspond à la plus grande différence entre deux points
-        # comme les deux directions sont gérées séparemment, il en va de meme pour l'epaisseur
-        val.1 <- obj$dir1$values
-        val.2 <- obj$dir2$values
-        n1 <- length(val.1)
-        n2 <- length(val.2)
-        cex.bwd.1 <- ( val.1[1:(n1-1)] + val.1[2:n1] )/2
-        cex.bwd.2 <- ( val.2[1:(n2-1)] + val.2[2:n2] )/2
-        cex.bwd.1 <- cex.bwd.1/max(cex.bwd.1)
-        cex.bwd.2 <- cex.bwd.2/max(cex.bwd.2)
-		if(add.arrows) {
-                  arrows(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
-                         obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
-                         obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
-                         obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
-                         lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                  if(n2>1) arrows(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
-                                  obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
-                                  lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,angle=20,length=0.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                } else {
-                  segments(obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),1],
-                           obj$dir1$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir1$path)-1),2],
-                           obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),1],
-                           obj$dir1$path[2:nrow(obj$dir1$path),2],
-                           lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.1,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                  if(n2>1)segments(obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),1],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[1:(nrow(obj$dir2$path)-1),2],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),1],
-                                   obj$dir2$path[2:nrow(obj$dir2$path),2],
-                                   lwd=bwd*cex.bwd.2,col=col[run],lty=lty[run],...)
-                }
-	} # end else
-} # end for
-} # end function
-# print function 
-print.monmonier <- function(x, ...){
-cat("\t\n# List of paths of maximum differences between neighbours #")
-cat("\t\n#           Using a Monmonier based algorithm             #")
-cat('\n      # Object content #')
-cat("\nClass: ", class(x))
-cat('\n$nrun (number of successive runs): ', x$nrun)
-cat('\n$run1: run of the algorithm')
-else if(x$nrun==2)
-cat('\n$run1, $run2: runs of the algorithm')
-else cat('\n$run1 ... $run',x$nrun, ': runs of the algorithm',sep='')
-cat('\n$threshold (minimum difference between neighbours): ', x$threshold)
-cat("\n$xy: spatial coordinates")
-cat("\n$cn: connection network")
-cat('\n\n      # Runs content #')
-for(i in 1:x$nrun){
-	cat('\n# Run',i)
-        # dir 1 #
-        cat('\n# First direction')
-        cat('\nClass: ', class(x$run1$dir1))
-	cat('\n$path:\n')
-	print(head(x[[i]]$dir1$path,n=3))
-	if(nrow(x[[i]]$dir1$path) >3) cat('...\n')
-	cat('\n$values:\n',head(x[[i]]$dir1$values,n=3))
-	if(length(x[[i]]$dir1$values)>3) cat(' ...')
-        # dir 2 #
-        cat('\n# Second direction')
-        cat('\nClass: ', class(x$run1$dir2))
-	cat('\n$path:\n')
-	print(head(x[[i]]$dir2$path,n=3))
-	if(nrow(x[[i]]$dir2$path) >3) cat('...\n')
-	cat('\n$values:\n',head(x[[i]]$dir2$values,n=3))
-	if(length(x[[i]]$dir2$values)>3) cat(' ...')
-	cat('\n')
-	lenTheo <- x$nrun + 5
-	if(length(names(x))> lenTheo) {
-		cat('Other elements: \n')
-		cat(names(x)[(lenTheo+1) : length(x)])
-		}
-	cat('\n')
-	}
-# function optimize.monmonier 
-optimize.monmonier <- function(xy,dist,cn,ntry=10,return.best=TRUE, 
-                               display.graph=TRUE,threshold=NULL,scanthres=is.null(threshold)){
-# a deplacer dans les arguments si on veut permettre l'optimisation sur un objet existant
-X <- NULL
-#if( any(is.null(xy), is.null(dist),  is.null(cn)) & is.null(X) ) stop("Please provide either xy, dist and cn or a monmonier object (X)")
-# si X est un objet monmonier
-  obj <- as.list(X$call)
-  xy <- obj$xy
-  dist <- obj$dist
-  cn <- obj$cn
-cn.nb <- cn
-cn <- nb2neig(cn)
-M <- neig2mat(cn)
-D <- as.matrix(dist)
-D <- M*D
-if(is.null(threshold) || (threshold<0)) {Dlim <- summary(unique(D[D>0]))[5]} else {Dlim <- threshold}
-  barplot(sort(unique(D)[unique(D) > 0],dec=TRUE),main="Local distances barplot")
-  abline(h=Dlim,lty=2)
-  mtext("Dashed line indicates present threshold")
-  cat("Indicate the threshold (\'d\' for default): ")
-  temp <- as.character(readLines(n = 1))
-  if(toupper(temp)!="D") { Dlim <- as.numeric(temp) }
-# série de tests
-cat(paste("Boundaries computed (required: ",ntry,")\n",sep=""))
-# boucle for obligée pour utiliser aussi pour le cat
-tests <- list()
-for(i in 0:(ntry-1)){
-  tests[[i+1]] <- monmonier(xy, dist, cn.nb,skip=i,scanthres=FALSE,threshold=Dlim)
-  cat(paste(1+i," "))
-bdr.values <- sapply(1:ntry,function(i) sum(c(tests[[i]]$run1$dir1$values,tests[[i]]$run1$dir2$values)) )
-# représentation graphique
-if(display.graph) barplot(bdr.values,xlab="Local differences skipped",ylab="Sum of all local differences",names.arg=0:(ntry-1))
-# retour de la valeur optimale ou de l'objet correspondant
-val <- which.max(bdr.values)-1
-if(!return.best) {
-  return(val)
-  } else {
-    cat(paste("\nOptimal number of skipped local differences: ",val,"\n"))
-    call <- as.list(match.call())
-    exp <- bquote( monmonier(xy=.(call$xy),dist=.(call$dist),cn=.(call$cn),skip=.(val),scan=FALSE,thres=.(Dlim)) )
-    return(eval(exp))
-    }

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