[Yuima-commits] r10 - in pkg/yuima: . R man

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Wed Oct 28 12:08:37 CET 2009

Author: hinohide
Date: 2009-10-28 12:08:28 +0100 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 10

add limiting gamma function

Modified: pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2009-10-28 10:20:11 UTC (rev 9)
+++ pkg/yuima/DESCRIPTION	2009-10-28 11:08:28 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: yuima
 Type: Package
 Title: The YUIMA Project package
-Version: 0.0.67
+Version: 0.0.68
 Date: 2009-10-28
 Depends: methods, zoo
 Author: Yuima project team.

Modified: pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2009-10-28 10:20:11 UTC (rev 9)
+++ pkg/yuima/NAMESPACE	2009-10-28 11:08:28 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
-             # "start",
+              ## "start",
-             # "time",
-             # "end",
+              ## "time",
+              ## "end",
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@
-			  "ql",
-			  "rql",
-			  "ml.ql",
-              "adaBayes"
+              "ql",
+              "rql",
+              "ml.ql",
+              "adaBayes",
+              "limiting.gamma"
 ## function which we want to expose to the user
@@ -58,4 +59,5 @@
-export(rIG, rNIG, rbgamma, rngamma, rstable) ##:: random number generator for Inverse Gaussian
\ No newline at end of file
+export(rIG, rNIG, rbgamma, rngamma, rstable) ##:: random number generator for Inverse Gaussian

Added: pkg/yuima/R/limiting.gamma.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/limiting.gamma.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/limiting.gamma.R	2009-10-28 11:08:28 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+           function(obj, theta, verbose=FALSE)
+           standardGeneric("limiting.gamma")
+           )
+setMethod("limiting.gamma", "yuima",
+          function(obj, theta, verbose=FALSE){
+            limiting.gamma(obj at model, theta, verbose=verbose)
+          })
+setMethod("limiting.gamma", "yuima.model",
+          function(obj, theta, verbose=FALSE){
+            ## error check 1
+            if(missing(obj)){
+              stop("main object is missing.")
+            }
+            if(missing(theta)){
+              stop("theta is missing.")
+            }
+            if(is.list(theta)==FALSE){
+              stop("theta required list.\ntheta <- list(theta1, theta2)")
+            }
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("initialize ... ")
+            }
+            r.size <- obj at noise.number
+            d.size <- obj at equation.number
+            state <- obj at state.variable
+            THETA.1 <- obj at parameter@diffusion
+            THETA.2 <- obj at parameter@drift
+            mi.size <- c(length(THETA.1), length(THETA.2))
+            ## error check 2
+            if(d.size!=1){
+              stop("this program is 1-dimention yuima limitation.")
+            }
+            if(mi.size[1]!=length(theta[[1]])){
+              stop("the length of m1 and theta1 is different.")
+            }
+            if(mi.size[2]!=length(theta[[2]])){
+              stop("the length of m2 and theta2 is different.")
+            }
+            Differentiation.vector <- function(myfunc, mystate, dim1, dim2){
+              tmp <- vector(dim1*dim2, mode="expression")
+              for(i in 1:dim1){
+                for(j in 1:dim2){
+                  tmp[(i-1)*dim2+j] <- parse(text=deparse(D(myfunc[i], mystate[j])))
+                }
+              }
+              return(tmp)
+            }
+            Differentiation.scalar <- function(myfunc, mystate, dim){
+              tmp <- vector(dim, mode="expression")
+              for(i in 1:dim){
+                tmp[i] <- parse(text=deparse(D(myfunc[i], mystate)))
+              }
+              return(tmp)
+            }
+            ## assign theta
+            for(i in 1:mi.size[1]){
+              assign(THETA.1[i], theta[[1]][i])
+            }
+            for(i in 1:mi.size[2]){
+              assign(THETA.2[i], theta[[2]][i])
+            }            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("done\n")
+            }            
+            ## p(x)            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("get C ... ")
+            }
+            ## a part of p(x) function  
+            tmp.y <- function(x.arg){
+              assign(obj at state.variable, x.arg)
+              a.eval <- eval(obj at drift)
+              b.eval <- numeric(d.size)
+              for(i in 1:d.size){
+                b.eval[i] <- eval(obj at diffusion[[1]][i])
+              }
+              return(2*a.eval/as.double(t(b.eval)%*%b.eval))
+            }
+            ## a part of p(x) function for integrate 
+            integrate.tmp.y <- function(x.arg){
+              tmp <- numeric(length(x.arg))
+              for(i in 1:length(x.arg)){
+                tmp[i]<-tmp.y(x.arg[i])
+              }
+              return(tmp)
+            }
+            ## p(x) function without normalize const C 
+            p0.x <- function(x.arg){
+              assign(obj at state.variable, x.arg)
+              b.eval <- numeric(d.size)
+              for(i in 1:d.size){
+                b.eval[i] <- eval(obj at diffusion[[1]][i])
+              }
+              return(exp(as.double(integrate(integrate.tmp.y, 0, x.arg)$value))/as.double(t(b.eval)%*%b.eval))
+            }
+            ## p0.x function for integrate
+            integrate.p0.x <- function(x.arg){
+              tmp <- numeric(length(x.arg))
+              for(i in 1:length(x.arg)){
+                tmp[i]<-p0.x(x.arg[i])
+              }
+              return(tmp)
+            }
+            ## normalize const
+            C <- 1/integrate(integrate.p0.x, -Inf, Inf)$value            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("done\n")
+            }
+            ## gamma1            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("get gamma1 ... ")
+            }
+            counter.gamma1 <- 1
+            ## gamma1 function
+            get.gamma1 <- function(x.arg){
+              assign(obj at state.variable, x.arg)
+              b.eval <- numeric(d.size)
+              for(i in 1:d.size){
+                b.eval[i] <- eval(obj at diffusion[[1]][i])
+              }
+              Bi <- solve(t(b.eval)%*%b.eval)
+              dTHETA.1.B <- array(0,c(d.size, d.size, mi.size[1]))
+              tmp1.B <- array(0, c(d.size, d.size, mi.size[1]))
+              tmp2.B <- numeric(mi.size[1])
+              for(k in 1:mi.size[1]){
+                dTHETA.1.b <- Differentiation.scalar(obj at diffusion[[1]], THETA.1[k], d.size)
+                dTHETA.1.b.eval <- numeric(d.size)
+                for(i in 1:d.size){
+                  dTHETA.1.b.eval[i] <- eval(dTHETA.1.b[i])
+                }
+                tmp <- b.eval%*%t(dTHETA.1.b.eval)
+                dTHETA.1.B[, , k] <- tmp+t(tmp)
+                tmp1.B[, , k] <- dTHETA.1.B[, , k]%*%Bi
+                tmp2.B[k] <- tmp1.B[, , k]  #sum(diag(tmp1.B[,,k])) 1-dimention limitation
+              }
+              tmp <- tmp2.B %*% t(tmp2.B) * p0.x(x.arg)
+              return(tmp[((counter.gamma1-1)%%mi.size[1])+1, ((counter.gamma1-1)%/%mi.size[1])+1])
+            }
+            ## gamma1 function for integrate
+            integrate.get.gamma1 <- function(x.arg){
+              tmp <- numeric(length(x.arg))
+              for(i in 1:length(x.arg)){
+                tmp[i] <- get.gamma1(x.arg[i])
+              }
+              return(tmp*C/2)
+            }
+            ## calculating gamma1
+            gamma1 <- matrix(0, mi.size[1], mi.size[1])
+            for(i in 1:(mi.size[1]*mi.size[1])){
+              gamma1[((i-1)%%mi.size[1])+1,((i-1)%/%mi.size[1])+1] <- integrate(integrate.get.gamma1, -Inf, Inf)$value
+              counter.gamma1 <- counter.gamma1+1
+            }            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("done\n")
+            }
+            ## gamma2            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("get gamma2 ... ")
+            }
+            counter.gamma2 <- 1
+            ## gamma2 function
+            get.gamma2 <- function(x.arg){
+              assign(obj at state.variable, x.arg)
+              if(mi.size[2]==1){
+                dTHETA.2.a <- Differentiation.scalar(obj at drift, THETA.2, d.size)
+              }else{
+                dTHETA.2.a <- Differentiation.vector(obj at drift, THETA.2, d.size, mi.size[2])
+              }
+              dTHETA.2.a.eval <- numeric(mi.size[2])
+              for(i in 1:mi.size[2]){
+                dTHETA.2.a.eval[i] <- eval(dTHETA.2.a[i])
+              }
+              b.eval <- numeric(d.size)
+              for(i in 1:d.size){
+                b.eval[i] <- eval(obj at diffusion[[1]][i])
+              }
+              Bi <- solve(t(b.eval)%*%b.eval)
+              tmp <- dTHETA.2.a.eval %*% Bi %*% t(dTHETA.2.a.eval) * p0.x(x.arg)
+              return(tmp[((counter.gamma2-1)%%mi.size[2])+1, ((counter.gamma2-1)%/%mi.size[2])+1])
+            }
+            ## gamma2 function for intefrate
+            integrate.get.gamma2 <- function(x.arg){
+              tmp <- numeric(length(x.arg))
+              for(i in 1:length(x.arg)){
+                tmp[i]<-get.gamma2(x.arg[i])
+              }
+              return(tmp*C)
+            }
+            ## calculating gamma2
+            gamma2 <- matrix(0, mi.size[2], mi.size[2])
+            for(i in 1:(mi.size[2]*mi.size[2])){
+              gamma2[((i-1)%%mi.size[2])+1, ((i-1)%/%mi.size[2])+1] <- integrate(integrate.get.gamma2, -Inf, Inf)$value
+              counter.gamma2 <- counter.gamma2+1
+            }            
+            if(verbose){
+              cat("done\n")
+            }
+            ## make list for return 
+            poi1 <- list(gamma1, gamma2)
+            names(poi1) <- c("gamma1", "gamma2")
+            poi2 <- append(gamma1, gamma2)            
+            ret <- list(poi1, poi2)
+            names(ret) <- c("list", "vec")
+            return(ret)
+          })

Modified: pkg/yuima/R/quasi-likelihood.R
--- pkg/yuima/R/quasi-likelihood.R	2009-10-28 10:20:11 UTC (rev 9)
+++ pkg/yuima/R/quasi-likelihood.R	2009-10-28 11:08:28 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -1,39 +1,11 @@
-# quasi-likelihood function
+##::quasi-likelihood function
-# extract diffusion term from yuima
-#para: parameter of diffusion term (theta1)
-"calc.diffusion" <- function(yuima,para){
+##::extract drift term from yuima
+##::para: parameter of drift term (theta2)
+"calc.drift" <- function(yuima, para){
   r.size <- yuima at model@noise.number
   d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
   modelstate <- yuima at model@state.variable
-  modelpara <- yuima at model@parameter at diffusion
-  DIFFUSION <- yuima at model@diffusion
-  division <- length(yuima)[1]
-  diff <- array(0,dim=c(d.size,r.size,division))
-  X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
-  for(i in 1:length(modelpara)){
-    assign(modelpara[i],para[i])
-  }
-  for(r in 1:r.size){
-    for(t in 1:division){
-      Xt <- X[t,]
-      for(d in 1:d.size){
-        assign(modelstate[d],Xt[d])
-      }
-      for(d in 1:d.size){
-        diff[d,r,t] <- eval(DIFFUSION[[d]][r])
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return(diff)
-#extract drift term from yuima
-#para: parameter of drift term (theta2)
-"calc.drift" <- function(yuima,para){
-  r.size <- yuima at model@noise.number
-  d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
-  modelstate <- yuima at model@state.variable
   modelpara <- yuima at model@parameter at drift
   DRIFT <- yuima at model@drift
   division <- length(yuima)[1]
@@ -54,226 +26,376 @@
-#calcurate diffusion%*%t(diffusion) matrix
+##::extract diffusion term from yuima
+##::para: parameter of diffusion term (theta1)
+"calc.diffusion" <- function(yuima, para){
+  r.size <- yuima at model@noise.number
+  d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
+  modelstate <- yuima at model@state.variable
+  modelpara <- yuima at model@parameter at diffusion
+  DIFFUSION <- yuima at model@diffusion
+  division <- length(yuima)[1]
+  diff <- array(0, dim=c(d.size, r.size, division))
+  X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
+  for(k in 1:length(modelpara)){
+    assign(modelpara[k], para[k])
+  }
+  for(r in 1:r.size){
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      Xt <- X[t, ]
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        assign(modelstate[d], Xt[d])
+      }
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        diff[d, r, t] <- eval(DIFFUSION[[d]][r])
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(diff)
+##::calcurate diffusion%*%t(diffusion) matrix
 calc.B <- function(diff){
   d.size <- dim(diff)[1]
   division <- dim(diff)[3]
-  B <- array(0,dim=c(d.size,d.size,division))
+  B <- array(0, dim=c(d.size, d.size, division))
   for(t in 1:division){
-    B[,,t] <- diff[,,t]%*%t(diff[,,t])
+    B[, , t] <- diff[, , t]%*%t(diff[, , t])
-#calculate the log quasi-likelihood with parameters (theta2,theta1) and X.
-##yuima : yuima object
-##theta2 : parameter in drift.
-##theta1 : parameter in diffusion.
-##h : time width.
-           function(yuima,theta2,theta1,h,print=FALSE)
-           standardGeneric("ql")
-           )
-setMethod("ql", "ANY",
-          function(yuima,theta2,theta1,h,print=FALSE){
-  if( missing(yuima)){
-      cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if( missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
-      cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if( missing(h)){
-      cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
-      cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
-      cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
+calc.B.grad <- function(yuima, para){
+  r.size <- yuima at model@noise.number
   d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
+  modelstate <- yuima at model@state.variable
+  modelpara <- yuima at model@parameter at diffusion
+  DIFFUSION <- yuima at model@diffusion
   division <- length(yuima)[1]
   X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
-  deltaX <- matrix(0,division-1,d.size)
-  for(t in 1:(division-1)){
-    deltaX[t,] <- X[t+1,]-X[t,]
+  for(k in 1:length(modelpara)){
+    assign(modelpara[k], para[k])
-  if(is.nan(theta2) || is.nan(theta1)){
-    stop("error: theta is not a namber in parameter matrix")
-  }
-  drift <- calc.drift(yuima,para=theta2)
-  diff <- calc.diffusion(yuima,para=theta1)
-  B <- calc.B(diff)
+  ##   B <- list(NULL)
+  ##   for(d in 1:d.size){
+  ##     B[[d]] <- list(NULL)
+  ##     for(d2 in 1:d.size){
+  ##       if(d2<d){
+  ##         B[[d]][[d2]] <- B[[d2]][[d]]
+  ##       }else{
+  ##         B[[d]][[d2]] <- expression(0)
+  ##         for(r in 1:r.size){
+  ##           B[[d]][[d2]] <- parse(text=paste(as.character(B[[d]][[d2]]), "+(", as.character(DIFFUSION[[d]][r]), ")*(", as.character(DIFFUSION[[d2]][r]), ")"))
+  ##         }
+  ##       }
+  ##     }
+  ##   }
-  QL <- 0
-  pn <- numeric(division-1)
-  for(t in 1:(division-1)){
-    if(det(as.matrix(B[,,t]))==0){
-      pn[t] <- log(1)
-    }else{
-      pn[t] <- log(1/((2*pi*h)^(d.size/2)*det(as.matrix(B[,,t]))^(1/2)) *
-                   exp((-1/(2*h))*t(deltaX[t,]-h*drift[t,])%*%solve(as.matrix(B[,,t]))%*%(deltaX[t,]-h*drift[t,])))
-      QL <- QL+pn[t]
-      if(pn[t]==-Inf && FALSE){
-        cat("t:",t, "\n")
-        cat("B[,,t]:",B[,,t], "\n")
-        cat("det(B):",det(as.matrix(B[,,t])),"\n")
-        cat("deltaX[t,]", deltaX[t,], "\n")
-        cat("drift[t,]", drift[t,], "\n")
+  B.grad <- array(0, dim=c(d.size, d.size, division, length(modelpara)))
+  for(k in 1:length(modelpara)){
+    for(t in 1:division){
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        assign(modelstate[d], X[t, d])
+      for(d in 1:d.size){
+        for(d2 in 1:d.size){
+          if(d2<d){
+            B.grad[d, d2, t, k] <- B.grad[d2, d, t, k]
+          }else{
+            B <- expression(0)
+            for(r in 1:r.size){
+              B <- parse(text=paste(as.character(B), "+(", as.character(DIFFUSION[[d]][r]), ")*(", as.character(DIFFUSION[[d2]][r]), ")"))
+            }
+            B.grad[d, d2, t, k] <- eval(D(B, modelpara[k]))
+          }
+        }
+      }
-  if(QL==-Inf){
-    warning("quasi likelihood is too small too calculate.")
-  }
-  if(print==TRUE){
-    print(paste("QL:",QL,"  theta2:",theta2,"  theta1:",theta1))
-  }
-  return(QL)
+  return(B.grad)
+##::calculate the log quasi-likelihood with parameters (theta2, theta1) and X.
+##::yuima : yuima object
+##::theta2 : parameter in drift.
+##::theta1 : parameter in diffusion.
+##::h : time width.
+           function(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, print=FALSE)
+           standardGeneric("ql")
+           )
+setMethod("ql", "yuima",
+          function(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, print=FALSE){
+            ##QLG <- ql.grad(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, print=FALSE)
+            ##print(QLG)
+            if( missing(yuima)){
+              cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if( missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
+              cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if( missing(h)){
+              cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
+              cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
+              cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
+            division <- length(yuima)[1]
+            X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
+            deltaX <- matrix(0, division-1, d.size)
+            for(t in 1:(division-1)){
+              deltaX[t, ] <- X[t+1, ]-X[t, ]
+            }
+            if(is.nan(theta2) || is.nan(theta1)){
+              stop("error: theta is not a namber in parameter matrix")
+            }
+            drift <- calc.drift(yuima, para=theta2)
+            diff <- calc.diffusion(yuima, para=theta1)
+            B <- calc.B(diff)
+            QL <- 0
+            pn <- numeric(division-1)
+            for(t in 1:(division-1)){
+              if(det(as.matrix(B[, , t]))==0){
+                pn[t] <- log(1)
+              }else{
+                pn[t] <- log( 1/((2*pi*h)^(d.size/2)*det(as.matrix(B[, , t]))^(1/2)) *
+                             exp((-1/(2*h))*t(deltaX[t, ]-h*drift[t, ])%*%solve(as.matrix(B[, , t]))%*%(deltaX[t,]-h*drift[t, ])) )
+                QL <- QL+pn[t]
+                if(pn[t]==-Inf && FALSE){
+                  cat("t:", t, "\n")
+                  cat("B[, , t]:", B[, , t], "\n")
+                  cat("det(B):",det(as.matrix(B[, , t])), "\n")
+                  cat("deltaX[t, ]", deltaX[t, ], "\n")
+                  cat("drift[t, ]", drift[t, ], "\n")
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            if(QL==-Inf){
+              warning("quasi likelihood is too small to calculate.")
+            }
+            if(print==TRUE){
+              print(paste("QL:", QL, "  theta2:", theta2, "  theta1:", theta1))
+            }
+            return(QL)
+          })
-#calculate the relative log quasi-likelihood with parameters (theta2,theta1) and X.
-##yuima : yuima object
-##theta2 : parameter in drift.
-##theta1 : parameter in diffusion.
-##ptheta2 : parameter in drift in the prevous mcmc step.
-##ptheta1 : parameter in diffusion in the prevous mcmc step.
-##h : time width.
-           function(yuima,theta2,theta1,ptheta2,ptheta1,h,print=FALSE)
-           standardGeneric("rql")
-           )
-setMethod("rql", "ANY" ,
-          function(yuima,theta2,theta1,ptheta2,ptheta1,h,print=FALSE){
+ql.grad <- function(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, print=FALSE){
   if( missing(yuima)){
-      cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
+    cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
+    return(NULL)
   if( missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
-      cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
+    cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
+    return(NULL)
   if( missing(h)){
-      cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
+    cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
+    return(NULL)
   if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
-      cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
+    cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
+    return(NULL)
   if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
-      cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
+    cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
+    return(NULL)
   d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
   division <- length(yuima)[1]
   X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
-  deltaX <- matrix(0,division-1,d.size)
+  deltaX <- matrix(0, division-1, d.size)
   for(t in 1:(division-1)){
-    deltaX[t,] <- X[t+1,]-X[t,]
+    deltaX[t, ] <- X[t+1, ]-X[t, ]
   if(is.nan(theta2) || is.nan(theta1)){
     stop("error: theta is not a namber in parameter matrix")
-  drift <- calc.drift(yuima,para=theta2)
-  diff <- calc.diffusion(yuima,para=theta1)
+  drift <- calc.drift(yuima, para=theta2)
+  diff <- calc.diffusion(yuima, para=theta1)
   B <- calc.B(diff)
-  pdrift <- calc.drift(yuima,para=ptheta2)
-  pdiff <- calc.diffusion(yuima,para=ptheta1)
-  pB <- calc.B(pdiff)
+  B.grad <- calc.B.grad(yuima, para=theta1)
-  rQL <- 0
-  pn <- numeric(division-1)
-  for(t in 1:(division-1)){
-    if(det(as.matrix(B[,,t]))*det(as.matrix(pB[,,t]))==0){
-      pn[t] <- log(1)
-    }else{
-      pn[t] <- -log(det(as.matrix(B[,,t]))^(1/2))-1/(2*h)*t(deltaX[t,]-h*drift[t,])%*%solve(as.matrix(B[,,t]))%*%(deltaX[t,]-h*drift[t,])
-	  pn[t] <- pn[t]-(-log(det(as.matrix(pB[,,t]))^(1/2))-1/(2*h)*t(deltaX[t,]-h*pdrift[t,])%*%solve(as.matrix(pB[,,t]))%*%(deltaX[t,]-h*pdrift[t,]))
-      rQL <- rQL+pn[t]
+  QLG <- numeric(dim(B.grad)[4])
+  for(k in 1:length(QLG)){
+    pg1 <- 0
+    pg2 <- 0
+    for(t in 1:(division-1)){
+      B.tmp <- as.matrix(B[, , t])
+      if(det(B.tmp)!=0){
+        B.grad.tmp <- as.matrix(B.grad[, , t, k])
+        aa <- as.matrix(deltaX[t, ]-h*drift[t, ])
+        pg1 <- pg1 + sum(diag(solve(B.tmp)%*%B.grad.tmp))
+        pg2 <- pg2 + t(aa)%*%solve(B.tmp)%*%B.grad.tmp%*%solve(B.tmp)%*%aa        
+      }
+    QLG[k] <- (-1/2)*pg1 + 1/(2*h)*pg2
+    if(QLG[k]==-Inf){
+      warning(paste("gradient[", k, "] of quasi likelihood is too small too calculate.", sep=""))
+    }
-  if(print==TRUE){
-    print(paste("relative QL:",rQL,"  theta2:",theta2,"  theta1:",theta1))
+  QLG <- QLG/sqrt(sum(QLG^2))
+  if(print){
+    print(paste("QLG:", QLG, "  theta2:", theta2, "  theta1:", theta1))
-  return(rQL)
+  return(QLG)
-#estimate parameters(theta2,theta1) with a constraint ui%*%theta-ci=0  
-##yuima : yuima object
-##theta2 : init parameter in drift term.
-##theta1 : init parameter in diffusion term.
-##h : length between each observation time.
-##theta1.lim, theta2.lim : limit of those parameters.
-###example: 0 <= theta1 <= 1 theta1.lim = matrix(c(0,1),1,2)
-###if theta1, theta2 are matrix, theta.lim can be defined matrix like rbind(c(0,1),c(0,1))
+##::calculate the relative log quasi-likelihood with parameters (theta2, theta1) and X.
+##::yuima : yuima object
+##::theta2 : parameter in drift.
+##::theta1 : parameter in diffusion.
+##::ptheta2 : parameter in drift in the prevous mcmc step.
+##::ptheta1 : parameter in diffusion in the prevous mcmc step.
+##::h : time width.
+           function(yuima, theta2, theta1, ptheta2, ptheta1, h, print=FALSE)
+           standardGeneric("rql")
+           )
+setMethod("rql", "yuima",
+          function(yuima, theta2, theta1, ptheta2, ptheta1, h, print=FALSE){
+            if(missing(yuima)){
+              cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
+              cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(missing(h)){
+              cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
+              cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
+              cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            d.size <- yuima at model@equation.number
+            division <- length(yuima)[1]
+            X <- as.matrix(onezoo(yuima))
+            deltaX <- matrix(0, division-1, d.size)
+            for(t in 1:(division-1)){
+              deltaX[t, ] <- X[t+1, ]-X[t, ]
+            }
+            if(is.nan(theta2) || is.nan(theta1)){
+              stop("error: theta is not a namber in parameter matrix")
+            }
+            drift <- calc.drift(yuima, para=theta2)
+            diff <- calc.diffusion(yuima, para=theta1)
+            B <- calc.B(diff)
+            pdrift <- calc.drift(yuima, para=ptheta2)
+            pdiff <- calc.diffusion(yuima, para=ptheta1)
+            pB <- calc.B(pdiff)
+            rQL <- 0
+            pn <- numeric(division-1)
+            for(t in 1:(division-1)){
+              if(det(as.matrix(B[, , t]))*det(as.matrix(pB[, , t]))==0){
+                pn[t] <- log(1)
+              }else{
+                pn[t] <- -log(det(as.matrix(B[, , t]))^(1/2))-1/(2*h)*t(deltaX[t, ]-h*drift[t, ])%*%solve(as.matrix(B[, , t]))%*%(deltaX[t, ]-h*drift[t, ])
+                pn[t] <- pn[t]-(-log(det(as.matrix(pB[, , t]))^(1/2))-1/(2*h)*t(deltaX[t, ]-h*pdrift[t, ])%*%solve(as.matrix(pB[, , t]))%*%(deltaX[t, ]-h*pdrift[t, ]))
+                rQL <- rQL+pn[t]
+              }
+            }
+            if(print==TRUE){
+              print(paste("relative QL:", rQL, "  theta2:", theta2, "  theta1:", theta1))
+            }
+            return(rQL)
+          })
+##::estimate parameters(theta2,theta1) with a constraint ui%*%theta-ci=0  
+##::yuima : yuima object
+##::theta2 : init parameter in drift term.
+##::theta1 : init parameter in diffusion term.
+##::h : length between each observation time.
+##::theta1.lim, theta2.lim : limit of those parameters.
+##::example: 0 <= theta1 <= 1 theta1.lim = matrix(c(0,1),1,2)
+##::if theta1, theta2 are matrix, theta.lim can be defined matrix like rbind(c(0,1),c(0,1))
-           function(yuima,theta2,theta1,h,theta2.lim=matrix(c(0,1),1,2),theta1.lim=matrix(c(0,1),1,2),print=FALSE)
+           function(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, theta2.lim=matrix(c(0, 1), 1, 2), theta1.lim=matrix(c(0, 1), 1, 2), print=FALSE, BFGS=FALSE)
-setMethod("ml.ql", "ANY" ,
-          function(yuima,theta2,theta1,h,theta2.lim=matrix(c(0,1),1,2),theta1.lim=matrix(c(0,1),1,2),print=FALSE){
-  if( missing(yuima)){
-      cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if( missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
-      cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
-      cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
-      cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if( missing(h)){
-      cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
-      return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(is.matrix(theta2.lim) && is.matrix(theta1.lim)){
-    if(ncol(theta2.lim)!=2 || ncol(theta1.lim)!=2){
-      cat("\ntheta.lim is not available.\n")
-      return(NULL)    
-    }
-  }
+setMethod("ml.ql", "yuima",
+          function(yuima, theta2, theta1, h, theta2.lim=matrix(c(0, 1), 1, 2), theta1.lim=matrix(c(0, 1), 1, 2), print=FALSE, BFGS=FALSE){
+            if( missing(yuima)){
+              cat("\nyuima object is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if( missing(theta2) || missing(theta1)){
+              cat("\nparameters of yuima.model is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at drift)!=length(theta2)){
+              cat("\nlength of drift parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(length(yuima at model@parameter at diffusion)!=length(theta1)){
+              cat("\nlength of diffusion parameter is strange.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if( missing(h)){
+              cat("\nlength of each time is missing.\n")
+              return(NULL)
+            }
+            if(is.matrix(theta2.lim) && is.matrix(theta1.lim)){
+              if(ncol(theta2.lim)!=2 || ncol(theta1.lim)!=2){
+                cat("\ntheta.lim is not available.\n")
+                return(NULL)    
+              }
+            }
+            if( length(theta2)!=1 && length(theta2)!=nrow(theta2.lim)){
+              cat("\nsize of theta2 and theta2.lim are different.\n")
+              return(NULL)    
+            }
+            if( length(theta1)!=1 && length(theta1)!=nrow(theta1.lim)){
+              cat("\nsize of theta1 and theta1.lim are different.\n")
+              return(NULL)    
+            }
+            ui <- rbind(diag(length(theta1)+length(theta2)), (-1)*diag(length(theta1)+length(theta2)))
+            ci <- c(rbind(theta2.lim, theta1.lim))
+            ci[(length(ci)/2+1):length(ci)] <- (-1)*ci[(length(ci)/2+1):length(ci)]
+            ql.opt <- function(theta=c(theta2, theta1)){
+              return(ql(yuima, theta2=theta[1:length(theta2)], theta1=theta[(length(theta2)+1):length(theta)], h=h, print=print))
+            }
+            ql.grad.opt <- function(theta=c(theta2, theta1)){
+              return(ql.grad(yuima, theta2=theta[1:length(theta2)], theta1=theta[(length(theta2)+1):length(theta)], h=h, print=print))
+            }
+            if(BFGS){
+              opt <- constrOptim(c(theta2, theta1), ql.opt, ql.grad.opt, ui=ui, ci=ci, control=list(fnscale=-1), method="BFGS", outer.iterations=500)
+            }else{
+              opt <- constrOptim(c(theta2, theta1), ql.opt, NULL, ui=ui, ci=ci, control=list(fnscale=-1), outer.iterations=500)
+            }
+            if(opt$convergence != 0){
+              print("WARNING:optimization did not converge.")
+            }
+            return(opt)
+          })
-  if( length(theta2)!=1 && length(theta2)!=nrow(theta2.lim)){
-      cat("\nsize of theta2 and theta2.lim are different.\n")
-      return(NULL)    
-  }
-  if( length(theta1)!=1 && length(theta1)!=nrow(theta1.lim)){
-      cat("\nsize of theta1 and theta1.lim are different.\n")
-      return(NULL)    
-  }
-  ui <- rbind(diag(length(theta1)+length(theta2)),(-1)*diag(length(theta1)+length(theta2)))
-  ci <- c(rbind(theta2.lim,theta1.lim))
-  ci[(length(ci)/2+1):length(ci)] <- (-1)*ci[(length(ci)/2+1):length(ci)]
-  ql.opt <- function(theta=c(theta2,theta1)){
-    return(ql(yuima,theta2=theta[1:length(theta2)],theta1=theta[(length(theta2)+1):length(theta)],h=h,print=print))
-  }
-  opt <- constrOptim(c(theta2,theta1),ql.opt,NULL,ui=ui,ci=ci,control=list(fnscale=-1),outer.iterations=500)
-  if( opt$convergence != 0){
-  	print("WARNING:optimization did not converge.")
-   }
-  return(opt)

Added: pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd
--- pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/yuima/man/limiting.gamma.Rd	2009-10-28 11:08:28 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+\title{calculate the value of limiting covariance matrices : Gamma}
+\description{To confirm assysmptotic normality of theta estimators.}
+  \item{obj}{an yuima or yuima.model object.}
+  \item{theta}{true theta}
+  \item{verbose}{an option for display a verbose process.}
+  Calculate the value of limiting covariance matrices Gamma.
+  The returned values gamma1 and gamma2 are used to confirm assysmptotic normality of theta estimators.
+  this program is limitted to 1-dimention-sde model for now.
+  \item{gamma1}{a theoretical figure for variance of theta1 estimator}
+  \item{gamma2}{a theoretical figure for variance of theta2 estimator}
+\author{YUIMA Project Team}
+  we need to fix this routine.
+## Yuima

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/yuima -r 10

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