[Wavetiling-commits] r42 - in pkg/waveTiling: . R inst inst/doc inst/scripts man src vignettes

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Mon May 21 14:54:45 CEST 2012

Author: kdbeuf
Date: 2012-05-21 14:54:45 +0200 (Mon, 21 May 2012)
New Revision: 42

added data and annotation packages

Added: pkg/waveTiling/CHANGELOG
--- pkg/waveTiling/CHANGELOG	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/CHANGELOG	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+2011-12-04  Kristof De Beuf <kristof.debeuf at ugent.be> - committed version 0.1.1
+* First version

Added: pkg/waveTiling/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/waveTiling/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/DESCRIPTION	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Package: waveTiling
+Version: 0.99.0
+Date: 2012-05-14
+License: GPL (>=2)
+Title: Wavelet-Based Models for Tiling Array Transcriptome Analysis
+Author: Kristof De Beuf <kristof.debeuf at UGent.be>, Peter Pipelers <peter.pipelers at ugent.be> and Lieven Clement <lieven.clement at gmail.com>
+Maintainer: Kristof De Beuf <kristof.debeuf at UGent.be>
+Depends: oligo, oligoClasses, Biobase, Biostrings, GenomeGraphs
+Imports: methods, affy, preprocessCore, GenomicRanges, waveslim, IRanges
+Suggests: BSgenome, BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9, waveTilingData, pd.atdschip.tiling
+Description: This package is designed to conduct transcriptome analysis for tiling arrays based on fast wavelet-based functional models.
+Collate: allClasses.R allGenerics.R helperFunctions.R
+        initialize-methods.R methods-MapFilterProbe.R
+        methods-WaveTilingFeatureSet.R methods-WfmFit.R methods-WfmInf.R show-methods.R
+URL: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/wavetiling/
+LazyLoad: yes
+biocViews: MicroArray, DifferentialExpression, TimeCourse, GeneExpression
+Packaged: 2011-12-05 20:18:51 UTC; kdebeuf

Added: pkg/waveTiling/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/waveTiling/NAMESPACE	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/NAMESPACE	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+## Import Classes
+importClassesFrom(Biobase, AnnotatedDataFrame, AssayData, MIAxE,
+                  Versions)
+importClassesFrom(methods, array, character, data.frame, list, matrix,
+                  numeric, vector)
+importClassesFrom(oligoClasses, TilingFeatureSet)
+## Import Methods
+importMethodsFrom(affy, pm, pmindex)
+importMethodsFrom(Biobase, exprs, "exprs<-", pData, "phenoData<-")
+importMethodsFrom(Biostrings, complement, matchPDict, PDict,
+                  reverseComplement, startIndex)
+importMethodsFrom(GenomicRanges, seqnames)
+importMethodsFrom(IRanges, as.matrix, cbind, findOverlaps, ifelse, intersect,
+                  lapply, mad, Map, mean, median, ncol, nrow, order, paste,
+                  pintersect, pmin,queryHits, rbind, reduce, Reduce, Rle, 
+                  rownames,"rownames<-", sapply, stack, start, subjectHits,
+                  subseq, t, table, tapply, unique, unlist, values,
+                  "values<-", which, width)
+importMethodsFrom(methods, initialize, show)
+importMethodsFrom(oligo, pmChr, pmPosition, pmSequence, pmStrand)
+## Import
+importFrom(affy, bg.adjust, list.celfiles)
+importFrom(preprocessCore, normalize.quantiles)
+#importFrom(GenomeGraphs, DisplayPars, gdPlot, makeAnnotationTrack,
+#           makeGenericArray, makeGenomeAxis, makeRectangleOverlay,
+#           makeTextOverlay)
+importFrom(GenomicRanges, GRanges, GRangesList)
+importFrom(IRanges, IRanges)
+importFrom(methods, "@<-", callNextMethod, new)
+importFrom(oligo, read.celfiles)
+importFrom(stats, contr.helmert, contr.treatment, lm, pnorm, qnorm,
+           rnorm)
+importFrom(waveslim, wave.filter)
+## Export Classes
+#exportClasses(WaveTilingFeatureSet, MapFilterProbe, GenomeInfo, WfmFit, WfmInf, WfmFitTime, WfmFitFactor, WfmFitCircadian, WfmFitCustom, WfmInfCompare, WfmInfEffects )
+exportClasses(WaveTilingFeatureSet, MapFilterProbe, GenomeInfo, WfmFit, WfmInf)
+## Export Methods
+## WaveTilingFeatureSet 
+exportMethods(addPheno, getNoGroups, getGroupNames, getReplics, filterOverlap, selectProbesFromTilingFeatureSet,bgCorrQn,wfm.fit)
+## MapFilterProbe
+exportMethods(getFilteredIndices, getPosition, selectProbesFromFilterOverlap)
+## WfmFit and WfmInf
+exportMethods(getProbePosition, getNoProbes, getBetaWav, getVarBetaWav, getSmoothPar, getVarEps, getGenomeInfo, getChromosome, getStrand, getMinPos, getMaxPos, getNoLevels, getDesignMatrix, getPhenoInfo, getDataOrigSpace, getDataWaveletSpace, getWaveletFilter, getKj,getPrior, getAlpha, getDelta, getTwoSided, getSigProbes,getRegions, getGenomicRegions, getFDR, getF, getVarF, getEff,getVarEff, wfm.inference, getSigGenes, getNonAnnotatedRegions, plotWfm)
+## Other
+export(cel2TilingFeatureSet, makeContrasts, makeDesign)

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/allClasses.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/allClasses.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/allClasses.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+	representation = representation	(betaWav="matrix",varbetaWav="matrix",smoothPar="matrix",varEps="numeric",dataOrigSpace="matrix",dataWaveletSpace="matrix",design.matrix="matrix",phenoData="data.frame",genome.info="GenomeInfo",n.levels="numeric",probePosition="vector",wave.filt="character",Kj="numeric",prior="character",F="matrix",varF="matrix",P="numeric",Z="matrix",noGroups="numeric",replics="numeric")
+### Factor
+setClass(Class="WfmFitFactor", contains="WfmFit")
+### Time
+setClass(Class="WfmFitTime", contains="WfmFit")
+## Circadian
+setClass(Class="WfmFitCircadian", contains="WfmFit")
+## Custom
+setClass(Class="WfmFitCustom", contains="WfmFit")
+	representation = representation	(alpha="numeric",delta="numeric",two.sided="numeric",sigProbes="list",regions="list",GlocRegions="list",FDR="matrix",CI="array",eff="matrix",varEff="matrix")
+## Compare
+setClass(Class="WfmInfCompare", contains="WfmInf")
+## Effects
+setClass(Class="WfmInfEffects", contains="WfmInf")
+## Means
+setClass(Class="WfmInfMeans", contains="WfmInf")
+## Overall Mean
+setClass(Class="WfmInfOverallMean", contains="WfmInf")
+## Custom
+setClass(Class="WfmInfCustom", contains="WfmInf")

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/allGenerics.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/allGenerics.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/allGenerics.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# temporary(?) pmStrand
+# setGeneric("pmStrand",function(object)
+# {
+# 	standardGeneric("pmStrand")
+# }
+# )
+# method data extraction
+setGeneric("addPheno",function(object, noGroups, groupNames, replics, ...)
+	standardGeneric("addPheno")
+setGeneric("filterOverlap",function(object, remap=TRUE, BSgenomeObject, chrId,  strand=c("forward","reverse","both"), MM=FALSE, ...)
+	standardGeneric("filterOverlap")
+setGeneric("bgCorrQn",function(object, useMapFilter=NULL)
+	standardGeneric("bgCorrQn")
+setGeneric("selectProbesFromTilingFeatureSet",function(object, chromosome, strand=c("forward","reverse"), minPos, maxPos)
+	standardGeneric("selectProbesFromTilingFeatureSet")
+setGeneric("selectProbesFromFilterOverlap",function(object, chromosome, strand=c("forward","reverse"), minPos=min(getPosition(object)), maxPos=max(getPosition(object)))
+	standardGeneric("selectProbesFromFilterOverlap")
+#fit method
+# setGeneric("makeDesign",function(object, method=c("twoGroup","compareGroupsTime","compareGroupsFactor","circadian","twoFactors","meansByGroupTime","meansByGroupFactor","effectsTime"), factor.levels=NULL)
+# {
+# 	standardGeneric("makeDesign")
+# }
+# )
+setGeneric("wfm.fit",function(object, filter.overlap=NULL, design=c("time","circadian","group","factorial","custom"), n.levels, factor.levels=NULL, chromosome, strand, minPos, maxPos, design.matrix=NULL, var.eps=c("margLik","mad"), prior=c("normal","improper"), eqsmooth=FALSE, max.it=20, wave.filt="haar", skiplevels=NULL, trace=FALSE, save.obs=c("plot","regions","all"))
+	standardGeneric("wfm.fit")
+setGeneric("wfm.inference",function(object,contrast.matrix=NULL, contrasts=c("compare","means","effects","overallMean"), delta=NULL, two.sided=NULL, minRunPos=90, minRunProbe=1, alpha=0.05, nsim=1000, rescale=NULL) {
+	standardGeneric("wfm.inference")
+#accessors mapFilterProbe
+	standardGeneric("getFilteredIndices")
+	standardGeneric("getChromosome")
+	standardGeneric("getPosition")
+	standardGeneric("getStrand")
+#accessors TilingFeatureSet
+	standardGeneric("getNoGroups")
+	standardGeneric("getGroupNames")
+	standardGeneric("getReplics")
+#accessors WfmFit
+	standardGeneric("getProbePosition")
+	standardGeneric("getNoProbes")
+	standardGeneric("getBetaWav")
+	standardGeneric("getVarBetaWav")
+	standardGeneric("getSmoothPar")
+	standardGeneric("getVarEps")
+	standardGeneric("getGenomeInfo")
+	standardGeneric("getMinPos")
+	standardGeneric("getMaxPos")
+	standardGeneric("getNoLevels")
+	standardGeneric("getWfmMethod")
+	standardGeneric("getDesignMatrix")
+	standardGeneric("getWfmDesign")
+	standardGeneric("getPhenoInfo")
+	standardGeneric("getDataOrigSpace")
+	standardGeneric("getDataWaveletSpace")
+	standardGeneric("getWaveletFilter")
+	standardGeneric("getKj")
+	standardGeneric("getPrior")
+	standardGeneric("getAlpha")
+	standardGeneric("getDelta")
+	standardGeneric("getTwoSided")
+	standardGeneric("getSigProbes")
+	standardGeneric("getRegions")
+	standardGeneric("getGenomicRegions")
+	standardGeneric("getFDR")
+	standardGeneric("getCI")
+	standardGeneric("getF")
+	standardGeneric("getVarF")
+	standardGeneric("getEff")
+	standardGeneric("getVarEff")
+	standardGeneric("getDesignMatrix")
+setGeneric("plotWfm",function(fit, inf, annoFile, minPos, maxPos, trackFeature="exon", overlayFeature=c("gene","transposable_element_gene"), two.strand=TRUE, plotData=TRUE, plotMean=TRUE, tracks=0)
+ 	standardGeneric("plotWfm")
+setGeneric("getSigGenes",function(fit, inf, annoFile)
+	standardGeneric("getSigGenes")
+setGeneric("getNonAnnotatedRegions",function(fit, inf, annoFile)
+	standardGeneric("getNonAnnotatedRegions")
+#if (!isGeneric("plot")) {
+#  setGeneric("plot",function(fit,inf,...){
+#	standardGeneric("plot")
+#  }

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/helperFunctions.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/helperFunctions.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/helperFunctions.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+## functions for data input
+cel2TilingFeatureSet <- function(dataPath,annotationPackage)
+	expFiles <- paste(dataPath,list.celfiles(dataPath),sep="/")
+	tfs <- read.celfiles(expFiles,pkgname=annotationPackage)
+	return(tfs)
+extractChrFromFasta <- function(char,fasPath)
+	splt <- unlist(strsplit(char,fasPath))
+	hlp <- splt[seq(2,length(splt),2)]
+	splt2 <- unlist(strsplit(hlp,".fas"))
+	return(splt2)
+pm2mm <- function(z)
+	z <- complement(subseq(z,start=13,end=13))
+	return(z)
+## functions for model fitting
+normVec <- function(vec)
+	return(vec/sqrt(sum(vec^2)))
+wave.transform <- function(x,n.levels=log(length(x),2),filt="haar") 
+	N <- length(x)
+	J <- n.levels
+	if (N/2^J != trunc(N/2^J)) stop("Sample size is not divisible by 2^J")
+	dict <- wave.filter(filt)
+	L <- dict$length
+	storage.mode(L) <- "integer"
+	h <- dict$hpf
+	storage.mode(h) <- "double"
+	g <- dict$lpf
+	storage.mode(g) <- "double"
+	start <- 1
+	stop <- N/2
+	Y <- rep(0,N)
+	for (j in 1:J)
+	{
+		W <- V <- numeric(N/2^j)
+		out <- .C("dwt", as.double(x), as.integer(N/2^(j - 1)),L, h, g, W =  as.double(W), V = as.double(V), PACKAGE = "waveslim")[6:7]
+		Y[start:stop] <- out$W
+		x <- out$V
+		start <- start+N/(2^j)
+		stop <- stop+N/2^(j+1)
+	}
+	stop <- N
+	Y[start:stop] <- x
+	return(Y)
+wave.backtransform <- function(D,n.levels,filt="haar")
+	p <- length(D)
+	if ((p%%2^n.levels)!=0) stop("Sample size is not divisible by 2^n.levels")
+	dict <- wave.filter(filt)
+	L <- dict$length
+	storage.mode(L) <- "integer"
+	h <- dict$hpf
+	storage.mode(h) <- "double"
+	g <- dict$lpf
+	storage.mode(g) <- "double"
+	stop <- p
+	start <- p-p/2^n.levels+1
+	X <- D[start:stop]
+	for (j in n.levels:1)
+	{
+		stop <- start-1
+		start <- stop-p/2^j+1
+		N <- length(X)
+		XX <- numeric(2*p/2^j)
+		X <- .C("idwt", as.double(D[start:stop]), as.double(X), as.integer(N),L, h, g, out = as.double(XX), PACKAGE = "waveslim")$out
+	}
+	return(X)
+wave.backtransformK <- function(Cum,n.levels,order=1,filt="haar")
+	p <- length(Cum)
+	if ((p%%2^n.levels)!=0) stop("Sample size is not divisible by 2^n.levels")
+	dict <- wave.filter(filt)
+	L <- dict$length
+	storage.mode(L) <- "integer"
+	h <- dict$hpf^order
+	storage.mode(h) <- "double"
+	g <- dict$lpf^order
+	storage.mode(g) <- "double"
+	stop <- p
+	start <- p-p/2^n.levels+1
+	X <- Cum[start:stop]
+	for (j in n.levels:1)
+	{
+		stop <- start-1
+		start <- stop-p/2^j+1
+		N <- length(X)
+		XX <- numeric(2*p/2^j)
+		X <- .C("idwt", as.double(Cum[start:stop]), as.double(X), as.integer(N),L, h, g, out = as.double(XX), PACKAGE = "waveslim")$out
+	}
+	return(X)
+MapMar <- function(D,X,vareps,J=0,eqsmooth=TRUE)
+	N <- nrow(X)
+	q <- ncol(X)
+	K <- ncol(D)
+	if (J==0)
+	{
+		ends <- K
+	} else
+	{
+	ends <- cumsum(K/2^c(1:J,J))
+	}
+	B <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=K)
+	varB <- B
+	phi <- B
+	if (eqsmooth)
+	{
+		out <- .C("MAPMARGEQSMOOTH",as.double(D),as.integer(K),as.double(vareps),as.double(B),as.double(varB),as.double(phi),as.double(X),as.double(diag(t(X)%*%X)),as.integer(q),as.integer(N),as.integer(ends), PACKAGE = "waveTiling")[4:6]
+	} else
+	{
+		out <- .C("MAPMARG",as.double(D),as.integer(K),as.double(vareps),as.double(B),as.double(varB),as.double(phi),as.double(X),as.double(diag(t(X)%*%X)),as.integer(q),as.integer(N),as.integer(ends), PACKAGE = "waveTiling")[4:6]
+	}
+	names(out) <- c("beta_MAP","varbeta_MAP","phi")
+	dim(out[[1]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[1]] <- t(out[[1]])
+	dim(out[[2]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[2]] <- t(out[[2]])
+	dim(out[[3]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[3]] <- t(out[[3]])
+	return(out)
+MapMarImp <- function(D,X,vareps,J=0,eqsmooth=TRUE)
+	N <- nrow(X)
+	q <- ncol(X)
+	K <- ncol(D)
+	if (J==0)
+	{
+		ends <- K
+	} else
+	{
+	ends <- cumsum(K/2^c(1:J,J))
+	}
+	B <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=K)
+	varB <- B
+	phi <- B
+	if (eqsmooth)
+	{
+		out <- .C("MAPMARGIMPEQSMOOTH",as.double(D),as.integer(K),as.double(vareps),as.double(B),as.double(varB),as.double(phi),as.double(X),as.double(diag(t(X)%*%X)),as.integer(q),as.integer(N),as.integer(ends), PACKAGE = "waveTiling")[4:6]
+	} else
+	{
+		out <- .C("MAPMARGIMP",as.double(D),as.integer(K),as.double(vareps),as.double(B),as.double(varB),as.double(phi),as.double(X),as.double(diag(t(X)%*%X)),as.integer(q),as.integer(N),as.integer(ends), PACKAGE = "waveTiling")[4:6]
+	}
+	names(out) <- c("beta_MAP","varbeta_MAP","phi")
+	dim(out[[1]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[1]] <- t(out[[1]])
+	dim(out[[2]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[2]] <- t(out[[2]])
+	dim(out[[3]]) <- c(K,q)
+	out[[3]] <- t(out[[3]])
+	return(out)
+WaveMarEstVarJ <- function(Y,X,n.levels,wave.filt,prior=c("normal","improper"),eqsmooth=TRUE,saveall=FALSE,D,var.eps,max.it,tol=1e-6,trace=FALSE)
+	N <- nrow(D)
+	K <- ncol(D)		
+	Kj <- K/2^c(1:n.levels,n.levels)
+	ends <- cumsum(Kj)
+	starts <- c(1,ends[-(n.levels+1)]+1)
+	varEps <- rep(mad(D[,starts[1]:ends[1]])^2,n.levels+1)
+	if (var.eps=="mad")
+	{
+		max.it <- -1
+		saveall <- TRUE
+	}
+	if (max.it<0)
+	{
+		for (i in 2:(n.levels+1))
+		{
+			varEps[i] <- ifelse(i<(n.levels+1),mad(D[,starts[i]:ends[i]])^2,varEps[i-1])
+		}
+	}
+	crit1 <- sum(D^2)
+	if (max.it<1)
+	{
+		if (prior=="normal")
+		{
+			WaveFit <- MapMar(D,X,varEps,n.levels,eqsmooth)
+		}
+		if (prior=="improper")
+		{
+			WaveFit <- MapMarImp(D,X,varEps,n.levels,eqsmooth)
+		}
+	} else
+	{
+		if (trace==TRUE) message("Gauss Seidel algorithm...")
+		for (j in 1:max.it)
+		{
+			crit0 <- crit1
+			if (prior=="normal")
+			{
+				WaveFit <- MapMar(D,X,varEps,n.levels,eqsmooth)
+			}
+			if (prior=="improper")
+			{
+				WaveFit <- MapMarImp(D,X,varEps,n.levels,eqsmooth)
+			}
+			for (i in 1:(n.levels+1))
+			{
+				VinvD <- D[,starts[i]:ends[i]]-X%*%(t(X)%*%D[,starts[i]:ends[i]]/(diag(t(X)%*%X)+1/WaveFit$phi[,starts[i]:ends[i]]))
+				varEps[i] <- sum(D[,starts[i]:ends[i]]*VinvD)/(ends[i]-starts[i]+1)/N
+			}
+			crit1 <- -1/2*sum(log(t(X)%*%X%*%WaveFit$phi+rep(1,ncol(X))))-1/2*(log(varEps)%*%Kj)-N*K*log(2*pi)/2-N*K/2
+			if (trace==TRUE) message("iteration ", j," of ",max.it)
+			if ((abs((crit0-crit1)/crit0))<tol)
+			{
+				if (trace==TRUE) message("Gauss Seidel algorithm converged")
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if ((abs(crit0-crit1)/crit0)>tol) message("Warning: The maximum number of iterations reached without convergence")
+	}
+	if (!saveall)
+	{
+		WaveFit$beta_MAP <- matrix()
+		WaveFit$varbeta_MAP <- matrix()
+		WaveFit$phi <- matrix()
+	}
+	WaveFit$varEps <- varEps
+	WaveFit$n.levels <- n.levels
+	WaveFit$K <- K
+	WaveFit$N <- N
+	WaveFit$Kj <- Kj
+	WaveFit$X <- X
+	WaveFit$wave.filt <- wave.filt
+	return(WaveFit)
+## plot
+# annoFIle needs the following columns: "chromosome", "strand", "feature", "ID", "start", "end"
+makeNewAnnotationTrack <- function(annoFile,chromosome,strand,minBase,maxBase,feature="exon",dp=NULL)
+	if (is.null(dp))
+	{
+		dp <- DisplayPars(exon="lightblue")
+	}
+	return(makeAnnotationTrack(regions=annoFile[(annoFile$chromosome==chromosome)&(annoFile$strand==strand)&(annoFile$start<maxBase)&(annoFile$end>minBase)&(annoFile$feature==feature),c("start","end","feature","group","ID")],dp=dp))
+makeNewAnnotationTextOverlay <- function(annoFile,chromosome,strand,minBase,maxBase,region,feature=c("gene","transposable_element_gene"),y=.5,dp=NULL)
+	if (is.null(dp))
+	{
+		dp=DisplayPars(cex=1)
+	}
+	annohlp <- annoFile[(annoFile$chromosome==chromosome)&(annoFile$strand==strand)&(annoFile$start<maxBase)&(annoFile$end>minBase)&(is.element(annoFile$feature,feature)),c("ID","start","end")]
+	return(makeTextOverlay(annohlp$ID,xpos=(annohlp$start+annohlp$end)/2,ypos=y,region=region,dp=dp))
+makeNewTranscriptRectangleOverlay <- function(sigRegions,locations,start,end,region=NULL,dp=NULL)
+	if (is.null(dp))
+	{
+		dp=DisplayPars(color="black")
+	}
+	detectedRegionsSelect <- matrix(sigRegions[sigRegions[,1]<end&sigRegions[,2]>start,],ncol=2)
+	detectedRegionsSelect[detectedRegionsSelect[,1]<start,1] <- start
+	detectedRegionsSelect[detectedRegionsSelect[,2]>end,2] <- end
+	return(makeRectangleOverlay(start=locations[detectedRegionsSelect[,1]],end =locations[detectedRegionsSelect[,2]],region=region,dp=dp)) 
+#### makeDesign
+makeDesign<-function(design=c("time","circadian","group","factorial"),replics, noGroups, factor.levels=NULL) {
+# 	if (method=="twoGroup")
+# 	{
+# 		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=dim(pData(object))[1],ncol=2)
+# 		Xorig[,1] <- 1
+# 		Xorig[,2] <- rep(c(1,-1),replics) ## contr.helmert
+# 	}
+	if (design=="time") #time
+	{
+#		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=dim(pData(object))[1],ncol=noGroups)
+		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=noGroups*replics,ncol=noGroups)
+		orderedFactor <- factor(1:noGroups,ordered=TRUE)
+		desPoly <- lm(rnorm(noGroups)~orderedFactor,x=TRUE)$x
+		Xorig[,1] <- 1
+		Xorig[,2:noGroups] <- apply(desPoly[,2:noGroups],2,rep,replics)
+	}
+	else if (design=="circadian") # circadian
+	{
+#		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=dim(pData(object))[1],ncol=3)
+		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=noGroups*replics,ncol=3)
+		Xorig[,1] <- 1
+		Xorig[,2] <- rep(sin(seq(0,2*pi-(pi/noGroups),2*pi/noGroups)),replics)
+		Xorig[,3] <- rep(cos(seq(0,2*pi-(pi/noGroups),2*pi/noGroups)),replics)
+	}
+	else  if (design=="group") # group
+	{
+#		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=dim(pData(object))[1],ncol=noGroups)
+		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=noGroups*replics,ncol=noGroups)
+		desHelmert <- contr.helmert(noGroups)
+		Xorig[,1] <- 1
+		Xorig[,2:noGroups] <- apply(desHelmert[,1:(noGroups-1)],2,rep,replics)
+	}
+	else if (design=="factorial")
+	{
+		if (is.null(factor.levels))
+		{
+			stop("No proper factor levels given.")
+		}
+		Xorig <- matrix(0,nrow=sum(replics),ncol=prod(factor.levels))
+		Xorig[,1] <- 1
+		desTrt1 <- contr.treatment(factor.levels[1])
+		desTrt2 <- contr.treatment(factor.levels[2])
+		#desHelmert1 <- contr.helmert(factor.levels[1])
+		#desHelmert2 <- contr.helmert(factor.levels[2])
+		replicsMat <- matrix(replics,nrow=factor.levels[1],ncol=factor.levels[2],byrow=TRUE)
+		desFac1 <- apply(desTrt1,2,function(x) unlist(sapply(1:nrow(replicsMat),function(y) rep(x[y],sum(replicsMat[y,])))))
+		Xorig[,2:(factor.levels[1])] <- desFac1
+		desFac2 <- apply(desTrt2,2,function(x) unlist(sapply(1:nrow(replicsMat),function(y) rep(x,replicsMat[y,]))))
+		Xorig[,(factor.levels[1]+1):(factor.levels[1]+factor.levels[2]-1)] <- desFac2
+		# include interactions
+		colno <- sum(factor.levels)
+		for (i in 1:ncol(desFac1))
+		{
+			for (j in 1:ncol(desFac2))
+			{
+				Xorig[,colno] <- desFac1[,i]*desFac2[,j]
+				colno <- colno + 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		stop("No proper design specified!")
+	}	
+	out <- list()
+	X.qr <- qr(Xorig)
+	out$Xorthnorm <- qr.Q(X.qr)
+	out$Xorig <- Xorig
+	return (out);
+#### makeContrasts
+makeContrasts <- function(contrasts, nlevels) {
+	if (contrasts=="compare") {
+		q <- nlevels*(nlevels-1)/2
+		contr <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=nlevels)
+		hlp1 <- rep(2:nlevels,1:(nlevels-1))
+		hlp2 <- unlist(sapply(1:(nlevels-1),function(x) seq(1:x)))
+		for (i in 1:nrow(contr))
+		{
+			contr[i,hlp1[i]] <- 1
+			contr[i,hlp2[i]] <- -1
+		}
+	}
+	return (contr);

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/initialize-methods.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/initialize-methods.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/initialize-methods.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+	.Object at filteredIndices <- filteredIndices
+	.Object at chromosome <- chromosome
+	.Object at position <- position
+	.Object at strand <- strand
+	return(.Object)
+setMethod("initialize","WaveTilingFeatureSet",function (.Object)
+	callNextMethod(.Object);
+	.Object at chromosome <- chromosome
+	.Object at strand <- strand
+	.Object at minPos <- minPos
+	.Object at maxPos <- maxPos
+	return(.Object)	
+	.Object at betaWav <- betaWav
+	.Object at varbetaWav <- varbetaWav
+	.Object at smoothPar <- smoothPar
+	.Object at varEps <- varEps
+	.Object at dataOrigSpace <- dataOrigSpace
+	.Object at dataWaveletSpace <- dataWaveletSpace
+	.Object at design.matrix <- design.matrix
+	.Object at phenoData <- phenoData
+#	.Object at design <- design
+	.Object at genome.info <- genome.info
+	.Object at n.levels <- n.levels
+	.Object at probePosition <- probePosition
+	.Object at wave.filt <- wave.filt
+	.Object at Kj <- Kj
+	.Object at prior <- prior
+#	.Object at rescale <- rescale
+	.Object at F <- F
+	.Object at varF <- varF
+	.Object at P <- P
+	.Object at Z <- Z
+	.Object at noGroups <- noGroups
+	.Object at replics <- replics
+	return(.Object)
+# WfmInf
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInf",function(.Object, alpha, delta, two.sided, sigProbes, regions, GlocRegions, FDR, CI, eff, varEff)
+	.Object at alpha <- alpha
+	.Object at delta <- delta
+	.Object at two.sided <- two.sided
+	.Object at sigProbes <- sigProbes
+	.Object at regions <- regions
+	.Object at GlocRegions <- GlocRegions
+	.Object at FDR <- FDR
+	.Object at CI <- CI
+ 	.Object at eff <- eff
+ 	.Object at varEff <- varEff
+	return(.Object)
+## Subclasses
+setMethod("initialize","WfmFitTime",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmFitCircadian",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmFitFactor",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmFitCustom",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInfCustom",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInfCompare",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInfEffects",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInfMeans",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);
+setMethod("initialize","WfmInfOverallMean",function (.Object, ...)
+	callNextMethod(.Object, ...);

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-MapFilterProbe.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-MapFilterProbe.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-MapFilterProbe.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+	return(object at filteredIndices)
+	return(object at chromosome)
+	return(object at position)
+	return(object at strand)
+	if (class(object)!="MapFilterProbe")
+		{
+			stop("class of object is not MapFilterProbe. Use 'filterOverlap()' to create such an object.")
+		}
+	if ((length(grep("chr",chromosome))>0) | (length(grep("Chr",chromosome))>0))
+	{
+		stop("give only the number (or letter) in the chromosome argument.")
+	}
+	if (minPos > maxPos)
+	{
+		stop("minPos is greater than maxPos")
+	}
+	selChrom <- (1:length(getFilteredIndices(object)))[getChromosome(object)==paste("chr",as.character(chromosome),sep="") | getChromosome(object)==paste("Chr",as.character(chromosome),sep="")]
+	selStrand <- (1:length(getFilteredIndices(object)))[getStrand(object)==strand]
+	selHlp <- intersect(selChrom,selStrand)
+	selPos <- (1:length(getFilteredIndices(object)))[(getPosition(object)>=minPos)&(getPosition(object)<=maxPos)]
+	selectionInit <- intersect(selHlp,selPos)
+	selection <- getFilteredIndices(object)[selectionInit]
+	return(list(selection=selection,selectionInit=selectionInit))

Added: pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-WaveTilingFeatureSet.R
--- pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-WaveTilingFeatureSet.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/waveTiling/R/methods-WaveTilingFeatureSet.R	2012-05-21 12:54:45 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# temporary (?)
+# I can only use this after inserting strand information to the database when parsing the bpmap and Cel file in the (updated) package PDInfoBuilder
+# setMethod("pmStrand","WaveTilingFeatureSet",function(object)
+# {
+# 	conn <- db(object)
+# 	sql <- paste("SELECT fid, strand", "FROM pmfeature", "INNER JOIN chrom_dict", "USING(chrom)")
+# 	tmp <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql)
+# 	tmp <- tmp[order(tmp[["fid"]]),]
+#         return(tmp[["strand"]])
+# }
+# )
+	if (dim(object)[2] != sum(replics))
+	{
+		stop("Number of samples in object differs from total number of replicates.")
+	}
+	if (length(groupNames) != noGroups)
+	{
+		stop("Number of group names differs from number of groups")
+	}
+	if (length(replics)==1)
+	{
+		warning("Only one number of replicates given. This number is used for all groups")
+		replics <- rep(replics,noGroups)
+	}
+	if ((length(replics)!=1) & (length(replics)!=noGroups))
+	{
+		stop("Length of replicates vector differs from number of groups")
+	}
+	pData <- data.frame(matrix(NA,sum(replics),2,dimnames=list(NULL,c("group","replicate"))))
+	pData[1:sum(replics),1] <- rep(groupNames,replics)
+	pData[1:sum(replics),2] <- sequence(replics)
+	rownames(pData) <- paste(pData[,1],pData[,2],sep=".")
+	metadata <- data.frame(labelDescription=c("sample group","replicate number within sample group"))
+	phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=pData,varMetadata=metadata)
+	phenoData(object) <- phenoData
+	return(object)
+	if ((names(pData(object))[1]!="group")|((names(pData(object))[2]!="replicate")))
+	{
+		stop("phenoData of WaveTilingFeatureSet object is not correct. Use 'addPheno()' first.")
+	}
+	noGroups <- length(table(pData(object)$group))
+	return(noGroups)
+	if ((names(pData(object))[1]!="group")|((names(pData(object))[2]!="replicate")))
+	{
+		stop("phenoData of TilingFeatureSet object is not correct. Use 'addPheno()' first.")
+	}
+	groupNames <- unique(pData(object)$group)
+	return(groupNames)
+	if ((names(pData(object))[1]!="group")|((names(pData(object))[2]!="replicate")))
+	{
+		stop("phenoData of WaveTilingFeatureSet object is not correct. Use 'addPheno()' first.")
+	}
+	# keep the order safe
+	orderHlp <- order(unique(pData(object)$group))
+	replcsTemp <- as.numeric(table(pData(object)$group))
+	replcs <- replcsTemp[orderHlp]
+	return(replcs)
+	if (!inherits(object,"WaveTilingFeatureSet")) #class(object)!="WaveTilingFeatureSet")
+	{
+		stop("class of object is not WaveTilingFeatureSet.")
+	}
+	pmIndex <- oligo::pmindex(object)
+	dataPMSeq <- pmSequence(object)
+	if (remap)
+	{
+		setTrustBand <- min(unique(width(dataPMSeq)))
+		if (setTrustBand < 15)
+		{
+			warning("There are probes smaller than 15 bp")
+		}
+		minTrustBand <- 15
+		trBand <- max(setTrustBand,minTrustBand)
+		if ((strand=="forward") | (strand=="both"))
+		{
+			message("begin remapping forward strand...")
+			message("extract probe sequences")
+			pmSeqDict <- PDict(dataPMSeq,tb.start=1,tb.end=trBand)
+			message("match probe sequences to DNA sequence")
+			chrSeqList <- list()
+			for (i in chrId)
+			{
+				chrSeqList[[i]] <- BSgenomeObject[[i]]
+			}
+			names(chrSeqList) <- seqnames(BSgenomeObject)[chrId]
+			startPM <- lapply(chrSeqList,function(x) startIndex(matchPDict(pmSeqDict,x)))
+			nposChrPM <- lapply(startPM,function(x) sapply(x,length))
+			pmMatch <- Reduce("+",nposChrPM)==1
+			pmMatchIndex <- (1:length(pmMatch))[pmMatch]
+			index <- lapply(nposChrPM,function(x)
+			{
+				indexhlp <- x==1
+				index <- indexhlp[pmMatchIndex]
+			})
+			mp <- stack(Map(which,index))
+			chrInit <- c()
+			chrInit[mp[,1]] <- as.character(mp[,2])
+			posInit <- c()

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/wavetiling -r 42

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