[Vegan-commits] r2914 - in pkg/vegan: . R inst

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Dec 3 11:45:38 CET 2014

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2014-12-03 11:45:38 +0100 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)
New Revision: 2914

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 53ba696282e13884d71c54143fdc07a368b26ec1
Author: Jari Oksanen <jari.oksanen at oulu.fi>
Date:   Mon Dec 1 14:10:57 2014 +0200

    Do not import namespace of tcltk

    We need tcltk in one function (orditkplot) and DESCRIPTION only
    suggests the package. However, NAMESPACE has import(tcltk) and if
    tcltk is missing, loading vegan will fail. Now we omit tcltk import
    from the NAMESPACE, and orditkplot uses explicith tcltk:: prefix for
    all ca. 125 tcltk commands so that vegan can be used without tcltk
    package (except for orditlplot)

    I had seen this occasionally in some R builds, but the change was
    triggered by queries from Dave Roberts.

    (cherry picked from commit 2defbae459c0ca0b241dcc48442a4341e6c45564)

commit 099114797874ebb596ab7fb1b6fbebcae4af538c
Author: Gavin Simpson <ucfagls at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 22 19:40:24 2014 -0600

    use seq_along(x) instead of 1:length(x)

    (cherry picked from commit 2fa9b5d7725bd4dba44741dc607841058e17ff85)

commit 4232fab8f09f6ae37275aef7f9bc5b408953a109
Author: Jari Oksanen <jari.oksanen at oulu.fi>
Date:   Tue Dec 2 18:46:03 2014 +0200

    NEWS on changes in 2.2-1

Modified: pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2014-11-24 10:44:01 UTC (rev 2913)
+++ pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2014-12-03 10:45:38 UTC (rev 2914)
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
 importFrom(tools, Rd2txt, startDynamicHelp)
 importFrom(MASS, isoMDS, sammon, Shepard, mvrnorm)
 importFrom(cluster, daisy)
 ## 's' must be imported in mgcv < 1.8-0 (not needed later)

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/orditkplot.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/orditkplot.R	2014-11-24 10:44:01 UTC (rev 2913)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/orditkplot.R	2014-12-03 10:45:38 UTC (rev 2914)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ### Check and sanitize input
     ## Graphical parameters and constants, and save some for later plotting
     p <- par()
     sparnam <- c("bg","cex", "cex.axis","cex.lab","col", "col.axis", "col.lab",
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     savepar <- p[sparnam]
     PPI <- 72                                         # Points per Inch
-    p2p <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl("tk", "scaling"))) # Pixel per point
+    p2p <- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tcl("tk", "scaling"))) # Pixel per point
     DIAM <- 2.7                               # diam of plotting symbol
     ## Plotting symbol diam
     diam <- round(pcex * DIAM * p2p, 1)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
         x <- gsub("transparent", "", x)
         x[is.na(x)] <- ""
-    } 
+    }
     p$bg <- sanecol(p$bg)
     p$fg <- sanecol(p$fg)
     p$col <- sanecol(p$col)
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
                "0" = Point(x, y, 22, col, fill = "", diam),
                "1" = Point(x, y, 21, col, fill = "", diam),
                "2" = Point(x, y, 24, col, fill = "", diam),
-               "3" = {tkcreate(can, "line",
+               "3" = {tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line",
                                x, y+SQ*diam, x, y-SQ*diam, fill=col)
-                      tkcreate(can, "line",
+                      tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line",
                                x+SQ*diam, y, x-SQ*diam, y, fill=col)},
-               "4" = {tkcreate(can, "line",
+               "4" = {tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line",
                                x-diam, y-diam, x+diam, y+diam, fill=col)
-                      tkcreate(can, "line",
+                      tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line",
                                x-diam, y+diam, x+diam, y-diam, fill=col)},
                "5" = Point(x, y, 23, col, fill = "", diam),
                "6" = Point(x, y, 25, col, fill = "", diam),
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
                        Point(x, y, 0, col, fill, diam)},
                "13" = {Point(x, y, 4, col, fill, diam)
                        Point(x, y, 1, col, fill, diam)},
-               "14" = {tkcreate(can, "line", x-diam, y-diam, x, y+diam,
+               "14" = {tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", x-diam, y-diam, x, y+diam,
                                 fill = col)
-                       tkcreate(can, "line", x+diam, y-diam, x, y+diam,
+                       tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", x+diam, y-diam, x, y+diam,
                                 fill = col)
                        Point(x, y, 0, col, fill, diam)},
                "15" = Point(x, y, 22, col = col, fill = col, diam),
@@ -121,22 +121,22 @@
                "18" = Point(x, y, 23, col = col, fill = col, diam/SQ),
                "19" = Point(x, y, 21, col = col, fill = col, diam),
                "20" = Point(x, y, 21, col = col, fill = col, diam/2),
-               "21" = tkcreate(can, "oval", x-diam, y-diam,
+               "21" = tcltk::tkcreate(can, "oval", x-diam, y-diam,
                x+diam, y+diam, outline = col, fill = fill),
-               "22" = tkcreate(can, "rectangle", x-diam, y-diam,
+               "22" = tcltk::tkcreate(can, "rectangle", x-diam, y-diam,
                x+diam, y+diam, outline = col, fill = fill),
-               "23" = tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y+SQ*diam,
+               "23" = tcltk::tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y+SQ*diam,
                x+SQ*diam, y, x, y-SQ*diam, x-SQ*diam, y,
                outline = col, fill = fill),
-               "24" = tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y-SQ*diam,
+               "24" = tcltk::tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y-SQ*diam,
                x+sqrt(6)/2*diam, y+SQ/2*diam, x-sqrt(6)/2*diam, y+SQ/2*diam,
                outline = col, fill = fill),
-               "25" = tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y+SQ*diam,
+               "25" = tcltk::tkcreate(can, "polygon", x, y+SQ*diam,
                x+sqrt(6)/2*diam, y-SQ/2*diam, x-sqrt(6)/2*diam, y-SQ/2*diam,
                outline = col, fill = fill),
                "o" = Point(x, y, 1, col, fill, diam),
                ## default: text with dummy location of the label
-               {tkcreate(can, "text",
+               {tcltk::tkcreate(can, "text",
                         x, y, text = as.character(pch), fill = col)
                 Point(x, y, 21, col="", fill="", diam)}
@@ -147,31 +147,33 @@
     ## toplevel
-    w <- tktoplevel()
-    tktitle(w) <- deparse(match.call())
+    w <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
+    tcltk::tktitle(w) <- deparse(match.call())
     ## Max dim of windows (depends on screen)
-    YSCR <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("screenheight", w)) - 150
-    XSCR <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("screenwidth", w))
+    YSCR <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("screenheight", w)) - 150
+    XSCR <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkwinfo("screenwidth", w))
 ### Buttons and button functions
     ## Buttons
-    buts <- tkframe(w)
+    buts <- tcltk::tkframe(w)
     ## Copy current canvas to EPS using the standard Tcl/Tk utility
-    cp2eps <- tkbutton(buts, text="Copy to EPS", 
-                       command=function() tkpostscript(can, x=0, y=0,
-                       height=height, width=width, 
-                       file=tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{EPS file} {.eps}}")))
-    dismiss <- tkbutton(buts, text="Dismiss", command=function() tkdestroy(w))
+    cp2eps <- tcltk::tkbutton(buts, text="Copy to EPS",
+                       command=function() tcltk::tkpostscript(can, x=0, y=0,
+                       height=height, width=width,
+                       file=tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
+                         filetypes="{{EPS file} {.eps}}")))
+    dismiss <- tcltk::tkbutton(buts, text="Dismiss",
+                               command=function() tcltk::tkdestroy(w))
     ## Dump current plot to an "orditkplot" object (internally)
     ordDump <- function() {
         xy <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sco), ncol=2)
         rownames(xy) <- rownames(sco)
         colnames(xy) <- colnames(sco)
         for(nm in names(pola)) {
-            xy[as.numeric(tclvalue(id[[nm]])),] <- xy2usr(nm)
+            xy[as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(id[[nm]])),] <- xy2usr(nm)
         curdim <- round(c(width, height) /PPI/p2p, 2)
         ## Sanitize colours for R plot
@@ -191,37 +193,37 @@
                    dim = curdim)
         class(xy) <- "orditkplot"
-    }        
+    }
     ## Button to dump "orditkplot" object to the R session
     pDump <- function() {
         xy <- ordDump()
-        dumpVar <- tclVar("")
-        tt <- tktoplevel()
-        tktitle(tt) <- "R Dump"
-        entryDump <- tkentry(tt, width=20, textvariable=dumpVar)
-        tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text="Enter name for an R object"))
-        tkgrid(entryDump, pady="5m")
+        dumpVar <- tcltk::tclVar("")
+        tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
+        tcltk::tktitle(tt) <- "R Dump"
+        entryDump <- tcltk::tkentry(tt, width=20, textvariable=dumpVar)
+        tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(tt, text="Enter name for an R object"))
+        tcltk::tkgrid(entryDump, pady="5m")
         isDone <- function() {
-            dumpName <- tclvalue(dumpVar)
+            dumpName <- tcltk::tclvalue(dumpVar)
             if (exists(dumpName, envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
-                ok <- tkmessageBox(message=paste(sQuote(dumpName),
+                ok <- tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste(sQuote(dumpName),
                                    "exists.\nOK to overwrite?"),
                                    icon="warning", type="okcancel",
-                if(tclvalue(ok) == "ok") {
+                if(tcltk::tclvalue(ok) == "ok") {
                     assign(dumpName, xy, envir=.GlobalEnv)
-                    tkdestroy(tt)
+                    tcltk::tkdestroy(tt)
             else {
                 assign(dumpName, xy, envir=.GlobalEnv)
-                tkdestroy(tt)
+                tcltk::tkdestroy(tt)
-        tkbind(entryDump, "<Return>", isDone)
-        tkfocus(tt)
+        tcltk::tkbind(entryDump, "<Return>", isDone)
+        tcltk::tkfocus(tt)
-    dump <- tkbutton(buts, text="Dump to R", command=pDump)
+    dump <- tcltk::tkbutton(buts, text="Dump to R", command=pDump)
     ## Button to write current "orditkplot" object to a graphical device
     devDump <- function() {
         xy <- ordDump()
@@ -242,10 +244,10 @@
         if (!isTRUE(unname(capabilities("tiff"))))
             falt["tiff"] <- FALSE
         ftypes <- ftypes[falt]
-        fname <- tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=ftypes)
-        if(tclvalue(fname) == "")
+        fname <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=ftypes)
+        if(tcltk::tclvalue(fname) == "")
-        fname <- tclvalue(fname)
+        fname <- tcltk::tclvalue(fname)
         ftype <- unlist(strsplit(fname, "\\."))
         ftype <- ftype[length(ftype)]
         if (ftype == "jpeg")
@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@
             ftype <- "tiff"
         mess <- "is not a supported type: file not produced. Supported types are"
         if (!(ftype %in% names(ftypes))) {
-            tkmessageBox(message=paste(sQuote(ftype), mess, paste(names(ftypes),
+            tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste(sQuote(ftype), mess, paste(names(ftypes),
                          collapse=", ")), icon="warning")
@@ -272,19 +274,19 @@
-    export <- tkbutton(buts, text="Export plot", command=devDump)
+    export <- tcltk::tkbutton(buts, text="Export plot", command=devDump)
 ### Canvas
     ## Make canvas
     sco <- try(scores(x, display=display, choices = choices, ...),
                silent = TRUE)
     if (inherits(sco, "try-error")) {
-        tkmessageBox(message=paste("No ordination scores were found in",
+        tcltk::tkmessageBox(message=paste("No ordination scores were found in",
                      sQuote(deparse(substitute(x)))), icon="error")
-        tkdestroy(w)
+        tcltk::tkdestroy(w)
         stop("argument x did not contain ordination scores")
     if (!missing(labels))
@@ -325,13 +327,13 @@
         ylim <- range(sco[,2], na.rm = TRUE)
     xpretty <- pretty(xlim)
     ypretty <- pretty(ylim)
-    ## Extend ranges by 4% 
+    ## Extend ranges by 4%
     xrange <- c(-0.04, 0.04) * diff(xlim) + xlim
     xpretty <- xpretty[xpretty >= xrange[1] & xpretty <= xrange[2]]
     yrange <- c(-0.04, 0.04) * diff(ylim) + ylim
     ypretty <- ypretty[ypretty >= yrange[1] & ypretty <= yrange[2]]
     ## Canvas like they were in the default devices when I last checked
-    if (missing(width)) 
+    if (missing(width))
         width <- p$din[1]
     width <- width * PPI * p2p
     ## Margin row width also varies with platform and devices
@@ -350,11 +352,11 @@
     ## User coordinates of an item
     xy2usr <- function(item) {
-        xy <- as.numeric(tkcoords(can, item))
-        x <- xy[1] 
-        y <- xy[2] 
-        x <- xrange[1] + (x - mar[2])/xincr 
-        y <- yrange[2] - (y - mar[3])/yincr 
+        xy <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcoords(can, item))
+        x <- xy[1]
+        y <- xy[2]
+        x <- xrange[1] + (x - mar[2])/xincr
+        y <- yrange[2] - (y - mar[3])/yincr
     ## Canvas x or y to user coordinates
@@ -368,49 +370,51 @@
     height <- round((diff(yrange)/diff(xrange)) * xusr)
     height <- height + mar[1] + mar[3]
     ## Canvas, finally
-    can <- tkcanvas(w, relief="sunken", width=width, height=min(height,YSCR),
+    can <- tcltk::tkcanvas(w, relief="sunken", width=width, height=min(height,YSCR),
     if (p$bg != "")
-        tkconfigure(can, bg=p$bg)
-    yscr <- tkscrollbar(w, command = function(...) tkyview(can, ...))
-    tkconfigure(can, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr, ...))
+        tcltk::tkconfigure(can, bg=p$bg)
+    yscr <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(w, command =
+                               function(...) tcltk::tkyview(can, ...))
+    tcltk::tkconfigure(can, yscrollcommand =
+                       function(...) tcltk::tkset(yscr, ...))
     ## Pack it up
-    tkpack(buts, side="bottom", fill="x", pady="2m")
-    tkpack(can, side="left", fill="x")
-    tkpack(yscr, side="right", fill="y")
-    tkgrid(cp2eps, export, dump, dismiss, sticky="s")
+    tcltk::tkpack(buts, side="bottom", fill="x", pady="2m")
+    tcltk::tkpack(can, side="left", fill="x")
+    tcltk::tkpack(yscr, side="right", fill="y")
+    tcltk::tkgrid(cp2eps, export, dump, dismiss, sticky="s")
     ## Box
     x0 <- usr2xy(c(xrange[1], yrange[1]))
     x1 <- usr2xy(c(xrange[2], yrange[2]))
-    tkcreate(can, "rectangle", x0[1], x0[2], x1[1], x1[2], outline = p$fg,
+    tcltk::tkcreate(can, "rectangle", x0[1], x0[2], x1[1], x1[2], outline = p$fg,
              width = p$lwd)
     ## Axes and ticks
     tl <-  -p$tcl * rpix     # -p$tcl * p$ps * p2p
     axoff <- p$mgp[3] * rpix
     tmp <- xpretty
-    for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
+    for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
         x0 <- usr2xy(c(xpretty[1], yrange[1]))
         x1 <- usr2xy(c(xpretty[length(xpretty)], yrange[1]))
-        tkcreate(can, "line", x0[1], x0[2]+axoff, x1[1], x1[2]+axoff,
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", x0[1], x0[2]+axoff, x1[1], x1[2]+axoff,
         xx <- usr2xy(c(tmp[i], yrange[1]))
-        tkcreate(can, "line", xx[1], xx[2] + axoff, xx[1], xx[2]+tl+axoff,
-                 fill=p$fg)
-        tkcreate(can, "text", xx[1], xx[2] + rpix * p$mgp[2], anchor="n",
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", xx[1], xx[2] + axoff, xx[1],
+                        xx[2]+tl+axoff, fill=p$fg)
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "text", xx[1], xx[2] + rpix * p$mgp[2], anchor="n",
                  text=as.character(tmp[i]), fill=p$col.axis, font=fnt.axis)
     xx <- usr2xy(c(mean(xrange), yrange[1]))
-    tkcreate(can, "text", xx[1], xx[2] + rpix * p$mgp[1],
+    tcltk::tkcreate(can, "text", xx[1], xx[2] + rpix * p$mgp[1],
              text=colnames(sco)[1], fill=p$col.lab, anchor="n", font=fnt.lab)
     tmp <- ypretty
-    for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
+    for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
         x0 <- usr2xy(c(xrange[1], tmp[1]))
         x1 <- usr2xy(c(xrange[1], tmp[length(tmp)]))
-        tkcreate(can, "line", x0[1]-axoff, x0[2], x1[1]-axoff, x1[2])
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", x0[1]-axoff, x0[2], x1[1]-axoff, x1[2])
         yy <- usr2xy(c(xrange[1], tmp[i]))
-        tkcreate(can, "line", yy[1]-axoff, yy[2], yy[1]-tl-axoff, yy[2],
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", yy[1]-axoff, yy[2], yy[1]-tl-axoff, yy[2],
                  fill=p$fg )
-        tkcreate(can, "text", yy[1] - rpix * p$mgp[2] , yy[2], anchor="e",
+        tcltk::tkcreate(can, "text", yy[1] - rpix * p$mgp[2] , yy[2], anchor="e",
                  text=as.character(tmp[i]), fill = p$col.axis, font=fnt.axis)
     ## Points and labels
@@ -425,19 +429,19 @@
         lsco <- sco
         laboff <- round(p2p * p$ps/2 + diam + 1)
-    pola <- tclArray()        # points
-    labtext <- tclArray()     # text
-    id <- tclArray()          # index
+    pola <- tcltk::tclArray()        # points
+    labtext <- tcltk::tclArray()     # text
+    id <- tcltk::tclArray()          # index
     for (i in 1:nrow(sco)) {
         xy <- usr2xy(sco[i,])
         item <- Point(xy[1], xy[2], pch = pch[i], col = pcol[i],
                       fill = pbg[i], diam = diam[i])
         xy <- usr2xy(lsco[i,])
         fnt <- c(labfam[i], labsize[i], saneslant(labfnt[i]))
-        lab <- tkcreate(can, "text", xy[1], xy[2]-laboff[i], text=labs[i],
+        lab <- tcltk::tkcreate(can, "text", xy[1], xy[2]-laboff[i], text=labs[i],
                         fill = tcol[i], font=fnt)
-        tkaddtag(can, "point", "withtag", item)
-        tkaddtag(can, "label", "withtag", lab)
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "point", "withtag", item)
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "label", "withtag", lab)
         pola[[lab]] <- item
         labtext[[lab]] <- labs[i]
         id[[lab]] <- i
@@ -446,29 +450,30 @@
 ### Mouse operations on canvas
     ## Plotting and Moving
     ## Mouse enters a label
     pEnter <- function() {
-        tkdelete(can, "box")
-        hbox <- tkcreate(can, "rectangle", tkbbox(can, "current"),
+        tcltk::tkdelete(can, "box")
+        hbox <- tcltk::tkcreate(can, "rectangle",
+                                tcltk::tkbbox(can, "current"),
                          outline = "red", fill = "yellow")
-        tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", hbox)
-        tkitemraise(can, "current")
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", hbox)
+        tcltk::tkitemraise(can, "current")
     ## Mouse leaves a label
     pLeave <- function() {
-        tkdelete(can, "box")
+        tcltk::tkdelete(can, "box")
     ## Select label
     pDown <- function(x, y) {
         x <- as.numeric(x)
         y <- as.numeric(y)
-        tkdtag(can, "selected")
-        tkaddtag(can, "selected", "withtag", "current")
-        tkitemraise(can, "current")
-        p <- as.numeric(tkcoords(can,
-                                 pola[[tkfind(can, "withtag", "current")]]))
+        tcltk::tkdtag(can, "selected")
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "selected", "withtag", "current")
+        tcltk::tkitemraise(can, "current")
+        p <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcoords(can,
+                             pola[[tcltk::tkfind(can, "withtag", "current")]]))
         .pX <<- (p[1]+p[3])/2
         .pY <<- (p[2]+p[4])/2
         .lastX <<- x
@@ -478,40 +483,41 @@
     pMove <- function(x, y) {
         x <- as.numeric(x)
         y <- as.numeric(y)
-        tkmove(can, "selected", x - .lastX, y - .lastY)
-        tkdelete(can, "ptr")
-        tkdelete(can, "box")
+        tcltk::tkmove(can, "selected", x - .lastX, y - .lastY)
+        tcltk::tkdelete(can, "ptr")
+        tcltk::tkdelete(can, "box")
         .lastX <<- x
         .lastY <<- y
         ## xadj,yadj: adjust for canvas scrolling
-        xadj <- as.numeric(tkcanvasx(can, 0))
-        yadj <- as.numeric(tkcanvasy(can, 0))
-        hbox <- tkcreate(can, "rectangle", tkbbox(can, "selected"),
-                         outline = "red")
-        tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", hbox)
-        conn <- tkcreate(can, "line", .lastX + xadj, .lastY+yadj,
+        xadj <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcanvasx(can, 0))
+        yadj <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcanvasy(can, 0))
+        hbox <- tcltk::tkcreate(can, "rectangle",
+                                tcltk::tkbbox(can, "selected"),
+                                outline = "red")
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", hbox)
+        conn <- tcltk::tkcreate(can, "line", .lastX + xadj, .lastY+yadj,
                          .pX, .pY, fill="red")
-        tkaddtag(can, "ptr", "withtag", conn)
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "ptr", "withtag", conn)
     ## Edit label
     pEdit <- function() {
-        tkdtag(can, "selected")
-        tkaddtag(can, "selected", "withtag", "current")
-        tkitemraise(can, "current")
-        click <- tkfind(can, "withtag", "current")
-        txt <- tclVar(labtext[[click]])
+        tcltk::tkdtag(can, "selected")
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "selected", "withtag", "current")
+        tcltk::tkitemraise(can, "current")
+        click <- tcltk::tkfind(can, "withtag", "current")
+        txt <- tcltk::tclVar(labtext[[click]])
         i <- as.numeric(id[[click]])
-        tt <- tktoplevel()
-        labEd <- tkentry(tt, width=20, textvariable=txt)
-        tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text = "Edit label"))
-        tkgrid(labEd, pady="5m", padx="5m")
+        tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
+        labEd <- tcltk::tkentry(tt, width=20, textvariable=txt)
+        tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(tt, text = "Edit label"))
+        tcltk::tkgrid(labEd, pady="5m", padx="5m")
         isDone <- function() {
-            txt <- tclvalue(txt)
-            tkitemconfigure(can, click, text = txt)
+            txt <- tcltk::tclvalue(txt)
+            tcltk::tkitemconfigure(can, click, text = txt)
             rownames(sco)[i] <<- txt
-            tkdestroy(tt)
+            tcltk::tkdestroy(tt)
-        tkbind(labEd, "<Return>", isDone)
+        tcltk::tkbind(labEd, "<Return>", isDone)
     ## Zooming: draw rectangle and take its user coordinates
     ## Rectangle: first corner
@@ -519,7 +525,7 @@
         x <- as.numeric(x)
         y <- as.numeric(y)
         ## yadj here and below adjusts for canvas scrolling
-        yadj <- as.numeric(tkcanvasy(can, 0))
+        yadj <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcanvasy(can, 0))
         .pX <<- x
         .pY <<- y + yadj
@@ -527,13 +533,13 @@
     pRect <- function(x, y) {
         x <- as.numeric(x)
         y <- as.numeric(y)
-        tkdelete(can, "box")
-        yadj <- as.numeric(tkcanvasy(can, 0))
+        tcltk::tkdelete(can, "box")
+        yadj <- as.numeric(tcltk::tkcanvasy(can, 0))
         .lastX <<- x
         .lastY <<- y + yadj
-        rect <- tkcreate(can, "rectangle", .pX, .pY, .lastX, .lastY,
+        rect <- tcltk::tkcreate(can, "rectangle", .pX, .pY, .lastX, .lastY,
-        tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", rect)
+        tcltk::tkaddtag(can, "box", "withtag", rect)
     ## Redraw ordiktplot with new xlim and ylim
     pZoom <- function() {
@@ -555,20 +561,21 @@
     .pY <- 0
     ## Mouse bindings:
     ## Moving a label
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<Any-Enter>", pEnter)
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<Any-Leave>", pLeave)
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<1>", pDown)
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<ButtonRelease-1>",
-               function() {tkdtag(can, "selected"); tkdelete(can, "ptr")})
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<B1-Motion>", pMove)
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<Any-Enter>", pEnter)
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<Any-Leave>", pLeave)
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<1>", pDown)
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<ButtonRelease-1>",
+               function() {tcltk::tkdtag(can, "selected")
+                           tcltk::tkdelete(can, "ptr")})
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<B1-Motion>", pMove)
     ## Edit labels
-    tkitembind(can, "label", "<Double-Button-1>", pEdit) 
+    tcltk::tkitembind(can, "label", "<Double-Button-1>", pEdit)
     ## Zoom (with one-button mouse)
-    tkbind(can, "<Shift-Button-1>", pRect0)
-    tkbind(can, "<Shift-B1-Motion>", pRect)
-    tkbind(can, "<Shift-ButtonRelease>", pZoom)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<Shift-Button-1>", pRect0)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<Shift-B1-Motion>", pRect)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<Shift-ButtonRelease>", pZoom)
     ## Zoom (with right button)
-    tkbind(can, "<Button-3>", pRect0)
-    tkbind(can, "<B3-Motion>", pRect)
-    tkbind(can, "<ButtonRelease-3>", pZoom)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<Button-3>", pRect0)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<B3-Motion>", pRect)
+    tcltk::tkbind(can, "<ButtonRelease-3>", pZoom)

Modified: pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd	2014-11-24 10:44:01 UTC (rev 2913)
+++ pkg/vegan/inst/NEWS.Rd	2014-12-03 10:45:38 UTC (rev 2914)
@@ -2,6 +2,28 @@
 \title{vegan News}
+\section{Changes in version 2.2-1}{
+  \subsection{BUG FIXES}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item \code{tolerance} function failed for unconstrained
+      correspondence analysis.
+    }
+  } % bug fixes
+  \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{
+    \itemize{
+      \item \code{linestack} accepts now expressions (such as
+      mathematical notation) as labels.
+    }
+  } % new features
+} % v2.2-1
 \section{Changes in version 2.2-0}{

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