[Vegan-commits] r2530 - in pkg/ordiconsensus: . R man

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Tue Jun 18 15:56:30 CEST 2013

Author: gblanchet
Date: 2013-06-18 15:56:29 +0200 (Tue, 18 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 2530

small correction and add SADbin

Modified: pkg/ordiconsensus/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/DESCRIPTION	2013-06-17 13:44:09 UTC (rev 2529)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/DESCRIPTION	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: ordiconsensus
 Type: Package
 Title: Consensus of canonical ordinations through the canonical redundancy analysis
-Version: 0.3-1
+Version: 0.3-2
 Date: 2012-11-09
 Author: F. Guillaume Blanchet
 Maintainer: F. Guillaume Blanchet <guillaume.blanchet at helsinki.fi>

Modified: pkg/ordiconsensus/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/NAMESPACE	2013-06-17 13:44:09 UTC (rev 2529)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/NAMESPACE	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ### Export
 ### Import

Added: pkg/ordiconsensus/R/SADbin.R
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/R/SADbin.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/R/SADbin.R	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+SADbin <-
+### Function that does method 1 of binning from Gray et al. (2006)
+### Arguments:
+### data: species abundant data
+### method: binning method following Gray et al. (2006). Either "log", "modlog", or "modhalflog"
+### base: base of the log to be used.
+### copyleft - Guillaume Blanchet - August 2008
+	method<-match.arg(method)
+	"%w/o%" <- function(x,y) x[!x %in% y] #--  x without y
+	#CC# Find the number of class to be used
+	spmax<-max(data)
+	#CC# Number of bins
+	nbin<-ceiling(log(spmax+1,base=base))+1
+	#CC# Find the levels of abundance of species
+	lev<-as.numeric(levels(as.factor(data)))
+	nlev<-nlevels(as.factor(data))
+	#CC# Number of species per level
+	nsp.lev<-vector(length=nlev)
+	data.lev<-vector(length=length(data))
+	for(i in 1:nlev){
+		search<-which(data==lev[i])
+		nsp.lev[i]<-length(search)
+		data.lev[search]<-lev[i]
+	}
+	#### Find the number of species in each bins (and which species goes in which bins)
+	#CC# Starting the species which give an integer with a log_base
+	sp.div<-base^(1:(nbin-1))
+	sp.div<-c(1,sp.div)
+	bin.mat<-matrix(0,ncol=nbin,nrow=length(data))
+	bin.sp.div<-vector(length=nbin)
+	for(i in 1:nbin){
+		if(length(which(lev==sp.div[i]))!=0){
+			bin.sp.div[i]<-nsp.lev[which(lev==sp.div[i])]
+			bin.mat[which(data.lev==sp.div[i]),i]<-1
+		}
+	}
+	if(method=="modhalflog"){
+		bin.sp.div2<-bin.sp.div/2
+		bin.sp.div.good<-c(0,bin.sp.div2)+c(bin.sp.div2,0)
+		bin.mat2<-bin.mat/2
+		bin.mat<-cbind(0,bin.mat2)+cbind(bin.mat2,0)
+	}
+	#CC# Than with all the other ones
+	spnot.div<-data %w/o% sp.div
+	spnot.div2<-which((data %in% sp.div)==FALSE)
+	bin.spnot.div<-vector(mode="numeric",length=nbin)
+	if(method=="log" | method=="modhalflog"){
+		for(i in 1:length(spnot.div)){
+			bin.sel<-which(sp.div>spnot.div[i])[1]
+			bin.spnot.div[bin.sel]<-bin.spnot.div[bin.sel]+1
+			bin.mat[spnot.div2[i],bin.sel]<-1
+		}
+	}
+	else if(method=="modlog"){
+		for(i in 1:length(spnot.div)){
+			bin.sel<-which(sp.div>spnot.div[i])[1]-1
+			bin.spnot.div[bin.sel]<-bin.spnot.div[bin.sel]+1
+			bin.mat[spnot.div2[i],bin.sel]<-1
+		}
+	}else{
+		stop("method should be 'log' or 'modlog'")
+	}
+	#CC# Construct the resulting binning
+	if(method=="modhalflog"){
+		bin<-bin.sp.div.good[-length(bin.sp.div.good)]+bin.spnot.div
+		bin.mat<-bin.mat[,-length(bin.sp.div.good)]
+	}
+	else if(method=="log"){
+		bin<-bin.sp.div+bin.spnot.div
+	}
+	else if(method=="modlog"){
+		bin<-bin.sp.div+bin.spnot.div
+		bin<-bin[-length(bin)]
+		bin.mat<-bin.mat[,-ncol(bin.mat)]
+	}else{
+		stop("method should be 'log' or 'modlog'")
+	}
+	return(list(bin=bin,sp.bin=bin.mat))

Added: pkg/ordiconsensus/man/SADbin.Rd
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/man/SADbin.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/man/SADbin.Rd	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Species-abundance distribution (SAD) bins
+This function constructs bins for a species-abundance distribution. The function was designed so that every variation of bins can easily be constructed. 
+SADbin(data, method = c("log", "modlog", "modhalflog"), base = 2)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{data}{
+A vector of species abundance for the whole study area.
+  \item{method}{
+A character string defining which binning method to use.
+  \item{base}{
+The logarithm base used to perform the binning 
+All value in \code{data} are expected to be count data. An error message will be sent if the value in \code{data} are not integers.
+The different method of binning are defined as such :
+log (using a base = 2) : Bin 1 = 1, Bin 2 = 2, Bin 3 = 3-4, Bin 4 = 5-8, ...
+modlog (using a base = 2) : Bin 1 = 1, Bin 2 = 2-3, Bin 3 = 4-7, Bin 4 = 8-15,...
+modhalflog (using a base = 2) : Bin 1 = half the number of species with 1 individuals, Bin 2  = half the number of species with 2 individuals, all species with 3 individuals and half the number of species with 4 individuals, Bin 3 = 4-8, abundances that fall exactly on the boundary are divided equally between the given bin and the next lower bin, and so on.
+\item{bin}{A vector defining the number of species in each bin}
+\item{sp.bin}{A matrix with the species in rows and the bins in columns. This matrix describe which species is in which bin}
+Gray, J.S., A. Bjorgesaeter, and K. I. Ugland. 2006. On plotting species abundance distributions. \emph{Journal of Animal Ecology} \strong{75}:752--756.
+F. Guillaume Blanchet
+\keyword{ cluster }

Modified: pkg/ordiconsensus/man/consensusRDA.Rd
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/man/consensusRDA.Rd	2013-06-17 13:44:09 UTC (rev 2529)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/man/consensusRDA.Rd	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
 ### Consensus RDA
+axisLabels<-c(paste("Axis 1 - ",round(consRDA$values[1]/sum(consRDA$values),4)*100,sep=""),paste("Axis 2 - ",round(consRDA$values[2]/sum(consRDA$values),4)*100,sep=""))
-axisLabels<-c(paste("Axis 1 - ",round(consRDA$values[1]/sum(consRDA$values),4)*100,"%",sep=""),paste("Axis 2 - ",round(consRDA$values[2]/sum(consRDA$values),4)*100,"%",sep=""))
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
 \keyword{ multivariate }

Modified: pkg/ordiconsensus/man/ordiconsensus-package.Rd
--- pkg/ordiconsensus/man/ordiconsensus-package.Rd	2013-06-17 13:44:09 UTC (rev 2529)
+++ pkg/ordiconsensus/man/ordiconsensus-package.Rd	2013-06-18 13:56:29 UTC (rev 2530)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Package: \tab ordiconsensus\cr
 Type: \tab Package\cr
-Version: \tab 0.3-1\cr
+Version: \tab 0.3-2\cr
 Date: \tab 2012-11-12\cr
 License: \tab Unlimited\cr

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