[Vegan-commits] r2151 - in branches/2.0: . R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun May 6 15:55:16 CEST 2012

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2012-05-06 15:55:15 +0200 (Sun, 06 May 2012)
New Revision: 2151

merge r2143: formula and default method for adipart, hiersimu and multipart and easier trivial analysis of alpha, beta and gamma diversities

Modified: branches/2.0/NAMESPACE
--- branches/2.0/NAMESPACE	2012-05-02 05:55:40 UTC (rev 2150)
+++ branches/2.0/NAMESPACE	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
 if (getRversion() < "2.13.0") {
     importFrom(permute, nobs)
+# adipart: vegan
+S3method(adipart, default)
+S3method(adipart, formula)
 # AIC: stats
 S3method(AIC, radfit)
 # RsquareAdj: vegan
@@ -168,6 +171,9 @@
 S3method(goodness, rda)
 # head: utils
 S3method(head, summary.cca)
+# hiersimu: vegan
+S3method(hiersimu, default)
+S3method(hiersimu, formula)
 # identify: graphics
 S3method(identify, ordiplot)
 # lines: graphics
@@ -181,6 +187,9 @@
 # model.frame, model.matrix: stats
 S3method(model.frame, cca)
 S3method(model.matrix, cca)
+# multipart: vegan
+S3method(multipart, default)
+S3method(multipart, formula)
 # nobs: stats
 S3method(nobs, CCorA)
 S3method(nobs, adonis)

Modified: branches/2.0/R/adipart.R
--- branches/2.0/R/adipart.R	2012-05-02 05:55:40 UTC (rev 2150)
+++ branches/2.0/R/adipart.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -1,114 +1,6 @@
 adipart <-
-function(formula, data, index=c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"),
-    weights=c("unif", "prop"), relative = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+function (...) 
-    ## evaluate formula
-    lhs <- formula[[2]]
-    if (missing(data))
-        data <- parent.frame()
-    lhs <- as.matrix(eval(lhs, data))
-    formula[[2]] <- NULL
-    rhs <- model.frame(formula, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
-    tlab <- attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "term.labels")
-    nlevs <- length(tlab)
-    if (nlevs < 2)
-        stop("provide at least two level hierarchy")
-    if (any(rowSums(lhs) == 0))
-        stop("data matrix contains empty rows")
-    if (any(lhs < 0))
-        stop("data matrix contains negative entries")
-    ## part check proper design of the model frame
-    noint <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[1]]
-    int <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[2]]
-    if (!identical(noint, int))
-        stop("interactions are not allowed in formula")
-    if (!all(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "dataClasses") == "factor"))
-        stop("all right hand side variables in formula must be factors")
-    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (!any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
-        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
-    rval <- list()
-    rval[[1]] <- as.factor(rhs[,nlevs])
-    rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
-    nCol <- nlevs - 1
-    for (i in 2:nlevs) {
-        rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
-        nCol <- nCol - 1
-    }
-    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
-    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (any(l1 != l2))
-        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
-    ## aggregate response matrix
-    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
-        TRUE else FALSE
-    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
-    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
-        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
-    }
-    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
-    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
-        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
-    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
-        0 else list(...)$burnin
-    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
-        1 else list(...)$thin
-    base <- if (is.null(list(...)$base))
-        exp(1) else list(...)$base
-    ## evaluate other arguments
-    index <- match.arg(index)
-    weights <- match.arg(weights)
-    switch(index,
-           "richness" = {
-               divfun <- function(x) apply(x > 0, 1, sum)},
-           "shannon" = {
-               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 1, base=base)},
-           "simpson" = {
-               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "simpson", MARGIN = 1)})
-    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
-    wdivfun <- function(x) {
-        ## matrix sum *can* change in oecosimu (but default is constant sumMatr)
-        sumMatr <- sum(x)
-        if (fullgamma) {
-            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(x), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x))
-        } else {
-            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-        }
-        ## weights will change in oecosimu thus need to be recalculated
-        if (weights == "prop")
-            wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) apply(tmp[[i]], 1, function(z) sum(z) / sumMatr))
-        else wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) rep(1 / NROW(tmp[[i]]), NROW(tmp[[i]])))
-        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) sum(divfun(tmp[[i]]) * wt[[i]]))
-        if (relative)
-            a <- a / a[length(a)]
-        b <- sapply(2:nlevs, function(i) a[i] - a[(i-1)])
-        c(a, b)
-    }
-    if (nsimul > 0) {
-        sim <- oecosimu(lhs, wdivfun, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
-                        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
-    } else {
-        sim <- wdivfun(lhs)
-        tmp <- rep(NA, length(sim))
-        sim <- list(statistic = sim,
-                    oecosimu = list(z = tmp, pval = tmp, method = NA, statistic = sim))
-    }
-    nam <- c(paste("alpha", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."), "gamma",
-             paste("beta", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."))
-    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
-    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
-    attr(sim, "index") <- index
-    attr(sim, "weights") <- weights
-    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
-    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
-    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
-    class(sim) <- c("adipart", "list")
-    sim
+   UseMethod("adipart")

Copied: branches/2.0/R/adipart.default.R (from rev 2143, pkg/vegan/R/adipart.default.R)
--- branches/2.0/R/adipart.default.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.0/R/adipart.default.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+adipart.default <-
+function(y, x, index=c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"),
+    weights=c("unif", "prop"), relative = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+    ## evaluate formula
+    lhs <- as.matrix(y)
+    if (missing(x))
+        x <- cbind(level_1=seq_len(nrow(lhs)), 
+            leve_2=rep(1, nrow(lhs)))
+    rhs <- data.frame(x)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, as.factor)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, droplevels)
+    nlevs <- ncol(rhs)
+    if (nlevs < 2)
+        stop("provide at least two level hierarchy")
+    if (any(rowSums(lhs) == 0))
+        stop("data matrix contains empty rows")
+    if (any(lhs < 0))
+        stop("data matrix contains negative entries")
+    if (is.null(colnames(rhs)))
+        colnames(rhs) <- paste("level", 1:nlevs, sep="_")
+    tlab <- colnames(rhs)
+    ## part check proper design of the model frame
+    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (!any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
+        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
+    rval <- list()
+    rval[[1]] <- rhs[,nlevs]
+    nCol <- nlevs - 1
+    for (i in 2:nlevs) {
+        rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
+        nCol <- nCol - 1
+    }
+    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
+    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (any(l1 != l2))
+        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
+    ## aggregate response matrix
+    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
+        TRUE else FALSE
+    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
+    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
+        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
+    }
+    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
+    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
+        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
+    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
+        0 else list(...)$burnin
+    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
+        1 else list(...)$thin
+    base <- if (is.null(list(...)$base))
+        exp(1) else list(...)$base
+    ## evaluate other arguments
+    index <- match.arg(index)
+    weights <- match.arg(weights)
+    switch(index,
+           "richness" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) apply(x > 0, 1, sum)},
+           "shannon" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 1, base=base)},
+           "simpson" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "simpson", MARGIN = 1)})
+    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
+    wdivfun <- function(x) {
+        ## matrix sum *can* change in oecosimu (but default is constant sumMatr)
+        sumMatr <- sum(x)
+        if (fullgamma) {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(x), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x))
+        } else {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+        }
+        ## weights will change in oecosimu thus need to be recalculated
+        if (weights == "prop")
+            wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) apply(tmp[[i]], 1, function(z) sum(z) / sumMatr))
+        else wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) rep(1 / NROW(tmp[[i]]), NROW(tmp[[i]])))
+        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) sum(divfun(tmp[[i]]) * wt[[i]]))
+        if (relative)
+            a <- a / a[length(a)]
+        b <- sapply(2:nlevs, function(i) a[i] - a[(i-1)])
+        c(a, b)
+    }
+    if (nsimul > 0) {
+        sim <- oecosimu(lhs, wdivfun, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
+                        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
+    } else {
+        sim <- wdivfun(lhs)
+        tmp <- rep(NA, length(sim))
+        sim <- list(statistic = sim,
+                    oecosimu = list(z = tmp, pval = tmp, method = NA, statistic = sim))
+    }
+    nam <- c(paste("alpha", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."), "gamma",
+             paste("beta", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."))
+    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
+    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
+    attr(sim, "index") <- index
+    attr(sim, "weights") <- weights
+    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
+    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
+    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
+    class(sim) <- c("adipart", "list")
+    sim

Copied: branches/2.0/R/adipart.formula.R (from rev 2143, pkg/vegan/R/adipart.formula.R)
--- branches/2.0/R/adipart.formula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.0/R/adipart.formula.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+adipart.formula <-
+function(formula, data, index=c("richness", "shannon", "simpson"),
+    weights=c("unif", "prop"), relative = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+    ## evaluate formula
+    lhs <- formula[[2]]
+    if (missing(data))
+        data <- parent.frame()
+    lhs <- as.matrix(eval(lhs, data))
+    formula[[2]] <- NULL
+    rhs <- model.frame(formula, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
+    tlab <- attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "term.labels")
+    nlevs <- length(tlab)
+    if (nlevs < 2)
+        stop("provide at least two level hierarchy")
+    if (any(rowSums(lhs) == 0))
+        stop("data matrix contains empty rows")
+    if (any(lhs < 0))
+        stop("data matrix contains negative entries")
+    ## part check proper design of the model frame
+    noint <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[1]]
+    int <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[2]]
+    if (!identical(noint, int))
+        stop("interactions are not allowed in formula")
+    if (!all(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "dataClasses") == "factor"))
+        stop("all right hand side variables in formula must be factors")
+    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (!any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
+        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
+    rval <- list()
+    rval[[1]] <- as.factor(rhs[,nlevs])
+    rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
+    nCol <- nlevs - 1
+    for (i in 2:nlevs) {
+        rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
+        nCol <- nCol - 1
+    }
+    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
+    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (any(l1 != l2))
+        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
+    ## aggregate response matrix
+    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
+        TRUE else FALSE
+    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
+    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
+        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
+    }
+    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
+    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
+        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
+    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
+        0 else list(...)$burnin
+    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
+        1 else list(...)$thin
+    base <- if (is.null(list(...)$base))
+        exp(1) else list(...)$base
+    ## evaluate other arguments
+    index <- match.arg(index)
+    weights <- match.arg(weights)
+    switch(index,
+           "richness" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) apply(x > 0, 1, sum)},
+           "shannon" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 1, base=base)},
+           "simpson" = {
+               divfun <- function(x) diversity(x, index = "simpson", MARGIN = 1)})
+    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
+    wdivfun <- function(x) {
+        ## matrix sum *can* change in oecosimu (but default is constant sumMatr)
+        sumMatr <- sum(x)
+        if (fullgamma) {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(x), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x))
+        } else {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+        }
+        ## weights will change in oecosimu thus need to be recalculated
+        if (weights == "prop")
+            wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) apply(tmp[[i]], 1, function(z) sum(z) / sumMatr))
+        else wt <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) rep(1 / NROW(tmp[[i]]), NROW(tmp[[i]])))
+        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) sum(divfun(tmp[[i]]) * wt[[i]]))
+        if (relative)
+            a <- a / a[length(a)]
+        b <- sapply(2:nlevs, function(i) a[i] - a[(i-1)])
+        c(a, b)
+    }
+    if (nsimul > 0) {
+        sim <- oecosimu(lhs, wdivfun, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
+                        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
+    } else {
+        sim <- wdivfun(lhs)
+        tmp <- rep(NA, length(sim))
+        sim <- list(statistic = sim,
+                    oecosimu = list(z = tmp, pval = tmp, method = NA, statistic = sim))
+    }
+    nam <- c(paste("alpha", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."), "gamma",
+             paste("beta", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."))
+    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
+    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
+    attr(sim, "index") <- index
+    attr(sim, "weights") <- weights
+    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
+    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
+    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
+    class(sim) <- c("adipart", "list")
+    sim

Modified: branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.R
--- branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.R	2012-05-02 05:55:40 UTC (rev 2150)
+++ branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -1,96 +1,5 @@
 hiersimu <-
-function(formula, data, FUN, location = c("mean", "median"),
-relative = FALSE, drop.highest = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+function (...) 
-    ## evaluate formula
-    lhs <- formula[[2]]
-    if (missing(data))
-        data <- parent.frame()
-    lhs <- as.matrix(eval(lhs, data))
-    formula[[2]] <- NULL
-    rhs <- model.frame(formula, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
-    tlab <- attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "term.labels")
-    nlevs <- length(tlab)
-    ## part check proper design of the model frame
-    noint <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[1]]
-    int <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[2]]
-    if (!identical(noint, int))
-        stop("interactions are not allowed in formula")
-    if (!all(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "dataClasses") == "factor"))
-        stop("all right hand side variables in formula must be factors")
-    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (nlevs > 1 && !any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
-        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
-    rval <- list()
-    rval[[1]] <- as.factor(rhs[,nlevs])
-    rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
-    if (nlevs > 1) {
-        nCol <- nlevs - 1
-        for (i in 2:nlevs) {
-            rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
-            nCol <- nCol - 1
-        }
-    }
-    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
-    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (any(l1 != l2))
-        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
-    ## aggregate response matrix
-    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
-        TRUE else FALSE
-    if (fullgamma && drop.highest)
-        nlevs <- nlevs - 1
-    if (nlevs == 1 && relative)
-        stop("'relative=FALSE' makes no sense with 1 level")
-    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
-    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
-        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
-    }
-    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
-    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
-        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
-    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
-        0 else list(...)$burnin
-    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
-        1 else list(...)$thin
-    ## evaluate other arguments
-    if (!is.function(FUN))
-        stop("'FUN' must be a function")
-    location <- match.arg(location)
-    aggrFUN <- switch(location,
-        "mean" = mean,
-        "median" = median)
-    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
-    evalFUN <- function(x) {
-        if (fullgamma && !drop.highest) {
-            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(lhs), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(lhs))
-        } else {
-            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-        }
-        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) aggrFUN(FUN(tmp[[i]]))) # dots removed from FUN
-        if (relative)
-            a <- a / a[length(a)]
-        a
-    }
-    ## processing oecosimu results
-    sim <- oecosimu(lhs, evalFUN, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
-        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
-#    nam <- paste("level", 1:nlevs, sep=".")
-#    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
-    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- tlab[1:nlevs]
-    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
-    attr(sim, "FUN") <- FUN
-    attr(sim, "location") <- location
-    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
-    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
-    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
-    class(sim) <- c("hiersimu", "list")
-    sim
+   UseMethod("hiersimu")

Copied: branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.default.R (from rev 2143, pkg/vegan/R/hiersimu.default.R)
--- branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.default.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.default.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+hiersimu.default <-
+function(y, x, FUN, location = c("mean", "median"),
+relative = FALSE, drop.highest = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+    ## evaluate formula
+    lhs <- as.matrix(y)
+    if (missing(x))
+        x <- cbind(level_1=seq_len(nrow(lhs)), 
+            leve_2=rep(1, nrow(lhs)))
+    rhs <- data.frame(x)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, as.factor)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, droplevels)
+    nlevs <- ncol(rhs)
+    if (is.null(colnames(rhs)))
+        colnames(rhs) <- paste("level", 1:nlevs, sep="_")
+    tlab <- colnames(rhs)
+    ## part check proper design of the model frame
+    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (!any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
+        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
+    rval <- list()
+    rval[[1]] <- rhs[,nlevs]
+    nCol <- nlevs - 1
+    if (nlevs > 1) {
+        nCol <- nlevs - 1
+        for (i in 2:nlevs) {
+            rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
+            nCol <- nCol - 1
+        }
+    }
+    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
+    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (any(l1 != l2))
+        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
+    ## aggregate response matrix
+    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
+        TRUE else FALSE
+    if (fullgamma && drop.highest)
+        nlevs <- nlevs - 1
+    if (nlevs == 1 && relative)
+        stop("'relative=FALSE' makes no sense with 1 level")
+    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
+    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
+        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
+    }
+    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
+    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
+        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
+    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
+        0 else list(...)$burnin
+    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
+        1 else list(...)$thin
+    ## evaluate other arguments
+    if (!is.function(FUN))
+        stop("'FUN' must be a function")
+    location <- match.arg(location)
+    aggrFUN <- switch(location,
+        "mean" = mean,
+        "median" = median)
+    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
+    evalFUN <- function(x) {
+        if (fullgamma && !drop.highest) {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(lhs), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(lhs))
+        } else {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+        }
+        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) aggrFUN(FUN(tmp[[i]]))) # dots removed from FUN
+        if (relative)
+            a <- a / a[length(a)]
+        a
+    }
+    ## processing oecosimu results
+    sim <- oecosimu(lhs, evalFUN, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
+        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
+#    nam <- paste("level", 1:nlevs, sep=".")
+#    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
+    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- tlab[1:nlevs]
+    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
+    attr(sim, "FUN") <- FUN
+    attr(sim, "location") <- location
+    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
+    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
+    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
+    class(sim) <- c("hiersimu", "list")
+    sim

Copied: branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.formula.R (from rev 2143, pkg/vegan/R/hiersimu.formula.R)
--- branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.formula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.0/R/hiersimu.formula.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+hiersimu.formula <-
+function(formula, data, FUN, location = c("mean", "median"),
+relative = FALSE, drop.highest = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+    ## evaluate formula
+    lhs <- formula[[2]]
+    if (missing(data))
+        data <- parent.frame()
+    lhs <- as.matrix(eval(lhs, data))
+    formula[[2]] <- NULL
+    rhs <- model.frame(formula, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
+    tlab <- attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "term.labels")
+    nlevs <- length(tlab)
+    ## part check proper design of the model frame
+    noint <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[1]]
+    int <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[2]]
+    if (!identical(noint, int))
+        stop("interactions are not allowed in formula")
+    if (!all(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "dataClasses") == "factor"))
+        stop("all right hand side variables in formula must be factors")
+    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (nlevs > 1 && !any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
+        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
+    rval <- list()
+    rval[[1]] <- as.factor(rhs[,nlevs])
+    rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
+    if (nlevs > 1) {
+        nCol <- nlevs - 1
+        for (i in 2:nlevs) {
+            rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
+            nCol <- nCol - 1
+        }
+    }
+    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
+    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
+    if (any(l1 != l2))
+        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
+    ## aggregate response matrix
+    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
+        TRUE else FALSE
+    if (fullgamma && drop.highest)
+        nlevs <- nlevs - 1
+    if (nlevs == 1 && relative)
+        stop("'relative=FALSE' makes no sense with 1 level")
+    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
+    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
+        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
+    }
+    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
+    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
+        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
+    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
+        0 else list(...)$burnin
+    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
+        1 else list(...)$thin
+    ## evaluate other arguments
+    if (!is.function(FUN))
+        stop("'FUN' must be a function")
+    location <- match.arg(location)
+    aggrFUN <- switch(location,
+        "mean" = mean,
+        "median" = median)
+    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
+    evalFUN <- function(x) {
+        if (fullgamma && !drop.highest) {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+            tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(lhs), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(lhs))
+        } else {
+            tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
+        }
+        a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) aggrFUN(FUN(tmp[[i]]))) # dots removed from FUN
+        if (relative)
+            a <- a / a[length(a)]
+        a
+    }
+    ## processing oecosimu results
+    sim <- oecosimu(lhs, evalFUN, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
+        burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
+#    nam <- paste("level", 1:nlevs, sep=".")
+#    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
+    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- tlab[1:nlevs]
+    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
+    attr(sim, "FUN") <- FUN
+    attr(sim, "location") <- location
+    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
+    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
+    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
+    class(sim) <- c("hiersimu", "list")
+    sim

Modified: branches/2.0/R/multipart.R
--- branches/2.0/R/multipart.R	2012-05-02 05:55:40 UTC (rev 2150)
+++ branches/2.0/R/multipart.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -1,139 +1,5 @@
 multipart <-
-function(formula, data, index=c("renyi", "tsallis"), scales = 1,
-    global = FALSE, relative = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+function (...) 
-    if (length(scales) > 1)
-        stop("length of 'scales' must be 1")
-    ## evaluate formula
-    lhs <- formula[[2]]
-    if (missing(data))
-        data <- parent.frame()
-    lhs <- as.matrix(eval(lhs, data))
-    formula[[2]] <- NULL
-    rhs <- model.frame(formula, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
-    tlab <- attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "term.labels")
-    nlevs <- length(tlab)
-    if (nlevs < 2)
-        stop("provide at least two level hierarchy")
-    if (any(rowSums(lhs) == 0))
-        stop("data matrix contains empty rows")
-    if (any(lhs < 0))
-        stop("data matrix contains negative entries")
-    ## part check proper design of the model frame
-    noint <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[1]]
-    int <- attr(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "factors"), "dimnames")[[2]]
-    if (!identical(noint, int))
-        stop("interactions are not allowed in formula")
-    if (!all(attr(attr(rhs, "terms"), "dataClasses") == "factor"))
-        stop("all right hand side variables in formula must be factors")
-    l1 <- sapply(rhs, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (!any(sapply(2:nlevs, function(z) l1[z] <= l1[z-1])))
-        stop("number of levels are inapropriate, check sequence")
-    rval <- list()
-    rval[[1]] <- as.factor(rhs[,nlevs])
-    rval[[1]] <- rval[[1]][drop = TRUE]
-    nCol <- nlevs - 1
-    for (i in 2:nlevs) {
-        rval[[i]] <- interaction(rhs[,nCol], rval[[(i-1)]], drop=TRUE)
-        nCol <- nCol - 1
-    }
-    rval <- as.data.frame(rval[rev(1:length(rval))])
-    l2 <- sapply(rval, function(z) length(unique(z)))
-    if (any(l1 != l2))
-        warning("levels are not perfectly nested")
-    ## aggregate response matrix
-    fullgamma <-if (nlevels(rhs[,nlevs]) == 1)
-        TRUE else FALSE
-#    if (!fullgamma && !global)
-#        warning("gamma diversity value might be meaningless")
-    ftmp <- vector("list", nlevs)
-    for (i in 1:nlevs) {
-        ftmp[[i]] <- as.formula(paste("~", tlab[i], "- 1"))
-    }
-    ## is there a method/burnin/thin in ... ?
-    method <- if (is.null(list(...)$method))
-        "r2dtable" else list(...)$method
-    burnin <- if (is.null(list(...)$burnin))
-        0 else list(...)$burnin
-    thin <- if (is.null(list(...)$thin))
-        1 else list(...)$thin
-    ## evaluate other arguments
-    index <- match.arg(index)
-    divfun <- switch(index,
-        "renyi" = function(x) renyi(x, scales=scales, hill = TRUE),
-        "tsallis" = function(x) tsallis(x, scales=scales, hill = TRUE))
-    ## cluster membership determination
-    nrhs <- rhs
-    nrhs <- sapply(nrhs, as.numeric)
-    idcl <- function(i) {
-        h <- nrhs[,i]
-        l <- nrhs[,(i-1)]
-        sapply(unique(l), function(i) h[l==i][1])
-    }
-    id <- lapply(2:nlevs, idcl)
-    ## this is the function passed to oecosimu
-    if (global) {
-        wdivfun <- function(x) {
-            if (fullgamma) {
-                tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-                tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(lhs), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(lhs))
-            } else {
-                tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-            }
-            raw <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) divfun(tmp[[i]]))
-            a <- sapply(raw, mean)
-            G <- a[nlevs]
-            b <- sapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) G / a[i])
-            if (relative)
-                b <- b / sapply(raw[1:(nlevs-1)], length)
-            c(a, b)
-        }
-    } else {
-        wdivfun <- function(x) {
-            if (fullgamma) {
-                tmp <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-                tmp[[nlevs]] <- matrix(colSums(lhs), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(lhs))
-            } else {
-                tmp <- lapply(1:nlevs, function(i) t(model.matrix(ftmp[[i]], rhs)) %*% x)
-            }
-            a <- sapply(1:nlevs, function(i) divfun(tmp[[i]]))
-            am <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) {
-                    sapply(1:length(unique(id[[i]])), function(ii) {
-                        mean(a[[i]][id[[i]]==ii])
-                    })
-                })
-            b <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) a[[(i+1)]] / am[[i]])
-            bmax <- lapply(id, function(i) table(i))
-            if (relative)
-                b <- lapply(1:(nlevs-1), function(i) b[[i]] / bmax[[i]])
-            c(sapply(a, mean), sapply(b, mean))
-        }
-    }
-    if (nsimul > 0) {
-            sim <- oecosimu(lhs, wdivfun, method = method, nsimul=nsimul,
-                burnin=burnin, thin=thin)
-        } else {
-            sim <- wdivfun(lhs)
-            tmp <- rep(NA, length(sim))
-            sim <- list(statistic = sim,
-                oecosimu = list(z = tmp, pval = tmp, method = NA, statistic = sim))
-        }
-    nam <- c(paste("alpha", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."), "gamma",
-        paste("beta", 1:(nlevs-1), sep="."))
-    names(sim$statistic) <- attr(sim$oecosimu$statistic, "names") <- nam
-    attr(sim, "call") <- match.call()
-    attr(sim, "index") <- index
-    attr(sim, "scales") <- scales
-    attr(sim, "global") <- TRUE
-    attr(sim, "n.levels") <- nlevs
-    attr(sim, "terms") <- tlab
-    attr(sim, "model") <- rhs
-    class(sim) <- c("multipart", "list")
-    sim
+   UseMethod("multipart")

Copied: branches/2.0/R/multipart.default.R (from rev 2143, pkg/vegan/R/multipart.default.R)
--- branches/2.0/R/multipart.default.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.0/R/multipart.default.R	2012-05-06 13:55:15 UTC (rev 2151)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+multipart.default <-
+function(y, x, index=c("renyi", "tsallis"), scales = 1,
+    global = FALSE, relative = FALSE, nsimul=99, ...)
+    if (length(scales) > 1)
+        stop("length of 'scales' must be 1")
+    ## evaluate formula
+    lhs <- as.matrix(y)
+    if (missing(x))
+        x <- cbind(level_1=seq_len(nrow(lhs)), 
+            leve_2=rep(1, nrow(lhs)))
+    rhs <- data.frame(x)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, as.factor)
+    rhs[] <- lapply(rhs, droplevels)
+    nlevs <- ncol(rhs)
+    if (nlevs < 2)
+        stop("provide at least two level hierarchy")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/vegan -r 2151

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