[Vegan-commits] r1876 - in pkg/vegan: . R man

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Fri Sep 23 07:14:29 CEST 2011

Author: psolymos
Date: 2011-09-23 07:14:28 +0200 (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 1876

permat* uses new nullmodel interface

Modified: pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/NAMESPACE	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ordiplot, ordipointlabel, ordiresids, ordirgl, ordisegments,
 ordispider, ordisplom, ordistep, ordisurf, orditkplot, orditorp,
 ordixyplot, orglpoints, orglsegments, orglspider, orgltext, 
-pcnm, permatfull, permatswap, permatfull1, permatswap1, 
+pcnm, permatfull, permatswap, 
 permutest, poolaccum, postMDS, prc,
 prestondistr, prestonfit, procrustes, protest, radfit, radlattice,
 rankindex, rarefy,raupcrick, rda, renyiaccum, renyi, rrarefy, scores,

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/permatfull.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/permatfull.R	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/permatfull.R	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -1,23 +1,46 @@
 ## permatfull function
 `permatfull` <-
-function(m, fixedmar="both", shuffle="both", strata=NULL, mtype="count", times=99)
+function(m, fixedmar="both", shuffle="both", 
+strata=NULL, mtype="count", times=99, ...)
     mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
     shuffle <- match.arg(shuffle, c("ind", "samp", "both"))
     fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("none", "rows", "columns", "both"))
     m <- as.matrix(m)
-    if (is.null(strata))
-        str <- as.factor(rep(1, nrow(m)))
-        else str <- as.factor(strata)[drop = TRUE]
-    levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
-    str <- as.numeric(str)
+    str <- if (is.null(strata))
+        1 else as.integer(as.factor(strata)[drop = TRUE])
+    levstr <- unique(str)
     nstr <- length(unique(str))
-    if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
+    if (!is.null(strata) && any(table(str) < 2))
         stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
-    perm <- replicate(times, permatfull1(m, fixedmar, shuffle, strata, mtype), simplify=FALSE)
+    ALGO <- switch(fixedmar,
+        "none" = "r00",
+        "rows" = "r0",
+        "columns" = "c0",
+        "both" = ifelse(mtype=="prab", "quasiswap", "r2dtable"))
+    if (mtype=="count") {
+        if (fixedmar!="both")
+            ALGO <- paste(ALGO, shuffle, sep="_")
+    }
+    if (is.null(strata)) {
+        tmp <- simulate(nullmodel(m, ALGO), nsim=times, ...)
+        perm <- vector("list", times)
+        for (i in seq_len(times))
+            perm[[i]] <- tmp[,,i]
+    } else {
+        perm <- vector("list", times)
+        tmp <- vector("list", length(unique(strata)))
+        for (j in seq_len(nstr)) {
+            tmp[[j]] <- simulate(nullmodel(m[strata==levstr[j],], ALGO), 
+                nsim=times, ...)
+        }
+        for (i in seq_len(times)) {
+            perm[[i]] <- array(0, dim(m))
+            for (j in seq_len(nstr)) {
+                perm[[i]][strata==levstr[j],] <- tmp[[j]][,,i]
+            }
+        }
+    }
     if (fixedmar == "both")
         shuffle <- NA
     if (mtype == "prab")

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/permatfull1.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/permatfull1.R	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/permatfull1.R	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-## permatfull1 returns 1 permuted matrix
-## this function is called by permatfull
-`permatfull1` <-
-function(m, fixedmar="both", shuffle="both", strata=NULL, mtype="count")
-    ## internal functions
-    indshuffle <- function(x)
-    {
-       N <- length(x)
-       n <- sum(x)
-       out <- numeric(N)
-       names(out) <- 1:N
-       y <- table(sample(1:N, n, replace = TRUE))
-       out[names(out) %in% names(y)] <- y
-       names(out) <- NULL
-       out
-    }
-    bothshuffle <- function(x, y=1)
-    {
-        x[x!=0] <- indshuffle(x[x!=0] - y) + y
-        sample(x)
-    }
-    if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
-       stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
-    mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
-    shuffle <- match.arg(shuffle, c("ind", "samp", "both"))
-    count <- mtype == "count"
-    fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("none", "rows", "columns", "both"))
-    sample.fun <- switch(shuffle,
-        "ind"=indshuffle,
-        "samp"=sample,
-        "both"=bothshuffle)
-    m <- as.matrix(m)
-    n.row <- nrow(m)
-    n.col <- ncol(m)
-    if (mtype == "prab")
-        m <- ifelse(m > 0, 1, 0)
-    if (is.null(strata))
-        str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
-        else str <- as.factor(strata)[drop = TRUE]
-    levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
-    str <- as.numeric(str)
-    nstr <- length(unique(str))
-    if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
-        stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
-    perm <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
-    for (j in 1:nstr) {
-    id <- which(str == j)
-        if (fixedmar == "none")
-            if (count) perm[id,] <- matrix(sample.fun(array(m[id,])), length(id), n.col)
-            else perm[id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r00")
-        if (fixedmar == "rows")
-            if (count) perm[id,] <- t(apply(m[id,], 1, sample.fun))
-            else perm[id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="r0")
-        if (fixedmar == "columns")
-            if (count) perm[id,] <- apply(m[id,], 2, sample.fun)
-            else perm[id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="c0")
-        if (fixedmar == "both")
-            if (count) perm[id,] <- r2dtable(1, apply(m[id,], 1, sum), apply(m[id,], 2, sum))[[1]]
-            else perm[id,] <- commsimulator(m[id,], method="quasiswap")
-        }
-    perm

Modified: pkg/vegan/R/permatswap.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/permatswap.R	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/permatswap.R	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -1,51 +1,79 @@
 ## permatswap function
 `permatswap` <-
 function(m, method="quasiswap", fixedmar="both", shuffle="both", strata=NULL,
-         mtype="count", times=99, burnin = 0, thin = 1)
+mtype="count", times=99, burnin = 0, thin = 1, ...)
     mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
     fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("rows", "columns", "both"))
     shuffle <- match.arg(shuffle, c("samp", "both"))
     count <- mtype == "count"
     m <- as.matrix(m)
+    str <- if (is.null(strata))
+        1 else as.integer(as.factor(strata)[drop = TRUE])
+    levstr <- unique(str)
+    nstr <- length(unique(str))
+    if (!is.null(strata) && any(table(str) < 2))
+        stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
     ## evaluating algo type
     if (count) {
         method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "quasiswap", "swsh", "abuswap"))
-        ## warning if swapcount is to be used
         if (method == "swap") {
             warning("quantitative swap method may not yield random null models, use only to study its properties")
             isSeq <- TRUE
+            if (fixedmar != "both")
+                stop("if 'method=\"swap\"', 'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
         } else {
             if (method == "abuswap") {
+                if (fixedmar == "both")
+                    stop("if 'method=\"abuswap\"', 'fixedmar' must not be \"both\"")
+                direct <- if (fixedmar == "columns")
+                    0 else 1
                 isSeq <- TRUE
             } else {
                 isSeq <- FALSE
+                if (method != "swsh" && fixedmar != "both")
+                    stop("'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
+        if (method %in% c("swap", "quasiswap"))
+            ALGO <- paste(method, "count", sep="_")
+        if (method == "abuswap")
+            ALGO <- paste(method, substr(fixedmar, 1, 1), sep="_")
+        if (method == "swsh") {
+            if (fixedmar=="both")
+                stop("if 'method=\"swsh\"', 'fixedmar' must not be \"both\"")
+            ALGO <- if (fixedmar=="none") {
+                paste(method, shuffle, sep="_")
+            } else {
+                paste(method, shuffle, substr(fixedmar, 1, 1), sep="_")
+            }
+        }
     } else {
+        if (fixedmar != "both")
+            stop("if 'mtype=\"prab\"', 'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
         method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "quasiswap", "tswap", "backtracking"))
         isSeq <- method != "quasiswap"
+        ALGO <- method
-    ## sequential algos: might have burnin
-    if (isSeq) {
+    if (is.null(strata)) {
+        tmp <- simulate(nullmodel(m, ALGO), 
+            nsim=times, burnin=burnin, thin=thin, ...)
         perm <- vector("list", times)
-        ## with burnin
-        perm[[1]] <- permatswap1(m, method, fixedmar, shuffle, strata, mtype, burnin+thin)
-        for (i in 2:times)
-            perm[[i]] <- permatswap1(perm[[i-1]], method, fixedmar, shuffle, strata, mtype, thin)
-    ## non-sequential algos: no burnin required
+        for (i in seq_len(times))
+            perm[[i]] <- tmp[,,i]
     } else {
-        if (burnin > 0)
-            warning("Non sequential algorithm used: 'burnin' argument ignored")
-        burnin <- 0
-        if (thin != 1)
-            warning("Non sequential algorithm used: 'thin' value set to 1")
-        thin <- 1
-        perm <- replicate(times, 
-            permatswap1(m, method, fixedmar, shuffle, strata, mtype, thin), 
-            simplify=FALSE)
+        perm <- vector("list", times)
+        tmp <- vector("list", length(unique(strata)))
+        for (j in seq_len(nstr)) {
+            tmp[[j]] <- simulate(nullmodel(m[strata==levstr[j],], ALGO), 
+                nsim=times, burnin=burnin, thin=thin, ...)
+        }
+        for (i in seq_len(times)) {
+            perm[[i]] <- array(0, dim(m))
+            for (j in seq_len(nstr)) {
+                perm[[i]][strata==levstr[j],] <- tmp[[j]][,,i]
+            }
+        }
     if (mtype == "prab")
         m <- ifelse(m > 0, 1, 0)

Deleted: pkg/vegan/R/permatswap1.R
--- pkg/vegan/R/permatswap1.R	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/R/permatswap1.R	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-## permatswap1 returns 1 permuted matrix
-## this function is called by permatswap
-`permatswap1` <-
-function(m, method="quasiswap", fixedmar="both", shuffle="both", strata=NULL,
-         mtype="count", thin = 1)
-    ## internal functions
-    indshuffle <- function(x)
-    {
-       N <- length(x)
-       n <- sum(x)
-       out <- numeric(N)
-       names(out) <- 1:N
-       y <- table(sample(1:N, n, replace = TRUE))
-       out[names(out) %in% names(y)] <- y
-       names(out) <- NULL
-       out
-    }
-    bothshuffle <- function(x, y=1)
-    {
-        x[x!=0] <- indshuffle(x[x!=0] - y) + y
-        sample(x)
-    }
-    if (!identical(all.equal(m, round(m)), TRUE))
-       stop("function accepts only integers (counts)")
-    mtype <- match.arg(mtype, c("prab", "count"))
-    fixedmar <- match.arg(fixedmar, c("rows", "columns", "both"))
-    shuffle <- match.arg(shuffle, c("samp", "both"))
-    count <- mtype == "count"
-    if (thin < 1)
-        stop("'thin' must be >= 1")
-    if (count) {
-        method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "quasiswap", "swsh", "abuswap"))
-        if (method == "swap") {
-            isSeq <- TRUE
-            if (fixedmar != "both")
-                stop("if 'method=\"swap\"', 'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
-        } else {
-            if (method == "abuswap") {
-                if (fixedmar == "both")
-                    stop("if 'method=\"abuswap\"', 'fixedmar' must not be \"both\"")
-                direct <- if (fixedmar == "columns")
-                    0 else 1
-                isSeq <- TRUE
-            } else {
-                isSeq <- FALSE
-                if (fixedmar != "both")
-                    stop("'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (fixedmar != "both")
-            stop("if 'mtype=\"prab\"', 'fixedmar' must be \"both\"")
-        method <- match.arg(method, c("swap", "quasiswap", "tswap", "backtracking"))
-        isSeq <- method != "quasiswap"
-        }
-    m <- as.matrix(m)
-    att <- attributes(m)
-    n.row <- nrow(m)
-    n.col <- ncol(m)
-    if (mtype == "prab") 
-        m <- ifelse(m > 0, 1, 0)
-    if (is.null(strata))
-        str <- as.factor(rep(1, n.row))
-        else str <- as.factor(strata)[drop = TRUE]
-    levels(str) <- 1:length(unique(str))
-    str <- as.numeric(str)
-    nstr <- length(unique(str))
-    if (any(tapply(str,list(str),length) == 1))
-        stop("strata should contain at least 2 observations")
-    perm <- matrix(0, n.row, n.col)
-    for (j in 1:nstr) {
-        id <- which(str == j)
-        temp <- m[id,]
-        nn.row <- nrow(m[id,])
-        nn.col <- ncol(m[id,])
-        if (isSeq) {
-            if (count) {
-                if (method == "swap")
-                    perm[id,] <- .C("swapcount",
-                                m = as.integer(temp),
-                                as.integer(nn.row),
-                                as.integer(nn.col),
-                                as.integer(thin),
-                                PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
-                if (method == "abuswap")
-                    perm[id,] <- .C("abuswap",
-                                m = as.double(temp),
-                                as.integer(nn.row),
-                                as.integer(nn.col),
-                                as.integer(thin),
-                                as.integer(direct),
-                                PACKAGE = "vegan")$m
-            } else {
-                perm[id,] <- commsimulator(temp, method=method, thin=thin)
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (method != "swsh") {
-                r2tabs <- r2dtable(1, rowSums(m[id,]), colSums(m[id,]))[[1]]
-            } else {
-                tempPos <- temp[temp > 0]
-            }
-            if (count) {
-                if (method != "swsh") {
-                    ms <- sum(m[id,] > 0)
-                    tmp <- r2tabs
-                    ## if fills are equal, no need to restore fill
-                    if (sum(tmp > 0) != ms) {
-                        tmp <- .C("rswapcount",
-                                    m = as.integer(tmp),
-                                    as.integer(nn.row),
-                                    as.integer(nn.col),
-                                    as.integer(ms),
-                                    PACKAGE="vegan")$m
-                    }
-                    perm[id,] <- matrix(tmp, nrow(perm[id,]), ncol(perm[id,]))
-                } else { # method == "swsh"
-                    tmp <- commsimulator(temp, method="quasiswap")
-                    if (shuffle == "samp") {
-                        tmp[tmp > 0] <- sample(tempPos)
-                    } else {
-                        tmp[tmp > 0] <- bothshuffle(tempPos)
-                    }
-                    perm[id,] <- tmp
-                }
-            } else perm[id,] <- commsimulator(temp, method=method)
-        }
-    } # for j end
-    perm

Modified: pkg/vegan/man/permatfull.Rd
--- pkg/vegan/man/permatfull.Rd	2011-09-22 21:08:49 UTC (rev 1875)
+++ pkg/vegan/man/permatfull.Rd	2011-09-23 05:14:28 UTC (rev 1876)
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
@@ -22,14 +20,11 @@
 Details section.}
-permatfull1(m, fixedmar = "both", shuffle = "both", strata = NULL, 
-    mtype = "count")
-permatswap1(m, method = "quasiswap", fixedmar="both", shuffle = "both",
-    strata = NULL, mtype = "count", thin = 1)
 permatfull(m, fixedmar = "both", shuffle = "both", strata = NULL, 
-    mtype = "count", times = 99)
+    mtype = "count", times = 99, ...)
 permatswap(m, method = "quasiswap", fixedmar="both", shuffle = "both",
-    strata = NULL, mtype = "count", times = 99, burnin = 0, thin = 1)
+    strata = NULL, mtype = "count", times = 99, 
+    burnin = 0, thin = 1, ...)
 \method{print}{permat}(x, digits = 3, ...)
 \method{summary}{permat}(object, ...)
 \method{print}{summary.permat}(x, digits = 2, ...)
@@ -73,7 +68,8 @@
     method, whether a locally weighted regression curve should be drawn,
     the plot should be drawn, and statistic values should be printed on
     the plot.} 
-  \item{\dots}{Other arguments passed to methods.}
+  \item{\dots}{Other arguments passed to \code{\link{simulate.nullmodel}} 
+    or methods.}
@@ -146,13 +142,18 @@
   column incidences constant, then non-zero values are modified
   according to the \code{shuffle} argument (only \code{"samp"} and
   \code{"both"} are available in this case, because it is applied only
-  on non-zero values).
+  on non-zero values). It also recognizes the \code{fixedmar}
+  argument which cannot be \code{"both"} (\pkg{vegan} versions <= 2.0
+  had this algorithm with \code{fixedmar = "none"}).
   The algorithm \code{"abuswap"} produces two kinds of null models
   (based on \code{fixedmar="columns"} or \code{fixedmar="rows"}) as
   described in Hardy (2008; randomization scheme 2x and 3x,
   respectively).  These preserve column and row occurrences, and column
-  or row sums at the same time.
+  or row sums at the same time. (Note that similar constraints
+  can be achieved by the non sequential \code{"swsh"} algorithm
+  with \code{fixedmar} argument set to \code{"columns"} or
+  \code{"rows"}, respectively.)
   Constraints on row/column sums, matrix fill, total sum and sums within
   strata can be checked by the \code{summary} method. \code{plot} method
@@ -183,12 +184,7 @@
   is useful for accessing diagnostic tools available in the \pkg{coda}
   package.  }
-\value{ Functions \code{permatfull1} and \code{permatswap1} return a
-  single permuted matrix. These functions are called repeatedly
-  by the corresponding \code{permatfull} and \code{permatswap}
-  functions.
-  Functions \code{permatfull} and \code{permatswap} return an
+\value{Functions \code{permatfull} and \code{permatswap} return an
   object of class \code{"permat"} containing the the function call
   (\code{call}), the original data matrix used for permutations
   (\code{orig}) and a list of permuted matrices with length \code{times}
@@ -231,8 +227,11 @@
 For time-series diagnostics: \code{\link{Box.test}},
 \code{\link{lag.plot}}, \code{\link{tsdiag}}, \code{\link{ar}},
-\code{\link{arima}} }
+For underlying `low level' implementation:
+\code{\link{commsim}} and \code{\link{nullmodel}}.}
 ## A simple artificial community data matrix.
 m <- matrix(c(

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