[Vegan-commits] r1549 - in branches/1.17: R inst man

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Sat Mar 19 20:31:33 CET 2011

Author: jarioksa
Date: 2011-03-19 20:31:32 +0100 (Sat, 19 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 1549

merge revs 1530 thru 1548:
- ordisurf got formula method, new plot method, and gained arguments to control
  gam fitting
- metaMDSrotate can handle >2D configuration
- metaMDSiter got more flexible 'previous.best'
- typo in vegdist.Rd

Modified: branches/1.17/R/metaMDSiter.R
--- branches/1.17/R/metaMDSiter.R	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/R/metaMDSiter.R	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -10,11 +10,41 @@
     SOL <- FALSE
     converged <- FALSE
     isotrace <- max(0, trace - 1)
+    ## Previous best or initial configuration 
     if (!missing(previous.best) && !is.null(previous.best)) {
-        s0 <- previous.best
-        if (trace) 
-            cat("Starting from a previous solution\n")
-    }
+        ## check if previous.best is from metaMDS or isoMDS
+        if (inherits(previous.best, "metaMDS") ||
+            is.list(previous.best) &&
+            all(c("points", "stress") %in% names(previous.best))) {
+            ## real "previous best"
+            if (NCOL(previous.best$points) == k) {
+                s0 <- previous.best
+                if (trace) 
+                    cat("Starting from a previous solution\n")
+            } else {
+                init <- previous.best$points
+                nc <- NCOL(init)
+                if (nc > k)
+                    init <- init[, 1:k, drop = FALSE]
+                else   # nc < k
+                    for (i in 1:(k-nc))
+                        init <- cbind(init, runif(NROW(init), -0.1, 0.1))
+                # evaluate isoMDS with stress
+                s0 <- isoMDS(dist, init, k = k, maxit = 0)
+                # zero 'tries': this was a new start
+                if (inherits(previous.best, "metaMDS"))
+                    previous.best$tries <- 0
+                if (trace)
+                    cat(gettextf("Starting from %d-dimensional solution\n", nc))
+            }
+        } else if (is.matrix(previous.best) || is.data.frame(previous.best)) {
+            s0 <- isoMDS(dist, previous.best, k = k, maxit = 0)
+            if (trace)
+                cat("Starting from supplied configuration\n")
+        } else { # an error!
+            stop("'previous.best' of unknown kind")
+        }
+    } # No previous best:
     else s0 <- isoMDS(dist, k = k, trace = isotrace)
     if (trace) 
         cat("Run 0 stress", s0$stress, "\n")
@@ -48,10 +78,12 @@
-    if (!missing(previous.best) && !is.null(previous.best$tries)) 
+    if (!missing(previous.best) && inherits(previous.best, "metaMDS")) {
         tries <- tries + previous.best$tries
+    }
     out <- list(points = s0$points, dims = k, stress = s0$stress, 
-                data = attr(dist, "commname"), distance = attr(dist, 
-                                               "method"), converged = converged, tries = tries)
+                data = attr(dist, "commname"),
+                distance = attr(dist, "method"), converged = converged,
+                tries = tries)

Modified: branches/1.17/R/metaMDSrotate.R
--- branches/1.17/R/metaMDSrotate.R	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/R/metaMDSrotate.R	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -1,27 +1,53 @@
 ### Rotates metaMDS result so that axis one is parallel to vector 'x'
 `metaMDSrotate` <-
-    function(object, vec, choices = 1:2, ...) 
+    function(object, vec, ...) 
     if (!inherits(object, "metaMDS"))
-        stop("function works only with 'metaMDS' results")
-    if (length(choices) != 2)
-        stop("function can be only used with 2dim plots")
+        stop(gettextf("function works only with 'metaMDS' results"))
+    x <- object$points
+    sp <- object$species
+    N <- NCOL(x)
+    if (N < 2)
+        stop(gettextf("needs at least 2 dimensions"))
     vec <- drop(vec)
     if (length(dim(vec)) > 1)
-        stop("function works only with univariate 'x'")
-    ## envfit finds the direction cosine
-    rot <- envfit(object, vec, choices = choices, ...)$vectors$arrows
-    rot <- drop(rot)
-    ## rotation matrix [[sin theta, cos theta] [-cos theta, sin theta]]
-    rot <- rbind(rot, rev(rot))
-    rot[2,1] <- -rot[2,1]
-    ## transpose (inverse) of the rotation matrix
-    rot <- t(rot)
-    ## Rotation of points and species scores
-    object$points[] <- object$points %*% rot
+        stop(gettextf("function works only with univariate 'vec'"))
+    if (!is.numeric(vec))
+        stop(gettextf("'vec' must be numeric"))
+    ## scores must be orthogonal for the next loop to work
+    if (N > 2) {
+        pc <- prcomp(x)
+        x <- pc$x
+        if (!all(is.na(sp)))
+            sp <- sp %*% pc$rotation
+    }
+    ## vectorfit finds the direction cosine. We rotate first axis to
+    ## 'vec' which means that we make other axes orthogonal to 'vec'
+    ## one by one
+    for (k in 2:N) {
+        rot <- vectorfit(x[, c(1,k)], vec, permutations=0)$arrows
+        rot <- drop(rot)
+        ## counterclockwise rotation matrix:
+        ## [cos theta   -sin theta]
+        ## [sin theta    cos theta]
+        rot <- rbind(rot, rev(rot))
+        rot[1,2] <- -rot[1,2]
+        ## Rotation of points and species scores
+        x[, c(1,k)] <- x[, c(1,k)] %*% rot
+        if (!all(is.na(sp)))
+            sp[, c(1,k)] <- sp[, c(1,k)] %*% rot
+    }
+    ## Rotate 2..N axes to PC
+    if (N > 2 && attr(object$points, "pc")) {
+        pc <- prcomp(x[,-1])
+        x[,-1] <- pc$x
+        if (!all(is.na(sp)))
+            sp[,-1] <- sp[,-1] %*% pc$rotation
+    }
+    ## '[] <-' retains attributes
+    object$points[] <- x
+    object$species[] <- sp
     attr(object$points, "pc") <- FALSE
-    if (!is.null(object$species))
-        object$species[] <- object$species %*% rot

Modified: branches/1.17/R/ordisurf.R
--- branches/1.17/R/ordisurf.R	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/R/ordisurf.R	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
 `ordisurf` <-
-    function (x, y, choices = c(1, 2), knots = 10, family = "gaussian", 
-              col = "red", thinplate = TRUE, add = FALSE, display = "sites", 
+    function(...) UseMethod("ordisurf")
+`ordisurf.formula` <-
+    function(formula, data, ...)
+    if (missing(data))
+        data <- parent.frame()
+    x <- formula[[2]]
+    x <- eval.parent(x)
+    formula[[2]] <- NULL
+    y <- drop(as.matrix(model.frame(formula, data, na.action = na.pass)))
+    if (NCOL(y) > 1)
+        stop(gettextf("only one fitted variable allowed in the formula"))
+    ordisurf(x, y, ...)
+`ordisurf.default` <-
+    function (x, y, choices = c(1, 2), knots = 10, family = "gaussian",
+              col = "red", thinplate = TRUE, add = FALSE, display = "sites",
               w = weights(x), main, nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6,
-              bubble = FALSE, cex = 1, ...) 
+              bubble = FALSE, cex = 1, select = FALSE,
+              method = "GCV.Cp", gamma = 1, plot = TRUE, ...)
     weights.default <- function(object, ...) NULL
     GRID = 31
     w <- eval(w)
-    if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == 1) 
+    if (!is.null(w) && length(w) == 1)
         w <- NULL
     require(mgcv)  || stop("Requires package 'mgcv'")
     X <- scores(x, choices = choices, display = display, ...)
@@ -26,15 +44,17 @@
         mod <- gam(y ~ x1 + x2, family = family, weights = w)
     else if (knots == 1)
         mod <- gam(y ~ poly(x1, 1) + poly(x2, 1),
-                   family = family, weights = w)
+                   family = family, weights = w, method = method)
     else if (knots == 2)
         mod <- gam(y ~ poly(x1, 2) + poly(x2, 2) + poly(x1, 1):poly(x2, 1),
-                   family = family, weights = w)
-    else if (thinplate) 
-        mod <- gam(y ~ s(x1, x2, k = knots), family = family, 
-                   weights = w)
-    else mod <- gam(y ~ s(x1, k = knots) + s(x2, k = knots), 
-                    family = family, weights = w)
+                   family = family, weights = w, method = method)
+    else if (thinplate)
+        mod <- gam(y ~ s(x1, x2, k = knots), family = family,
+                   weights = w, select = select, method = method,
+                   gamma = gamma)
+    else mod <- gam(y ~ s(x1, k = knots) + s(x2, k = knots), family = family,
+                    weights = w, select = select, method = method,
+                   gamma = gamma)
     xn1 <- seq(min(x1), max(x1), len=GRID)
     xn2 <- seq(min(x2), max(x2), len=GRID)
     newd <- expand.grid(x1 = xn1, x2 = xn2)
@@ -51,25 +71,28 @@
                  as.integer(np), as.double(newd[,1]), as.double(newd[,2]),
                  inpoly = as.integer(inpoly), PACKAGE="vegan")$inpoly
     is.na(fit) <- inpoly == 0
-    if (!add) {
-        if (bubble) {
-            if (is.numeric(bubble))
-                cex <- bubble
-            cex <- (y -  min(y))/diff(range(y)) * (cex-0.4) + 0.4
+    if(plot) {
+        if (!add) {
+            if (bubble) {
+                if (is.numeric(bubble))
+                    cex <- bubble
+                cex <- (y -  min(y))/diff(range(y)) * (cex-0.4) + 0.4
+            }
+            plot(X, asp = 1, cex = cex, ...)
-        plot(X, asp = 1, cex = cex, ...)
+        if (!missing(main) || (missing(main) && !add)) {
+            if (missing(main))
+                main <- yname
+            title(main = main)
+        }
+        if (missing(levels))
+            levels <- pretty(range(fit, finite = TRUE), nlevels)
+        ## Only plot surface is select is FALSE or (TRUE and EDF is diff from 0)
+        if(!select || (select && !isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(summary(mod)$edf), 0))))
+            contour(xn1, xn2, matrix(fit, nrow=GRID), col = col, add = TRUE,
+                    levels = levels, labcex = labcex,
+                    drawlabels = !is.null(labcex) && labcex > 0)
-    if (!missing(main) || (missing(main) && !add)) {
-        if (missing(main)) 
-            main <- yname
-        title(main = main)
-    }
-    if (missing(levels)) 
-        levels <- pretty(range(fit, finite = TRUE), nlevels)
-    contour(xn1, xn2, matrix(fit, nrow=GRID), col = col, add = TRUE,
-            levels = levels, labcex = labcex,
-            drawlabels = !is.null(labcex) && labcex > 0)
     mod$grid <- list(x = xn1, y = xn2, z = matrix(fit, nrow = GRID))
     class(mod) <- c("ordisurf", class(mod))

Copied: branches/1.17/R/plot.ordisurf.R (from rev 1548, pkg/vegan/R/plot.ordisurf.R)
--- branches/1.17/R/plot.ordisurf.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/1.17/R/plot.ordisurf.R	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+`plot.ordisurf` <- function(x, what = c("contour","persp","gam"),
+                            add = FALSE, bubble = FALSE, col = "red", cex = 1,
+                            nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6, ...) {
+    what <- match.arg(what)
+    y <- x$model$y
+    x1 <- x$model$x1
+    x2 <- x$model$x2
+    X <- x$grid$x
+    Y <- x$grid$y
+    Z <- x$grid$z
+    force(col)
+    force(cex)
+    if(isTRUE(all.equal(what, "contour"))) {
+        if(!add) {
+            if(bubble) {
+                if (is.numeric(bubble))
+                    cex <- bubble
+                cex <- (y -  min(y))/diff(range(y)) * (cex-0.4) + 0.4
+            }
+            plot(x1, x2, asp = 1, cex = cex, ...)
+        }
+        if (missing(levels))
+            levels <- pretty(range(x$grid$z, finite = TRUE), nlevels)
+        contour(X, Y, Z, col = col, add = TRUE,
+                levels = levels, labcex = labcex,
+                drawlabels = !is.null(labcex) && labcex > 0)
+    } else if(isTRUE(all.equal(what, "persp"))) {
+        persp(X, Y, Z, col = col, cex = cex, ...)
+    } else {
+        class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
+        plot(x, ...) ##col = col, cex = cex, ...)
+        class(x) <- c("ordisurf", class(x))
+    }
+    invisible(x)

Modified: branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog
--- branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/inst/ChangeLog	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -4,8 +4,19 @@
 Version 1.17-9 (opened March 9, 2011)
+	* merged 1534: typo in vegdist.Rd.
+	* merged 1541,8: metaMDSiter got more flexible 'previous.tries. 
+	* merged 1538,9, 1542,5: ordisurf gaine new arguments and got a
+	new plot method.
+	* merged r1533,7, 1544,7: metaMDSrotate works with > 2 dim.
 	* merged r1532: fix gettextf in d/r/rarefy.
+	* merged r1531,4: ordisurf got formula interface.
 	* merged r1527,8: doc updates in CCorA.Rd & ordihull.Rd.
 	* merged r1522 thru r1526: implement drarefy; drarefy, rrarefy,

Modified: branches/1.17/man/metaMDS.Rd
--- branches/1.17/man/metaMDS.Rd	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/man/metaMDS.Rd	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 postMDS(X, dist, pc=TRUE, center=TRUE, halfchange, threshold=0.8,
         nthreshold=10, plot=FALSE, ...)
 metaMDSredist(object, ...)
-metaMDSrotate(object, vec, choices, ...)
+metaMDSrotate(object, vec, ...)

Modified: branches/1.17/man/ordisurf.Rd
--- branches/1.17/man/ordisurf.Rd	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/man/ordisurf.Rd	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 \title{ Fit and Plot Smooth Surfaces of Variables on Ordination. }
@@ -8,16 +11,26 @@
   plots the result on ordination diagram.
-ordisurf(x, y, choices=c(1, 2), knots=10, family="gaussian", col="red",
+\method{ordisurf}{default}(x, y, choices=c(1, 2), knots=10, family="gaussian", col="red",
      thinplate = TRUE, add = FALSE, display = "sites",
      w = weights(x), main, nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6,
-     bubble = FALSE, cex = 1, ...)
+     bubble = FALSE, cex = 1, select = FALSE, method = "GCV.Cp",
+     gamma = 1, plot = TRUE, ...)
+\method{ordisurf}{formula}(formula, data, ...)
 \method{calibrate}{ordisurf}(object, newdata, ...)
+\method{plot}{ordisurf}(x, what = c("contour","persp","gam"),
+     add = FALSE, bubble = FALSE, col = "red", cex = 1,
+     nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6, \dots)
-  \item{x}{Ordination configuration, either a matrix or a result known
-    by \code{\link{scores}}. }
+  \item{x}{For \code{ordisurf} an ordination configuration, either a
+    matrix or a result known by \code{\link{scores}}. For
+    \code{plot.ordisurf} and object of class \code{"ordisurf"} as
+    returned by \code{ordisurf}.}
   \item{y}{ Variable to be plotted. }
   \item{choices}{Ordination axes. }
   \item{knots}{Number of initial knots in \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} (one
@@ -47,20 +60,72 @@
     the maximum. The minimum size will always be \code{cex = 0.4}.  The
     option only has an effect if \code{add = FALSE}.}
   \item{cex}{Character expansion of plotting symbols.}
+  \item{select}{Logical; specify \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} argument
+    \code{"select"}. If this is \code{TRUE} then \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} can
+    add an extra  penalty to each term so that it can be penalized to
+    zero. This means that the smoothing parameter estimation that is part
+    of fitting can completely remove terms from the model. If the
+    corresponding smoothing parameter is estimated as zero then the extra
+    penalty has no effect.}
+  \item{method}{character; the smoothing parameter estimation
+    method. Options allowed are: \code{"GCV.Cp"} uses GCV for models with
+    unknown scale parameter and Mallows' Cp/UBRE/AIC for models with
+    known scale; \code{"GACV.Cp"} as for \code{"GCV.Cp"} but uses GACV
+    (Generalised Approximate CV) instead of GCV; \code{"REML"} and
+    \code{"ML"} use restricted maximum likelihood or maximum likelihood
+    estimation for both known and unknown scale; and \code{"P-REML"} and
+    \code{"P-ML"} use REML or ML estimation but use a Pearson estimate
+    of the scale.}
+  \item{gamma}{Multiplier to inflate model degrees of freedom in GCV or
+    UBRE/AIC score by. This effectively places an extra penalty on
+    complex models. An oft used value if \code{gamma = 1.4}.}
+  \item{plot}{logical; should any plotting be done by
+    \code{ordisurf}? Useful if all you want is the fitted response
+    surface model.}
+  \item{formula, data}{Alternative definition of the fitted model as
+    \code{x ~ y}, or left-hand side is the ordination \code{x} and
+    right-hand side the single fitted continuous variable
+    \code{y}. The variable \code{y} must be in the working environment
+    or in the data frame or environment given by \code{data}. All
+    other arguments of are passed to the default method.}
   \item{object}{An \code{ordisurf} result object.}
-  \item{newdata}{Coordinates in two-dimensional ordination for new points.}
-  \item{\dots}{ Other graphical parameters. }
+  \item{newdata}{Coordinates in two-dimensional ordination for new
+    points.}
+  \item{what}{character; what type of plot to produce. \code{"contour"}
+    produces a contour plot of the response surface, see
+    \code{\link{contour}} for details. \code{"persp"} produces a
+    perspective plot of the same, see \code{\link{persp}} for
+    details. \code{"gam"} plots the fitted GAM model, an object that
+    inherits from class \code{"gam"} returned by \code{ordisurf}, see
+    \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}}.} 
+  \item{\dots}{Other parameters passed to \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}, or
+    to the graphical functions. See Note below for exceptions.}
   Function \code{ordisurf} fits a smooth surface using thinplate splines
   in \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}, and uses \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}
-  to find fitted values in a regular grid.
-  Function plots the fitted contours with convex hull of data points 
-  either over an existing ordination diagram or draws a new plot
-  The function uses
-  \code{\link{scores}} to extract ordination scores, and \code{x} can be
-  any result object known by that function.
+  to find fitted values in a regular grid. The smooth surface can be
+  fitted with an extra penalty that allows the entire smoother to be
+  penalized back to 0 degrees of freedom, effectively removing the term
+  from the model. The addition of this extra penalty is invoked by
+  setting argument \code{select} to \code{TRUE}. The function plots the
+  fitted contours with convex hull of data points either over an
+  existing ordination diagram or draws a new plot. If \code{select ==
+    TRUE} and the smooth is effectively penalised out of the model, no
+  contours will be plotted.
+  \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} determines the degree of smoothness for the
+  fitted response surface during model fitting. Argument \code{method}
+  controls how \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} performs this smoothness
+  selection. See \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} for details of the available
+  options. Using \code{"REML"} or \code{"ML"} yields p-values for
+  smooths with the best coverage properties if such things matter to
+  you.
+  The function uses \code{\link{scores}} to extract ordination scores,
+  and \code{x} can be any result object known by that function.
   User can supply a vector of prior weights \code{w}. If the ordination
   object has weights, these will be used. In practise this means that
   the row totals are used as weights with
@@ -92,11 +157,22 @@
   predicting new values (see \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}).
-\author{ Dave Roberts and Jari Oksanen }
+\author{ Dave Roberts, Jari Oksanen and Gavin L. Simpson }
   The default is to use thinplate splines.  These make sense in
   ordination as they have equal smoothing in all directions and are
-  rotation invariant. 
+  rotation invariant.
+  Graphical arguments supplied to \code{plot.ordisurf} are passed on to
+  the underlying plotting functions, \code{contour}, \code{persp}, and
+  \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}}. The exception to this is that arguments
+  \code{col} and \code{cex} can not currently be passed to
+  \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}} because of a bug in the way that function
+  evaluates arguments when arranging the plot.
+  A work-around is to call \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}} directly on the
+  result of a call to \code{ordisurf}. See the Examples for an
+  illustration of this.  
 \seealso{ For basic routines \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}},
@@ -111,10 +187,24 @@
 vare.dist <- vegdist(varespec)
 vare.mds <- isoMDS(vare.dist)
 with(varechem, ordisurf(vare.mds, Baresoil, bubble = 5))
+## as above but with extra penalties on smooth terms:
+with(varechem, ordisurf(vare.mds, Baresoil, bubble = 5, col = "blue",
+                        add = TRUE, select = TRUE))
 ## Cover of Cladina arbuscula
 fit <- with(varespec, ordisurf(vare.mds, Cla.arb, family=quasipoisson)) 
 ## Get fitted values
+## Plot method
+plot(fit, what = "contour")
+## Plotting the "gam" object
+plot(fit, what = "gam") ## 'col' and 'cex' not passed on
+## or via plot.gam directly
+plot.gam(fit, cex = 2, pch = 1, col = "blue")
+## 'col' effects all objects drawn...
 \keyword{ multivariate }
 \keyword{ aplot }

Modified: branches/1.17/man/vegdist.Rd
--- branches/1.17/man/vegdist.Rd	2011-03-18 13:53:18 UTC (rev 1548)
+++ branches/1.17/man/vegdist.Rd	2011-03-19 19:31:32 UTC (rev 1549)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     \cr \tab binary: \eqn{\frac{A+B-2J}{A+B-J}}{(A+B-2*J)/(A+B-J)}
-    \tab \eqn{d_{jk} = \frac{\sum_i |x_{ij}-x_{ik}|}{\sum_i (x_{ij}+x_{ik})}}{d[jk] = (sum abs(x[ij]-x[ik])/(sum (x[ij]+x[ik]))}
+    \tab \eqn{d_{jk} = \frac{\sum_i |x_{ij}-x_{ik}|}{\sum_i (x_{ij}+x_{ik})}}{d[jk] = (sum abs(x[ij]-x[ik]))/(sum (x[ij]+x[ik]))}
     \cr \tab binary: \eqn{\frac{A+B-2J}{A+B}}{(A+B-2*J)/(A+B)}

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